Tuesday, January i, 1010. Tl'K DAILV NEWS. Page 5 Mil nor STOP SPECTACULAR THE HEADACHES BLAZE CAUSES Westfeolme MUCH DAMAGE V youp. ice. s j Until She Tried "Frult-a-tives" Made From Fruit Juices uro Destroys Over a Million Theatre 112 Codueo Si., Sr. John, N.B. Dollars' Worth of Property "I feci I must tell you of tho great At Montreal. benefit I have received from your wonderful medicine, 'Fruit-a-tlves'. (Special via 0. T, l. Telegraphs.) I have been a sufferer for many This Week's Attractions Montreal, January 13. Over a from Violent Headaches, and years relief. million dollars' damage was MOMDAY The great and Incomparable dramatic star Pauline could fid no permanent caused Frederick in Sardou's famous yesterday bv a sDeclacu operetic tragedy."'EA A friend advised me to tako 'Fruit-ft-Uves' TOSCA." lar fire which destroyed the plant and I did so with great or TUESDAY Red Cross Society's Concert. Jennings & Co.. "Wellington St. success ; and now I am entirely free of Headaches, thanks to One hundred and forty automobiles, WEDNESDAY Matinee and Night: the World's Sweetheart, your Including nine ambu- dainty, petite MARGUERITE CLARK, in her latest splendid medicine". production, "Rich Man, Poor Man." MRS. ALEXANDER SHAW, anccs lo the order of the Cana Program for the last three days will be advertised later in . COc.a box,6 for $2.G0, trial site 25c. dian government and ready for the week. At all dealers or sent on receipt of shipment were a total loss, and price, postpaid, by Fruit-a-tives the premises of the Hudson's Bay Special Musical Programs by the Westhoime Orchestra. Limited, Ottawa. Co., and S. J. Carter & Co. were seriously damaged when the THE DATLY NEWS flames spread temporarily beyond IglMBJ (Ooorrirtt. 1918. br tb iTtoInx Telegram. New tori Flerald C. control of the firemen, at one Classified : Advertising time leaping clear across th street and setting ablaze th Oh sayt The News Print Shop Salvation Army. Phone 98 premises of the Hudson's Bay Co loes its work about as cheap as S.S. PRINCE GEORGE at 58 McGill street. nost shops and quite as well. Public meetings, Tuesdays. Tbit i the Advertising Column that gives the work Thursdays and you on time when- Saturdays at 8 p. people read whej they vr&nt anything ver possible and Iiand3 it out n. sunciays at 7:30 p. in. It bring) remits CAPTAIN COLLIS WAS vith a pleasant "Thank you." SAILING Vhat do i.i l lit SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH I you say to giving them WANTED. FORMERLY AT RUPERT trial on your next Job? . THURSDAY midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancouver l TE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTIU- and Victoria. WANTED Experienced canvasser WEDNESDAY for Daily News Office. tf w oru lias been received from Advertise in the Daily News. anrl Midnight Anyox. l.l lilt MAT I til OF THE FST1TP up I England to the effect that Cap IN THE SUPREME COURT OP nniTlsit CUSTAV WICK, DECEASED, INTESTATE I S.S. PRINCE JOHN WANTED Furnished house by tain Douglas P. Coliis of Victoria COLI1MRIA iAitt .1IJI1:K that In flA- III. I Quean Charlotte Islands, January 23rd, February 6th and young couple without children. who has been a prisoner in Ger in IHIS MATTER OF TIIE "AD.M1NI3TRA Honour F. 'McB. Young, made the 3rd day February 20th. Can give references. Phone many has returned to England and Vr Jln,uJ,''ij A,u- 1"9' ,he undersigned. - "" oijjjuuueu Administratrix I Jled 107. tf He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. H 1.1 lilt MATTER OF THE ESTATE IIP to the esiate of Oustav Wick, deceased,! uuniiino, UKUEASED: INTES -""""" TRAIN SERVICE : I'. Coliis of Esquimait Road, Vic 1 A I tald estate arc hereby required ciauns against to furnish tne WANTED urn islied on unfur- torja. cnll8ted lAkL MITICE that In ni-rfar nl Ilia cmnc, iruieny venuea, to me, on or be- Passenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and 3ATURDAY at 11:30 a.m. for Smlthers wU, 0 Honour F. Men. Young, made the llti clay lore tne 7tn iav or Fehriinrv a d ,aio i nlsl.ed house , Prlore George, Edmonton sod Winnipeg, making direct connections for all rooming " Reliable M. G. in M or January, A. D. 1010. I was appointed n.l all r..lln. ... .. i I 1915, and aflep mi cuitica iuucuicu tu ma estate are points east and south. Mrs ' Administrator to the estate of John party. Leadlay, . . Bunt phone Hedn '"'J l" amount or tnelr In- . sirvi a mntnt. , ing, deceased, and all name havinr v? - -w uv i i"u vvij ui 1)11 ut utuicuiiess io me rortnwitn. 407. J.the Bearwood Hospital, joined the nanus against to. furnish stiiu same,estate properly are nereoy verified,required Dated this AN.'A 7th day WICK,of January,Administratrix.1919. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Ilyln& He to me. on or before the 8th dav of Fehrn. For information and reservations WANTED Desk and typewriter.' corps. was promoted on rv. A. I). 19IB. anil all narllpc InHoMo, m apply to Full particulars in first letter; lne "eld and was captured by nc esiate are reauiren to nav th flmnun. THE SUPREME COURT OF RniTISII G. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. to box 212, Daily News office. ll,c Germans soon after receiv oi meir inaenieaness clUII.1 11. to nchulli.x,roe forthwith. L.U1.UMU1A. City Ticket Office, 520 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 iing nis captaincy Omtlll Arimtnltralnr IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA- DATED this 8 th day of January, 1919. COMFORTABLE ROOMS with or, Cant. Collis lived for somo limn II U.I A l.I anrl without board, at The Ark.",in Prince Rupert during the time IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH li TIIE MATTER OF THE ESTATE or Phone Black 210. COLUMBIA. .ial.l.ul.ai MCKAY, DECEASED; IN- " when tho townsilo was being laid N THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTIU ItSlAlE. CHAMBERMAID WANTED Hotel ' worked on a survey party Alii" and TAKE NOTICE that In nrrier nf Ilia I Central. . anu win no remembered by many IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Honour F. McB. Younir. mad the ami riavl - . r 11 i . i . II. It. CIIH13TENSEN, DECEASED; IN iulviuuci, a. u, iv io, i was- appointed CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY ui muse who were nere at, mat Its I ATE. Administrator to the estate or Malcolm McKay, SITUATIONS WANTED time. TAKE ftOTICE that In order nT III. deceased, and all parties having claims Honour F. McB. Young, made the 4th dav against the said estate are hereby required iiurjr, a. u. iviv. i was appointed to furnish same, properly verified, to me. Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points EXPERIENCED BOOK KEEPER Auiimiiiiraior to tue esiate or II. It uu ui- utiure inu oiu oay or reDruarv. - HINES IS DIRECTOR uiristensen. deceased, and all parlies 1919, and all parties Indebted to the estate via Steamer to Vancouver and the and stenographer desires position, nanus culms against toe said estate are are required to pay the amount of their nereoy required to rurnlsh same, properly mueuieuness to me rortnwitn. Canadian Pacific Railway good references. Apply OF RAILWAYS NOW verined. to me. on or before the 8th dav JOHN H. McMULLIN, Box 210. of February. A. D. 1919. and all nartlea Ofllcial AflmlnUtratnr tf inucuiea to tne estate are required to pay DATED this 6tn day of January, 1919. Meals and Berth included on Steamer the amount of their Indebtedness to me FOR 8ALE (Special via a. T. P. Telegraphs.) rortnwitn. JOHN H. McMULLIN, IN THE SLTREME COURT -OF BRITISH I Los Angeles, Jan. 14. Walker Official Administrator. COLUMBIA. FOR SALE House and Lot 18, D. Hines, Assistant Director ATED this 8th day of January, 1919. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE FROM PRINCE RUPERT Block 32, Section 5, 91,200 oeneral of Railways, was appoint-Terms. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH TION TIIE MATTER ACT OF TIIE ADMINISTRA January 17th, 31st; February Klh and 28th; March nth, and Slit, and E. T. Keycs, Inter-cd Director General yesterjday by COLUMBIA. and April 2nd. national Falls, Minn tf .President Wilson to succeed Wil- IN TIIE TIO.V MATTER ACT" OF THE "AD.MIN13TRA IN TIIE MATTER OF .THE ESTATE OF I and CARL RICHARD CARLSON, DECEASED; I FOR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANQELL, 8KAQWAY, ALA8KA FOI SALE No. 4 rorlable Hubbard Oven. iam G. McAdoo. The latter has IN THE MATTER OF TIIE ESTATE OF J.l I CO 1 A 1 .. 13th and 27th; February 10th and March 17ih and 2th; 7th, 28th January nT'nSiff La cass Bakery, been officially notified here. STANLEY WOZNEY, DECEASED; IN . TESTATE. TAKE NOTICE that In order of Ills -m m v, I I mm 1 HUfCI 11 Honour r. .mcb. Young, made the 31st day TAKE .NOTICE that In order of Ills or A, D. December, 1918, I was appointed TAXI Honour F, McB. Young, made the 4th day SERVICE Administrator to the estate of Carl Richard RETURNED SOLDIERS or January, a. u. tt, I was appointed Carlson, deceased, and all parties having CONTEST COWISHAN Administrator to the estates of Stanley claims against the said estate are hereby W. C. ORCHAHD, General Agent. TAXI AND MESSENGER SERVICE Wozncy, deceased, and all parties having required to furnish same, properly verined, claims against the said estate are hereby Night and Day. Phono 99. requirea to rurnisn same, nroneny ven io me, on or ueiore tne Bin aay or Febru Co ne' Fourth Street ml Third Avenue., Prince Rupert. B.C. A. D. and all I 1919, Indebted (Special via O. T. P. Telegraphs.) ary, parties to lied, to me, on or before the 8th day of the estate are required to Day the amount LOST Victoria, Jan. 13. Two re leoruary, a. u. iviv, ana an parties in or ineir inaenieaness to me rortnwitn. debted to the estate are required to pay turned soldiers are to contest the the amount of their Indebtedness to me JUIIN Official II. MCMULLIN,Administrator. LOST Pocketboqk, on Fulton St. by-election for Cowichan constituency forthwith. JOHN It. McMULLIN, ATED this fith day of January, 1919. neturn to' Daily News office. in the Provincial Legislature Official Administrator. DATED this 8th day of January, 1919. THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH LOST Gilt Eagio badgo of"Naval next Saturday. Private Ken COLUMBIA; The Union Air Servico, used ns brooch. neth Duncan and Major F. H. Edwards IN THE SUPREME COLUMBIA.COURT OF BRITISH N TIIE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA COAST SERVICE. Finder please return to Daily were officially nominated IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRA TION AUT, TION ACT" AND Steamship For Vancouver, sailing Tues., 7 p.m. News Office. Reward. Saturday. and THE MATTER OF TIIE ESTATE OF I Major R. J. Ilurde, M. C, was IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF TORSTEN TORSTENSON, DECEASED; Anyox, Port Simpson and Naas Points, WILLIAM SUNBEItu, DECEASED; INTESTATE. 1.1 ItSIAlt. Co. of B.C. returned by acclamation foi; AI-bernl. Mondays, 7 a.in. TAKE NOTICE that In order of His TAKE NOTICE that In order of Ills Honour F. McB. Young, made the 4th day Honour F. McB. Young, made the 3 1st day John General Agent Barnsley, The Gurvich or January, A. D. 1919, I was appointed or December, a. d. 1918, I was appointed Ltd. Administrator to the estate of William Administrator to the estate of Torsten VON MACKENSEN INTERNED Sunberar. deceased, and all nartles having Torstenson. deceased, and all Dartles hav claims against the said estate are hereby ing claims against tho said estate are A required to furnish same, properly verined, hereby required to furnish same, properly Transfer (Special via O. T. r. Telegraphs.) to me, on or her ore tho 8th day of verified, to me, on or before the 6th day February. A. D. 1919. and all parties In of February, A. I. 1919, and all parties Ilasol, Jan. 14. Field Marshal debted to the estate are required to pay Indebted to the estate are required to payl Advertise In The Daily News Von Mackensen of tho German forthwith.the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith.ine uinouni ot tneir inaenieaness to me Phone Green 548 army has been interned at Tem-easar, JOHN II. McMULLIN, JOHN II. MCMULLIN. Official Administrator. Official Administrator. The Paper that gets Quick Results P.O. Box Hungary. DATED this 8th day of January,, 1919. DATED this 6th day of January, 1919. 102. Office Fraser St. WE SELL COAL It's a Great Life if You Don't Weaken Pure Cream Makes the THIS IMTfcoDUCES ) . 'OLD ffuKtV sF 100 PONT Richness ML ONE. Of THE. tMNtST V WU1,Xt 1 SEE HEADACHE PoVibEW VJCRIP 60i$ IN THE. -TWENTY-FIVE CENTS X. There is a pure cream richness WIS -S about Pacific. Milk that Is the only . HE. rAMS MUSTARD ?UrSTER.S V Z5 7 sreret behind Its goodness for WlfE. KEEP AN l0NT v 1 FIFTY CENTS AND V ' V cooking;. ACCOUNT OF EE-M You see, all we do to the rlh, fresh milk as It comes from the PEKHS HE SPEMPS farm'.u to evaporate water out of This loaves the natural butter fat and other cream aollds as they were. Then we seal it up so It remains H5 rN VAErNB-T hf fresh and sweet. BUi CtNfcrNWAV Try It In the next recipe which calls for milk or cream. SE&D Pacific LIMITED Milk Co. m- Ljmm . mw- 332 DRAKE STREET Factory at Ladner, B.C. Canada Food Board Lloans 14-168. (Cvvrrubt, tUS bt U. Brnulw i'.l(rB Nw Xork HrIJ U,