Wednesday, January 15, 1019. THE DAILY NEW8. Page 5 Red Cross Notes ? The lied Crpss sale in the hut - Westhoime un Iriday was conducted by Mrs. ii a vtu '.fcssr. -' J. W. Potter and Mrs. F. Gilhuly and tho sum of $41.15 was real. ized from the sale of articles don-i aled. Theatre Following is a list of the donors and winners: Sack of flour by G. W. Nicker- son Co., won by Alfred Solsom; salmon, by .A. h. C.'packing Co., This Week's Attractions won by W. C. Orchard; box of MOMDAY Tho great End incomparable dramatic star Pauline oranges, by Mrs. F. McD. Young, Frederick in Sardou'a famous operctic tragedy "LA won by Mrs. W, D. Harper; pair TOSCA." Sunlight does it Indian gauntlets, by Indian women TUESDAY Red Cross Society's Concert. at Telegraph Creek, won by H. F. WEDNESDAY Matinee and Night: The World's Sweetheart, You who always dread wash McLeod; painting, by Geo. Tite. dainty, petite MARGUERITE CLARK, in her latest day because, of the houra of won by Helcjn Dainter; congoleum production, "Rich Man, Poor Man." f weary, wash-board nibbinf, tbe rug, by W. G. Barrie, won by Mrs. Program for the last three days will be advertised later in damp steamy air, with perhaps the week. P. W: Anderson; collar and cuff our akirt and ahoei splashed and soaked Just forget alt that. set, by Mrs. J. W. Potter, won by Special Musical Programs by the Westhoime Orchestra. f Come into the eaie and comfort Mrs. Sv Evans; pail of lard, by of a Sunlight Waih Day. Frizzell's, won by J. P. Muse; box of apples, by David Glennie, won Sunlight Soap will do the wash by Mrs. P. W. Anderson; box of out calling or (hop cigar?, by Gil's Cigar Store, you can to won ICoprrtibt. tan by tht Strain Telegram. Ner York UtrtH Co. pin. RxaJ the direction. by Mrs. Hurritt; 1 lb. tea, by C. E, Hells, won by n. E. Walker; 2 lbs coffee, by Mrs. Frank Clapp, won Oh sayl The News Print Shop Salvation Army. S.S. PRINCE GEORGE Iocs its work about by Mrs. J W. Potter; box of fruit, as cheap as by Mrs. It. McKay, won by Helen nost shops and quite as well, Public meetings, Tuesdays, Hainter; 2 boxes candles, by Bea gives you the work on time when- Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p. SAILING ver possible and hands it out n. Sundays at 7:30 p. m. trice Kean, won by H. F. McLeod; baby's dress, by Sisters of St. vith a pleasant "Thank you." lit THE SUPREME COUnT OF BRITISH THURSDAY Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancouver Joseph, won by Mrs. Christie. Vhal do you say to giving them COLUMBIA. and Victoria. trial on your next job? I.N THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA WEDNESDAY Midnight for Anyox. The results attained from these TION ACT I.V THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH and S. S. PRINCE JOHN sales during the past year have IN THE MATTER OP THE ESTATE OF NEWS THE DAILY 0USTAV WICK, DECEASED, INTESTATE Queon Charlotte Islands, January 23rd, February 6th and been most gratifying and as it is IX THE MATTEH OF THE "ADMIMSTRA still imperative that the TJO.H ACT TAKE NOTICE that In order or His February 20th. numer and Classified Advertising Honour F. MtB. : Young, made the 3rd day i ous activities in which the Red IX THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OK of January. A. D. 1919. I. the undersigned. JU1I.H uUflTI.NU, DECEASED: IMTES Anna Wick, was appointed Administratrix ! Phone 98 Cross Is engaged should be kept TATE. to the estate of (lusuv wirit iev.pri TRAIN 8ERVICE going it is to be hoped that they TAKE JSOTICE that In order tit Ills and all parties having claims against the Passenger MONDAV, WEDNESDAY and3ATURDAV at 11:30 a.m. for Smlthers Honour F. McO. Young-, made tbe 4 th day said estate are hereby required to rurnlsh Thit it the Advertising Column that will still meet with encouraging of January. A. D. ll, I was appointed fame, properly verified, to me, on or before Prince George, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct connections for all Aaiuims-iraior 10 me estate or jonn Bunt the 7 th day or February, A. D. 1919, points east and south. people read when they want anything patronage; Due-to the influenza ing, deceased, and all parties having and all parties Indebted to tbe estate are It bring results epidemic these events were dis- ciainis against saia estate are nereoy required required to pay tbe amount of their in to runilsb same, properly verified, debtedness to me forthwith. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. continued for a time in order to to me, on or before the 8th day of Febru- ANNA WICK. Administratrix. WANTED. ry, A. D. 1911, and all parties Indebted to Dated this 7th day of January, 1919. For information and reservations apply to comply with local health regula he estate are required to pay the amount Q. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. lions. These have been or their Indebtedness to me forthwith. IN THE SUPREME now relaxed COURT OF BRITISH WANTED Experienced canvasser JOHN H. McMULUN, COLUMBIA. City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 sufficiently to permit of the Official Administrator. ft -Daily Kews.Ollico. u DATED this Bib of day January, 1918, sales being revived and it is to be IN THE MATTER OF.THE ADMINISTRATION WANTED Desk and typewriter. hoped that the home cooking fea IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH ACT and Full particulars in first letter; ture especially will again become N THE MATTER COLUMBIA.OF THE "ADMINISTRATION IN THE MATTER" OF THE ESTATE OF. to box 212, Daily News offlc. prominent in the weekly sales. ACT" MALCOLM Mch'AY, DECEASED: INTESTATE. Contributions to this end will, IN THE MATTER OF and THE ESTATE OF TAKE NOTICE that In order of HIS CHAMBERMAID WANTED. Hotel therefore, be gratefully received 11. It. CHRI3TENSEN, DECEASED; INTESTATE. Honour F. McB. Young, made the 3lst day CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Central. tf and of December, A. D. 1918, I was appointed duly acknowledged. TAKE NOTICE that In order oT His Administrator to the estate of Malcolm Mc Honour F. McB. Young, made the 4th day Kay, deceased, and all parties having claims SITUATIONS WANTED Mrs. McCaffery and Mrs. Tobey of Administrator January, A. 1919,"the. estate I was or appointed II. R. against furnish the said estate are hereby required Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points lo tame, properly verified, to me, have kindly consented to conduct Cbrlsteasen. deceased, and all parties on or before the clh day of February, via Steamer to Vancouver and the claims the said having against estate are EXPERIENCED BOOK"-KEEPER Indebted 1919. and all parties to tbe estate tho sale on Friday next. hereby required to furnish same, properly are required to pay the amount or their Canadian Pacific Railway and stenographer desires position, . verified, to me, on or before the 8th day indebtedness to me rortnwitn. of February, L D. 1919, and all parties good references. Apply In last week's sale the box of Indebted to the estate are required,to pay ' JOHN' omclal H. McMULLIN,Administrator. Meals and Berth included on Steamer Box T216. If cigars mentioned in this column the forthwith.amount of their Indebtedness to me dated this eth day or January, 1919. was a donation from ine city JOHN It. JMcMULLIN. FOR 8ALE omclal Administrator. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH police and not as staled. DATED this 8th day of January. 1919. COLUMBIA. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE FROM PRINCE RUPERT . FOR SALE House and Lot 18, The Red Cross Sewing Circle, IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA Ja'nuary 17th, 31st; February Hth and S8th; March 11th, and J 1st, and Block J, Section 5, $1,200 COLUMBIA. I TION ACT April 2nd. liich has been held in the Baptist IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRA and Terms. E. T. Keyes, Inter-national . Church will be discontinued after TION ACT . - . IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF -i-'and FOR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANQELL, 8KAOWAY, ALASKA Fails, Minn. tf CARL RICHARD CARLSON, DECEASED; this date, but supplies will be disputed IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF INTESTATE. INTESTATE. January 13th and 27th; February tOih and 24th; March 7th, 1 7th and 28th STANLEY DECEASED; roil SALE No. 4 Bertable Hubbard Oven, to those desiring them by WOZNEY, almost new. Apply La Casse Bakery. TAKE NOTICE that In order or His P.O. Poi 413, frlnca Rupert. If applying at the- Red Cross rooms take NOTICE that In order or His Honour F. McB. Young, made tbe 31st day Hnnnur F. McB. Younr. made the 4 th day or December. A, D. 1918, I was appointed in the Kergin Block on Tuesday or January, A.D. 1919, 1 was appointed Administrator to tbe estate of Carl Rlcbard TAXI SERVICE afternoons between 2.30 and 5 Administrator to ine esmer vi aiauiey Carlson, deceased, . and au parties having W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Womey, deceased, and all parties having- claims against tbe ald estate are hereby o'clock instead of Thursdays as Claims against ine eio estate are hcicuj required to rurnlsh same, properly verined, TAXI AND MESSENGER SERVICE Co Fourth Street Third Avenue. Prfoce Rupert. tl.C. required to rurnisn same, property verified, to me. on or berore the Sth day of Febru ner rn-i Night and Day. Phone 99. formerly. to me, on or berore the 8 th day of ary. A. D. 19tv, and all parties Indebted to Fehmarv. A. D. 1919. and all parties in the estate are required to psy the amount debted to tbe estate are required to pay or tlielr Indebtedness to me forthwith. LOST BURNED TO DEATH the amount or their moeDteaness to me JOHN It. MCMULLIN, forthwith. Official Administrator. JOHN H. McMULLIN, DATED this 6th day or January, 1919. LOST Pocketbook, on Fulton St. liawkesbury, Ont., January 14. Omclal Administrator, Return to Daily News office Mrs. Margaret Ellen Goudie, 26 DATED this 8th day of January, 1919. N COLUMBIA:THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH LOST -Gilt, Eagle badge of Naval years of age, East Hawkesbury; IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH The Union COAST SERVICE. COLUMBIA. N TflE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION Muriel Air Service, used as brooch. Oljce Goudie, aged 3; IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRATION ACT, Finder please return to Daily Goudie, aged 4; James M. Goudie, ACT" and N THE MATTER AND OF THE ESTATE OF Steamship For Vancouver, sailing Tues., 7 p.m. aged 2, her three children, were TOHSTEN TORSTENSON, DECEASED; Port and Naas News Office. Reward. LN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Anyox, Simpson Points, burned to death early Saturylay WILLIAM SUNBERO. DECEASED; INTESTATE. INTESTATE. i Co. of B.C. Mondays, 7 a.m. morning in a flro that destroyed TAKE NOTICE that In order of His take NOTICE that In order of His F. McB. Young-, made the 4th day Honour F. McB. Young, made the 31st day John General Honour the farmhouse of James Goudie. Ltd. Barnsley, Agent of January, A.D. 1919. I was appointed or December, A. D. 1918, I was appointed :: :: Administrator to the estate or Torsten The Gurvich Administrator to ine estate oi vtiniwu WAS MANSLAUGHTER snnhrrr. rierpupd. and all parties having Torstcnson. deceased, and all parties having hereby claims against the said estate are claims against the said estate are Y.orktown, Sask., Jan. 14. Dr. required to furnish samo, properly verified, hereby required to rurnlsh same, properly verified, to me, on or berore the 6th dsy the 8th day or Transfer Cyril Molluer was sentenced to me,A. on D. or 191V.before and all parties In of February. A. D. 1919, and all parties required to pay indebted to ine estate are requirru u ijr Advertise In The News six months' hard labor on a debted the amount to the or estate weir are jnaeoieauess m u the amount or their Indebtedness to me Daily charge of manslaughter for neglect forthwith. rorthwlth. JOHN II. MCMl'LLin, of n woman durjng confinement, JUllIX H"ri!l II. MCMULl-I.'i Administrator. Official Administrator. The Paper that gets Quick Results Phone Green 548 DATED this Sth day of January, 1919. which resulted in her death. DATED this 8th day of January, 1919. P,0. Box 102. Office Fraser St. WE SELL COAL It's a Great Life if You Don't Weaken Pure Gream Makes the Richness There Is a pure cream richness rH KWy about racinc Milk that I the only secret behind Its goodness for mLesy cooking-. You see, all we do to the rich, rresb milk as It comes from the pS?UoOS OH WISH rSr7 TfiFnTYlf ilm&' farm Is to evaporate water out of It. yN EVtWTlHS J Ji SfcfJsT ' j-'-'-ji- This leaves the natural butter a jnVBir Tat and other cream solids as they were. Then we seal it up so It remains fresh and sweet. Try It In the next recipe which calls for milk or cream. Pacific Milk Co. 332 DRAKE LIMITED STREET MfcSWmS A l$KTpk l THE WM HE Df ItI Factory at Ladner, B. O. Canada Food Board Llcans 14-1 B8.