1'riilay, January 31, ioj9 Page 6 TUB DAILY NEWS. would supply tho missing PRINCE RUPERT BOARD also YUKON WANTS RAILWAY OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES I link connecting every rjallwaj system Watch Our Arnold Local News Notes tho two hemispheres via G. H. 1 CONNECTION WITH THE Behring in Straits. Tenders will bo received up to Specials NOTARY PUBLIO Spirclla Corsetiero. Black 257. TRANSCONTINENTAL Frank Lowo is presidonl, and 4 p. in. of January 31st, 1911), for Gus Johnson vice-president of the wiring lho Domeslio Science ,Jrhpy re Betting: i,otl(.r Building, and the supply We cannot alToi-d i J' A. Zarelli left for Victoria on new League. chool your time ami ours advertl " Development of Rich Resources Electrio Stoves. essentials. Each Vn We if ten (10 and eve-5 Buy tho Prince Ocorgo last night. represents quality i,,,,!'? of Northern Territory Being DEATH SENTENCE. Contractors must be prepared right and sold at prl" that fn! Bcdids to tho specifications save you dollar. Advocated. Conform Victory J. II. McMillan camo back last o of which SATURDAY 8PECIAL8 night from Telkwa on the train (Special via 0. T. r. Telegraphs.) n every respect, copies n. C. Kresh Ears, per dot. Dawson, Jan. 28. Pijactlcal- bo obtained from tho undcr-dgned our stork Is limited nay highest market Paying from the east. Kdmonton. Jan. 30. Senlenco last the day at this Cornel."," ly all tho substantial mining and at tho City Hall. Tho low-,st price price for them. of death was passed on tho'mur- Iclnir Sutrar. 2-lb. pkR, StmKI1 mercantile interests here combin- tender not necessarily Wetheys Mlnre Meat iK !r or any A. Carmichaol and wife wore Any quantity. All derer, James A. Campbell, yos- IJ. S0C. This Is positively le V,, eu lo-uuy. in a to losier . . . tcceptcd. 20 lino we havo maturities. No delay. among the passengers sailing for project w , , Tho ever seen at any pr, Vancouver last night. the development of the country's isoner"look the sentence calm II. W. BIRCH, Johnuston'a bottles, special Fluid Hecf. tc ,J"l ... Acting Secretary. iy. Kairle Milk, reg- JSc. Special H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. W. W. Dlaikio of Smithers was incidentally, a share for tho Yu dy "lis Tor i Aur i oo among the passengers irorn ino kon of the Dominion's reconstruction Ena arrived in O. A. and Mrp. Taylor were Meil. Oalmeal 10-Ib. sk.s. ;ipp,. ,,, Insurance-Real Es'ate The Princess Krlnkte Corii Flakes . :east last night's train. appropriations, as well lho arrivals on tho train j f, , 1 on this morning with imong ItakeCa Eagle Sweel 9:15 at 215 Sixth St., Prince Rupel, B.C. ... port Choo'aie ih as a share of tho $1,000,000,000 of New Wellington coal asl night from Port Essinglon. -80c W. D. Vance who took a trip which tho Prime Minister expects 890 tons llurkeye Corntneal, 5-lb. sks, j0c for P. Black and Albert & McCaf- Canada Corn Starch . . . . cast for his health a short while to secure from tho German war rA.r film ponnpfAH n vflrv fine Manufacturers' Agent, g fr ti ago, is expected back. on Tuesday. indemnity. It was pointed, out ..',, Hinv nn m.nl of J. F. Magulre, Smith Block. at tho gathering that the Terri Marine Insurance Fv Peters, city clerk, was among lory had not received a return of bad weather. She will bo leaving Rupert Table Supply Co, the passengers sailing , on tho for. Ketchikan on Monday. T PHONES one dollar for shipbuilding or; war 211. 212 Prince George last night for Van LESSONS Canada Food Board Licence DANCING g.RM I! orders, as tho provinces had, al-' Tllis js the old Chinese New couver. though its contributions to pat- year's Day and is to be celebrated LATEST DANCES We havo had prepared a riotic funds, bond purchases and hv i,e Chinese of the old school Just arrived by tho Princess i Private Instruction by one or speclhl policy to cover flsli-" I'.na, 800 tons of New Wellington companies and batteries for the m ln3 cjiv by a big feast. Tho v Seattle'!! Icst known teachers. ing boats operating out .of .oal Albert & McCaffery, phone war had been so large. mnrlflrn Chinese kcerj New Year at X Slnalo lessons $2.00 i m. stepIns" Three lessons 15.00 j. Jhis port. The. Company is The Yukon Development Lea- 116. tf lho 8ani0 timo as Canadians. . . Seven lesson 110.00 A one of the strongest Marino , guo will ask for ample sums foij PHONE BLUE 389. X Companies doing business The Rev. A. Barner arrived the immediate development of the When you hac read tho news NOTARY PUBLIC today, and the rales are tack from Port Essinglon on the rich mineral resources of silver, look through the classified column LEONA BUSHNELL f lower than formerly, Policies train last night, after spending copper and gold, it being pointed on Pago 5. WALKER S MUSIC 8TORS, 2nd AVE. J Why Pay Rent ! are written in our office the in few days thorp." out that this activity would havo Threo-roomcd house day application is comprcted. . a beneficial result not only on tho and BABY'S a choice, level lot within Mr. Bell of the Prince Rupert Yukon, but on Britsifi IColumbia feet -of 200 King Kdwand Lumber Co., came back.on last and Alberta, School McCaffery, . Gibbons lie night's was train on businoss.from Terrace; where Railway Project. OWN P. R. FEED Co. for $900,00 only There also is a project on foot Ltd. The S.S. Prince John is at tho to secure the construction of a Cash or Terms. & Doyle, coal dock loading six carloads of Government-owned railway, to be Have got in a New Seasons Aot quickly if you want it, She will connected at the most feasible Supply of J $100 cash handles this Insurance Real Estate machinery for Granby. pr ip. sail for there tonight. point with one of the transcontinental m, 9oa Bulbs, Hyacinths, erty. ... railroads, for the open Daffodils, Tulips, Other properties for sale Prince Rupert, B. G. The Order of the Eastern Star ing up of an immensely rich, J1 - loo cheap to pass up wilh Easter Lilies are giving a ball in tho St. An farming; grazing and mining,, Crocus, the present demand for drew's Hall a week from tonight.) country. Canada and Alaska homes. the commercial organizations will bo Hake the home beautiful The proceeds will be in aid of Red Cross. It appealed to for support for, this Have Some Winter Blooms I M. M. Stephens . . project, and it is contended tho I I. . .- i- ol ! A meeting of the Fish Packers' with tho construction of a lino the i ' v-. it . ; Indoors and Outside. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE $9.00 Union will be held in the Carpenter's Territory, at present cut off, e uniecal f. r ' 1 d U:e ii ' FINANCIAL AGENT Hall Friday night at 8 a. in. will be afforded military defence beneficial t" '-' 4-4 M i 908 Third Ave. SUBSCRIBE FOR This is important. All members from the heart of tho continent. Albert So&pLnutt:cl, Montreal. Phone 53. P.O. Pox 333 wjll please note.... 26 trans-Alaskan-Yukon Railway The Daily News An ordinary ticket for the Musical Society's conoert on Monday can bo exchanged for a reserved seat picket at Orme's, which does not cost much more. Only a few reserved seats are left. , Our 10 Sale Conti This Coal Is The Big Event...of the Musical Day iiuee Association is to be held in the CZX. Selling Fast. Westholmb- Theatre on Monday r.-- night. An additional number of seats have had to be reserved, The three cars wc advertised owing to the great dernand. Get Until Saturday Night are sold. Other yours now. two have arrived and ). O. McAuley, a returned sol contain more lumps than dier, who arrived from Toronto on Tuesday, left last night for Reduction Sale has been far Our beyond former ones. tho south on the Prince George. Big a great success our expectations Above price does not While here he was a guest with and many lines advertised are completely sold out. In order to make more Mr. and Mrs. Gillan of tho 'Sum include delivery, same mit Apartments. room for our New Spring Stock we have thought it best to continue the sale $2.75,being according from $1.75 to meth-'to J. P. Babcock, commissioner of ONE MORE DAY, ending Saturday Night, February 1st, and from now until that fisheries for the province, left for time going to sell Clothing and Furnishings at such cut in that od of delivery. (the capital last night after a short we are a price T : :i ui i . 1 1 ri i ivisii on oenau 01 ine tianaua any man knowing a bargain will not miss the opportunity of buying a Suit or jFood Board to interview tho Deep Terminal Coal Co. JjSea Fishermen's Union in regard Coat or some other article from our splendid stock of Furnishings. 10 worK on ine irawiers. THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY TO CHOOSE FROM. t T f none tsiacK J Mayor McGlymont before leav a;, ing for Victoria last night ap t , pointed the members of the read ing room committee for the cur Raincoats Suits HATS renb vnnr -us fnllnwa? AMppmnn ; TUP 1 1 1 V. G. Baniie, chairman, and Hev, . , 20 Men's Paramatta Cloth IT tVllgUL, lit U. X. 11U3Q U11U 40 Suits, odd sizes $30.00 ECONOMY SOB E i John: Uybhavni values, to clear at "t Raincoats, $15.00 values to ! . II, McEwan arrived last night . k'Tt. clear at Any $5.00 Hat in the 417 Fifth Ave. East to take the position of chief olerk $20.00 $9.00 ''Store for $,3.00. in G. A. McNicholl's offlce. Ho Phones 18 and 36 comes hero from Edmonton where Food Licence Ho. 8-10316, ho was soliciting freight agent for the company. He has been in tho employ of tho G. T. P. for Sweaters Men's heavy weight Specials for this Week many years and was here for; a The Prices Are Leather Economy Tea, a flue blend, 50c. lb. short time four or flvb years ago Economy 6 lbs for Coffee fioe$8.35 lb. Men's heavy weight shaker Fry's Cocoa 25c. 8 foe 45c There was a meeting of tho Tomatoes, a V4 lb. tin, try. S5c knit Sweaters, $7.50 to Special . , : SOc uel Commission presided over Cut and Cut Work Gloves 10.00 values clear Deep Corn Tomatoes, S-lb. tin 25c, 3 a Tor Tor 50c 45c bysS. M. Newton last evening at to at Uolden Wax Beans 35c, Tor 4 5c' which preliminary steps were l'eas S Tor 5c, 6 Tor 1100 $5.00 Regular $1.50 jvalue, $1.00 E. C. D, Duller ... 2 lbs Tor $1.15 taken to regulate the coal bus! itutter, other brands .... 55c . lb. ness in this city. Among other . . . Maple Lear Milk per case $5.00 per dozen $1.40 things it was discovered that the Tactile Milk, per case, $5.50 Ordor-in-Council under which lho per dozen $1.45 SOCKS Empress Jams, strawberry, Black Commission is appointed provides OVERCOATS Underwear Currant, Ilaspberry, 41b. tin $1.05 Empress Jams, other kinds, 4-lb. for tho dismissal of the commis Men's heavy all wool or Pure cans Italian Plum Jam, 4-lb tins,$1.00 sion on a request from two-thirds 10 only Men's all wool heavy grey Men's medium rerular $1.00, special 90c of tho fuel dealers of the city. a medium weight khaki weight un- Prowu Beans, .... 2 lbs. for 25c. . Overcoats, $40.00 values shrinkable Underwear, i White Beans cashmere finish reg. 2 lbs. for 25c sock, Crlscu, 1-llJ. tins ,. 35c The Princess Ena has arrived to clear at $4.00 values to clear at Clark's Soups, assorted, ..... 16c. 75c. value for in with full , reg. , 7 cans for $1.00 port a cargo of 1,000 Pioneer Tea, regular oc, spec. 50c tons of Ladysmith coal for the $25.00 45c. $2.50 Suit II. 1. Sauce, regular 30c, spec. 25c a Squirrel Brand Peanut Butter Prince Ilupert Coal Company. It l(lb.. tin 35c, 3 for $1.00 is to have all lho Club House Olives, large size, expected cargo regular 50c. Special 40c discharged by tomorrow and from Extracts, Nabob, Empress, Brald'a nest, voz. Domes, reg. auc now on, supplies of Ladysmith Special 2 ror 45c coal are expected to.ba more Soap, B. N. O. White Napllia, 10 regular. in canon, reg. use, special 70c With peace conditions, thoro MARTIN O'REILLY should be moro tonnage available for bringing coal north from Van Mussallem Grocery Company couver Island regularly and tho LTD. Prince Rupert Coal Company hope THIRD AVENUE to have supplies on hand all tho v timo now. It