Tago 2 t The Daily News MADE SN , MAIL SCHEDULE PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA CANADA For iho East. . Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. u days, at 9:30 a. nlV H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs-lays at 5:45 p.m. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 76c. for Vancouver: By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. undavs 10 p. m. To United States and other countries, in. advance, $7.50. Tuesdays & P-"H Thursdays 10 p.m. Telephone 98. Saturdays ....... 1 a.m. W MX LOOK for the U WM TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 75 cents per inch. if fliltlmlil IHH ISaal From Vancouver I fnilnA nLf orta hn . Contract Rates or. application. Sundays P-i". .Vednesdays 10:30 a. in. caflw mil nave an uc uu umm hbh DAILY EDITION. Monday, Januaiy 20, 1919 Saturdays iO'.JO a.m. also for the name M WM For Anyox: New Revelation Suudays 10 p.m, M Excites Interest. Vednesdays ........... 10 p.m, WRIGLEYS Saturdays 10 p. m. So many people were interested in the article which ap peared in The News some little time ago on "The New Ilevela From Anyox: j;i .!: J That name Is your pro M tion," Gonan Doyle's new book, and so many have thought the Tuesdays ST:':f::r: a'.m. tection against Inferior quotations therein were incomplete that in direct answer to a Thursdays direct query as to what the writer meant when he said "Christian TO SUBSCRIBERS Sundays . p',n ii!-;!: 1 imitations. Just as the M fll ily must change or perish" we quote the following further: For Port Simpson and Naas River sealed package is pro- jH "People are alienated (from Christianity) because they Subscribers to The News points: frankly do not believe the facts as presented to them to be true arc ased to pay the delivery' Sundays ..10 p.m. tection against Impurity. Their reason and their sense of justice. are equally offended. One boys each month can see no justice in a vicarious sacrifice, nor in the God who when they call, except From Port 8lmpson and Naas The Greatest Name j j IH n here payment lias been River Points: could be placated by such means. Above all, many cannot under made for the year in advance. Tuesdays a.m stand such expressions as 'the redemption from sin,' 'cleansed by The boys when the blood of the Lamb' and so forth. So long as there was any collecting carry official receipts Queen Charlotte Islands: question of the fall of man there was at least some sort of ex which should always For Massett, Port Clements and planation of such phrases, but when it became certain that man be preserved. Upper Island points: had' never fallen when with ever fuller knowledge we could Thursdays 7 p. in. trace our ancestral course down through the cave man and the "rom Masset, Port Clements and drift man back to that shadowy and far off time when the man LAND ACT Upper Island points: like ape slowly evolved into the ape-like man looking back on SKEENA LAND DISTIUCT DISTRICT OK Sundays, a. m. all this vast succession of life, we knew that it had always heen QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. TAKE- NOTICE that Eugene Humphrey rising from step to step. Never was there any evidence of a fall Simpson of rrlnce nupert, occupation ?or Skidegate, Queen Charlotte master mariner, Intends to ipply for per City and Lower Island points: b Quite Divorced mission to lease the following described Sundays 7 p. m. From the Facts. land: Commencing it a' post planted at a nit "But if there were no fall then what became of the atonement, ness post situated at the Intersection of From Skidegnte. Queen Charlotte the north boundary of Lot 2353, with the City and Lower Island points of original sin, of a large part of Christian mystical philos. shore line;' thence north SO chains, thence Thursdays. ophy? Even if it were as reasonable in itself as it is actually un east SO chains, more or less, to the shore reasonable, t would still be quite divorced from the facts. line; thence following shore line to the For Skagway and the Yukon. point or commencement, containing SO acres "Again too much seemed to be made of Christ's death. It is more or less, situated near Klum-Kwol Bay. Every ten days. no uncommon thing to die for an idea. Every religion has equally EUGENE II. SIMPSON. Morris Doumont, Agent. From Skagway and Yukon. had its martyrs. Men die continually for their convictions. Date. December 3rd, 1018. F. 19 Every ten days. Thousands of our lads are doing'it at this instant in France. I.N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Therefore the death of Christ, beautiful as it is in the Gospel COLUMBIA. Oh sayl The News Print Shop chains; thence south 80 chains; thence apply for s licence to prospect for col itf eiroleum the descrtX IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA west 80 chains to the point or commencement. over following narrative, has seemed to assume an undue importance, as though TION ACT ioes its work about as cheap as lands, on the West Coast of .Mortstj y and Located November 1 7th. 1918. land, British Columbia, commencing it i it were an isolated phenomenon for a man to die in pursuit of IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF nost shops and quite as well, ALLIE E. BUROESS, post planted about I mile south from dt JUHN KOSKI, DECEASED; INTESTATE gives the work on time when- By Hans K. Chrlstensen, Agent. southerly shore of Canoe Pass and I mlki a reform. TAKE NOTICE that in order of His you cast or the southeast corner and lociu Honour F, McB. .Young, made the toth day ver possible and hands it out SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Mist or Robert Held' application for t -Laid of January, A. D. 1818, I was appointed QUtfcN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. licence; thence south 80 chains; thru Too Much Stress Administrator to the estate of John Koskt. vith a pleasant "Thank you." east 80 chains; thence north 80 item, deceased, and all parties having claims Vital do to giving them thence west 80 chains to the point of eta-mencement. on Death. gainst the said estate are hereby required you say TAKE NOTICE that I, John Chrlstensen, trial next r Prince Rupert. B. C. fisherman.. Intend Located November I7lh, It is. furnish Job? to same,, properly verified, to me, on your "In my opinion far too much stress has been laid upon in or before the Hth day of February, ul aonly for a licence to nrosncct for coal ANNIE LINDSAY, D. to 1 9. and all parties Indebted to the and petroleum over the following described By Hans K. chrlstensen, Arent Christ's death, and far loo little upon his life. That was where estate are required to pay the amount of Never forget to look through land on the West Coast or .Morsby Island, weir liiueDicuiiess to me jorinwun. British Columbia, commencing at a Dost SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Of the true grandeur and the true lesson lay. It was a lifewhich in JOHN II. MCMULLIN, the classified list on Page 5. planted about of a mile south westerly QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Official Administrator. from a small bay and Island In canoe Pass those limited records shows us no trait which is not beautiful a DATED this Hth day of January, 1919. between Moresby and Chaatl Islands near TAKE NOTICE that Betty Chrlstensen. of life full of easy tolerance for others, of kindly charity, of broad-minded the Log Moresby point, and Island about 3 side miles or easterly Canoo along Pass Prince Rupert, B. C, married wonun. Intends N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH to apply for a licence to prospect W moderation, of gentle courage, always progressive and COLUMBIA. from Buck Point; thence South 80 north chains;80 coal and petroleum over the following inscribed thence west 80 chains; thence IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA lands on the West Coast of Morti-by open to new ideas, and yet never bitter to those ideas which he TION ACT or chains;rommencemeut.thence east 80 chains to the point island, British Columbia, c jmim;nclnt and at about I mile suutb fro was really supplanting, though he did occasionally lose his temper IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Located Novembet ltn, 1918. the a southerly post planted shore or Canoe Pass anil t JOHN CIIRISTENSEN, Applicant. PIETRO GIVOTTO, DECEASED; INTESTATE. im miles east or the southeast corner with their more bigoted and narrdw supporters. Especially location post or Robert Reld's spplictlloi TAKE NOTICE that In order or His SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF ror licence; thence north 80 chains; ttwna one loves his readiness to get at the spirit of religion, sweeping Honour F. McB. Young, made the 13th day RECONSTRUCTION OF WHARF, MASSETT, QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. east 80 chains; thence south 80 claim; f January, A. D. 1919. I was appointed B.O. thenco west 80 chains to the point of commencement. aside the texts and the forms. Never had anyone such a robust Administrator to the estate or I'letro TAKE NOTICE that Charles E. Burgess of Glvotto, deceased, and all parties having NOTICE Bay Point. California, hotel keener, intends Located November 1 7th. 1918. common sense or such a sympathy for weakness. It was this claim against the said estate are hereby to appiy ror a licence to prospect ror coai BETTY CIIRISTENSEN, required to furnish same, properly verified, SEALED TENDERS addressed to the and petroleum over the following described By Hans K. chrlstensen, Agent, most wonderful and uncommon life, and not his death, which is to me, on or before the 14 th day of undersigned, and endorsed "Tender for lands on the West Coast of Moresby Island, February, A. I. 1919, and all parties Indebted Construction of a wharf, approach. Landing uriiisu i,oiuiiium, commencing ai a post 0t the true centre of the Christian DISTRICT religion." SKEENA LAND DISTRICT- to the estate are required to pay rioai ana I-reign i snoa at New Massett, planted about or a mile south westerly the amount of their Indebtedness to me Queen charlotte Islands, B. C." will be received from a small bay and Island In Canoe Pass QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. rorlhwlth. at this office until 4:00 p.m. on between Moresby and Una 11 Islands near JOHN II. McMULLIN, Thursday, January 30'lh, 1919, for the Log Point and about 3 miles easterly along TAKE NOTICE that Andrew Voelmsn, of Official Administrator. work mentioned. me .noresuy isianu siue or canoe rass Prince Rupert, B. C, fisherman. Intends to DATED this Hill day .of January, 1919. Tenders will not be considered unless rrom uuck roint; mence south 80 chains; apply for a licence to prospect for made upon forms furnished by Department thence east 80 chains: thence north 80 and petroleum over the following descriws IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH and In accordance with conditions contained chains; thence west 80 chains to the point lands on the West Coast of Moresby Jslana, COLUMBIA. therein. ( puiiiiueiicriiieiii. British Columbia, commencing st a I IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION Plans and specifications to be seen on Located November I6lh, 1918. planted about SOu yards rrom the southern ACT application to the Post Master, New Massett CHARLES E. BUROESS, bore or Canoo Pass and 1 miles cst a and B. C, and at the office or the Dominion By Hans K. chrlstensen. Agent. the northeast corner or Robert Held implication IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Public Works at Prince Rupert, B. C. ror licence; llience norin TONE YAMAMOTO, DECEASED; IN-TESTATE. Each tender must be accompanied by an SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF chains; thence west 80 chains; thence accepted cheque on a chartered bank, payable QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. south 80 chains; thence east 80 chains lo TAKE NUTICE that In order or His to the order or the Honourable the the point or commencement. Honour F. McB. Young, made the 10th day Minister or Public Works, equal to ten TAKE NOTICE that 1, Hans K. Christen-en. Located November 17th. 1918. ir January, A. D. 1919, I was appointed per cent. (10) or the amount or the or Prince Hunert. 11. C. fisherman. In. ANDREW VOETMAN, Administrator to the estate or Yone Yarna-nioto, tender. Dominion War. Bonds will be accepted tend to apply ror a licence tu prospect for By Hans K. Chrlstensen, Agent. deceased, and all parties having as security, and interest will be com unci peiroieum over tne roiiowing described claims against the said estate are hereby allowed on deposit arter contract Is awarded. lands on. the west coast of Moresby SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Of required to rurnlsh same, properly verified, Island, British Columbia, commencing at a QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. tn me, on or before the Hth day or By order, post planted about at a mile south If you paid $1 for a can of milk and proved February, A. D. 1919, and all parties Indebted E. P. C1NORAS, weaieny irum a email nay ana island in TAKE NOTICE "ihst" Peter Jensen, j( to the estate are required to pay Acting District Engineer. Canoe Pass, between Moresby and Chaatl ... I I lit.V IIUCI 1, (J K. JlCi tJyjaw, - it to be three-quarters water, would you be the amount or their Indebtedness to me Dominion Department or Public Works. IMand near Log point and about 3 miles apply ror a licence to prospect for co forthwith. Prince Rupert, B.C., January !, 1919. easterly along the Moresby Island side or unci peiroieum over tne ronowins satisfied ? JOHN II. McMULLIN, Canoe Pass rrom Buck Point; thence north lands on tho West coast or Moresby UiJ""; omclal Administrator. 80 chains; thenco east 80 chains; thence 1 1,.I 1 1.I, ',.1 1.1, n.lll. I doh MINERAL ACT - mi.tiBii t,tiliiliiriivf.. ' j. vjuiuiiiuia, DATED this Hth day or January, south .80 chains; thence west 80 chains to the soutntrij If you paid the price for a silk sweater 1919. planted about 00 yards rrom me point oi commencement. shore or Canoe Pass and 4 miles cist w coat and found it nine-tenths cotton, wouldn't FORESHORE LEASE Certificate of Improvements. Located HAN November K. CIIRISTENSEN,l am, l8.Applicant. the northeast ror corner licence;or thence Robert Itelrt soutn s application complain ? ..liafiid. ih.n.. on i-lmlnai ItiellCS you LAND ACT NOTICE SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF north SO chains; thenco east 80 chains W The makers of Zam-Buk believe you slfould buy Drum Lummou, I X L, Caledonia, Mavis, Vfur.un iiMiiiAinu ISLANDS. me point or commencement. tlotlce of Inttntlon to Apply to L.as. Land. Located November 1 7 Hi, 1918. your medicine as critically and carefully as you buy In skeena Land Illstrlct, Recording Dls-rlrt Ms, Kitchener, Big Thing, Dumrrles, TAKE NOTICE that Daniel L. Sutherland. ncnrli lirNftKN. food and When or. Skeena, and situate on the west lonlalve. Index, Malachite, Cupprlle. Orcy By Hans k. Chrlstensen. AgenL clothing. you buy Zaru-Buk you get toast of Smith Island, about two miles opper, Wharf and Bunker mineral claims, tends to apply for a licence, to prospect for a remedy thaUs 100 medicine not a small, propor. j orlti Ive, Coast and west District.or Oceanic Cannery, Range Ituate In the Skeena Mining Division or scribed lands on the v West.1' ",B Coast i""owing of Moresby de SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF tion medicine and the balance animal fatl See the 3 Take notice that we the Oosse, Millerd tange 4, Coast District. Where located: stand, British- Columbia,. commencing at QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLA.TUa. ? 'acklng Company Limited, or Vancouver, )n Copper Creek, Douglas Channel. - nilAl"-"- nl.'llllf.fl admit v,4. , mil,.mill, u ouuui I. ruin Tll'H K-iii ..... iik..i L' P.lPSVillf advantage ccupution Cannerymen, Intend to apply TAKE NOTICE that I, John D. Anderson,. Iho southerly shore or Canoe Pass and 2 or Prince Rupert. B. C., fisherman, In ten" permission to lease the ile-crlbcd iiiiiub roBi ui me Buuiiirusi corner and location Again, animal fats won't keep for very long; yet or lands: following . C. L. S., or Trail, B. C, acting as agent Post or Robert Reld'i application ror to appiy ror a licence to pfo''.i.ihfd. how often do you need to use a whole box of ointment Commencing at a post planted at the or the Drum Lummon Copper Mines, licence; thence north 80 chain; thence onu lands in'iruieuni on the West over Coast me ionuin.or Moresby ll"";-- oriheust corner; thence south so chains, Limited. Free Mlncr'a Certificate No, say west su chains, thence sonth 80 chains: lirltlsh Columbia, commencing at P" right away? Zam-Buk's absolute freedom from thence ion u chJiiu to the ul lowing high water mark; thence west 639-C, Intend, sixty days from the date point or com-inrnci planted about 900 yards rrom the souimnj animal fat prevents its turning rancid. It will keep chains to low water mark; thence north : i nt. shore or Canoo Pass and 4 miles east vi 0 chains, following low water mark; hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder Lou- I N vrmlirr 17th. 1018. for months and yet retain all its medicinal powers. henro east 3 chains to place of beginning, for Certificate of Improvements, for the DANIEL L. SUTHERLAND. tne northeast corner or Robert w' . 'r- riiciiiiuu iur mcmc nd rontalnlng 6.0 acres, more or loss. urpose or obtaining Crown O'.ants or tho By Han K. Chrlstensen. Agent, chains; thenco east licence;80 chains; thenco norij These but two of the Zam-Buk are many reasons why OOSSE, MILLEUD PACKINO COMPANY bove claims. 80 chains: thenco west 80 chains is the most widely used balm. It has been LIMITED. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF point of commencement. ated 3rd December, 1918. FH And further take notice thai action, un-Icr QUEEN tllAllLOTTK ISLANDS. Located November 17tn, ivie. proved best for all sores, eczema, bad legs, ulcers, section 37, must be commenced before ALBERT K, ESTESVAA LAND ACT be Issue of such TAKE NOTICE that Gertrude Knott, nr Certificate or abscesses, scalp sores, boils, pimples, ringworm, blood-poisoning, Improve-nents. Prince Hunert. II r. minu.. i.,i.....ii .' armlv foi n lle.nen in... frAH . . . OF piles, burns, scalds, cuts, stiff neck and r.'otle. of Inttntlon to Apply to Lett Land. . Dated this (1st day of September, A. D. petroleum over the piu.Li following.ui described tuai anil SKEENA LAND DISTRICT- DISTRICT rheumatism. 50c. box, 3 for $1.25. All dealers or In Skeena Land District. Recording dls-rlct 918. 1" ".' .vusl oi niorcsuy is QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLAnua. or Skeena, and situate on the west land, British Columbia, commencing at Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. Send this advertisement and oast of Smith Island, about two miles J. D. ANDERSON, post plained about ono mile south from the a PP'i to Fire Coast District. HMlltlifi' v Khrifn nf rnn. nnaa Rupert, B.C.. taxi driver, Intends ,1c. stamp (for return postage) and FREE TRIAL BOX lorth and west or oceanic Cannery, Range SKEENA LAND DISTRICT east of the sou theust comer i.ng and aim location v nines ror a Ilcenco to prospect for coat will be sent you. Take notice that we. the Oosse, Millerd QUEEN CHARLOTTE DISTRICT OF ui in imuvri items application ror petroleum over tho following ISLANDS. land on the West Coast of Moresby acklng Company Limited, or Vancouver, llceiiM'; Ihenso south 80 chains;, thence H. C occupation cannerymen. Intend to " - ' '""i. vin:e nwriu u cna land. British Columbia, commencing apply Tor permission to lease the following TAKE NOTICE that Allle E. Burgess, of thence cast 80 i h.ilns m it,.. nni, , ns; post planted about of a mile .S?u" PaWiW"laTaHBBTMR described lands: lay Point, California. Married Woman, Intends mcnrrir.cn i: ' ' westerly from a small bay and l"'1!1,,,,.! Commencing at a post planted st the to apply ror a licence to prospect Located November 17th, tois. Canoa Pass between Moresby nd.c"ii,i lorthwcit corner; thenrc east 10 chalnst or coal and petroleum over tho following "l-imtUHE KNOTT. Islands near Log Point and about 3,m"X. hence south SO chains: thence, west to described lands on the West coast of Hy Hans K. Cliiistensen. Agent. easterly along the Moresby Island ,h chains to high water mark; thence north Mnreshv-- Islsnrl, Ilrlllah...... rninmhi...tuilll.l., LUIII- uanoe Pasa from Buck Point; tne ncc 0 chains following high water mark and menclng at a post planted about 200 yards SKEENA LAND DISTRICT u rnains; tnence west u ciwn'i ,,u 15.0 DISTRICT OF south 80 thence east 80 chim ontainlng acres, more or less. iiviii mo wuiurrjy inure or canoe rasa QUEEN CHARLOTTE chains; OOSSE, MILLERD PACKINO COMPANY and i miles east or the iiorthemt mrn..r ISLANDS, the point of commencement. LIMITED or Robert Reld's annllratinn rnr licenrm TAKE NOTICE that of!Located November lth, 1918. J.VIKD 3rd December, 1918, FH thence north 80 chains; thence East 80 iTInce Rupert, Annie Lindsay, ROBERT HMU. . B.C., spinster. Intends to By Hans K, Chrlstensen, Agent.