Page 6 THE DAILY NEWB. Tuesday, January 28, f 019 G. H. Arnold ! Local News Notes j Wednesday Specials NEW COMMISSIONER GALLANT OFFICER -NOTARY PUBLIC J. V. Band-arrived from Swan Meat Department son Bay Yesterday morning. Lleut.-Col. Sclater, D. S. O., Who Complete We have just received a Succeeds Flndlay Saw Four We Buy Twentieth Century Suits. Vnlucs shipment of fresh veal. Years' Service. $40 at S27.00 at Bryant's Odd Lowest-prices. Victory Bonds Suit Sale. - 23 Llbby's Tomato Soup, 3 tins for SOc Lieut.-Col. Sclater, better known Paying highest market Tho train from the cast is re This 12 tins line Is made In Canada,$1.75 the known as Jim Sclater. who has and ported on .time, duo to arrive at quality Is. the best and you can been appointed prohibition commissioner price for them. patronize home Industry and save 5:45 p. m. yourst-lr the giving: It a trial. in succession to Fiqd-lay, Any quantity. All 1 Wt tiding BrcakfaH CoITee. I-lb. has only Just returned from tins, Wednesday ... J5v maturities. No delay. Dr. V. T. Kergin went to Hazel This rrlre Is less than wholesale servico overseas. He is a winnor-of ton yesterday and expects to re Corn today on and the our Cob,slock gallon Is tins'United.. . . 90c the Distinguished Servico On-der up-to-Date turn tomorrow night. Helm Dill Pickles in bulk, rresh and was overseas for about It. Q. HELGERSON, LTD. slock and extra large sites per dozen 35c four years. Insurance Real Es'ate Just arrived by the Princess Itelnr-Sptced 3weet mixed Pickles-parked Throughout British Columbia In E. Z. Seal 216 Sixth St., Prince Rupeit, BC Kna, 800 tons of New Wellington Jars, special Wednesday .. Colonel Sclater s appointment Our stock of Boys' Clothing coal Albert & McCaffery, phone Christie's JSC allowed Sodas Tor 2 lb.return tins ....of Jars.S5c will be warmly received. Partic is new, well-made and 116. tf This l positively fresh stock and his will this be t ells at 65c regularly. ularly so among complete to the last detail former comrades of the battle Among tho arrivals from Alico field. The new commissioner, it for the boy who is just get Marine Insurance Arm staying was at J.JJ.the Robertson Prince who Rupert is Rupert Table Supply Co. Orkney should be Islands noted,and is a came native to of Can tho ting into trousers to the young man who wants Hotel. PHONES 211, 212 ada when ho was about twenty. long pants. Canada Food Board Llcn 8-3043 We have had prepared a Widow lost all her money on two years of age. Ho camo direct Some suits have two pairs of blocmers, and all the his homo in to and made city special policy to cover Ashing Third Avenue on Friday. Finder of Vancouver. Ho is tho proud of the bloomers are lined. boats operating out of please return roll to Daily News Office. 23 ASSIAR CROWN MINE father of three sons and several made in the "mannish" this port. The Company is daughters. And although one of They are new style that one of the strongest Marine IS TO BE DEVELOPED boys of to-day demand. SPECIAL DISCOUNTS "Bread" is one of the plays his sons had reached the enlist today,Companies and doing tho rales business are which made a sensation in tho ment age his own years did not on all Boys' Clothing during stock-taking. lower than formerly. Policies south. It is shown tonight at the Company Already Employing prevent tho call of the flag reach are written in our office the Empress Theatre. . It Few Men Running Tunnel ing him in earnest. Immediately it was known just what Canada day application is completed. Seal Cove lied Cross Whist 200 Feet Long. intended to do, Colonel Sclater Drive and Dance in the Seal Covo offered his services to his country Boys Boot It is reported that the Cassiar School House on Friday, January and left Canada as ono of the McCaffery, Gibbons 31. Admission 50c. 23 Crown Copper Cowpany, owners "originals" with tho first Cana of the Cassiar Crown mine RETAIL CLERKS' First Annual Grouse mountain, have decided on dian contingent. We have all the leading makes of Boys' Bocts, & Doyle, Ltd. Dance will be held in St. Andrew's upon an extensive program of Jr.,His however,officer gave son, James his life Sclater,for the including Leckie's, and specially low prices may Hall on Wednesday, January 29, work in connection with the development Empiro's cause and lies buried in be had on all purchases in this line during stocktaking. Insurance Real Estate of that property, which 1919. Procure your tickets early; the shell-torn terrain of France. from any of the Retail Clerks. will be commenced shortly and The young officer had a brilliant Prince Harvey's Orchestra. Refresh carried on continuously, and as Rupert, BjC. career before him and had already ments ' 24 the report comes from an unusually won his way to an important army reliable source, there is Chinaman from New West good reason to expect consider post. minster by the name of Som, arrived able mining operations during the H. S. WALLACE Tho drawing for the prince CO., LTD. yesterday by the Princess summer, and even encourages a Rupert Labor Library will take 1 Mary with his family and belong hope approaching belief that the place tonight before tho opening $9.00 ings, including a liorse and rig. coining summer, will see a general j or tne regular meeting oi me He intends to open up a store of revival of activity in the milling Trades and Labor Council. Hold some description in town. industry, with the Cassiar Crown ers of tickets are invited to be final in f ha flnlfl , 111 Ob kllU IIVIUl I A request from the Great War In fact it is. deduced that tho 1,1 - 1 Committee. 11 I Coal I Veterans asking to have two members plans of the-Cassiar Crown people Tim Order of the Eastern Star Grocery Specif of the City Council appointed are already being worked out on ig giving a Ball in the St. Andrews on their memorial committee will mo niu m u biuuii Nvuy as a siari- na1 on Friday the 7th of Febru be considered later. Tho letter AT nnrl una pnm tfio rnnt flint a I , n .. . r mi M"ndr,TcMday jrd Wtdnr ..u u nrv in ala 0. .no nca L.ross. i no jday read me iew men are now at worn at tne was at council meeting, invitations are out. It FOR SALE asi nigiu anu iaia on ine tame. 'prupei;iy ms urew is running Ja-n. 27, 28, 29 Only Is! I This. Coal a tunnel alongside the big four- Watch for tho Pnnco Rupert Tenders Tor Sale of 40 Horse Tower, Flcur. 4-lb. bag. Purity The tender of tho News Print teen-foot vein recently opened up, Musical Society's big event in the :yllnder Loew Victor marine engine. In Quaker i xcellcnt running- shape, will be received Braid's B-jI Tea, reg. 7i'e ing & Publishing Co. for printing to prove continuity and extent of Weslholme Theatre next Monday. iv District Knirtiicer ui till noon on Satur- Mjlkln's Jlest Tea, reg. 75c t Selling: Fast. the new telephone directory for .the ore body, and to block out the KeeD that date. ' It Ciy, February 8th. 1 u 1 0. Engine can be JVaboh Bulk Best Tea, reg. 75c r Tea, regular 75c. tiipecte.l at any time at the Government i (Ti I i 1 V f I I i t rtt t ' - Tl i 11 1 i J i was -aucepieu uy me uuy.ure. n is mejr reporieu intention v'a!irf. Prince Kupert, U. C. Hulk T a, regular flsc . ' Council in this $35 suits for,; $22.00. Bryant's ins mgnesi or any tender not necci-arliy OulTie, Mslkin'i Best, Emp I The three cars we ad-I at their; meeting last 'connection to drift two 1 accepted. or Nabob t night. Tho tender bad been held hundred feet along the showing )dd Suit Sale. 23 A. L. CAIUltlTIIEns. but. Engineer, n round CoITee, 3 lbs for II vertised Provincial Public Warks Dept.. Dr. Prices Baking Powder i sold. Other are over from the previous week in and to cross-cut the vein at that I'rince itupert, li. c. Jameson's Baking Powder $ two have arrived and order to give others a chance to point, and then to continue the Oh sayl The News Print Shop iV Msbob Kmprrts Baking Baking Powder,Powder t -lb I lb tin ir f 't THE i contain put in a bid. drift another two hundred feet. loes its work about as cheap as SUPREME CULUMUIA.COMIT OF IIIIITISII O-Cedar .Mop, reg. 11.50 1 1.SO more lumps"than SEEDED IIAIS1.NS. K It is also stated that as a result nost shops and quite as well, Parrot Metal Polish,per reg pkf.i . i i form2r ones. Owing to the large sale of Vic- of tho recent visit of Mr. Pohl- gives you the work on time when- TAKE NOTICK that Alexander W. Dow trisfo. i-lb. ran or the Eitract ror making lluutbr. City of Vancouver In the. ProTlncc : lory Bonds there were not enough man, ono of tho officials of the vcr possible and hands it out of British Columbia did on the illril ilv I Uir.pkln, large can, . Above does I price not of January, A. r. tot D, Issue a Writ of Bi:mon, per ran n. and ' of the documents to bo round, comoanv. thn interests of Chas vith a pleaanl "Thank you." Moby's Catchup, 2 bottles i summons out or me auove court herein, I include delivery, same The result has been that some o (Barrett, one of the original lo- A'hat do you say to giving them claiming as against you specific perform Pear fllobe Brand, 2 cans ' l: ance or an Agreement for the sale of Lot 'Slam lllce, No. .1, per lb I I being from $1.75 to the people who have paid up have-cators, have been taken over by trial on your next job? 18, ,Block 21, Section . City or Prince Mam Hire, No. u, r l been unable to secure the bonds. :the company for a consideration nupert, and payment of the balance of the Lard Flake Whlfe, 3-lb. tin tl I $2.75 according to meth-$ purchase "monies-, and Interest due under Pepp por hot The Bank of Montreal has now of about six thousand dollars. Manufacturers' Agent, saia Agreement and an accounting, and i Jazz, per bottle ' od of declaration that he Is entitled to a Vendor's Loganberry Juice, per botllc delivery. received "new and those Work in the nature of a supply a tunnel J. F. Magulre, Smith Block. Lien upon the lot aforementioned In Apple cider, per bollle who bought through that bank is also being carried on at anoth-J respect or the purchase monies. Interest, taxes and rosts and the enrorcement of and who have paid up in full can or portion of the Cassiar Crpwn the said Lien by sale or your Intresi un FIFTH AVENUE GROCERY get their bonds in the denomina- property, as a part, of the de der the said Agreement and an Order cancelling the registration or the said Agree- j 123 and 162 Terminal Goal FIRST ANNUAL 55, Co. $j ons applied for. It velopment plan. Interior News. merit In the Land lieglstry omce and costs DATI-.D at Prince Hupert, 1). C this ' Cnid Fjo! Ounlrul Linns tit V.:i Phone Black 85 I Retail Clerk's Dance 25th day or January, A. 1. 1919. r s Odd lines of Jaeger Pure Wool A resolution was passed at the To WILLIAM FnASEIt, MUSSALLEM & CO. Underwear to clear at half price. meeting of the City Council last Advertiso in tho Pally NVws. I imi ri n Bryant's 23 night on the motion of Alderman in St. Andrew's Hall I "--i""TrTrrHTr'"T "i 'f T"iriTTrr"- McMeekin seconded by Alderman I: Casey asking the Grand Trunk Wednesday, January 29 M. ! STEPHENS Pacific Railway Co. to make the At 9:30 p. m. THE statutary returns in regard to NOTARY PUBLIC property held by them. It SPECIAL ! was Tickets GcDlItmcn tapirs 50c. ! BARGAINS pointed out that these return? ECflif STORE HARVEY'S ORCHESTRA Why Pay Rent ! had not been made for several years and that the council did not Three-roomed house and 417 Fifth Ave. East know which properties should be For This Week a choice, level lot within 200 feet of King Edward School Phones 18 and 36 exempt and which should pay. for only " Food Licence Mo. 8-10340. The Gurvich D. Zarlli was the donator of $900.00 a very nice pool table to the Cash or Terms. Specials for- this Week Prince nupert .Fire Department Transfer Ladles' Overcoats, Velour, Cheviot and Economy Tea, a Due blend, SOc. lb. yesterday. It will be sent up to and Tweed Cloth, formerly priced at Act if quickly you want it. Economy CoITee SOc lb. day. frcm ?35 to $50 each, now off one-third 9100 cash handles this property. S lbs for 12.35 Fry's Cocoa ssc. 2 for 45c Tomatoes. 2 lb. tin, reg. 25c Chorjal and Orchestral Concert Phone Green 548 Other Special joe P.6. Box 102 6fflce,"Fraser ST. Ladies' Serge Dresses, from $15 to $30, properties for sale Tomatoes, 2-lb. tin 3 for 50c in the Westholme Theatre next also too cheap to pass up with Colden Corn Wax Beans 25c,25c, i 2 tar for 45c 4 5c Monday by tho Prince Rupert reduced by one-third the present demand for I'm.; -2 for 33c, 6 for IU0 Musical Society. The event of We Sell Coal homes. t.. C. u. nutter ... 2 lbs Tor II.IS : : Lades' Woollen Combinations Uuller, other brands .... 55c lb. the season. and Two-jiiecfi Maple I.rar Milk per case ... 15.00 Suits (Turnbull's and . per dozen 91.40 Penman's), M. M. Stephens Pacific per dozen Milk, per case, 15.50 11.45 PRINCE RUPERT BOARD ' from $3.75 to $8.00 per suit REAL ESTATE INSURANCE hniprcss Jams, Strawberry, Black OF 8CHOOL TRUSTEES FINANCIAL AOS-NT currant, itaspbcrry, 41b. tin 11.05 Empress Jains, other kinds, 4-lb. Ladies' Cotton Underwear, from $1.75 can , , , , ii.oo Tenders will be received up' to TfieP. R. Feed Go. Pure Italian Plum Jam, 4-lb tins, to $2.75 per suit r-:-i-M.-:-4--M'.M''K--V-- regular 91.00, Special 00c 4 p. m. of January 31st, 1919, for Brown Beans, .... 2 lbs. for 25c. White Beans i lbs. ,ror 25c wiring tne Domestic Science DANCING LESSONS Clark's Crlsco, Soups,1-lb. tins assorted, '. . . isc.35c School Building, and tho supply Have got in a New Seasons Ladies' Sweater Coats, formerly $15 and LATEST 7 cans for It.00 or len (ini JCleclrlc Stoves. Supply of ; $8.75, now $11.00 and $6.50 DANCE8 Pioneer Tea, regular 60c, spec. SOc Contracrors must bo 11. P. Sauce, regular 25c prepared Bulbs, Private Instruction bv nnn nr 30c, spec. Hyacinths, 1 cronies ueai Known teacnera. Squirrel Brand Peanut Butter o conform to the specifications Ladies' Felt Slippers, $1.75, now $1.40 I-lb. tin 35c, 3 for X Single lessons 2 00 Club House Olives, large size,11.00 li every respect, copies of which Daffodils, . ulips, A L Seven Three lessons lessons .......SI, tS 0.00 00 Extracts,regular Nabob,50c, Special Empress, Braid's 40c may bo obtained from the under Crocus, Easter Lilies PHONE BLUE 389. Best, 2-oz. bottles, reg. 30c signed at the City Hall. Tho low Soap,Special B. SI. a. White Naptha,for 10 45c est or any tender not necessarily Make the home beautiful 2 LEONA BUSHNELL In carton, reg. 8Sc, Special 7Bc accepted. 20 Jafootsr Bros., Ltd. 5 WALKER'S MUAIO 8TORE, 2nd AVE. II. v. nincji, Have Some Win er Blooms I Mussallem Grocery Company Acting Secretary, Indoors and Outside.' Third Avenue West SUBSCRIBE FOR LTD. When you have read tho news 908 Third Ave. The Daily News look through the classified column Phone 63. P.O. Box 333 ,on Pago 5, 'The Dailv Npw' A1irOV:,.: ri Daculfs j .,v,rv uuiti iioiiig vicia ,iiu- I