MP I ORISLIW I Chemists no.Drulsts box leiso and OH Daily News Space Watch This pftones,82 and 200 PfllNCK nUPEIlT, n.G., MONtfAY, FEBRUARY ,VOL. X. 28. 3, 1919. PRICE. FIVE CKNTP V7 57 CrTfO 77 V? 0' NATIONS 0 AY C01TEOL Dismemberment of Turkish Canadian Club MANY CLPDE WORKERS ARE Empire and Retention of TO MEET OPPOSED TO STRIKE AND There wiTl be a General Meeting of the Canadian HOLD MEETING OF PROTEST German Colonies Deci e Gluh morrow,In the Tuesday,Court House,Fcbuary to-, 4, at 5 p. m., for the purpose MOVEMENT IN GLASGOW TO FORM ORGANIZATION TO and Arabia of considering a proposal to TAKE CONTROL AWAY FROM EXTREMISTS IN Palestine Armenia, Syria, Mesopotamia, to be endorse the "League, of Nations." LABOR UNIONS RESOLUTION freed from rule of Mohammedan Sultan and former J. A. Mc'AULEY, PASSED German Colonies to be held as sacred trust Hon. Secretary. (Special to The via O.T.P. Telegraphs.) , Loudon, February 3. A large meeting, called by Clyde workers (Special to The Kewi via 0. T.P. telegraphs.) opposed to the strike,, was held in the Govan district of Glasgow Paris, February 3. The accord reached by the Council of the yesterday. Councillor Wardley, a well known labor leader, Great Powers concerning the disposal of the German colonies presided. Thereyvere a number of interruptions and interjections and occupied regions In Turkey In Asia Is much more definite during the meeting, but llnally lie following resolution was than is generally supposed, and, besides the acceptance in principle passed: s of the American plan of mandatories, it embraces the following "We, the trade unionists and citizens of Govan condemn meain features: " . wholeheartedly the undemocratic and unconstitutional methods The Allied and Associated Powers are agreed that the German which force us to take part in the colonies shall not be returned to Germany, owing first tomls-. HALIBUT PRICE strike. We pledge ourselves to management, cruelty and use of these colonies as submarine support representatives of trade unions in this country, and to use bates. TAKES A DROP our influence to maintain law and The conquered regions of Armenia, Syria, Mesopotamia, order." 1 Palestine and Arabia shall be detached from the Turkish Empire. A movement also has been Provision Is made whereby the well being and development Qoes Down to 14.5 cents a Pound started in Glasgow to form a of backward colonial regions are regarded as a eacred trust of. Yesterday Sevoral Cents Patriotic Workers' League on civilization, over which the League of Nations exercises supervisory Less Than Recently Clydeside, the object being to take Obtained. the control of trade unions out of care. The administration or tutelage of these regions is the hands of extremists, and to entrusted to the more advanced nations, who will act as manda appoint shop stewards to work The price of halibut has drop tories in behalf of the-League of Nations. These mandatories are 'in harmony with ofllcial union ped very considerably, possibly as not uniform but vary according to the degree of development of a result of the increased amount leaders. A big demonstration is to be held Thesday to discuss the the Colonial regions and its approach to the stage of self govern of fish being marketed. I matter. ment. Several boats arrived yesterday, the Tom and Al bringing 70,000 More Troops. nounds. which sold at li.5 for thai London, Feb. 3. There were no XbesUquiittiy and "io n fQpniw striking developments Jo.,the labor ;(NYB9ATS 1 grades. The Ko'diak had 28,000"lubles," 'either on the Clyde or jibs., the Lebanon 4,000 lbs., and in Balfast. Quiet prevails in both . ... TWISTING ROAD, 'the districts. It is hoped that a num. ft "JEEDED FOR ARE TIED UP Saturn 400. These each got Il5.6 cents and 12 cents for their ber of' shipyard workers will be 'catches. induced to resume work during RAILWAY WORK DOMINION PROHIBITION FOR A YEAR j The ilelena and the Volunteer tne course of the week. More Demands of Men for Larger Share (arrived this morning, the former; troops' arrived in Glasgow where In Proceeds of Fishing a. Tfc 1&. having 8,000 lbs. and the latter," 18 SiUU wier? aia Operations Causes 1 000 lbs. I Bombay, Feb. 3. The big strike Uncompleted Lines to Parts Bo Finished of Government to Cessation. AFTER PEACE IS DECLARED IS TO BE'commence' ' The Saturn operations is getting and ready the to I wnJch rendered In 86 India.cotton factories Act as Feeders to The Canadian Fish & Cold Royal Fish Company's boat Verna idle terminated upon the. employ-made aysiem. FOLLOWED' her first trip out on Satur- ers, on the advice of the Govern-day Storage Company's boats are be- A BIG REFERENDUM night. The Advance, Nau'ti- ment of Bombay, granting in-llus Speual via 0. T. r. TeleirapM.J inS tied UP 08 a resuIt of a d'8" and the Nelly also sailed for crease in wages and a bonus ot Ollawa, Feb. S.-Estimatcs of af em,nt over the amount I their respective fishing grounds .twenty rupees to each man. which the men are to receive a3 (Special to The News rla O. T. P. Telegraphs.) on Saturday. the Canadian National railway thoJr sharo n lho procecds. Ottawa, February 3. The prohibition legislation to be brought The fishing boat Thelma which BIRTH system as prepared by the board Tlie fishermen work on what is oeforo Parliament at the coming session has been practically de- had the misfortune to lose her Thet'e was born at the .Prince of directors will be before the known as the company lay. They bided upon. It is understood Parliament will be asked to extend propeller blade a few days ago, 'Rupert General Hospital to Mr, Oovernment this week for review, receive ns their share of each Imanaged to recover it and sailed and Mrs. Henry Menzies, of Mar- for one from the declaration of "peace the regulations en The total, it is understood, is trP thre0 garters 0a cent a1 year for her grounds about 2 o'clock ket Place, a daughter on February acted Inst spring by Order in-Council under the War Measures M 000.000 . Saturday afternoon. 3rd. TmUm Z7,Zr on Act prohibiting further manufactur6 and importation of liquor will bo mado for a largo number Uiree cents a poumJ 0n halibut from wet to dry areas' within Canada, manufacturers-, Agem, Ldy3mlth Wellington Coal re-J. of works considered F. Rlagu re, Smith Block.1- 'and for codfish on necessary. other prices duces fuel bill and gives There A year's further trial of thV. present prohibition regulations your will bo betterments hero 'tho halibut boats. They are now 4. I atlsfactlon. Phone 15. .P. ft. and there nil over the system, ad- 'asking substantial increases and is to be followed, according to legislation as now contemplated, ' Coal Co. ditions to rolling stock and other the company refuses to givo it uy a national referendum giving the majority of the people of 9 ' MAX HEILBRONEFt equipment, replacement of rails 'them. As a result the boats are Canada the right lo say whether or not the whole Dominion shall and considerable construction being lied up as fast as they wipe out entirely the manufacture and sale of intoxicants. Tollable Jeweler work in the west. Tho extensions 'wme in. projected are not main but branch ' The old agreement with tho Diamonds, Watches, Clocks lines most of which have been men which lasted for a year ex-jfraucu NEW "STRIKE" BRINGS FOUR TRAWLERS ARE Cut Glass, Silverware, Ivory but require finishing up. 'piped yesterday and all tho boats Umbrella, Community Plate, Ji" PROSPECTORS ON JUMP COMING TO THE COAST aco dsigned to act as fedo-'are home except tho parruthers. Etc. j FOR QUALITY ers or the Government system.) Tho price for the flatfish Is set Corntp' 3rd A. and 6th Strttt. SERVICE AND SATISFACTION - ; by the Canada Food noaru aiw Alleged Nuggets Got In Mosquito (Special by O. T. I. Telegraphs.) Tnnii UnnrH T.foonpA Nn. 10-7340. iaso 10 vr,iCQ t0 uo pailj the fish- Creek Turn Out to be Brass; victoria,- Feb. 3. The four - ,ermeii is set in tho same way. trawlers Sladacona, Armentiers Looked Like the Real 'DErIERS" . Tha, Innkea it a dispute between lhe men and tho Canada Food Thing at First. Thiepval and Givenchy which Wn have It small,assort- jnoard and it is understood that were engaged in patrol work out Empress Theatre "lpnt In case tho men do not fish at -There was quite a flurry of ex of Halifax during tho war, arje : of silf, sergo and . Hia Hin linalg Will bO transferred to nrwna cn citement at the construction camp being the Dpart-mont TONIGHT Poplin dresses ..that are tied up Indefinitely. at Mosquito creek tho other day of Marino and Fisheries and 40 when ono of the crew came up will bo M'ought to the Pacific wonderful values al $25.00. The froighler Brjlish Columbia Priscilla Dian j from the creek to the camp bear Coast for servic. They will leave Satur- arrived from the south on COME AND Oil ing with him some lustrous shin Halifax at the end of March, In Tom Browning'i Dramttle Suceen SEE day with oil for the Imperial jco. and lumber for Albert & Mc-Cairery, ing pieces of yellow metal. "The Brazen Beauty" ,.. besides other freight. Mosquito creek lies between prcclbus metal, but consiHled of Pacific and Kitwangar, and tho little bits tf brass. - 5 PARTS G. T. P. are putting in a new I It was supposed that during the bridge" there. After the first find Eddie Lycos&Lee Moran Comedy construction of the railroad somo Prmce Rupert Musical Society it was not long until the creek AND (was doited with the workmen all seven or eight years ago, somo Uaiwsil Current Erents searching for moro nuggets. The scrap brass had fallen into the Brand-Choral ariQ Orcheslral Concert news of the "striko" spread with jcreek and tho action of the running Latest News of the World lightning rapidity and the nevy water had rounded off the bunch of -''tiara and made tho brass noxl train brought a n scrap In the Westholme Opera House prospectors, old timers all, and ook like the real thing, The Admission 15c. and 25c. Show at 7.15 Sharp each armed with a nick and pan, prospectors, .however, would not - TONIGHT AT 8.15 making their way to tho now And. have been prospectors had they 13&14 CominE-"Th6 Fall of tho Romanoff's," February jlofore their arrival, nowever, u'not followed up the news of tho Adm ission 75c. Reserved Seats at Orme's. was discovered that the supposed striko, to see for themselves just . "Over the Top," February 17 and 18 nuggets of gold woro not of the what it amounted to. r it