Tuesday, January 28, 1019. Tl'.li DAILY NEWS. ,Page 5 now TO GET RID LIEUT. CLOTHIER WEDS IN ENGLAND OF RHEUMATISM Description Prince Rupert of Ceremony Man Figured in Which S i West holme V41LL X , L As One of Principals. i I'frult-a-tives" Point the Way A marriage of much local in. to. Quick Relief lerest was that on Saturday of Theatre Ljeutcnant II. L. Clothier, of the Verona, Ont. "I suffered for a number of years Canadian Lngineers, son of Am Wlth Rheumatism and severe Pains broso Clothier, of Kemptvllle. On. t in my Mae ana isacx, caused by tarjio, Canada, to Miss Patty Margaret strains and heavy lifting. Harding, eldest daughter of The Week's Program When I had glren up hopo of ever Mr. and Mrs. J. Reginald Harding, includes Ebelng well again, a friend recom bcJlarsbrook, near Monmouth, mended 'Frult-a-tires' to me and says the Monmouthshiro Beacon, SESSUE HAYAKAWA in the Paramount after using the first box I felt bo oi recem aato. The ceremony Jmucli better that I continued to took place at the church of St, Picture, "The White Man's Law." take them and now I am enjoying Dubricius, s ; Whitchurch. The ofll- DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS in the Artcraft 1 the heat of health, thanks to your cialing clergy were the Itev. Can. E wonderful fruit medicine". 'on Harding, 11. D., grandfather of Picture, "Mr Fix It." W. M. LAMPSON. the bride, and the Rev. O. Thorn "Fruit-a-tlves" aro sold by all BILLIE BURKE in the Paramount Picture, I" de.:lcrs at 60c. a box, 6 for $2.50, as rector of Whitchurch. The ''Let's Get Divorce." nt cnur.-cn was mica with a trul i ;e or s postpaid by many I Fruit-a tives I.lmitod, Ottawa. friends and well-wishers, the family of the bride being widely I THE DAILY NEWS known in this county and the ad- "rrrlrtt. 1918. br the Brtnlif Tetetran. N Tort ntrald C) accihPi Afivorficmrr Joining counly of 1Icrefrd and IdoblilCU . XlUVCI lldlUH the best of good wishes go out to tne nwdc ana bridegroom from MONOPOLY SUGGESTED of January. A. D. 1919, I, the undersigned. Phone 98 their large circle of acquaintan- -, ni'puiuitu Aaminisiratrix iu uie estate oi uustar WICK, deceased L PRICE GEORGE Toil it the Adverting Co.oran that Ces. Washington, Jan. ,27, J. Ogden ana an parties havin; claims against the beopie read when they want anything said estate are hereby required to furnish The Dresses. Armour on Saturday suggested a .-HIUI-, yruijeriy veniiea, to me, on or be- retuiit II orings lore me 7tn day or February, A. D. 1918, The bride was given-away bv monopoly under Government su- and all parties Indebted to the estate are WANTED. her father. She looked very nret- pervision of the entire meat in- niiuireu 10 pay me amount or their In SAILING w . .. debtedness to me forthwith. in draped white sat austry of the country as best for ANNA WICK, Administratrix. IVAITIIESS WANTED Windsor lfy . dres1 '9' the Dated this 7th day of January, 1919. THURSDAY midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancouver Hotel. 23 in, wiiu u snort lunic oi georg. producer and consumer; and Victoria. .etle, ending in a capo at the 1.1 THE SUPREME COUflT OF nniTISII WEDNESDAY Midnight for Anyox., Iv ANTED Someone to clean two back, weighted with silver tassels. Salvation Army. room. Apply Daily News office Sho also wore a tulle veil and IN THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTnA- S. S. PRINCE JOHN Public meetings, Tuesdays, TION ACT" Queen Charlotte Islands, January 23rd, February 6th and LV ANTED Experienced fisher ange blossom and carried a bou Thursdays, and Saturdays at 8 d IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF February 20th. man to buy half interest in first quet of white carnations and i.. Sundays at 7:30 n. in. WILLIAM SUNRERO, DECEASED: IN class 30-ft. boat, 4 cycle TAKE NOTICE in engine, heather. The that order or Ills pretty bridesmaid Honour F. McB. Young, TRAIN SERVICE made the tth day $300 cash required. Apply box was Miss Cami Harding, It is just as cheap to get your f January, A. D. 1919, I was appointed youngest News olllce. Administrator to the estate of William Passenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and3ATURDAY at 11:30 a.m. for Smithers 217 tf sister of the bride. Her cos printing done well and done at Sunberg. deceased, nnrt nil nnrtiAa hivin. Prince Oeorge, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct connections for all' tume consisted of pale yellow lome as it is to send it away. Try claims against the said estate are hereby points east and south. EMPLOYMENT WANTED . required to furnish same, properJy verified, crepe de chine, with overdress ofThe News pr,nt SnP to me, on or before the 8 th day of February. A. D. 1919. and all hsi-iLn in. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. bAl'i-JiifcriLiUaj Automouile man brown tulle, nigger edewl with debted to the estate are required to pay desires position as driver and fur. She wore a nigger brown tub surnEWE COLUMBIA.count or British the forthwith.amount or their Indebtedness to me For information and reservations apply to repair man. Address 1'. O. box 'velvet hat and carried a bouquet N THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRA JOHN II. McMULLIN, O. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. TION, ACT" Ijmrllll Arlmtnlarratnr City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 023. (24) of . ' yellow chrysanthemums. Her and - DATED this 6th day of January, 1919 N THE MATTER OK THEJ ESTATE OF diamond and pearl initial brooch CEWING MACHINES JOHN BUNTING, DECEASED: INTES. TATE IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH was a present from the brjde- TAKE "NOTICE' that In order of Ills COLUMBIA. uii iiMi sewing macnines and -me utsi, muu was iieui. Honour F, McB. Young, made the 4th dav of January, A. D. (919. I was appointed IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA pianos Singer Shop, 329 2nd'C Murray, of the Itoyal Engin- Administrator to the estate of John Bunt. TION ACT Avenue. 23 eers. Ingy deceased, and all parties having and claims against said estate are hereby required IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Full Choral, to rurnlsh same, properly verified, MALCOLM McKAY, DECEASED; INTESTATE. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY BOATS WANTED to me, on or before the 8 th day of Fcbru- The service was fully choral, ry, a. v. iviv, ana on parties indebted to TAKE NOTICE that In order nf Ills . . . he estate are reaulred to mv the amount Honour F. McB. Young, made the 3 1st lav A.. .'II t. r i t i the 6rganist being Mrs. Q. Webb. of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. of December, A. D. 1918, I was- appointed the piiice is right. Send" full The hymns sung were "Lead us, JOHN II. MCMULL1N, Aominisiraior to tne estate or Malcolm McKay, Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points deceased, Offlclal Administrator. and all parties having claims particulars with lowest price Heavenly Father lead us" and "O DATED this 8th day of January. 1919. against the said estate are hereby required via Steamer to Vancouver and the slating where the boat may bo perfect Love, all human thought on iu lurni.Mi or before same,the properly 6th day vennco.of February.to me. Canadian Pacific Railway 1 I,. . r. r I ,w. ..I!.w A . 1 r . IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH 1919, and all parties Indebted to the estate COLUMBIA. are required to pay the amount of their N THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRA Indebtedness to me forthwith. Meals and Berth included on Steamer .which is commanded by the TION ACT'! and , JOHN Official H. McMULLIN,Administrator. V FOR SALE bride's father, nllpndpil Iho r.nrf- N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DATED this 8th day of January, 1919, II. H. CHHI3TENSEN, DECEASED; IN TESTATE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE FROM PRINCE RUPERT i 1 kJ.iiJi GAT I." 'ijruiuuui 1A,l.nn. linn I 111111111..I2..Z : . - w TAKE NOTICE that in order oT His IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH -imure. " nnpifl na inn nrniA nnn nrmft- Honour F. McO. Younr. made the 4th dav COLUMBIA. January 17th, 31st; February Hth and ?8th; March 11th, and 21st, and vjun, ciuna cnomei 'rnnm ,fif, ,hn -hiirrhl Tlio I"' l a uyuiuieu in frnlrion nnlf wilh hi.vnltpr) fT I i juuiiiiin-iur iu me rsnie oi ll. n April Snd. uk.ivih,u halla ol Ihm Hma wrtnrr nut o n n r mi IPhrltpnn fl.p.ll.il nl mil na.tl.. IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA . Kidss. jiiiiiv tiiiiH iiiKiiir . iiiaviiiir c Bin s Brains, ine sjiin Rsiaie btr TION ACT FOR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANOELL, 8 X AO WAY, ALASKA i - ,..pii inereny required to rurnisn same, properly and rtpanments, rnone 107. tfi, i rnha i.iiu .wv,...u..noo(:rl ,..nQ tiuo hnlH iikiu y Sot- - vertned. to me, on or before the 8th day IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF lanuary 13th and 27th; February 10th and 24th; March 7th, 17th and 28th of February. A.D. 1919. and all parties CARL RJCHARD CARLSON, DECEASED; . . III S A (' lnr ri lli ivi n I I II I4 1 1 '111 1 K Iili IP r 111 II H 1 1 II V 1.1 1 I 1 1.IlltU Irll Ltl llie BIlalB. BrR TPnilirPn in nil V v' UU UUK lllllllkn. UJ LIJ r I - r - 7 - -- r i.i its i A it. w s --w r iinn imnnni r r inpip innAnTAMnitii tn rra loft for Broadway for TAKE NOTICE that in order of Ills 100 happy pair ft. in length; hemlock and forthwith. Honour F. McB. Young, made the 3 1st dav Spruce. Apply Kitamaat Council, the honeymoon. The bride's JOHN Official II. McMULLIN,Administrator. of Aominisiraior December, to A. D.tne 1918,estate I or was can appointed Richard W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Kitamaat Mission. travelling costume consisted of dated this 8th day of January, 1919. Carlson, deceased, and all parties having navy blue coat skirt bound with :iaiii9 against me saia estate are nerenv Co ner Fourth Street rnd Third Avenue, Pr'nce Rupert. B.C. uii OALL -iMO. 4 Portable Huhbaril Oven. N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH required to furnish same, properly verified, Hill iil new. Arnlv La Canim Ilakerv. .silk braid. She wore a blue velvet COLUMBIA. to me. on or before the 6th day of Febru P O. Box 413. Prince Rupert. tf fnmin trlnnnnrt with hnicn vol vat THE MATTER OF THE "AD.MINISTRA ary, A. D. 1919, and all parties Indebted to TION ACT" ine estate are reaulred to Dav the amount TAXI SERVICE flowers Her coat was of natural and oi ineir inaeoteaness to me rortawitn. N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOHN II. McMULLIN, musquash with shunk collar. STANLEY WOZNEY, DECEASED; IN Omclal Administrator. TESTATE. DATED this 6th day of January, 1919. The bride and groom wero recipients TAKE NOTICE that in order of His Night and Day. Phono 99. of many costly presents. Honour F. McB. Young, made the 4th day THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH or January, a. o. iviv. i was appointed COLUMBIA: The jUniop COAST SERVICE. LOST Administrator to the estate2 of Stanley On Way Home. Wozney, deceased, and all parties having N THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA Claims against tne said estate are hereby Steamship For Vancouver, sailing Tues., 7 p.rn. . .1 W P T nnl i m l f 1 TION ACT, Lieutenant Clothier crossed to required to rurnisn same, properly vended, AND Avenue between Third and Sixth Canada on the steamer Olympic February,to me,A. on D. or 1919;berore and the all 8 parlies th day Indebted of . THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Anyox, Port Simpson and Naas Points, Streets, roll of bank notes. Fin and is now on his way to Van- to the estate are required to pay INTESTATE TUHSTEN TORSTENSON, DECEASED: Co. of B.C. " Mondays, 7 a.m. iho amount of their Indebtedness to me der please return to Daily Ncws 'couver where ho will probably re-OJllce. I'urthwlth. TAKE NOTICE that In order of UK JOHN II. McMULLIN, Honour F. McB. Young, made the 31st day Ltd. John Barmley, General Agent Reward. 23'ceive his discharge and then Ofllcl&l Administrator. or December. A. D. 1918, I was appointed :: :: to Prince Rupert. Ho DATED this 8 th day of January, 1919. Administrator to tlio estate or Torsten 4r come on , Torstenson, deceased, and all parties having was in charge of the Indian mines claims against the said estate are IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH hereby required to furnish same, properly at Stewart bororo going overseas COLUMBIA. eriiiea. to me. on or before the 6th rtav IN THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA of February. A. D. 1919, and all parties and will probably return to Stewart TION ACT Indebted to the estate are required to pay to work the mine next summer, and Hie amount of their Indebtedness to me Advertise in "The Daily News" IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF forthwith. lie is accompanied by Mrs. OUSTAV WICK, DECEASED, INTESTATE JOHN II. MCMULLIN, TAKE NOTICE that In order of Ills Official Administrator. -COKBTRUOTION of wharf, massett, Clothier. Honour F. McB. Young, made the 3rd day DATED this flth day of January. 1919. The Paper that 'gets Quick Results .,. NOTICE naerslgned. anrl nniii.risii ..rnH, rrm a-'aai n..7., "V0?t-harlotto;., ?' 1 wnarr ciku approach.at new massed,Landing It's a Great Life if You Don't Weaken Islands, B. C." will bo rv- ti ii'.i..: onicc 4:00 P-'"- on Janil.pv nth ,n.n n... ii.i.r i... ...i . J y.f ivi .wo irtnr'"'nuiUIlPa,wl" not bc considered Unless I upon rorms furnished by Department falueanthereln!la,,C0 C0,ld"iu"J con- 'pecincatlons to be seen on ... wdw) -, y - LIFE-, Iannii,..Han? the pbt Master. New arson THIS IMTfcO DUCES i' ?' "lu ""ice or tne nonunion Fn.ii.V0 al '''"ice Huiiert. 11. u. M. M 6OO0FOWT t,'".(lcr must be accompanied by an ahiip. ,,;llet'ue n a chartered bank, i!? '.ric.r or ,n9 Honourable the l'er'Scee. 0f, ,,'Sf.,"!..WS!?. '2 l"' 'inaer Oom n Inn w. iimi.ij ..hi . who owes Pie ccurll'. und Interest will be IaTlowo.! ,.n deposit after contract Is award- By order, t6A COMPASS E. I'. G1N0HAS, . uoM6 Time.. fot- l.llnn 111...... .- . in.uiii r.ii)fiiii'cr. l p'.11 f'I)arnnent of public Works. - " ""in-i i. u, i;.. January , 1919. iOOTLt 6CHH6 f x WILL 7 Q&J$&2' ANDTWEH 'OTIC I.AMI ATT trtt BlU ON ACKtVorti. 7 I VlMl APPLY TO' 60 ON ft VACATION N fi. I,st I.ANII. liVrrni,..v".',.,u"V 1 "' ISUA.MIS l.A.M) HECOIIDI.NO DI3TIIICT UK few ' mMgL ; SlinLiir-11 SITUA1K O.N THE wl.- OF UllAY I1AY, MOHESUY IS- yy f vA.L'.?l',:F.,.h ' Yoshlmatsu Mukal, REST UP ' Columbia, In-n SnOOWO f fr permission to puriliuse for. VJHlLt .ortl f '8' 1 P08 r'amert at the lnd. oif,fiSJni;r..?.r Moresby Is- . I P." thence West twenly ' .' V,""1.1 """nil tnence followinl VJ arn?.lh "l0 fonur tla-ncu Point i1 '.!hor.e. ioutlieriy. to the eru nmre or ieTs co",4'n" WTEQ YOSIIIMATSU M IIK'AI, this Jlh day of Oeceinber, A. D. 18. t l u,rlkL, lBlU. bt lb Kirulat Ttltxrtm. N.w Turk tlef.IJ Co.)