Chemists Druggist!and For Daily News Call GEO.J.FRIZZELL our Red for Cross one of o n Pnt 1680 . Calendars. Phones,82 and 200 Ptes, loTniJ 25 L X. NO. Itf. PMNCE nUPEIXT, B.C. MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1919. PH1C.E FIVE UENTV 7?DEI FATF (OlF II VI 11 II MBa mm ma .UlA ST PEACE CONFERENCE BOLSHEVIK' AGAINST PLOT EX-KAISER PROPOSED CONSTITUTION FOR OF WORLD SN OPENING SESSION Amerongen,(Special via 0.Holland,T. P. Telegraphs.)Jan. 20. GERMANY IS VERY BROAD castle Guards about Count Bentinck's NEW STATES MAY JOIN WITH CONSENT OF THE GERMAN were reinforced today wh2n SATURDAY AFTERNOON AT PARIS it was reported that arjned German' PEOPLE PRESIDENT TO BE ELECTED BY Bolshcviki plotted to raid ABSOLUTE MAJORITY OF the palace, seize the former Kaiser ALL VOTERS emoranda on the Responsibility of the Authors of the War and off? to.and Germany Kaiserin for and secfrt carry tljem trial (Special to The News via O. T.p. Telegraphs.) on Responsibility for the Crimes Committed During the arid death like the Czar's. London, January 20. Details of the proposed new constitution War Were Submitted. Auditor and Accountant, for Germany drawn up recently at a conference of widely J. F. Maguire, Smith Block. known authorities on constitutional law, Including Hugo Presuss, State Secretary of the Interior In the Ebert Government, are given , J In ari official wireless despatch sent out from Berlin and (Special to The News via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) picked ' Paris, January 20. The greatest peace conference In the , . . up here. world Is the it states that the Empire is to consist of its former tory of the now on accomplished fact, inaugural component Islon being held Saturday afternoon, the sitting opening at 3:4 v NOT! A WfWiKL '.',...-: states besides any territories which by virtue of right of self determination v desires to be received into the Empire. the beauurui nan ueia reix. -' I The opening was a ceremonious function, delegates of twenty The dispatch declares that the people have the right, regardless led countries exchanging salutations. Premier Clemenceau of former frontiers, to erect new German free states within b made chairman, the nominee of President Wilson. Premier the Empire, provided any such free state has a population of yd George.and Italian Foreign Minister Sonnino seconded the two million. Itlon. Vice presidents were then elected representing each of If the,people of the border country wish to Join the German I four great powers. Each power nominated members of the Empire the assent of the German people shall fce required. Inmlttee on drafting credentials. The Imperial president, who is to be elected by the people, must be 35 years of age and a citizen of Germany ten before years Powers with limited Interests were asked to send memoranda election. He will be elected by an absolute malorltv of all questions on territory, finance, economics, etc., particularly the votes of the Empire. leresting each. There were no demonstrations. The business was, first: Submission of a memorandum by all COLONEL PECK ALFRED COLE IS 1 pevera on the responsibility of the authors of the war; second, jmoranda on the responsibility for crimes committed during PRESUMED DEAD 1 war; third, legislation regarding international labor. SAYS VETERANS Wilson's Plan. In re ths Cole estate, an appli Paris, January 20. With the American plan for a league of SALT OF EARTH cation fpi an order presuming the lions completed President Wilson was rounding out his pro death of Alfred Cole was made at tin. Jor JnternatlorjaX labor legislation today. The President's the civil sittings of the. Supremo itlon is said to be that no peaco is possible until the threat of Prince Rupert Officer Says Ho Has Court.-this, morning before '.Mr. K nomlo competition which might destroy the safeguards of No Greater Pleasure Than to Justice Murphy. V. O. Fulton tor is ended. Lead Local Men. was counsel for the estate. .Affidavits were read which showed "Hupert, Veterans: U ft EX-KAISER WORRIES "Many thinks for the cable of that the deceased Alfred Cole had o nv congratulations received today. sei out from his camp at Quatla AND MAKES HIMSELF ILL All I can say Is that I have never Bay for Ocean Fails in his. gas D ONLY TIED had any greater pleasure and boat on November 19, 1017, and honor than that of having led nothing more had been heard of (Special via O. T. P. Telegraphs.) LOOKING FOR THE BUMP OF REPENTANCE. many of those veterans who are him. BY SENTIMENT Amerongen, Holland Jan. 20. all great soldiers and the salt of I Mors than a year later a green William Hohenzollern's illness, 'LOTTED AGAINST "AUSTRIAN'S PROPERTY tho earth. My heart Is always nainted canoe which the casboat which manifests itself principally with them had carried, also an oil tank bo-longing in the form of chills, is being ag STATESMEN'S LIVES TO BE SOLD IN ORDER "With all good wishes, to the boat had been Bmier Hughes of Australia Says gravated by lils constant worry, "C. W. PECK, Lleut.-Col." picked up. The deceased had Recognition of Dominions the effects of which are plainly TO PAY CITY TAXES The above is the text of a not9 $508 in a bank in Vancouver. (Special via O. T. P. Telegraphs.) Dawn of New Era. visible in his features and gen received today b y. Secretary The application was granted. eral physical condition. The Geneva, Jan. 20. Several Hutchinson of tho local branch Special by O.T.I'. Telegraph.) former Emperor looks to be fifteen German and Russian Bolsheviks Custodian of Allen Enemy Property of tho Great War Veterans, writ CANK MERGER arrested the Lauzanne Now Has Control of older than when he were by years ten from the headnuantcrs of the fans, Jan. 19. Australia, as a crossed the frontier of Holland. police. The men in custody were Alonzo Thorsch. 10th Canadian Scottish at En-J (Special via O.T. P. Telegraphs.) ami independent nation, lias Although ho is only about to complete bearing false passports and on' skircheil near Cologno in answer Ottawa, Jan. 20, - An agree- own peaco demands for con- his sixtieth year,'his birthday the' way to- Paris,..nil.tho Gazette l .t .1 jt.of The first case to come up he- t o cabled congratulations of t subject to ratification by I'latiDn at too conferences. coming at the end of the present aiuzuiiuu says, illu JJUisupvikB fnrp Mr Justice Murphy this the local veterans on his gettingltlip shareholders, has been enter mier Hughes declared today month, his appearance suggests under arrest plotted against the , at tho civil sittings of the V. C. In a postscript Colonel ed into bv the Bank of Nova Sc'o- ian interview. Recognition of a man of seventy. lives of Premier Clemenceau. lhe supreme "Court was an appli Peck says: "We pass tho llhin.tia and tho Bank of Ottawa British Dominions bv the rrusiuuiu vuuii unu i-rsiiuur cation from the Custodian- of in fvvn rinva " Thnf. wns wriffpn whereby an amalgamation haV aire Congress marks the dawn J. L. Ilithurim."froni Usk, was Lloyd George. The plot is "back- Aijon nnemv Pronertv. reDrosenl- liwnmhnr in. been arranged of these two im- a new ep,a, the Premier he among the arrivals last night. ed ny ueruian gpia. d hv Frori pfltfirs. k. C. Tor an portant institutions. lves. U is taken to mean that ordep. vesting in him (tho Custodian) p world recognizes Australia, Guinea and a league of nations SPECIAL SHIPS FOR the property in; -Prince Among the passengers from tho nada, South Africa, New Zea-iJ with certain restrictions, military llnnpil HplnnDrincr nnil nwnprl hvl oast yesterday was Mrs. J. Por-teous, and India ns nutonomous support to Poland if that cduntiy DULUlCKd linftNUfclNia Alfbnso Thorsch, an Austrian who came from Smithers. ions, tied only by is threatened, the bearing of all ' subject, last known to bo resident ? motherland. the Far East iti Viinnn. Thh nolllinn nrnsonl- I Hughes an- questions concerning (Special via O. T. I. Telegraphs.) LadysmttrfWelllngton Coal reduces lunced Australia would demand and tho maintainance of Britain's Ottawa, Jan. .20. Tho Ue- ed by Mr. Peters to the court set FOtf QUALITY your fuel bill and gives fiemnities, the islands of New position on the seas. jpai;lincnt of Immigration and out that the property was assessed SERVICE AND SATISFACTION atlsfactlon. Phone 15. .P. R. Colonization-has arranged for in the city at $317,400, all Tood Board Licence No. 10-7340 Coal Co. of which lots except two were unimproved. special ships to bring soldiers' r Tho total taxation at (T- dependents who are overseas, Depembep 31, 1015, unpaid back to Canada. Tho special ships ,,,, ,' to $20,000.07. Tho WESTHOLME THEATRE 1 1 nrt rrr - f rrrra nvonn t an I dier husbands and soldier fathers, petitioner asked for power to sellj Empress : Theatre from time to time or lease any as the case be. The government TONIGHT ONLY will may all transportation part, and for the management of TO-NIGHT ONLY pay tho property, in order to pay all expenses to their destination. arrears of taxes. Thoso already homo will Allldavits were read fnpm Montague have refunded. Ruth Clifford G Beban money Aldous, jigent for tho own-, eorge m.m er, and. from Treasurer Johnson. After hearing counsel's argument -IN- in "DEM EMS" the court granted tho order. Rupert Julian's Great Production "S ffWT to I TP instt Ladiesj Bo as particular UUOl 111 llt about as tho about fit of tho your;fit corsets of ! MAX HEILBRONEfl "Hie Fires of Youth" your shoos, if you would Reliable Jeweler From the story by Kathlyn Williams have comfort and wear. Five Parts I Wo bavo tho corset to fit Admission, 25c. and 15c. Commence 7 p.m. you, cither" front or back i C-ality and Value for Your ONE REEL COMEDY lace, at prices from $1.75 'Money. to $10.00 DR. HOVT, QraduaU' Optician Universal Weekly of World's Events Wednesday and Thursday COME AND SEE Corn? 3rd Avt. and eth 8lret. Ambassador Gerard's "My Four Years in Germany" Admission 15c. and 25c. ' -J