Wednesday, January 15, 1019. THE DAILY NEWS. Pago 3 DAWSON CURLING THE RED CROSS ' BANMF-MONTREAL Fuller's. . CLUB ORGANIZED -Grocery CONCERT WAS ESTABLISHED OVEB 100 YEARS FULLER, SMART & SJEEN The organization of the Dawson .Women'a Curling Club was com Board of Directors: 45 pleted at the meeting held at the GREAT PHONE SUCCESS p H N E SIR VINCENT MMEDITH. IUrt, TraiitmU I). A. A. A, recently. A representative SIR CHARLES CORDON, C,ft.L,Vfe..r, gathering of married L LORD SIIAUCIIXIS3T,K.CV.0. C.R.HOSMER.Eh and single women was heid, and H.R.DRUlWOND,Ek. D.FORBES ANCUS. Em. wesmoime WM.McMAJTER. Theatre Crowded Em. to Our business is keeping up fine. Vc credit this to our office'); were elected. New mem-bors Doors With Enthusiasts MAJORHERBERTMOLSON.M.C. HAROLD KENNEDY.Em. H.W.HUl'CURt Em. nnd excellent quality of goods. Our store Is Who a -tu.weo CEORCEB.ERASER.Em. COLONEL I1ENRT COCKS HUTT are now being secured. All J.H.ASHDOWN, , c. dil only to itself and vi stand behind it for satsfaclion Gave Unstinted Applause. women are eligible to membership, to our customers. SIR FREDERICK WILLIAMS.TATLOR,Cml M.ut. The committee is hopeful YOUNG PEOPLE MADE of having at least twenty-four VERY GOOD IMPRESSION Capital Paid Up . . $ 16,000,000.00 fwAKH THIS SPACE fOB FRIDAY SPEC AL women curlers, and there will be Rt Undivided Profits..... . 16,000,000.00 1,901,613.22 opportunity for anv number tn Both financially and as an en Total Assets (Oct 31 sL 1918) . 558,413,546.12 SOME NEW LINES 'play. Tho games will start as tertainment feature the lied Cross Homo Product Maple Flavor Syrup Como in and lagte it. soon as the temperature moder-i concert last night was a Kreat Branches throughout Canada and Newfoundland also In London Bulk, Vlnegar3, from 50c to $1.00 per gallon. ates sufficiently. Officers of the success. Tho Westholmc Theatre England, New York, Chicago, Spokane and Mexico City. Clean Sweep Brooms and Brushes of all kinds. new club elected at the meeting was packed to the doors with an Heinz Catsup In 25c. botllos, Heinz Tomato Soup, 2 for 35c. n arc: enthusiastic crowd that insisted H. ST. G. LEE, Manager, Prince Rupert Branch. Special Size Spices, li-lb, net weight, most economical to Patrons M. A. Pinska, Charles on recalling every performer. Indeed buy. Jeanneret, J. A, Scougale the various selections given, President Mrs. F. II, Orborn. both musical and otherwise, were MOTOR DELIVERY Canada Food Hoard Ltceme 8-35652 i vice-president Mrs. F, A. so good that it was no wonder . nilney. moio was asked. ! Secretary Miss Hazel Mclntyro The program opened with a I Executive Committee, Miss tableau representing "Peace" by 0S Horns, Mrs. P. II. Pearse, Mrs. the pupils of the high school. It Things Loo k Brighter Thomas Davin was a very beautiful setting, and Phone 131 O.Tica Smith Block P.O. Box 772 -14 Through the kindness of Mr was well executed. The chief Creamer and the Dawson Curling parts were: Peace, Iluth llix: Pritice Rupert Engineering & Supply Co. Club, the women are to have the Sailor, Michael Syrotuck; aviator, use of the curling" rinks four Pte. Jno. Currie; soldier, George irro" Aluminium Ware afternoons aiid one evening a Alder; capital, Geo. Osborne: Engineers, Jobbers, Contractors week. labor. Mod McRae; lied Cross Mixing Bowls Percolaters Bread Pans Estimates furnished for Electric Wiring and Complete nurse, Georgina Hunter; blind Combination Kettle and Double Boiler Plant Installations PRINCE GEORGE soldier, Archie Grant; shipbuild ers, Ueo. Mitchell, Charlie Currie Frypans Northern B.C. Representatives-Canadian and Sudal Suga: miner. John WestinghoilSe Electrical Equipment, Electric Lieut. Hcasley, former teller in Fotos, and lumberjack, Sid Hunter. "Mirro" Aluminium Reflects Good Housekeeping Generators- the Royal Hank heiie, has arrived .Co., Hamilton LSff teotM1' home from overseas with Mrs The closing tableau represented Goodyear Tire & Rubber Mechanical Rubber Goods. H Heasley. Britannia and Uncle Sam, the ' Call and the latest "Extra Power" taken David see shipment at uo., loronto. Uelting. pai;ts being ably by Otto Linquist of Terry Creek, Donaldson, U. S. vice consul, and Canada Wire & Cable Bare and lnsulatedJCopper. was fined $250 and costs by Mag Miss Agnes M. Grant respectively. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Co., Montreal Steel and Iron Wire.j istrate Heme for contravention of Physical Display. Domestic Engineering "Delco" Light Products the GameAct. One of the features which was SECOND AVENUE Co., Dayton ., Isolated Electric Plants most pleasing and which showed J. D. Charleston, one of the the good work which is being Pelton Water Wheel Co. Water Wheel and Nechaco pioneers spent a couple done in the of exercises for San Francisco Hydraulic Apparatus of days in the city last week. way the girls of the high school was Pacific Coast Pipe Co. Wood Stave Pipe, Tanks, etc. J Skating in an outdoor rink the physical display. The movements Vancouver jhere Is the popular spori Just were executed with great Dodge Manufacturing Transmits on Machinery, now. precision and the physique of the JTulleys, Shafting. girls is an indication that it is UO., lOrOntO . Hangers, etc. for them. Those good taking It is just as cheap to get your Dentistry A lineAbf Westinghousc Motors, Lamps and other Electrical printing done well and done at part were Mary McLennan, Violet Equipment and Goodyear Belting carried in stock lome as it is to send it away. Try Mortimer. Ina Lindland, Petro The News Print -indland, Helen Morrison, Mar Shop. garet Lindsay, Dorothy Stephens, DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH! Louise Zarelli, Ava Cavalier, Mary Self's Cafe is not going out of One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your Roberts, Caroline Mitchell, Willa business. It is a reproduction of Subscribe for The News Daily 'The Double Cross." tf Dyer and .Constance McMillan. Efficiency . Helen Morrison made an excellent accompanist. Sketches. Tho feature which excited most Sir-rt Are the Gowns for Afternoon comment and which were really equal to the work of professionals Dr. Bayne were the sketches from Shakes- pearo and Sheridan given by Mr. I OFFICE HOURS: ana airs. J. u. uraay. ine nrsi sketch was one of the scenes ling, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Evening, 7 to 9 from lAs You Like It," being a dialogue between Orlando and EE Dental Nurse in attendance. B ilosalind, and the other was the H Phone 109 for appointment jJ I'amnus scene from "The School for Scandal," in which Lady Teazle anj Sir Peter quarrel. The Iliillll!lllllilll!!!lllll!ll!iil!IIIE!lll!lll!!l liillilllliiillllHIIIIiilllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIlI costuming was excellent, but tTie acting and the enunciation were splendid. Mr. Brady as Sir Peter was at his best, and it is safe to Kdward Lipsett, President Harry Lipsett, Manager say that both sketches were thoroughly Edward Cunningham, Vice-President enjoyed by everyone. The Singing. Of the musical selections Miss & Co. Ruby Taylor sang most sweetly. ipsett-Cunniiigham Her voice is very sweet and has also a reserve power that would LIMITED ; , bo worjth bringing out by training. FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE She sang several selections and was a decided favorite with Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories the audience. Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage Miss Kdmands also was well received and in her deep contralto PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. sang several songs with much Registered Ofllce: Prince Rupert Ofllce: eelihg and enjoyment to the audience. 08 Water Street. Telephone No. 95 Of the dancing of Mrs. H. O. Vancouver, B. C. P. O. Box 1698 Crewe it, is difficult to speak without using a plethora of adjectives. Her graco of movement and pleasing stage presence made tho dances one of the most interest-ng Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 features of the entertainment. The instrumental feature of For Comfort, Courtesy and Service the program was the violin playing of William Balagno who seemed to be the favorite of tho ISSAVYilOJEL evening. His playing was certainly excellent, especially the F. T. BOWNESS, selections which ho chose for, tho Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. encores. Tho theatre orchestra was the subject of mention by the audi-enco Homo Cooking Running; Hot and Cold Water - - and tho selections played by . JET BEW ADOW THli PUVETVN pRJ lNDttLWOAD A IN Black.and ceije ccpe oe nereop. them were well received. 1 UKOEO-wooO Organizers. who refused to concede the loveliness and the Tiilm of outdoor clothes and playi Much credit is duo to those pranks with coats and capes as well ai who tho entertainment Ml1', modus of the day give chlo of either of these two frocks despite being promlmnt on house and evening organized NOTICE TO FISHERMEN ! an Interesting chance (or their decided unllkenesi." gowns. and especially to Mrs. II. L, Mo-Intosh the expression of per develops one of the Hut the dress that Is minus the draper) who worked indefatigably Tan duvetvn lm Is every whl as popular, and who could Our Supply of Bait is exhausted for the present sonal character, artlcu gowns, and with II there Is a tcrtaln censor mltady of the veil for looking to bring about tho desired result. Urlj those that are classed nllrltv and an absence of ostmmiiuM so well pleased when she Is wearing tc Judge Young presided and in by the feminine cor.tln. trimming that Is very effective. such good advantage a gown of black ai -:- Watch this space for our -:-announcement opening spoke of tho excellent t rerlse crepe de meteor. as "afternoon dress." The lines are splendid for the fU'ire Metallic trimming has been nulte tn work done for the blind soldiers, of a new supply Jer Is something indescribable In the that Is slender, and the only attempt at thing this season and In an odd Grecian Mellon that the afternoon frock ha adornment of any kind Is carried cut In like design'makes It appearance some of whom were Canadians, 'milady, and one does not wondei why lh cleverrraneement of let heads wnler. Soutache braid adds that "military ni by tho St. Dunstan's Hospital for WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED s that Is In h!gh favor now. ' one considers Its charm. The two simulate embroidery Uut the 'ey.c. i Take it an in an cioinea are pro- Blind Sailors and Soldiers, to Mlel Illustrated to-day are charade ii.o.i -uiteasful as far ss the effect eaual to their opportunities, and it which tho proceeds of tho entertainment BUTEDALE - - - P.C. ' In type. eonrerned really are the determining factor in and Invades! outwJtrd seeming of the world are being sent, StrUlnljr she would be a contrary soul Jru If well to the fore