Monday January 20, 1010. THE DAILY NEWS. Page 3 IRON SMELTING $5.00 for $4.00 $5.00 for $4.00 ill Or. Stansfleld of McGHI InvcoJ Take Peps at Once! galea Conditions and Makes Suggestions Points Pep will safeguard you against more serious atlmenta of which "sore throat" Is Out Difficulties. nsuallr Just the beginning. By keeping a box ol reps on nana, mereiore, you can Dr. Alfred Stanslleld of McQill avoid much unnecessary suffering and needless expense. 1'nivcrsity who some little lini Peps Pastilles, dissolved on the tongue, ago investigated the smelting 1171 V I throw off a medicinal Pine vapor, which conditions for iron ore in tbi w M Is such all a powerful germs and disinfectant prevents the that soreness It destroys provneo Jias banded in his report wnat is a spreading. At the same time the healing to the Provincial Government quality of the vapor soothes the inflamed which summarized is as follows membranes and soon brings relief. 1. The llinee most essential re equally beneficial for WAR-Savings Stamp? Peps are laryng quircmentH are: Iron ore, electric ltls, asthma, bronchitis, coughs and colds. All dealers or Peps Co., Toronto. 50c power and charcoal or simila box, 3 for 1.25. material. In the coast district of British Columbia there is It is a stamp for which the Dominion of sufficient quantity of suitable iron Canada will pay you $5.00 on January 1st. 93 ore conveniently located, water I 111 power, available for the develop 1924. mm ment of electrical energy, and It enables you to lend small savings to 3"J waste wood for sawmills for the the Government at a rate of interest which production of charcoal. accumulates 20 cents a year on each $4.00 2. Having regard to the presen invested. market for pig iron and the prob able price for, this material during A War-Savings Stamp costs you $4.00 the next few years, it appears if purchased in December, 1918, or January, that the iron' electric and charcoal ore,could be produced power 1919, and the price increases one cent each Fuller's sufficiently cheaply for the com month after January. Grocery inercial smelting of iron ores in .FULLER, SMART & STEEN electrical furnaces Canada's for FIVE DOLLARS 3. The development of a water Pledge P H O N E 45 p H N E power, is, however, a long and costly operation and one which it would be highly inadvisable to Every man, woman and child in Canada should invest in War-Savings Stamps Our business Is keeping up fine. Wo credit this to our undertake at the present time all the money that he or she can save by STRICT ECONOMY. service and excellent quality of goods. Our store is a For present operations, therefore With W.-S. S. you can "build a bond" at your own convenience, taking cijedit only to itself pnd we stand behind it for satsfaction we are dependent on the purchase advantage of the unexcelled security and the high interest. You are not tied lo our customers. of electric power from the power down to making payments at stated times, though it is desirable to purchase as companies regularly and as often as you can. SPECIAL TUESDAY I. It that one of these appears Should you at any time need money, you can cash your W.-S. S. at the Post N3. 1 JONATHAN APPLES $3.00 BOX of companies,unused has electric a sufficient power,amoun but it Office for the indicated surrender value the amount you paid with fair interest is asking a higher price for this By placing your W.-S. S. on the Certificate provided, and registering same, SOME NEW LINES power than the industry ycan bear you are protected against loss by fire, theft or other cause. Your registered Homo Product Maple Flavor Syrup Come in and taste, It. power Development. Certificate is of no value to anyone but yourself. Bulk Vinegars, from 50c to $1.00 per gallon. 5. In view of the original cos As aid the of W.-S. THRIFT Cloan Sweep Brooms and Brushes of all kinds. an to purchase S., you can buy Stamps of the of development it would appear value of 25 cents, 16 of which may be exchanged for one W.-S. S. Heinz Catsup in 25c. bottles, Heinz Tomato Soup, 2 for 35c. that the company would afford to Special Size Spices, 'a-lh. net weight, most economical to off&r the at a decidedly power W.-S. S. are on sale at Aloncy-OrJer Post Offices, Banks, and other places buy. lower price, but it should be re displaying the IVS. S. sign shown at the top of this announcement. . MOTOR DELIVERY Canada Food Board Licence 8-35652 memberjed that the company just keeps a reserve of power for oth LOOK FOR THE SIGN. er purposes and that it cannot, at present, afford to maintain this reserve by undertaking fresh de velopment. .... . G. A new process is now being investigated by means of which it may be possible to produce elec Thingrtoo. k Brighter trie furnace pig irjon commercial ly in spite of the high price charged for electric power. Hotel Prince Rupert Additional Products. 7. In view of the small demand EUROPEAN PLAN Mirro Aluminium Ware for pig. iron in British Columbia $1.60 per day and up. Dentistry it would be almost essential, if Mixing Bowls Percolaters Bread Pans a smelting plant is to be eslab FIRST-CLASS CAFE Combination Kettle and Double Boiler lished on an economic basis,that A La Carte. don't"Neglect your teeth additional products shall be turn ' fe-5 Frypans ed out. Steel for castings and One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your small rolled"sections, and ferrp "Mirro" Aluminium Reflects Good Housekeeping alloys such as ferro manganese, St. James Hotel Efficiency ferro chrome and ferro silicon, could be made suitably-in such a (LATE "QUEENS") plant. These additional products FIRST CLASS ROO.MS Call and see the latest shipment at would permit of more economical Hot and Cold Water. operation, would enable larger BOo par Night, and S3 par Waak. Dr. Bayne. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE profits to bo made, and would al low the plant to continue in prpfltable operation if at any time in tho position of labor, it seems OFFICE HOURSj- Second avenue tho price of pig iron were to fall unlikely that wages will ever re Morning, 9 to 12; Aftcrr.ocn, 1.30 la 5.30; Evening, 7 to 9 below the cost of production. urn to their original level. One Recommendations. effect of this will be that the Dental Nurse in attendance. In view of the present situation pp.ices of supplies and products it appears advisable: HI all reach correspondingly Phone 109 for appointment (a) To develop one or more of higher figures. Phone 131 Office 14 Smith Block P.O. Box 772 tho best iron ore deposits and to ' New Process. make complete tests of the ore We may therefore aspect, with (b) To reserve a suitable water the present methods of electric Prince Rupert Erigineering&jjippjyCo. power for futurja development. smelting, that the industry would (c) To" establish a plant for bo successful commercially, but Kdward Lipsett, President Harry Lipsett, Manager Engineers, Jobbers, Contractors tho economic production of charcoal that it would depend ultimately Edward Cunningham, Vice-President from mill waste. on the production of special qualities Estimates furnished for Electric Wiring and Complete (d) To investigate the new ocjron and sleel, and would .Plant Installations process for tho production of unablo to compete with the & Co. electric pie iron, and if this is blast furnaces in the production Lipsett-Cunningham Northern B.C. Representatives found satisfactory to begin immediately ordinary grades of pig iron. Canadian UlalV WG?t?np-hnu;P Electrical Equipment, Electric to produce pig iron; If, however, tho new process for LIMITED ; Hanses, Motors, Generators. CO., Hamilton Lamps, &c. purchasing power for; this pur-poso tho reduction of iron ores is FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE until the water power can found to bo satisfactory it should Goodyear Tire &' Rubber Hose Mechanical Iiubber Goods, be developed. Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories Co., Toronto. "Extra I'ower" Belting. produco a decided improvement Summary. in tho commercial status of electric Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage Canada Wire & Cable Hare and Irf&ulatedjHRCopper. Summing up his conclusions, smelting." Co., Montreal steel and Iron wlre-5 Professor Slansfleld says: PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. "In view of tho abnormal prices Among tho arrivals in town Domestic Engineering Registered Office: Princo Rupert Office: "Delco" Light Products of products and supplies and tho " from tho east was C. Barrett from Msolated Electric Plants CO., Dayton ,. high cost and uncertainty of labor Telkwa. 68 Water Street, Telephone No. 05 Pelton Water Wheel Co. Water Wheel and it is almost impossible at tho Vancouver, B. G. P. O. Box 1698 San FrailCCO " Hydraulic Apparatus present time to arrive at any reliable LAND ACT conclusions with to regard NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APrLY TO PaCiflCvSuVerPe - the commercial sido of a now industry. PUIICIIASE LAND. Tho high prices obtainable N QUEEN CIIAM.OTTE ISLANDS LAND Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 DodcfO Transmission Machinery, for iron and steel make tho DISTIUCT IIECOIIDINO DISTIUCT OF iu'umlJ"uuni. SKEENA AND SITUATE ON THE vPulleys, Shafting, present time appear suitable for SHOE OF QnY HAY, MORESBY ISLAND. IO. Toronto j Hangers, etc. For Comfort, Courtesy and Service tho production of undertaking TAKE NOTICE that I. Yoshlmatau Mukal. A Hne ojstinghouse Motors, Lamps and other Electrical those materials, but tho increased f Vancouver, lirltlsli Columbia, farmer. In tend to apply for permission to purchase Equipment and GooJyear Baiting carried in stock mat nt sunnllos nnd nf laboHnno nunurcu ana iiui acre or land . .. . ' . b. i;ndil as follows: largoiy neutralize tins aavaniaK. cuuwrncinr at a post planted at the 99999 9999999999999999999999. If it seemed probable that p:?-war rt!i l ast corner or I-ot 866, Moresoy Is-ln'1. nil Oray Day; thence West twenty F. T. BOWNESS, M.o.g.r prices would return in tho rnalna; thence NortU eighty chain; thence East twenty chains to the, roreahorej thence Fifth and Fr&ser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. course of a year or two we might following the foreshore southerly to the Advertise in "The Daily News" base our calculations on this assumption, paint acrts more or commencement,or lesa. containing 160 but in view of the profound Y0S1IIMAT8U MUKAt. Horns Cooking; Running; Hot and Cold Water DATED this Stli day or December, A. n. JU&Ssg" thnt t"" 9uiclt Resulu change that Is taking pluco 1018. F 14