SsliTED FPhones,82and200 Chemists P.O.BOX Drugfjlsti 1680.ond The Daily Ne 11 Space Watch This lL, X. NO. 23. PHINCE IIUPEHT, II. C, TUESDAY, JANUAHY 28, 1919. PRICE FIVE OEM r MMORNTHWAITE ABJURES CITY COUNCIL AND NEW MANAGER TAXATION -QUESHON BOLSHEVIK MOVEMENT AS FOR ATLIN 8chcme to Financo a Permanent Road lo Seal Cove i3eing OPPOSED TO SOCIALISM Worked Out By FISHERIES Engineer. MBER FOR NEWCASTLE IS DISILLUSIONED AS RESULT The question of taxation for H. C. Nunan Gets Promotion to OF IriYEHVIEW WITH CATHERINE BRESHSXOV-SKAYA, permanent public works is engaging Ketchikan and James Lea THE "GRANDMOTHER OF THE the attention of the City Succeeds Him Here. REVOLUTION" IN RUSSIA Council just now Last night the matter; was brought up by the H. C. Nunari, manager for the ' Victoria, January 28. "Traitor"' and "Judas" were the mayor, who said il would tr.fco Atlin Fisheries at this port, has about five weeks before the new been promoted lo the position of Iiurled at J. H. Socialist memher for JIawlhornlhwaite, ithets plan of making one local improve manager o f the New England ew 4ie, who, as the chief speaker at Sunday night's meeting ment district of the whole tily Fishcrips nl Kptnhilrnn whpro rth Columbia Theatre, held under the auspices of the B. C. was complete. The engineer was(there is a cold storage plant, (deration of Labor, caused a rift in the local Socialist ranks. now working on it with a view to 'Both concerns are branches of arranging for. the building of a "'e Iew England Fish Co. appai-enlly, forsook his former stand in respect of the Bol-icvik it road lo Seal Cove. The ussess- Mr- Nunan had been Here for a movement in Ilussia, and, on the outhority of statemefits 'number of ment values and charges against years and was well I slated had been made lo him when he on Saturday-last interred each property was being, worked known and respected, not only by Madam Catherine Breshko Breshskovskaya, the world- out. the flrhermen but by the citizens . . . . Alderman Casey said that so generally. He had been on a visit 1 11 II.. tl... XI J II.. ..If 11 nous uranuinuwier uj mu uu- ii iu me meeting, was as iouows: far as he could gather; the people lo Ibe hcad office and returned involution," who arrived; Tho Statement. in the outlying districts Were op- yesterday, going right on to Ket-posed it- eu rpute lo ev York, arrayed "Russia must have adequate to the scheme as they felt chikan to take charge of the newf jiself against Ihc regime or representation at the Peace Con that most of the improvements work. - nine and Trotsky, whom he ference. The whole woi'Jd must would be made in Sections 1 and ' Mr- Nunan's successor is James bbed communistic anarchists" know of the terrible conditions C and that this was a scheme to Le who has been connected with d a menace to the propagation which prevail in that great country. THE POSSE. shift the burden. .the company here for a number real Socialistic doctrines, Help is needed; it is needed A. 1". World. The mayor said there was also of years. He also ,is well and Elhc he averred, lie sub- at this moment. The people are strong opposition lo the scheme favorably known and his friends ibed. without food and without clothing. I WHEAT IS SHIPPED developing in Section 1. That wi'l be glad to hear that he has fill, member for Newcastle's What necessaries of life are LEGISLATURE was ' why he was hopeful that received the well earned promo-some Iteinenls creaieu consiuerauie left irr the country are in the absolute I FROjH BDLKLEYVAILEY settlement would be found. Mn- fcoar from that element of the possession of Lenine and If the sections were both opposed ! The Atlin Fisheries have a tialistically inclined who have his crowd. Lenine and his gang WILL OPEN TO VANCOUVER MILL lo it now, there was hope that warehouse here, where they buy been pleased fo believe care not who suffers so long as the problem might be solved, halibut, pack it in ice and ship it Iherto Bolshevik movement in they are provided for,. Anybody AN THIIRSDAYi A car,oad r w,,at mp- They could get a report on the trpsh to the eastern markets, has been a true Socialist who possesses anything,, whether scheme and also on the grouping They have been established for a fveirient, concerning which the bourgeoise or peasant, is merci- p,ui froin ierfi week tfJ Van of outside sections and discuss number of years and do a large Eling classes" in other cvun- lessly stripped of it by the Crim- Icouver to (he flour mills, savs the both on their merits. business. fcs have permitted only such in- inal band which encompasses the No Ceremonial This Year Be-Ominera i Miner. This was the Pination lo reacn the ouisiue government, ine large majority cause of the Death of Prince first shipment of wheat from the BIRTH Manufacturers1 Agent, John; Members are Arriving. J. F. Mag u Ire, Smith Block. rid as would create an un-'of the peasantry are absolutely 'North to a flour mill and it is an orable impression to the end'illiterate and- with very few ex- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ja- : (important..event in the agricul- control of the "wage slaves" ceplipns have never seen a map hour, of Second Avenue West, at I 1 ll..t.. 1 T a I VictoriaB. ti Jan. 28 Prep- tural history of the Bulkley Val-arations the "DEMERS" m dc inainiameu uy me cap- u- men; uwn country, ii iuey uiu Prince Rupert General Hospital, istlc classes," The censor- see it, scarcely one of them would are well under way for ley. A few years ago there were on January 28, a daughter. this element claims, has know what it meant. They have the opening of the-Legislature on plenty who ridiculed tho idea of Mrs. Demerp has returned Thursday afternoon. ' " iDr-.McNeil . from the south, Rcmcu. IU6' -ipics -qi" uieno-m?a oi uieir nirtKur'orri.iieir .? giowlng wheat that would make .was .called last-night lid from judging events in numbers. Just helpless in the tho death of Prince John .there flour and' to attend E. Dempsey who brfnging" a" felvoT the new ho most were sceptical as trench coats, that are being will be ceremonial, the Cover- was taken jll at the Empress sia al their true value, ana nanus or ine present oureaucracy nor entering the Legislative hall .to tbc Ability of the Valley, lo Theatre. worn al present. These lie Mr IJawlhorlnwaite s quo- is liielr Horrible plight, li tliey Constable McGlinchy .... . . . . . . . . . smart and r without military or naval es- compete wiih the prairie coals are very any grain, summoned and Ion adam Uijesnkovsnaya s couiu only get a leauer, a gooa a taxi took him to lotnent found a considerable leader, with one 'hundred thou- cort as is usual on such occas- There were some faithful enthus- the hospital under the doctor's i serviceable. Also the hat Itii m of his Sunday night audi- sand determined men, they could .uls. o iasls an(J the' are Proving their orders. When he arrived there, of tho moment, and several le disposed to doubt his word, sweep the bloodstained Bolshe ,i hoyvever, he refused lo go in and prelty parly dresses. fai t some of the more heated vik oligaijchy out of the country house has been declared open the I here were several farmers walked back with McGlinchy ap- 1 business will be proceeded ' COME AND SEE ImiKTs plainly told him they and establish a Socialist republic regular ionlributed to the shipment' but patently quite well. not believe his statements. It that could lake its place among with. their; grain all graded the same pears, however, that Newcastle's the civilized nations of the world. The Government has not as yet F. M. Dockrill, who was the lead iiibrt- had the majority of the Has Opposition given out a forecast as to what ing spirit in tho undertaking, had feting with him. its legislative program will be. It nrovfniisl v fipnf. n snmnln nf hla When the member for New is understood, however, that there , ,,, v , miD The Liberal Association of Prince Rupert, B C. Mixed Reception. castle completed his address he will be further measures dealing and H No har wag graded I don't care if you believe me was the target at which was witli provision for returned sol- set also price was satisfactory lot." declared Mr. llawthornth- hurled a volley of questions, de diers and unemployment. It is lite. Hut I give you Madam's nials and accusations. He de- . i i .1 i and ,iUe Ume wag- lost in get- not expccuHi i uai uie.e uc n the difrerent lots of grain The Annua! Ilement to ine." He refen-ed to dared Madam had told him when very iuucn i.eisiaiivo ui-. nut r..j Meeting H long record as a revolutionary Lenine and Trotsky came into it is said that W J. Bowser will, Much interest has been dis. Bialist, to her manv years' im- Russia the country was Hooded nae a gooo ueai iv uuouu u. bay jn p,ayed thJg shipment and tne fconment in Siberia because of with German gold and flernian a viow iu WILL BE HELD ML i -I.., . . . ...... I t-. u. x.. mm Miiiyau rosnll will Hpfprmino Mi nrn w ueueis, anu asserteu, wnen propaganda. material. nnrtinn nf Innrl in hn nnf In noman like that tells me such! "I believe Lenine is an insane A number of the members are wheat next spring. Izi the K. P. Hall, Wednesday Eve., . , . In; - I v ill believe bet; until I man today," declared Mr. Haw- arming if.; m reauu.ess if lur II.u,0 acs- Thcre haye a,go been rumors shown her statements are IhnrnUiwaite. amid laushter. an sion. John Keen, the Speaker of that a flour mil, would be one of ise. I was prepared to support plause and general disturbance the Legislature, is on the ground fh pnfflrnHspa R,ri innaliv in 1919 B Bolshevik regime in Russia "Tho Lenine-Trolsky forces are and those wishing private iQgis- . , di , . f , - id January 29th, nil I was shown it was wrong, supported and aided by the gen- loMnn rmcv conl'intr aiinnnrt. .... . ... J . " "--- iq tne farmers ana witn a view w I believe I was mistaken, darmes of the old regime, not by irom me inemuciv us mt-y uur. lo cunnlyimr local consumDtion AT 8.30 O'CLOCK pernment in that country today the working classes. A reaction Among n mo. i.ii mner i is- .T u. tir. i n4 ai- wjU- w a m products pimply anarchy, communistic is bound to occur and the old more of Prince Rupert who is larchy. The country is 'reeking egimo is hoping for it," seeking a renewal of the charter ( ELECTION OF OFFICERS wood, if that is so, wo Social-is for the Dolly Varden Itailway at D Ah Wk A T HER cannot support such a move Lady nilth Wellington Coal re Alice Arm and is offering to pay UrLU If Jjfll fliiLill nt." ( jcos four fuel bill and gives the workmen,and all'bills for sup- Everyone with the interests of the country at heart will be IMadam's statement I o Mr. atlsfactlon. Phone 15.. .P. R plies if the charter; is renewed. If; FOR FISHING welcomed. wtiinrnlhwailn, as ho reported Coal Co. there is no charter there will be1 no payment. ILseems likely that' will be made. arrangement ome Two American Boats Come In t Men's' $40 suits for $27.00 al With Small Catches; Tramps WESTHOLME THEATRE Bryant's Odd Suit Sale. ' 23 is Leaving. Empress : Theatre ,. Two American fishing boats, TO-NIGHT TO-NIGHT tho Kdsvold and the Alvild ariv- MAX HEILBRONER ed in port late last night, from their fishing grounds on the west Special feature Reliable Jeweler 'coast of the Queen Charlotte Islands, HAYAKAWA Tho F.dsYold In Maclaren ESSUE Diamonds, Watches, Clocks brought Mary 124,000 lbs. and the Alvild 18,000 Cut Glass, Silverware, Ivory in Ida May Park's Masterpiece of lbs. halibut. It was reported Umbrella, Community Plate, of Realism -IN- Etc. that there was good fishing where they were, but the severe weather Cornr 3rd . and 6th StrMt. prevented them getting big catches. "Bread" The White Man Law II was the first tr,ip of tho s n season, The Story of a Hungry Soul, Tho steam trawler, Carruth-ers, SIX PARTS A thrilling picture depictinglife on the west coastof Africa of the Cold Storage Co., went to her fishing grounds about 0.30 2-REEL L-KO this morning.. On account of the TWO REEL COMEDY i )'ii weather she was forced COMEDY to take the channel running by Mctlakalla on her way out. AJmution 15c and 25c ADMISSION - 25c. and 15c. FOR QUALITY The fishing boat, "Tramp," of Show Startt 7.15 tharp SERVICE AND SATISFACTION Prjnce Rupert was also preparing food Board Licence No. 10-7348. o go out some time today,