I Tuesday, January 28, i9l9 ICE QUESTION AGAIN IS BEING DISCUSSED Fish Committee of City Council Asked to Make Report On Situation. SB That there is more ice bcin nut tin llils vpar along the line of c - - - - - tho G. T. P. was repqrlcd to tin City Council last night when tin Articli No.7 Cut out jot question of the city taking step! Rtjirtnct. to Drovido ice was mooted. Alderman Casey suggested that Soldiers' they were likely to be in the same Bringing Our Dosilion this vear as last. Ilo The throat, breathing:passages moved that the fish committee of rid Junes are the weak apots at Which colda strike. And these the Council take up the matter are the very organs most dlffl at once and- find out if the Cold to Canada cult to treat, because only a Dependents breatheabte remedy Is capable of Storago Company was taking reaching the troublclodged there. steps to increase its capacity or - Peps provide a breatheabte if tho comDany fathered by ex remedy, and their superiority over remedies which are swallowed Alderman Dybhavn was likely to TN England, there is a colony of Canadian women who went overseas in Into the stomach la there-fore do nnvthfntr. obvious. For convenience, Alderman McMeekin asked if order to be near their husbands. There are also in England and this breatheabte remedy Is condensed Into tablet form. To any reoly had been received to a France women who married Canadian soldiers and have never take the treatment, merely dissolve recent resolution of the Council many Peps In your mouth, and sent to the Government, and tho seen Canada. the medicinal Vvapor that Is released is carried by the breath city solicitor said that acknow to the remotest parts of the ledgements had been received It is one of the duties that Canada has incurred through the war to breathing passages and lungs, from both the Minister of Lands soldiers with all and of speed, to help healing, soothing and strengthening bring back these dependents our every part with which it and the Premier. cornea in contact. At the same establish their home life. time, by destroying all disease germs, these medicinal 'fumes MARY MACLAREN IS Up till the time the Armistice was money receive assistance from the Patriotic prevent the development of colds, coughs and serious chest DRAMATIC SUCCESS signed, some 22,000 women and children Fund; are provided with lunch trouble.Carry Peps with you, and were returned. There still remain about baskets and money to buy meals on the when you go from an overheated Well Known Star Enthuses Largo 50,000 to be brought back. train. building to the bitter will These organizations also secure the These soldiers' cold of outdoors, put a-pastllle Audience at Empress Theatre 50,000 dependents in your mouth. Also as a protection Last Night. be returned to Canada at the public expense. railroad tickets for the women, get their Pep in your against mouth,germs,when keep breathing a Those who have already arrived money changed, give them such 'information the impure air of a crowded "Bread" was a great success in Canada since November 11th, 1918, as they need. The workers accompany theatre For coldi.or asthma,store. or chait troublta, and a well pleased audienco left will have their ocean and railway fare the women to the train. which hire already dAvelnfterf. Pmnm tho Empress Theatre after the Committee have refunded by the Government. The Repatriation a r eqaallr Invaluable; alto for The dnama is last bronchitis, tor throat, latrns-itla, showing night. The facilities for soldiers trained in social work, lent by the te. All dealer, (Sc.box. one having to do with life under transporting nurse, modern conditions and has a .and their dependents are limited to Victorian Order of Nurses to act as the moral lesson which is easy to appreciate. about 30,000 monthly. Therefore, women committee's representative at each port. i i mi Mt i i. 1 'ijrana cnnaren win dc returned to ianaaa ' Mary MacLaren, th.e star, was a 7' 4.1. 4. r -1 r nrr . 7 nnri u On the Train. . rtl uic ittc Ul ilUUUl J,UUU LU S,VAU CtfCU most pleasing personage and her month. Many of the women will be On each train carrying unaccompanied part was taken with great effect. accompanied by their husbands. On women and children there is a Red Cross Seldom has powerful play a more boat .200 experienced in social service who been shown here. The hungry; every carrying or more unaccompanied nurse, girl who was trying to make her women there is a Y.W.C.A. has been enrolled by the Canadian Asso-. Hotel Hyder way in the world and the rich secretary. ciation of Graduate Nurses. This nurse young, man who had everything At the Ports. carries with her first aid supplies and an Portland Canal, B.C. I e wished, formed a strong con emergency .fund of money furnished by trast and made a lasting im To these 50,000 returning women and the Red Cross Society. M. R. JAMIESON, Proprietor pression on the audience. children every care is being given. Until Telegrams arc scnt ahead to the local "Bread" is being shown with at tho they reach the shores of Canada they are branch of the Patriotic Fund and to the again tonight an Empress Galcuay to the famous Q)ash Mine L-KO comedy. in charge of the Overseas Militia Department. local Reception Committees giving the number who will arrive. Now Open for Business JAPANESE STAR IS At HALIFAX they are welcomed by the Women's On Arrival. Reception Committee, com-po:ed AT THE WESTHOLME ol women who have been engaged The Rotary Clubs of Canada-have, in War activities. This committee undertaken to provide motor cars to, Barsalou's Famous Sessue Hayakawa Play has been organized for nearly two years take the women and children frorrr'the Part of English university and has been doing splendid work. station to their homes. " Motor Transfer Man on Coast of Africa. . At ST. JOHN there is also a committee The Patriotic Fund have undertaken representing all the organizations to provide temporary accommodation There was a large and. well interested. This committee, although and other necessary assistance at cities pleased audience at the West-holme Furniture Moving Theatre last night. Tho more recently formed, is giying excellent and towns en route and at points of destination. Express and Baggage service. The National famous Japanese player, Sessue Y.W.C.A. has assigned Hayakawa, was seen in "The two secretaries forworkat this port. The main function of this nation-wide WE HANDLE COAL White Man's Law" and it is in On each of these Committees there is organization is to care for soldiers' dependents. Nlgut and Day Thone 182 P.O. Box 183 deed a strong play with a 'splendid a trained nurse to give necessary attendance. It is therefore fitting that cast. they should be responsible for The scene of the play is laid'on At the the arrangements ports organizations meet for all the returning women and the West Coast of Africa and DENTISTRY every boat. Locate the women's luggage. children. Hayakawa takes the part of an English university man. He does Take charge of the babies. Bring Many other well-known organizations OFFICE HOURS: it to perfection and the result of the women to a cosy rest room. Here have been doing admirable work meeting 9 to 12 j 1:30 to 8:30 a.m.. p. m. p.m. tlie whole is a fine drama. cots and baths are provided for the trains, providing rest-rooms, canteens . DR. J. S. BROWN - It is a love story and smacks children. Hot lunch can be secured. and hostels and generally caring for the DENTIST somewhat of tragedy. It is a good Overnight accommodation is arranged. women and children. It is important Office! Smith Block, Third Avenue. clean and not to bo play one Phone 454. missed. Women who are too sick to proceed on that these organizations continue this their journey are taken to the local work and co-operate as closely as possible The question of having a mem hospitals. Women who are without with the Patriotic Fund. ber of the police force always on Hotel Prince Rupert duly at the police station was dis cussed by the City Council last EUROPEAN PLAN night. Alderman Rochester told 51.50 per day and up. of trying to get in touch with th police after midnight on Sunday FIRST-CLASS CAFE and it was an hour, before he was Director of A La Carte. able to get an officer. The mat Repalrtatio ter is to be placed before th Police Commission. St. James Hotel . Har,ry Meagher who was ap The Repatriation Committee (LATE "QUEENS") pointed as delegate from this city OTTAWA FIRST CLASS ROOMS to attend the International Sea Hot and Cold Water. men's Convention at Galveston ssssssssKsscstSSHSenjsWBisaanM Texas, a couple of weeks ago, is 80c per Night, and S3 per Week. reported on his way home now. JKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT 0T OF SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OK SKEENA LAND DISTRICTDISTRICT DISTRICT OF SKEENA LAND DISTRICT QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF SKEENA LAND DISTRICT D1STIUCT OF QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. I QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS TAKE NOTICE that Daniel L. Sutherland, TAKE NOTICE that Annie Lindsay, or TAKE NOTICE that Charles E. Burgess or Estes TAKE NOTICE that Allle E. Burgess, of i f Bay Point, California, botel keeper, In- Prince Ilnnprt. n r. . inlnatai ini.n, uay i-oini, laiuurnia noiei Keeper, Intends TAKC NOTICE that I, Albert K, intcm lay Point, California, Married In-1 TAKE NOTICE of ... or Prince Rupert. B, C., fisherman, Woman, that Andrew Voetman, w.i.., vv,j a memo v inusycci iur,apply iur a licence 10 prospect for coal and to apply for a licence to prospect for coal ror unuj io appiy ior a licence to prospect rrince uuperi, u. u, ntnerman, intends to oal and petroleum over the fnllnu-inr ri. 1 trnUnm nv.. th. rnntvin. , and petroleum over the following described to apply ror a licence to prospect c"d or coai ana peiroieum over me rouowmg appiy ror a licence to prospect ror coai scribed lands pn the West Coast or Moresby' ands, on the West Coast or Moresby Is-slsnd, lands on the West Coast or Moresby Island, and petroleum over the following,0'" described lands on the West coast of and petroleum over the following' described British Columbia, commencing at land, British Columbia, commencing at a British Columbia, commencing at a post lands on the West Coast of Moresby at a p nuresuy isiann, urmsn uoiumDia, com- mnas on ino west coast or NoresDy island a post planted about 1 mile south from post planted about 1 mile south rrom the I'laiitu iuuui 74 ui iiuiu iiuuiii westerly British Columbia, commencing souin" t menclng at a pool planted about 200 yards British Columbia, commencing- at a post soutneriy snore or canoe Pass and a mii from s small bav and Island I planted about SOO yards rrom the rs from the southerly shore of Canoe Pass planted about 800 yards from the southerly miles east or the southeast corner and location east or ino soutnesst corner and location between Moresby and Chaatl Islands near shore or Canoe Pass and i miles and i miles cast of the northeast corner shore of Canoe Pass and 4 miles east of Post or Robert Reld's application ror post of Robert Reld's application for a i.ug i-uuii anu uuuui 3 mues easterly along the northeast corner or Robert soum U or uoDeri Reld's application for llccncei the northeast corner of Ilobert field's ap. licence; thence nortb 80 chains: thence licence; thence south 80 chains; thence the Moresby Island side or nann p... plication for licence; thence ti thence north 80 chains; thence East 80 plication for licence; Ibence north 80 west au cnains; tnence south 80 rhslns; east 80 chains; thence north 80 chains; rrom Buck Point) thence south 80 chains: chains; thence east 80 chains; thence to o"J cbalns; thence south 80 -chains; thence chains; thence west 80 chains; thence thence east 80 chains to the point or com. thence west 80 chains to tho point'of commencement. thence east 80 chains j tln-nco north 80 80 chains: thence west 80 chains west 80 chains to the point of commence- south 80 chains; tbence east 80 chains to iiiruiviucill bains; thence west 80 chains to th nmm point of commencement. mem. :ine point or commencement Located November 17th, 1018. Located November 17th, 1918, or commencement, ' Located November 17 in, ivio. Located November 1 7 th, it is. Located November 17th, 1018, DANIEL L. SUTHERLAND, ANNIE LINDSAY, Located November IStli, 1918. ALBERT K. ESTKSVAAO, ALLIE E. BUROESS, ANDREW VOETMAN, By Hans K. Chrlstensen, Agent. By Hans K. Chrlstensen, Agent. CHARLES E. BUROESS, By Hans K. Cbrlstenscn, Agent. By Hans K. Cbrlstensen, Agent. By llnna K. Chrlstensen. Agent. or SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT or SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT SKEENA LAND DISTRICT-, -DISTRICT S KEEN A LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF ' QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. OF SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT C.T iiiimi VUtc.l i I.IMIIL.U I lb law---tot aVnlllM. QUKEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. t QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, . prlnc TAKE NOTICE that I. John Chrlstensen. I - TAKE NOTICE that Gertrude Knott, nr TAKE NOTICE that Bettv Chrlstpnupn nf take NOTICE that Robert neia. f Prince Rupert, B. C, fisherman. Intend TAKE NOTICE that Peter Jensen, of Prince Rupert, B. C, spinster, Intends to Prince Rupert, B. married TAKE NOTICE that I, Hans K, Chrlster. Rupert. B.C.. tail driver. Intends lo.v' to apply for a licence to for Prince Rupert. B.C., net boss, Intends to C, woman. Intends rn. or Prince Itunert. U. c. iuh,.rm.,. i. for a licence f"" prospect coal, apply ror s licence to prospect for coal anil to aUDly for a licence tn nrnni-i r,.r to prospect for tend to apply ror iiu peiruivuni over ine rouowing nesennea ni'piy iur a iicem-e, io prospect iur coai petroleum over the following described a licence to prospect for. petroleum over the following ?",,. turn ami (trial riH iinl,nl,iini '. I'ruuirmil uvcr Hie rOMOWing de- m.nH ,t. lands on tho west Coast or Morsby Island, and petroleum over the following described ands on the west coast or Mnrmhv in la'nds-on lands on tho West Coast or Morew British Columbia, commencing- at a post .lands on the West coast of Moresby Island, land. British Columbia, commenclnr at ,vr"5..!.n!ind?,?..'hhee".:oa,, of Morei- erluod1 the we, coast or liofesby land. British Columbia, commencing . planted about of a mile south westerly;British Columbia, commencing- at a post post planted about one mile south rrom the at a post planted about 1 mile south post planted about or a nnio , from a small bay and Island In Canoe Pass planted about SOO yards from the southerly southerly shore or Canoe Peas and miles the aoutherly shore or Canoe rrom lut 1'ianicu iuuui 74 nj a 111110 SOUtU westerly from a small bay and isi ana , between Moresby and Chaatl Islands near!shore or Canoe Pass and 4 miles east or east or the southesst corner arid location miles east of the southeast torner Pass and and S westerly rrom a small bay and Island In Canoe Pass between Moresby and i- , Log- Point, and about 3 miles easterly'along- the northeast corner of Robert Reld's ap-the post of Ilobert Reld's application for location post or Robert Reld'a annllr-atlnn Canno Pass between Moresby and Chaatl wanas near Log point ana uu - o( Moresby Island side of Csn-e Pass'plication ror licence; thence south 80 licence; thence south 80 chains; thence ror licence; thence north 80 chains; thpnrn isianas near Log point and about 3 miles easterly along the Moresby Island "uo B from Buck Point; thence South 80 chains; chains; thence west 10 chains; thence est 80 chains: thence north 80 rhainn cast 80 chains; thence south 80 easterly along the Moresby Island side or Canoe Pass rrom Buck Polnti t1cnre,?pnf thence west 80 chains; thence north 80 mirth 80 chains; thence east 80 chains to thence cast 80 chains to the point of com thence west 80 chains to tho chains; Canoe Pass rrom Duck polnti thence north point or 80 commencement. chains; thenco east 80 chains; thence east 80 .chains to the point J lie point of commencement, mencement. cbalns; thence P"Ul OU tllUIIISI UICIIIC "" or commencement. i Located November 17th, 1018, Located November (7th, 1018. Located November 17th, 1018. the point- or vvi.-Bk ov mains IO tho point or commencement. Located November lath, 1018. PETER JENSEN, GERTRUDE KNOTT, BETTV commencement, Located November loth, JOHN CIIRI3TENSEN, Applicant, 1 By Hans K. Cbrlstensen, Agent, i By Hans K. Cbrlstensen, Agent. ' By Hans K,CHRISTENSEM,Chrlstensen, Agent. located HANS November K. CIIRISTEN8EN,18th. 1018 Applicant. By Hans ROBERT K. Chrlstensen,RtlD. Ageni..