a Tuesday, January 28, 1910. THE DAILY NEWS. Page 3 REAL HEALTH CONDITION ! Nor SAiiSFAcroRf-i Jl!!? i VALUE Read What It Chairman ' of Health Committee Appendicitis and Llquorltls. ! Says f to hoeafl rat on the nrlce cald for Makes Complaint and Is ..III'., -,w thn LaaaAI To the Kdltor: i K d COlU UlVUllJ l UUI v" ucut7Ufc lit" Rebuked For Not the Front of the trivpd. That is wnr zam-uuK is tne Once upon a time the body became on the Acting. cheapest skin healer on market I because the benefit derived Is 95 sick, and the pain was very greater than can be got from At the meeting of the City severe. One after another its War-Savings I ordinary ointments. This Is due to louncil last night Aldcrmnn Casey members said, "The cause is not thai. Zam-Dulc Is aVtvredl-cjnc the fact 100. Ordinary ointments drew attention to the fact that in Aflcr careful cxamina-; are 5 medicine and the balance the sanitnry inspector had not lion ",e trouble was located in' Certificate f animal fat. reported to the medical health 1,10 appendix, and the surgeon! i! I The superiority of Zam-Buk is said' "II '""si be officer and that there had lieen no renioved." But! fekln fproved trouble by the and manyases old sores of chronic which ilif Ik testing done, lie thought t,,c aIpcndix raised a fearjful'-tho the Dominion of Canada will pay on January 1924p to the owner named on the back hereof the sum of f yield to the power of Zam-Buk after inspector slipuld incet the howl' Protesting that it was an' $5.00 in jail other treatments have failed. outrage, and respect of each Canada War-Savings Stamp of the health declaring its belief oflicer week once a and ' The unuHuai power of penetration First Series (1919) then attached thereto. Each such stamp 'which Zam-Buk possesses enables it discuss matters with him. ,u Personal rights." If argued,' is also redeemable at the option of the owner at an earlier to reach the underlying tissues, Alderman Mcllae Inquired why 1 am a member of tliis body, you i date for the lesser amount indicated la the table of"surrender iwhere skin troubles have their it was" that Alderman Gasev. as 1,ave no ri8ht to deny my right to values printed hereon." i'Toot," In Then Zam-Buk the germicidal destroy pro-fpertles all chairman of the Health Commit- rot or do Just as 1 P'case." The germs. Until this is done healing tec, had not attended to the mat- surKRon, However, was firm and can never be thorough. The reason ler. lis was the committee to ciJ1lu 1,ie wnoie . memDer: is why sores that have been treated look after health matters. Uiseased. You are a menace to Dominion a bub WHEN you invest $4.00 in a War-Savings with ordinary ointments break out Ylsr-SmiiKtt the Dominion of Canada is because the has Alderman Casey said that the lne olner mmbcrs. You are kill- 4 not only (again jnever got to the seat of remedy the trouble, members of the committee had m& tl,e whole body. There is pledges itself to pay you $5.00 for each such fbut has only healed over the outer hot turned up to hold a meeting on,y ono course to pursue. You Stamp in 1924, but the Government provides for earlier skin. Zam-Buk. on the contrary, and this was thfl first opportunity ,nusl be removed;" and forthwith redemption should circumstances compel you to obtain Is uproots complete skin and disease,permanent and the cure ho had had of bringing it up. ,he Proceeded to cut out tip and cash on your W-S.S. Zam-Buk should always be used Aldermnn Kirknntriek sniriresU ro01 '"e diseased and rolling You see the security is absolute. for eczema, rlngwoj, scalp sores, ed that the milk should be tested member. pimples,poisoning,abscesses,bad leg, pllrr,ulcers,cuts,blood burns at least once a fortnight. Objectors. Sixteen THRIFT Stamps (25 cents each) on a Thrift and scalds. All dealer or Zam-Buk Alderman Perry thought it was Much of the poverty. disease, Card are exchangeable this month for a War-Savings Co., Toronto. 60c. box, 3 for 1.25. a pity that the Health Committee tumble, insanity and crime in this Stamp. For each month herea fter there is an additional did not uieet and gel busy. Many country have been traced to one cent charge for interest earned. of the health conditions in the.Hluor.- .tor a long time the city were not satisfactory. (Canadian people suffered from I lifiuorilis." Mothers, business $5.00 for -$4.00 Never forget to look through men; manufacturers, life inscr ibe classified list Page 5. W-S.S. Certificate to hold JO W-S.S. on ance men, leaders in the army and 1 'llDVir ,1'lfll Wnn ! .1 1 1 1 ,l uiiu vuite uneu cut ill out." "Not so," says the liquor FULLER; SMART & STEEN manufacturer?. "I believe ia per sonal rights." "Not so," says th Fuller's Grocery lliquor politician. "The liquor lousiness furnishes mo money for Storage Batteries by campaigns, and helps to put House Wiring MOTOR L ELIVERY Canada Food Board License 8-35652 me in office." "Not so," says the and Charged Repaired in all its branches PHONE 45 PHONE newspaper, grown wealthy on TIMBER SALEX1199. No Loss of Time While liquor advertisements, and fear Your Battery Is Being ful lest the feast be discontinued e ELECTRIC "Ramsay's Sodas, 3s 35c Vuller's Best Tea, 60c lb. S IK lots Scaled tenders "will" be received by tlii Overhauled. Another Is luinsiy's Allied sweet Biscuits in at 55c. Special Tea SOc lb. 5-lb. Don t dare to touch the liquor District Forester. PrlnCo HOpert, not later IRONS i ilns, ChrlMle's Dlscults full lines tot at tic lb. These Teas will business." "Not than IK on on the 6tli fl.iv or February. Always Available. i;an Women's Cocoa, all sites. Mc- suit tyou as well or belter than any so," says the 1019, fur the purchase or Licence X I18r GRILLS 'Larens Cream cneese in Dries, of the other standard blends. liquor seller. "I am going to do to cut axs.ouu reel, b. m.. "r Cedar and Agents For TOASTERS p Coffee, fresh ground, Fuller's 50c lb. Hire; No. 1 Japan, ....15c per lb. Hemlock on an area situated on east shore s 11)5, ror f.5. Brushes, brooms and whisks. better, I am going to reform. of Ellerslle Channel, Ilange 3,Cuast pls-trlct. EVINRUDE Portable RANGES tS lbs. 12.25. Special Coffee 3lbs $1. Washboards, etc., or all kinds. believe in individual liberty. Don't Motors. HEATERS. Two years will be allowed ror removal TUESDAY SPECIAL touch me.'' of timber. CAILLE Engines for VACUUM CLEANERS A good A full Furtner particulars of the Chler Forester, A loaf of Bread; 1 lb. Empress Longsufferlng People. Victoria, B. C, or District Forester, nunabouts. WASHING MACHINES variety Strawberry Jam;l lb. 90c. line of And all this time the long Prince nupert, B. C. REGAL Engines for of Candy. Fuller's Tta.'OOc. tobaccos suffering body of the Canadian TIMBER SALE X 1442. Trolling. LAMPS $1.15 VALUE. SPECIAL people, having endured the pain The Famous English FLASHLIGHTS ICsnnsd Fruits, VagttabUs, Meats Always ask for and Insist on and loss and shame of this ter Sealed tenders will be received by the PETTER HEAVY OIL. GENERATORS and Fish. Minister of Lands not later than noon on Spinach, rimentoes, Jersey Brand Creamery Butter ror rible evil, have cried but to Parlia the 28lu day of February. 1919. for the ENGINE FOR con carne. All Fruits quality, and L. M. F. Eggs as strictly ment, "Cut it out, and make i purchase of Licence X 14S, to cut 3,107,- FISHING SCHOONERS MOTOR SWITCHES, EiiaraKus, Cherries, Blackberries, fresh. There can be none better clean" uuu rcei, u. m., or spruce, ceuar, uemiocK ETC. Job of it." No institution and Balsam on an area situated on Ule Apricots for eating-. Lake, Ellerslle Channel, llanse 3. Coast overlook Fuller's special has n right to exist that threatens District. Full line of Electrical Appirotui in stotlr. i inegars, .one equal ror the price. Our own syrups are coming- Into the permanent welfare of the Three years will be allowed for removal coat on cy the gallon 35c. J .demand. of timber. whole body. And the surgeon Further particulars of the Chief Forest Parkin & Ward Electric Co. Ltd. lifted his knife. A few months er, Victoria, B. C, or - District Forester, ago an order - in - council was rrince nupert, B. C. Phono 125 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS P. O. Box 67 passed that cut it out for; the TIMBER SALE X 1208. iperiod of the war. It only re mains for the people to see to it Sealed tenders will be received bv the minister or Lanas not later tnan noon on that by legislative enactment the the 2SIH day of February. 19l. for the iliillil!iil!l!lll!i!iSil!!!ii!!ill!l!illlilliil iimsiJ!nUH!jlHr!riffI(ffIfIf!N!I!fffiiffilLf purchase or Licence X 1208. to cut 1.035. job is made permanent ooo reel. U. M.. of Cedar and SDruce on an Things I ook Brighter J. II. HAZELWOOD, area situated on west shore or Ellerslle Channel, ltsnire 3. Coast District. Department of Social Service Three years will be allowed for removal or timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forest Dentistry er, Victoria, B. C... or District Forester. THIRTY MILLIONS IN rrince ituperi, u. u. Mirro" Aluminium Ware SOLDIERS' PENSIONS WATER NOTICE DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH ! Mixing Bowls Percolaters Bread Pans DIVERSION AND USE. TAKE NOTICE that Thos. J. klrknatrirk Complete Organization to Handle One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your whose address Is Terrace. B.C.. will apply Combination Kettle and Double Boiler for a licence to take and use t cubic foot Distribution in Order Ensure to per second of water out of Thornhlll Creek Efficiency" Frypans Promptness. which mows norm and drains into Skeena lliver about too rcet west or Ferry Land In?. The water win be diverted from the 'Mirro" Aluminium Reflects Good Housekeeping One of the most important ques stream at a point about 1500 feet south east or the Skeena IUver, and will be used tion which has to be dealt with ror power purpose upon the land descnb by llio Oovernment at Ottawa fol as Lot 839, linn ce s. Coast District. inis notice was posted on the Krotind on Dr. Call and lowing the. cessatibn of hostilities Ihe Dili day or January, 1919. A copy or oayne see the latest shipment at Ibis notice and an application pursuant is that of pensions. Thir;ty mil thereto and to the "Water Act. 19H," will lion dollars will bo distributed in be nled In the office of the Water Recorder OFFICE HOURS: t rrince nupert. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE pensions every year. In order Oblertion to Ihe aDDllcatlon mav be that this money bo distributed lied ho Comptroller with the said of Water Water Recorder P.I Kills. or Parlia with Morning, 9 to I2t Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Evening, 7 to promptly, sm&othly and fairly the ment liuildinRs, Victoria, B. C, within SECOND AVENUE thirty days after the first appearance of Dental Nurse in attendance. Goverhment has built up efficient this notice in a local newspaper. : machinery, and an organization The THOS.dale of J. the KIRKPATRICK.first publication Applicant.of this I ' Phone 109 for appointment headed by the Boerd of Pensions nonce is January . tut v. Commissioners, will put it in jjjjjrr- NAVIOARLE WATERS PROTEG. operation. TION ACT rnone 131 Office 14 Smith Block P.O. Box 772 Not for Service. Fifty'lhousand pensions already R. S. C. Chapter 118. The .Norlliwn B. C. Fisheries Limited are being administered by the hereby (rives notice that they have, under rrincejiupen tngineenng supply lo. Hoard, Pensions, of course, are sicuiin 7 or me saia Act, uepositea with L'dward Lipsett, President Harry Llpsett, Manager Ihe Minister or Public Works at Ottawa not gratuities. No pension is and In the office of the' District Registrar Edward Cunningham, Vice-President or tne i-ana Registry District or rrince Engineers, Jobbers, Contractors awarded for service only, but Rupert, at Prince Rupert, B C, a description soldier sailor who has or the site and the nlani ror storage. or every utimates furnished for Electric Wiring and Complete been disabled during sci;vico is docklnir and boats mooring as proposed of cannery on a.port and Ion fishermen's of Lipsett-Cunningham & Co. run r.ssinKion naruour at rort Essingion entitled to and receives' Plant Installations a' pension. In front at Lots 3 and 4, Block 3, Esslng--ion The amount of pension is determined Tuwuslte, being.a sub-division or Lot Northern B.C. Representatives ii, Range S, Coast District. limited;; by the percentage of disability And take notice that arier the expiration Canadian WestintrhOUSe Electrical Equipment, Electric that is, the handicap of of ubllcatlon ono nioniu of the from said the notice,date the of Northern the first FISHING & OANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE Co., Hamilton Ranges. Motors, Generators, the soldier or sailor is "determined U, C. Fisheries Limited will under Section Lamps, &c of tho said Act. apply ta the. Minister or Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories Goodyear by mpdical boards, The amount rubllc Works at his omen In the Cltv or Tire & Rubber Mechanical Hubber Goods, Hose of earned soldier Ottawa for approval or the said site and Fish Molting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage by or Co., Toronto. "Extra Power" Belting. money a plans and for leave to use the said foreshore sailor leforo enlisting, or the Jot the storage, docking and mooring PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. of cannery and fishermen's boats. Canada Wire & Cable Bare and Insulated Copper. money ho may be able to earn Dated at Vancouver. B. (' tills 93rd dav bo,, Montreal Steel and Iron Wire. upon his rjoturn to civil life, does of iSIIHTIIMI.'M January, 1919.II. C. FISHERIES LIMITED, Ilegistcrod Oflloo: Prince Rupert OITlce: Domestic Enrrineerinrr not determine the amount of c, A. CrOsble. Secretary. FS8 68 Water Street, Telephone No, 05 "Delco"Isolated Light Products Electric Plants pension duo him. In the matter of an aDDllcatlon for the Vancouver, B. C. P. O. IJox 1698 WSa a 17UVLU1I Information. Issue or a fresh Certificate or Indereaslble Pel ton Water Title to l.nu 38 and 39. Block 7, Section fftcrtterrrcccc-r"''mmf Wheel Co. Water Wheel and So many people are interested i.iiy or rrince nupert, way 9?s. San Notice Is hereby given that It la mv Francisco Hydraulic Apparatus in tliQ pension question that the Intention to Issue, after the expiration of thirty days from the first Diibllcatloii here. amu: uoast ripe Uo. Government, through display advertising or. a rresh Certificate of Title to the above WESTHOLME etc.1l Vancouver Wood Stave Pipe, Tanks, and other means, is mentioned lots, In the name or The North LUNCH Western Loan and Investment Company. disseminating as much informa V'hlrh certificate Is dated 18th March. SECOND AVE. "uugo Manufacturing Transmission Machinery, !f! and was registered on application Pulleys, Shafting, tion as possible. In this connection ,-iMvivtil tho 88nd February, 1912. and HOME COOKING. LADY COOK. Co., Toronto Hangers, eve. a completo schcdulo of pensions Is No. 1 180-1. Land Registry onion rrince nupert, O. C, lino pf WeHinghouso and other Electrical has been prepared and can January S2nd, 1919. Motors, Lamps bo secured by anyone, interested II. F. MacLEOD, Fifty centmeals from 11.30 to 2.00 and 5.30 to 8,00. Eaulbment .mrl P.-w. . n.UI J J In atorlc District Registrar of Titles. by writing the Board of Pensions Short orders all theltime. Speclaljratea with room and board. Commissioners, Ottawa. Advertise in the Daily News.