Monday, January 20, isi Page 4 THE DAILY NKWB "FIRES OF YOUTH" A AT THE EMPRESS r li iiiMTTTTni Tin ii xrc Bluebird Film Tells Ono or Those Tenso Stories Which Are So Well Liked. Iluth Clifford is the star tonight at tiic limprcss Thcatro in.a Blue bird photoplay "Fires of Youth.", ArtUlN,S Cut enl In the story an old man sat in ftr Jtftrtiut his palatial study lato at night " Lingerie immersed in an endless chain of Demobilizing Canada's Army For business statitties. The table-lamp Hats threw deep shadows into his. Take off the trimming furrowed faco and gave a mock actual work of bringing: back our soldiers to Canada and getting ing sheen of gold to his thin THE when soiled and dip up the of Mlhtia and and down in a bowl full of whito hair. I out of khaki is in the hands of Department Lux suds rich, copious, The door opened quietly and, Defence. Complete plans have been made and machinery organized to creamy. Never rub. Press into the rpom tip-loed a radiantly( handle the work. Every detail has been considered. The plan is harmonious out the water. Rinse beautiful girl with a shimmering! ' carefully and stretch to siik roDe over tier nigm urcss. u and will work smoothly. It is described here. Notice how every contingency dry. Your fabrics will was his wife. A strange errand j has been considered. How the soldier is cared for at every step. be sheer fresh,as when clean new.and her lured boudoir her from and the drew loneliness her to her,of j How everything is done for his comfort and to inform his waiting relativei The Lux way meant economy husband s study, bho was on a and friends. in fine things it washes them splendidly. quest But for he turned love. away from her, From France to England. back on hospital ships in the care of Army UVEA M0THEK5 LIMITED, not and resumed his Medical Corps. They are taken on hospital unkindly, Peace is not yet signed. The victorious trains the various hospitals military aggravating statistics as she re to Canadian is still fighting unit. But Corps a turned to her chambers with love and are in charge of the military fast the situation permits the Canadian flaming at white heat in her heart. as as authorities until medical treatment is LUX Like tinder, to her desire was Corps in France will be returned to the arrival at the homo of Ronald Canada by units allotted, as far as possible, complete. Standish, a young man, who to the areas from which they carnc. These In Port. fought against the tentacles of units will be reconstructed so as to include Halifax and St. John, are the porti of love and finally submitted to her desirious of returning to thearca only men disembarkation in winter. Quebec and charms.What What could to which the unit has been allotted. Montreal will also be used in summer. Immediately TheP. R. Feed Ca. happen? happened? The remainder of the Canadian forces upon arrival of troopg, the officer overseas will be returned in drafts of 500 commanding wires a list to the Soldiers "LOST IN TRANSIT" men for each area. Married men 'first, Aid Commission in'each province who notify Have got in a New Seasons according to length of service. Then single the men's relatives. He also wires the Supply of NEW BEBAN PLAY men, according to length of service. Dispersal Station to prepare to handle a Bulbs, Hyacinths, ' Preparing to Leave England. certain number of men. A third wire is Bob White Is New Child Star Who sent to the general officer commanding Daffodils, Tulips, Canada has been divided into 22 dispersal Plays With Inimitable each military district, through whom the Crocus, Easter Lilies George. areas for demobilization, with a dispersal station for each. dispersal station is again notified. This Make the home beautiful The titio which might make tho 1. The province of Prince Edward Island gives the dispersal station a double check. Have Some Win'er Blooms i heading for a good lost and found Charlottetown. Various voluntary organizations and the Indoors and Outside. advertisement is really the title of 2. The province of Nova Scotia Halifax. citizens of Halifax, St. John, Quebec and the latest Beban play. In this our 3. One half of NewBrun.swick Moncton. Montreal all give soldiers every assistance. 908 Third Ave. old and lovable friend George 4. One half of New Brunswick St.John. Canteens and club rooms are open. Coffse plays the character of an Italian Phone 58. P.O. Box 333 junkman. With him is a new 5. The north country of Quebec down and cigarettes are provided. Telegrams are child star who takes the part of to Three Rivers Quebec. sent for the men. Bob White and whom you will 6. The remainder of Quebec: Montreal. A permanent transportation committee love as much as you do George 7. The Ottawa Valley and Ontario of railroad experts, representing the himself. down to the Thousand Islands Ottawa. C.P.R., the G.T.R., and the Canadian National Hotel Hyder Miss Williams is well known 8. The Kingston district west to Oshawa Railways, arrange for special trains as a photoplay author, and George and north to the Madawaska River: to meet every transport. Beban is one of the best Tcnown Portland Canal, B.C. character actors on tho screen to Kingston. On the Train. day. In this newest picture he 9. The Toronto district north to the Troop trains consist of colonist, tourist, commissariat, M. R. JAMIESON, Proprietor takes another of his excellent and French River and the north mining country standard sleeping and dining car. lovable Italian parts, accompanied Toronto. A Y.M.C.A. representative is on every tratn. Gateway to the famous Sash.Mine. by the clever .baby. 10. The Niagara Peninsula Hamilton. Should a" stop-over or delay become unavoidable, 11. Southern Ontario London. the men arc provided for. Barracks and an Now Open for Business SMITHERS 12. From White River to the Lake of ample divisional food points:supply Halifax,are available Amherst,at the St.following John, the Woods Port Arthur. Mount Jolt, Levis, Mcgantic, Quebec, Montreal, A joint meeting of citizens and 13. All of Manitoba except the Brandon Cochrane, North Bay, Port Arthur, Winnipeg, farmers has been called, for territory Winnipeg. Brandon, Rcgina, Calgary, Edmonton, Revel-stoke, Thursday afternoon next. This 14. The Brandon territory Brandon. Vancouver. The Gurvich is to an innovation and seems likely 15. Southern Saskatchewan Rcgina. At the Dispersal Station. prove popular. 16. Northern Saskatchewan Saskatoon. The principal city in each area is the dispersal Transfer G. Calder has been appointed 17. Southern Alberta Medicine Hat. station. When the troop train pulls in, the relatives sales agent for the Bulkley Valley 18. From Calgary north to Nordcg -Calgary. and friends of the men have been notified Farmers' Institute. and arc on hand. Voluntary organizations have motor cars at the station. Municipal reception 19. Northern Alberta Edmonton. Phone Green 548 A choral and dramatic society committees are also on hand. P.O. Box 102 Office, Fraser St. was formed here last week and 20.. All of British Columbia except 21 In each city the military have provided every the following officers elected: ' and 22 Vancouver. accommodation for men staying overnight barracks We Sell President, Mrs. Warner: Sec'y 21. Vancouver Island and the immediate rations. Out-of-town men who are given : : Coal Treas., Mss Jean Grant: Execu mainland Victoria. overnight leave and do not wish to remain in tive committee, Mrs. Eby, Messrs. 22. Cariboo, Kootenay and Gale Revel-stoke. barracks can find the best of accommodation at btockman, Wright and Eby; Musi hostels provided by voluntary organizations. cal director, Miss Ethel Kilpatrick The Discharge. Director of dramatics. Harry Each soldier overseas chooses the dispersal Barsalou's fcden. Men taken sick en route are immediately received area in Canada to which he wishes to go. by the District Depot for medical treatment . Motor Transfer The second division of the A report of the number of men for each and receive pay as part of that unit. Smithers school has opened with dispersal area is cabled to Militia Headquarters. AH other men arc paraded at the dispersal Miss Tina Mcllae of Saskatoon in station. The offices here are so arranged that each man can pass quickly from one to the other charge. The Furniture Moving two young lady arrived As fast as they can be absorbed by the and get away in the shortest time. a day or ago. Miss Trout Express and Baggage who was to have taken the school dispersal areas a cable is sent to England First comes the ordnance office. Here the men is ill. for drafts. turn in their equipment, except steel helmets and WE HANDLE COAL clothing, which they are allowed to keep. Prior to sailing, a cable is sent from England Next is the office NUut and Day I'hone 1S2 P.O.Box 188 Miss Moore, formerly of the of the Department of Soldiers' Hazelton Hospital, has been visit stating how many men are corning and Civil Rc-cstablishment. Here each man is given advice and information the ing hero with Mrs. E. E. Orchard. on many questions giving their occupations. relating to his return to civil life employment, housing, vocational Training, medical treatment. PRINCE GEORGE In this way arrangements are made to Men who are unfit for their former employment Pure Cream handle the men, to care for them, and to are tal:;n on the strength of the Soldiers' Civil find employment for them. Re-establishment for vocational training. Thty H, A. Carney has been elected Makes mayor of this city. Before a man leaves England he is are paid during this period and their dependent the receive separation allowance. medically examined, his discharge papers Third is the Harry G. Evans of Prince Ru- and other documents are made out. All paymaster's office. Here the men receive their back clothing allowance of 335.00 Richness Hi per,i was in town a few days ago. delay in Canada over these details is avoided. and first month's pay,War Service Gratuity. Mrs. Parks, wife of the yard- On the Ship. Finally the officer commanding issues each man his discha rpe certificate. anH in tn nfUft. fa iam. a Tncro is a pure cream richness master at Edson, is in tho city on about ratine Milk that I tbe only a short visit. The transport staff check the medical railway ticket agent who gives each man a ticket secret beblnd Its g-oodness for and pay documents. The Y.M.C.A. to his home town. 1 he man is now a civilian . cooking1, John Bronger has been dis recreation and entertainment provides Here also is an information and complaint office. Vcu all do sie,- we to the rich, All fresh milk It charged from tho and has hours before complaints are dealt with and information given as comes from the army Twenty-four arrival in Canada officer by an specially chosen for that farm Is to evaporate water out of returned to Trinco George. purpose. a wireless is sent to the It. port giving The dispersal station will supply quarters and Tins jeaves the natural butter details of any men who are sick and in meals for men until train time. fat and oilier cream solids as they Advertise in the Daily News. need of hospital care, and general information The Government's care for the soldier doei not were. that will end when he passes through the dispersal station. Then we seal It up so It remains ensure speedy trans fresh and sweet. FOR ELECTRICAL WORK from boat to train. The important work of other de Try It In the net recipe which port partments will be covered in re J9 tans for inlllc or cream. Go to Wounded Men. , ports immediately following this Pacific Milk Co. Geo. Waddell Wounded men are brought LIMITED 332 DRAKE STREET Phones The Repatriation Committee Director of . Factory at Ladner, B. 0. BLACK 307 GREEN 394 Repatriation Canada Food Board Llcans 14-166. P. O. Box 452 OTTAWA 9