Tuesday, January Page 2 THE DAILY NEWS. 28 Hit. " The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE v . PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA For the East Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat. Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. lrdays at 9:30 a. in. H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editok. From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Tliurs-lays SUBSCRIPTION RATES: at 5:45 p. m. City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. For Vancouver: To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50, Tuesdays 5 p.m 10 Thursdays p.m. Telephone 98. Saturday, Feb. 1 and 15, 7 a. m. Be Sure to TRANSIENT .DISPLAY ADVERTISING -.75 cents per inch. From Vancouver Get Contract.Rates on application. Sundays 10 p.m Vedncsdays 10:30 a. m. DAILY EDITION. MH Tuesday, Jan. 28, 1919. .londay, Jan. 27; Feb. 8 and 22, TO SUBSCRIBERS at 9 a. m. Good Times Coming IGLEYS For the West. Subscribers to The News For Anyox: The Daily News has been talking optimistically for some are asked to pay the delivery Sundays ...10 p.m. lime and now other journals are getting the same idea and telling boys each month Vcdnesdays 10 p. m. it. The latest number of the Winnipeg and Western Grocer has when they call, except an article on the growth of the West which is worth reading, and where payment lias been From Anyox: in doiiie so it must be remembered that what applies to Van made for the year in advance. Tuesdays .a.m. couver is true in even greater measure of Prince Rupert, the The boys when Thursdays p. m. capital of the north country. The article is as follows: collecting carry olllcial receipts HE "There is very little doubt that as soon as immigration gets which should always For Port Simpson and Naas Rlvei wax -wrapped right into its stride, Western Canada is going to benefit to a far be preserved. points: sealed greater extent than the East. This is exemplified in many ways Sundays 10 p.m. package The class of people who are destined to make up the new settlers From Port Simpson and Naas with WRIGLEVS in Canada are. those who are attracted by a new country, a country River Points: from which the frontier life U not altogether absent and in which Oh say I The News Print Shop Tuesdays p. m. upon it is a guarantee the spirit of adventure may have some little scope. Iocs its work about as cheap as "In the big cities of Britain, the talk has been principally of nost shops and quite as well Quaen Charlotte Islands: of quality. Western Canada. Winnipeg looms large in the minds of Old gives you the work on time when For Massett, Port Clements and Country people and the attractions of Vancouver, with its climate vcr possible and hands it out Upper Island points: and environment, are held in no trifling esteem The intervening villi a pleasant "Thank you 'or Skidegate, Queen Charlotte The largest chewing-tfum territory also has its votaries and will, without a doubt, absorb A'liat do you say to giving them City and Lower Island points: factories In the a large share of the newcomers. trial on your next job? anuary 23, Feb. 0, 20; March G, world the 20th, ut 7 p. in. largest Population of West LAND ACT Will Exceed the East. "rom Masset, Port Clements and selling 2um In the "When we discuss this subject, however, it always seems to SKEENA LAND DISTMCT DISTRICT OF Upper Island points: world: that is what lead even further than the immediate future. If within the next QUEEN CIIAI1LOTTE ISLANDS. From Skidegate. Oueen Charlotte City and Lower Island points WRIGLEVS means. year or so Western Canada is so highly favored as we have reason TAKE NOTICE that Eugene Humphrey anuary 28; Feb. 11 and 25; Mar. to believe she will be, the natural conclusion at which any reason Simpson of Prince Rupert, occupation able person will arrive is that, before very long, the population of muster mariner, Intends to apply for per 11 and 25th, a.m. the West will exceed that of the East. And this is exactly what mission to lease the following described SEALED TIGHT clear-sighted believe. land: For Sksgway and the Yukon. many men Commencing it a post planted at a wit KEPT RIGHT) 27, Feb. 8 and 22 9 a. m. "The records of the West have been so remarkable, the great ness post situated at the Intersection or anuary things she has accomplished have been so wonderful, that it is the north boundary of Lot S353, with the From Skagway and Yukon. small wonder the whole civilized world has had its eyes turned shore line; thence 'north 20 chains, thence Febuary 1 and 15 a. m. In cast SO chains, more or less, to the shore Nad toward us, ever watching for some other- sign of originality and Canada line; thence following shore line to the development combined, and ever on the alert to step into the life point of commencement, containing 30 acres Stewart, Maple Bay and Swamp 47 of the West when opportunity seemed most favorable. more or less, situated near Klum-Kwol Day. Point. - "The phychological or iavojuble moment has arrived. We EUGENE II. SIMPSON,. lose Jan 31; Feb. 14, 28, 10 pm The Flavour Lasts! have talked of the coming of this day for long enough and we Date, December 3rd,Morris 1918.Doumont, Agent.F. It rrive Feb, 3, 17; March 3rd. have gone out of our respective ways to boost the West. But, sincere? Did believe what IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH were we really we really we were saying? Are we still as enthusiastic as we were and are we prepared COLUMBIA. MISS M. A. WAY IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTHV-TION to continue the good work a little longer? ACT TEACHER OF MUSIC "In the first place, then, the bulk of the newcomers will and 309 Second Avenue N THE MATTER 'OF THE ESTATE OF come West. In the second place, with this desirable immigration, JOHN KOSKI, DECEASED; INTESTATI Taklnr with student!the jllbui of the Without Music You Cannol TAKE NOTICE that in order or Ills continuing tor live years, a tremendous increase will be noticeable Honour F. McB. Young, made the 10th day Toronto CcoMrvatuIr of Moile. from in our Western population. Add a few more years to that of January, A. D. 1919, I was appointed primary to advanced. - Phone Blue 120 Administrator to me estate or Jonn koski, and it will surprise no one if the people settled West of the Great deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required Live a Full Life Lakes do not exceed those of the East. to rurnisn same, properly vermeil, to me "What a fruitful subject for discussion; what a magnificent on or 'fcerore the 14th day or February. A. D. 1919. and all parties Indebted to the FOR ELECTRICAL WORK prospect upon which to build'a Western industrial edifice of unprecedented state are required to pay the amount or solidity. ncir inaeDteaness JOHN to II. nie McMULLI.N,rorinwitn. Go to Music is now recognized as a necessity in the Future Lies DATED this 14th day Official or January,Administrator.1919. home. Music feeds the soul, as fcod feeds the body In Our Hands. Geo. Waddel! and literature feeds the brain. Next to religion, it is IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH "We are the adventurous spirits, the pioneers of tomorrow. COLUMBIA. humanity's greatest comforter. The future of the West lies os much in our hands as do our business N THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA affairs of today. Business organizations must develop, if TION ACT Phones The New Edison opens the doors to the world properly handled, and as they develop they will constantly reveal N THE MATTER and OF THE ESTATE OF BLACK 367 GREEN 394 of music. It brings the supreme art of the greatest fresh possibilities to the spirit of enterprise. TESTATE.PIETRO OIVOTTO, DECEASED; IN P. O. Box 452 singers, instrumentalists and musical organizations "Western Canada will be just what we make it. We have the Honour TAKE F,NOTICE McD. Young,that made In order the 13th or day Ills to you with such unerring fidelity that the artists moulding of the future in our own hands. Let us all rise to our or January, A. D. 1919, 1 was appointed themselves could give no Administrator to the estate or Pletro you more. magnificent responsibilities and privileges and exercise a herculean Olvotto, deceased, and all parties having effort to shake off that spirit of selfishness and self-aggrandisement claims against tne sam estate are nereny which has been for far loo long a characteristic of many lied,reauirea to me,to on rurnisn or before same,the properly 14th day.ven of STEEN & LONG WILL Tie NEW EDISON Western Let i-cnruary. a. u. iiv. ana an parties in people. us earnestly endeavor to eradicate those deb led to the estate are required to pay principles .of graft and public dishonesty which have on so many ihe amount of their indebtedness to me BANITAR. ArtD HEATING rorthwlth. "The with Soul" occasions disgraced our public life and almost blighted our out JOIIK II. McMULLlN, Phonograph a ENGINEERS look. Official Administrator. DATED this 14th day or January, 1919. "The future of the West, our West your West is one of does not merely imitate ; it actually re-creates. the brightest in the whole history of the world. Never was there N THE SUPREME COLUMBIA.COURT OF BRITISH Agent for such a magnificent land in so well-prepared a state for incoming N THE MATTER OF THE ADM1.MSTRA MoCLARY FURNACES - Before audiences totalling morethantwomillions settlers and, we believe, never will such a magnificent land receive TION ACT and thirty great artists have conducted tone tests which such a welcome from so desirable a class of settlers as those who. IX THE MATTER OF THE .ESTATE OF PLUMBING YO.E YAMAMOTO, DECEASED; IN proved that no shade of difference as we write these words, have their turned longing eyes Western TESTATE. and uanaaa-wards.' TAKE NOTICE that In order or His could be detected between the artist Honour F. McD. oung. made the 1 0th day aECT IK ETA L WOrtKS and the instrument. h or January, A. D. 1919, 1 was appointed They ive Entertain the Aumimsiraior to me estate or Tone Yama Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. In direct comparison with the New Edison, then moto, deceased, and all parties having Prominent Visitors. claims against tne said estate arc hereby Night phone 570 suddenly ceased, permitting the instrument tr Now that the head of the new shipbuilding concern is on his required to me,to on rurnlsh or before same,the properly 14 th day verl-ned, or and Blue 170 continue alone. The only way the listeners way here it will be for the vr.rious public bodies to do their part renruary, a. u, lviv. ana an parties in Trtsj rlfht work, at tht rlehl could tell when the artist Mopped was by in entertaining him. Newman Erb is expected within a few days debted the amount to the or estate their are Indebtedness required to to pay me time, and al the right prise. watching his lips. And with thr lights lowered, mm we snau nave gooa notice- or his arrival. There is now work rorinwitn. they were unable to say when it was the living for the Canadian Club, the Board of Trade, the Mayor and Council JOHN Omclal II. McMIILLIN.Administrator. voice they heard and when the New Edison. jo ao tncir part. The Labor organizations will also be interested DATED this 14 th day or January, 1919. Could a more convincing test than this be in the matter. If there is a Junch or dinner arranged the presidents FORESHORE LEASE devised? Royal Auto Bus Service Doesn't it prove the truth of our tno of the Trades and Labor Council and the Federation of Labor LAND ACT that ownership of this Instrurm-iit is e)-i'lent to should be among the invited guests, and with prominent positions - having all the great artists of the world Inerally not mr irom me mayor or the city. otlct er Intantlon to Apply to Ltaaa Land; at one's command i In gkeena Land Hlstrlct, Recording Uls-Hrt Winter Service or Skeena, and situate ou the west oast r Smith Island, about two miles Come In and hear the New Edison here, or ilovt as to sts Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 lie.orlh Coal and l west District.or Oceanic Cannery. Range In operation on and after out to you home, where you can hear it at your leisure, lH Take notice that we the Oosse, Mlllerd January 1, 1919, until 'ackln Company Limited, or Vancouver, For Comfort, Courtesy and Service ccupation Cannerymen, Intend to apply further notice. or permission to lease the following decreed go to Commend lands:n a- at a post planted at the From Ormes' Cornor. I Charles Wesley Teetzel, Prince Rupert, B.C. nrtheast corner; thence south so chains, TFjUEJSOY ollowlng high water mark; thence west Week Days: chains to low water mark; thence north 0 chains, following low water mark; 7.30 a.m., 8.30 a.m., 10 a. F. T. BOWNE3S. M.B,er hence east 3 chains to place or beginning, 1.30 nd containing 8.0 acres, more or lesa. m., p. in., 4.30 p. m.,- Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. OOSSE, MILLERD PACKINO COMPANY 5.30 p. m 6.45 p.m., 10 )ated 3rd December,LIMITED.19 IS. Ft 4 p. in.' NOTICE TO FISHERMEN ! Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water LAND ACT Sundays: . t0.30 a.m., 3.30 p.m., 0,30 Our Supply of Bait is exhausted for the present Notice of Intantlon to Apply to Laaaa Land. P. m, in enema una ummci, necorning oil' rlct or Skeena, and situate on'the west -:- Watch this for oast or Smith Island, about two miles From 8eal Cove. space our -:-announcement Prince Rupert Academy of Music Five lorth Coast and west District.or Oceanic Cannery,- Range Week Days: of a new supply Phone 104 613 i sue nonce inai we, ine uosse, Miuera THIRD AVENUE 7.45 8.45 Phone 104 arklrig Company Limited, or Vancouver. a. m., a.m., 10.30 INSTRUCTION GIVEN PRIVATELY ON I), C occupation cannerymen. Intend to a.m., 2.00 p.m., 5.05 p.m., WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED apply ror permission to lease the following Piano, Violin, Violoncello, Mandolin and Theory, Trumpet, deocrlbed' landsi 0.05 p.m., 7.15 p.m., 10,15 BUTEDALE .Cornet, French commencing at a nost nlanted at Van - - - p.C. Horn, Althorn and Euphonium. lorthwest rornerr thence east 10 chains; p. m. Uusio irrnniied for band or orchestra. hence south SO chains: thpni'n uot in Sundays: PRINCIPAl.S-Will. Edmund, M.S.M., R.I.A.M.. Feis Ceoil Medalist. chains to high water mark; thence north William Ualagno, Modern Frer.ch Violin School." u cnains rouowing high water mark and 11.00 a.m., 4.60 p.m., 10.00 onmininf io.u acres, more or less. Members of Westholme Theatre Orchestra. OOSSE, MILLERD PACKINO COMPANY p.m. )ATED 3rd December,LIMITED 1918, FI4 Advertise In The Daily News