Page 0 THE DAILY WEWB. For alderman, vote for Thomas ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY McMeekin, the man you know. 13 G. H. Arnold ELECTS ITS OFFICERS Wednesday Specials v Tho Orden'of tho Eastern Sta h I'ure Maple Syrup ql. bottle T&c w NOTARY PUBLIO lber' buckwheat Flour pkff 40c will hold n danco on February 7 omen The annual meeting of tho 13t. .Mechanics Oohlln Soap Tr special Soap.....3 5 fur for 5c 6c in aid of the Red Cross. It Andrew's Society was held last Fresh Herrings 3 tins Tor S5c We sell Real Estate. evening, when tho following of- canned Clam Nectar Pumpkin tall large tins, each.tins..... . .90c loc Mrs. T. W. Larkin, of Seatlo We write Fire and Marino flceifs were elected for the en F.vap. Prunes per lb ,...tlc arrived, in town yesterday from Insurance. suing half year: Victoria.F.vap. Apricots,Cross Tea,per re&.lb. 65c per S5c lb. tho south to Join Mr. Larkin. 'eman id . . . Hon. President, Major General Special tomorrow Stc We havo Apartments, Stones, J. W, Stewart; Hon. 1st Vice Mrs.Malkln's Ilalnes'custard Marmalade,'Powder, tin,4-lb.. .JOr.tins, J.sFMaguirc has been appoint Houses, and Offices for Special tomorrow .... 75c each ed tho Prince Rupert agent of tho H. Pres., Quartermaster J. Kollie; Wetliey's Mlnre Meat In bulk SOc lb. Rent, and Want More. Hon, 2nd Vice Pres., Ptc. W. G l.lbb.Vs Dill Pickles In tins S5C Canada Life Assurance Company Comfort ticl Monte Spinach, larpe tins, 25c ... it Dennis; President, S. D. Macdon- Salt Hcrrlntrs 5 ror S5c Loans. We Deal In Mortgage Just arrived by tho Princess Finnan lladdle s lbs. for 4 5c ald; 1st Vice President, Thos. Mc Salt Codnsh, lb !0c We sell Timber Limits. Meckln; 2nd Vice President, G. per Ena, 800 tons of New Wellington H'M' in a ! We do Conveyancing. VV. Abbott; Treasurer, J. S. Ir Rupert Table Supply Co, coalr-rAlbort 116. & McCaffery, phono tf Vine; Secretary, W. A. Paterson; CORSET Warden, R. Arthur, Jr.; Physic PHONES 211, 212 for l1 Canada food Board License 8-3048 W. B. King, auditor; H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. iant Dr. McNeill; Solicitor, A. M. Burns & Co., Ltd., arrived in tho V ww Manson, M. P. P.; Chaplain, Rev city yesterday" on one of his Dr. IL R. A I Grant; Auditors, ox. periodical visits. Many women refuee to be annoyed ;Finnic and Thos. McCIymonl; j Piper, Alex. MacDonald. Local News Notes Those who do not go to the with the trouble of a Sickness and j Boar! of Directors W. Rcid, Red Crpss Concert tonight should Corset lacing in the back. Howard Steen, W. E. Williscroft, take in "Hell Bent" at the Empress This is one of our Gossard R. Arthur and Jos. Brown. Ycllowhcad coal; $9.50 on tho Theatre. It Front-Lacing Corsets and we Accident Insurance wharf. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. ... are constantly receiving the Two great races; The race for We represent the Dominion NOMINATIONS AT For alderman, vote for Thos. life in the picture "Hell Bent," at new models as, they come out McMeekin, the man know. 13 you of Canada Guarantee PROVINCIAL POINTS ... tho Empress Theatre, and the race and Accident Co., The Prince Rupert Lumber Co., of tho publio to get seats to sec We the are clearing through Custom House this week which writes a special the picture. Ltd., is shut down temporarily. Victoria, Jan. 14. Mayor A. E. ... another shipment of the celebrated policy oovering indemnity They have 1,000,000 ft. of lumber Todd, who is third seeking a The Pijincess Ena arrived this against airsickness term, and Alderman R. C. Porter to digposo of. Enquiro of Albert morninir with a full carsro for American Lady Corsets & Ltd. tf ana Accidents. are to contest the Victoria mayor McCaffery,a & McCaffery,? Lid. She The annual cost is very alty. There are 17 -candidates Louis Leroux of &eal Cove, was bronghtup some twelve'tliousand of which have the exclusive This lot is we for; ten aldermanic agency. rirht positions. low. a passenger returning on Sunday's feet of fir .lumber, as well as 890 . Vancouver, Jan. 14. A. W train from the East. He left tons pt Wellington coatti t. 4up-to-datc in correctness of lines and modelling, besides Gray was elected by acclamation iere some weeks ago to spend tho . . . being made of best quality coutil. McCaffery, Gibbons of New Peter Smiley this morning mayor Westminster for was holidays in his old home at Cen- Present styles in Corsets require the wearing of the seventh term. charged at the police court with & Doyle, Ltd. Nelson, Jan. 14. rThe, following terville, Minn...." fighting and was fined $10 and are nominated for mayor: Aid. J. Commencing January 1st the costst Th,e accused ryiiscd some Brassiers Insurance f- Real Estate A. McDonald, John Bell and liar Alaska Daily Empire, published considerable disturbance at the We have just received a shipment of popular priced Brassiers old Sejous. at Juneau, advanced its subscfip-l Royal Hotel on Sunday night late, Prince Rupert, B.C. tion rates from $1 a month de-j and was ordered by tho magistrate from the makers of the Gossard Corsets. BIRTH livered to $1.25 or by mail to the to get something. to do at once. outside $12 a year. This advance Born at the Prince RuperK. it claims has been made necessary There was considerable Con General Hospital, on January 14 by the advancing prices. The Jeclure when the this"Princess morning around Ena" town H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. pulled to Mrs. Louise Knightall, widow Alaska Daily Empire sells at ten into the wharf and be drydock j M. ill!. STEPHENS or Captain Knightall, a son.. cents on the streets. gan discharging lumber. She had In order to carry the Council about 10,000 feet in various sizes ! Besnoro Singh, I NOTARY PUBLIO a Sikh, was fined $5 this morning in the police-court. over until tenders could, be invited This, however, is boat lumber for He was charged with for a large order; of lumber decking, keel blocks, etc., and has it was decided at the final meeting nothing to do with the new com fighting. There to do was some $425.00' with some of his countrymen on of the council last night to pur pany's operations.. GREAT STOCKTAKING SALE Second Avenue chase 65,000 feet of lumber from yesterday afternoon. Mr. Justice is expected Cash buys a beautiful level Tho accused started the the Prince Rupert Lumber Co. at Murphy -ON- to arrive in town tomorrow morn lot with 82 the old price, namely $20.50 per feet frontage fight and the evidence was visible ing to hold the Assizes and Civil within a stone's throw of this morning that a black eye will M. This was done on the recom sittings of the Supremo Court, Thursday, January 16 show mendation of the city engineer, Hindu's under up a skin. DRYDOCK, Section 6. GET . t which commence at 11 o'clock on IN NOW I Lee Wong, a Chinaman, was A letter from the school board Thursday forenoon, when the jury We desire an immediate clearancee of our smart up-to-date will be empanelled for the trial of stock of Coats, Suits, Dresses, and tho Listings Wanted. fined $50.50 this morning in the to the City Council asking for Blouses, etc., pojjce court for haying in his laying of a sidewalk from 3rd Johnstone Smith Harkley, who Is haue reduced our prices accordingly. Houses and Lots for Sale. with the murder'of Frank charged Ave. and Biggar Place to Borden possession two bottles of Muie Ladies' Suits, $35.00 to $75.00, reduced to half. Martin at Swamp Point on Sep INSURANCE Ku Liue, a Chinese alcoholio beverage, St. for the accommodation of the in a place other than that pupils of the Borden St. School tember 10, 1918. Coats in great variety at substantial reductions. M. M. Stephens specified by tho Act. was referred "to the Board o Works of the next council for Just arrived on Prince Albert, . REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Mrs. F. R. Hunt has returned tc their favorable consideration at 500 tons Nanaimo Wellington FINANCIAL AQENT the city after; a lengthy visit to the meeting of the Council last coal. Alber;t & McCaffery. tf Compare our prices in Dresses and Blouses. 623 Third Ave. Phone 222 the east. Mrs. Hunt look in De night. troit, Montreal and Boston where ... Auditor and Accountant, she visited relatives. Under the patronage of the J. F. Magulre, 8mlth Block. Canadian Red Cross Society the GOLDBLOOM'S Knights o f Pythias Grand postponed grand concert in aid of DENTISTRY Masquerade Ball January 17 in St. Dunstan's Hostel for blind THIRD AVE. St. Andrew's Hall. Harvey's Or sailors and soldiery will be held Geo. Leek OFFICE HOURS: chestra. Prizes. Invitations only. in the Westholme Theatre Tues B .m. to 12; 1:30 p. m. to 5:30 p.m. ... day evening, January 14, at 8:30 DR. J. S. BROWN Just a few seats are left at the p. m. Tickets on sale at Orme's DENTI8T Red Cross Concert tonight. Get Drug Store 75c and $1. Boxes Candidate for Ofllct: Smith Block, Third Anu. there quick" before they are all seating six, $G. Tickets bearing Police Commissioner Prince Rupert Academy of Music Phon 464. sold. date October 15, 1918, good for Phone 104 613 THIRD AVENUE Phone 104 that evening. Original program INSTHUCTION C1VEN PRIVATELY ON Never forget to look through will be given. Everyone asked to Your vote and influence solicited. Piano, Violin, Violoncello, Mandolin and Theory, Trumpet, 1 the classified' list on Pago 5. do their bit.- tf Cornet, French Barsalou's Horn, Althorn and Euphonium. Muile arrinced for band PRINCIPALS-Will. Edmunds, M.S.M., R.I.A:M., Feis Ceoil Medalist. Motor Transfer Re Bylaws Voted Upon at For Alderman William Members Balagno,of Westholme Modern French Theatre Violin Orchestra.School. the Coming Civic Election Furniture Moving, on HARRY B. WE Express HANDLE and COAL Baggage Thursday, January 16 Next ROCHESTER NOTICE TO FISHERMEN-! TAX EXEMPTION BYLAW: Our Supply of Bait is exhausted for the present Your Vote and Influence f J In order that the property holders voting on this bylaw at the coming election to bolter understand It, the following facts will, Would bo Appreciated -:- Watch this space for our -:-announcement I hope, make clear Its meaning: Thank You I of a new supply Royal Auto Bus Service Tlie bylaw gives exemption only for general taxes and schools. The drydock company will pay all special taxes for the City WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED Winter Debt, both general debenture? and Local Improvements. BUTEDALE - - - P.C. Service Municipal Elections y tnis arrangement the City gets away from the Bonus In operation on,and after System which bond houses look upon with so much disfavor. 1919 January 1, 1919, until thereby Impairing,our credit. There Is no doubt with prospective Your vote and further notice. influence is developments consequent upon the opening up of this shlpbuild solicited for BANK- OF-MQNTRE AL From Ormes' Corner. Ing Industry, that considerable money will have to be spent to MAYOR . Week Days: meet tne requirements or increased population. The effect of W. H. Montgomery ESTABLISHED OVCK 100 YEARS 7.30 a.m., 8.30 a.m., 10 a. this bylaw will, therefore, to approach bond houses with -OH in., 1.30 p. in., 4.30p. m., ihj facts that our tax levies for money debt Is in no way curtailed ALDERMEN Savings Department 5.30 p, m., 6.45 p.m., 10 by Industry exemptions, which will with our financial showing of Qeorge B. Casey r rr ii 'Him UTin mm..r p. m. the pact three years convince the Investing public that our securi W. Q. Barrio Deposits of $1. and up Sundays: ties are worthy of first class rating, thereby enhancing their Mrs.patrlok.Elizabeth C. Kli'k- ward received, and Interest 10.30 a.m., 3.30 p.m., 9.30 allowed market value. Qeorge Rudderham at highest current p. n. Tho Great War Veterans' Grant of Land Bylaw, I think needs E. H. Shookley rates. Savings Department From Ssal Cove. little explanation from me other than to say that it Is a grant of accounts given special Week Days: and hi fee simple for 100 feet by 230 on the hill going up Fulton LICEN8E COMMISSIONER attention. 7.45 a. in., 8.45 a.m., 10.30 Qeorge Hill n.m., 2.00 p.m., 5.05 p.m., Street between the City Hall and Fifth Avenue where the old water Deposits may be made, 0.05 p.m., 7.15 p.m., 10.15 tank Etood. SCHOOL TRUSTEE8 and withdrawn, by mail as It is a small tribute to the for which, Mrs. Elizabeth O. Klrk- p. m. cause these men offered patrlck. easily, readily and safely as Sundays: their lives and I feel sure will receive the hearty support of every Fred 8 haw in person. 11.00 a.m., 4.00 p.m., 10.00 citizen. W1NNIPCO BRANCH p.m. Yours truly, Endorsod by Prlnoe Rupert, H, ST. G. LEE, Dranch. Manager, Prince Rupert THOS. McCLYMONT, Mayor. j Trades and Labor Council. WntMFUSKOillI