Monday, February T11K DAILY NEWS. 3, Pago 2 The Daily News rtrr MAIL SCHEDULE r.;il t:iM.. Mint t.' t PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA !fESTHEWH!TKT.LI6tmU m nil For the East. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat-udays Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. at 9:30 a. m. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Tliurs-lays SUBSCRIPTION RATES: at 5:15 p. in. City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. WR For Vancouver: By Mail Canada or Graat Britain, in advance, per year $G.OO. Tuesdays 5 p.m. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. Thursdays 10 p. m. Saturday, Feb. 1 and 15, 7 a. in. Telephone 98. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 75 cents per inch. From Vancouver Contract Rates on application. Sundays 10 p.m. three brands Vednesdays 10:30 a.m. HKIiNSNO Jonday, Jan. 27; Feb. 8 and 22, DAILY edition. Monday, February 3, 1919. at 9 a. m. sealed in air-tight MADE IN k CANADA i For Anyox: packages. Easy to find Revive Interest , Suudays 10 p.m. In Pari Singing .W. G I LLETT CO. LTD. ...veunesuays. iu J n p. m I it is on sale The Prince Rupert Musical Society has been trying to revive WINNIPEG ' MOHTRCAL interest in part singing and in music generally and has done some From Anyox: everywhere. excellent work. A large choir of mixed voices, under the leader Tuesdays a.m. 'hursdays P. m, ship of J. E. Davey has been practising for some time past and Look for ask for. tonight is to give its first concert. The sale of tickets is an indi For Port Simpson and Naas Rivet SUBSCRIBERS be sure to stet cation ol the general interest taken in the event. The people of TO points: Prince Rupert are already showing their appreciation. It would Subscribers to Tho News Sundays 10 p.m. WRIGLEY5 be compliment to the if there not seat vacant a society was a am asked to Day the do- Port Simpson and Naas tonight, when the conductor raises his baton for the opening livery boys each month From River Points: The selection. when they call, except Name in. Greatest Tuesdays p. where payment has been Strike Epidemic made for the year In ad- in Goody-Land Charlotte Islands: Has Broken Out. vancc. The boys when Queen . t Port Clements and For Massett, People who are given to the use of alcohol often have to go collecting cany olllcial re- UtiDer Island Doiats: iiimn srit .-! k ceints which should al- off on a spree at various intervals, and the longer they abstain ways be preserved. ?or Skidegate, Queen Charlotte the longer the spree they take. The workingmen of the old City and Lower Island points: country have been holding back for a number of years, restrained . .. anuary 23, Feb. 6, 20; March G, tm. PERFECT GUM rjW V by the idea of winning the war. Now they are having a strike 20lh, at 7 p. m. LAND ACT SEALED TIGHT spree. They have been making money for years, but they want SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF "rom Masset, Port Clements and more, or shorter-hours for the same money, which is much the QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. UoDcr Island points: , same. From Skidegate. Queen Churlnttc TAKE NOTICE that Eugene Humphrey It is hoped that wise counsels will prevail in labor ranks and Simpson of Trlnce Rupert, occupation City and Lower Island points lrHFUIINfi r.HMg 2 master mariner, Intends to apply for permission anuary 28; Feb. 11 and 25; Mar. 2 that the strikes will not be of long duration. There is now a to lease the following described 11 and 25th, a. m. great opportunity for the Empire to build up its industries, but land: KEPT RIGHT at planted at a witness Commencing a post if the .men are going to strike, the opportunity will be lost. The post situated at the Intersection of For Skagway and the Yukon. rj-OJlllilij strike-has been of benefit to the workers, but it is a weapon that the north boundary of Lot 9333, with the anuary 27, Feb. 8 and 22 9 a. m shore line; thence north SO chains, thence is often used when it should not be. The present is not a time cast 20 chains, more or less, to the shore to encourage industrial strife. line; thence following shore line to the From Skagway and Yukon. point of commencement, containing 20 acres Febuary 1 and 15 a. m. MADE IN CANADA National Future more or less, situated near Klum-Kwol Bay. Of Trades Unionism. EUGENE Morris II. SIMPSON,Doumont, Agent. He wart, Maple Bay and Swamp The Flavour La sts Right Hon. J. II. Thomas, M. P., in a recent article in the Date, December 3rd, 1918. F.'l Point. 31: Feb. 14, 28, 10 .lose Jan pm Glasgow Herald discussing the future of Trades Unionism says: IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. Arrive Feb. 3, 17; March 3rd. "I believe that we shall never reach a stage when there will not be higher things at which to aim, and. that it is inevitable that IN TION THE MATTER ACT OF and THE ADMINISTRA Oueen Charlotte Islanders can- Prince Rupert Academy of Music the next move on the part of labor will involve encroachment in N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF int do better than mail their JOHN KOSKI. DECEASED? INTESTATh Phone 104 613 THIRD AVENUE Thone 104 the printing needs to The News Print sphere of management and control. Man has all through the take NOTICE that in order of Ills been Honour-F. McD. Young, made the 10th day ihop and get the work done INSTRUCTION CIVEN PRIVATELY ON ages struggling, consciously or unconsciously, fjor freedom of January, Ap, 1019, I was appointed. romptly and well, Piano, Violin, Violoncello, Mandolin and Theory, Trumpet, Administrator to the estate or John Koikl, and liberty. The day when U.e industrial master could command deceased," and all parties having claims (Cornet, French Horn, Althorn and Euphonium. the,complete subjection of his servants is past. Men and women against to furnish the same,said estate properly are hereby verined,required to me, Muile arrang-ed tot band or orchtr& will not allow tn or berore the 14 th day or February, PRINCIPALS-Will. Edmunds, M.S.M., It.I.A.M., Feia Ccoil Medalist today employers to interfere with their lives outside A. D. 1919, and all parties Indebted to the William Balagno, Modern French Violin School. the workshop, and inside the workshop they are formulating heir state Indebtedness are required to io me pay amount oi Members of Westholme Theatre Orchestra. their.demands to shape their conditions JOHN II. McMULLIN, own of employment. It Official Administrator. is natural, therefore, that the idea should now "be crystallizing in DATED this nth day of January, 1919. the minds of the workers that they have a right to a share in IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH FOR SALE management and control. COLUMBIA. Pure Cream The Gurvich N THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION "In July, 1017, the Whitley Report was issued. It recommended ACT Tenders for Sale or 40 Horse rower, 6 and - :yllnder Loew Victor marine engine. In the setting up, by voluntary co-operation, in well-organized N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF jcellent running shape, will be received Transfer PIETRO CIVOTTO, DECEASED; INTESTATE. ly District Engineer up till noon on Satur-.ay, Makes the trades of Joint Standing Industrial Councils, representative February 8th, 1919. Engine can be TAKE NOTICE that In order of Ills nspected at any time at the Oovernmenl of employers and employed through their respective Honour F. Mrli. Younir. made the 13th day Vahrf, Prince. Rupert, B. C or January, A, D. 1919, I was appointed inr. .mgncsi or any tenaer not neccs-arlly organizations. These councils are to act as industrial parliaments, Administrator to tne esiaie or neiro accepted. Richness mm Phone Green 548 Oivotlo, deceased, and all parties having A. L. CAIUiUTHERS, Dlst. Engineer, and to deal with conditions of employment, methods of claims against me Bam esiaie are nereuy Provincial Public AVarks Dept., P.O. Box 102 CYflice, FraserSt fixing, paying, and required to rurnlsh same, properly verined, Prince Rupert, B. c. There Is a pure cream richness readjusting wages; methods of negotiation, to me, on or before the Hth day of and all parties Indebted about Pacific Milk that Is the only AD. 1919, security of earnings and employment, technical education, research February,to the estate are required to pay N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH secret behind Its goodness for We : Sell : Coal the amount of their Indebtedness to me COLUMBIA. and invention, legislation-affecting the industry, and means forthwith. cocking. JOHN II. McMULLIN, You see, all wc do to the rich, for- securing to the TAKE NOTICE that Alexander W. Dow workpeople a greater share in the control bf Official Administrator. or the City or Vancouver In the Province fresh milk as It comes from the industry." DATED this 14th day of January, 1919. farm U to water or British Columbia did on the 22id dav evaporate out of of January, A. I). 1919, Issue a Writ of It. The sutreme court of British summons out or tne above Court herein, Barsalou's This leaves the natural butter columbia, claiming as against you specific performance N the matter of the administraTION of an Agreement for the sale of Lot fat and other cream .solids as they ACT , 18, uiock si, section 6. city of Pr nee were. and Rupert, and payment or the balance or the Then we seal It up so It remains Motor Transfer ESTATE fiF IN THE MATTER OF THE purchase monies, and Interest due under YONE YAMAMOTO, DECEASED; IN saia Agreement ana an accounting, and a fresh and sweet. TESTATE. declaration that he la entitled to a Vendor's Try It In tho nct recipe which TAKE NOTICE that In order of His Lien upon the lot aforementioned In calls for milk or cream. Honour F. McB. Young, made the 10th day respect of the purchase monies. Interest, Furniture Moving of January, A. D. 1919, I was appointed taxes and costs and the enforcement or Administrator to the estate or Yone Yama-rnoto, the said Lien by sale of your Interest under Express and Baggage deceased, and all parties having the said Agreement and an Order cancelling Pacific Milk Co. claims against the said estate are hereby the registration of the said Agreement required to rurnlsh same, properly verified, in the Land Registry omce and costs. LIMITED WE HANDLE COAL to before the 1 4 th day of me, on or daimj at iTince import, ii. c, this February, A. P. 1910, and all parties Indebted 23th day of January, A. D. 1919. 332 DRAKE STREET Nlg-ut and Day rhona 182 P.O. Cos 18S to the estate are required to pay TO WILLIAM FRASER. the amount of their Indebtedness to me Factory at Ladner, B.C. forthwith. JOHN H. McMULLIN, NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC Canada Food Board Llctns 14-158. Official Administrator. TION ACT DATED this 14th day of January. 1919. WORK FOR ELECTRICAL FORESHORE LEASE R. S. C. Chapter 110. Go to The .Northern B. C. Fisheries Limited LAND ACT hereby gives notice that they have, under Section 7 or the said Act, deposited with (otlct of Intention to Apply to Lata Land. the Minister of Public Works it ntinu. Geo. Waddell In Skeena Land District, Recording DIs-rlrt and In the office, of the District Registrar of Skeena, and situate on the west or the Land Registry District or Prince oast of Smith Island, about two miles Rupert, at Prince Rupert, U C a description nrth and west of Oceanic Cannery, Range or the site and the plans for storage, Phonos Ive, Coast District. docking and mooring of cannery and fishermen's Take notice that we the Oosse, Mlllerd boats as proposed on a portion of GREEN 394 acklng Company Limited, of Vancouver, Port Esslngton harbour at Port Esslngton TIMBER SALE X 1442. BLACK 367 ccupatlon Cannerymcn, Intend to apply In front or Lots 3 and 4, Block 3, Esslng- or permission to, leas the following de-crlbed inn luwnsiie, ueiiig a suo-aivision or Lot P. O. Box 452 lands:. 45, Range 5. Coast District. Scaled lenders will bo received bv the Commencing at a post planted at the And lake notlco that after the einlratinn Minister of Lands not later than noon on ortheast corner; thence south so chains, or one month from the date or the first the 2 8 th dav of February, iuiy. rnr the nllowlng high water mark; thence west Subllcatlon or the said notice, the Northern purchase of Licence X H42, to cut 3,407,- "l rlmlns to low water mark; thence north Limited will under Section uuu reei, u. m or spruce, ceiiar. Hemlock 0 chains, following low water mark; 7 or mo saia aci, apply to tne Minister or and ualsam on an area situated on Hi if hence east 3 chains to place of beginning, Public Works at his office In the niiv nf Lake. Kllerslle Channel, ilanire 3. Coast DENTISTRY nd containing o.o acres, more or less. Ottawa for approval or the said site and District. OOSSE, MlLLEItn PAf.KINO COMPANY plans and for leave to use, the said foreshore Three years will be allowed for removal LIMITED. for the storage, docking and mooring of tlmbpr. )ated 3rd December, 1913. F14 or cannery and fishermen's boats. Further particulars or the" Chief Forestry office iioonsi m-DR. Dated at Vancouver, B. C, this J3rd day Victoria. II. C. or District Forester. e a.m. to 12 1i30 p. m. to 6:30 p LAND ACT or January, 1919. Prince iuipei t, II. C. riUllllltltIN U. C. FISHERIES LIMITED, J. 8. BRCWN C. A. Notice of Intention to Apply to Lease Land. Crosble, Secretary. F28 TIMBER SALE X120S. DKNTIST In Skeena Land District, Recording dls-rlct or Skeena, and situate on the west In the matter of an aDDlleatlon foe the Officii Smith Block, Third Anu' oast of Smith Island, about two miles Issue or a fresh Certificate of Indefeasible Sealed tenders will be received bv the rnone . Five Coast District. Title to Lois 38 and 89, Block 7, Section Minister of Lands not later than noon on tortli and west of Oceanic Cannery, Range 1, City or Prince Rupert, May 923, tho 3 Uli dav of February. 1919. for tho Take notice that we.. Hie Oosse, Mlllerd Notlco Is hereby given that It Is mv purchase or Licence X 1808, to rut 1,035, ""i acklng Company Limited, or Vancouver. intention to Issue, after the expiration of 000 fret; It. M., of Cedar and Spruce on an . II. C, occupation cannerymcn. Intend to thirty days from the first nubllcatlnn hem. area situated on west shore or Kllerslle apply for permission to lease the following or, a rresh Certificate or Title to the above uiannei, iiaure ), uoast uistnct, MISS M. A. WAY rtenerlhed lands: mentioned lots, In the name or The North Three years will be allowed for removal commencing at a post planted at the Western Loan and Investment Company. of timber. TEACIIEK OF MUSIC mrthwesl corner; thence east 10 clmtnst Which certificate Is dated 18th March. Further particulars or the Chief Forester, lien re south 90 chains; I hence uet 4 0 191 J, and was registered on application Victoria, H. c, or District forester, 309 Second Avenue chains to high water mark; thence north received tho KSnd February, 1913, and rrlnce Itupert, B. C. ylll" of 'h u rnains rnnowing nign water mark and It Jill. 11PD-I. Taklwr with atudenta the RATHER; THE NEW DAY HAS DAWNED: COME (intatnlng 15.0 acred, morn or less. Land Registry office Prince Rupert, D, C, Toronto Con.rvatolr of Muilo. GIVE MH OOSSE, MlLl.Elm PACKING COMPANY January xzuu, iviv. See tho classified ads, on patro primary to advanced. rhoMBI"1 W W VS t LIMITED II. F. Mac LEO D, )ATED 3rd December, 1918. 1 4 District Registrar of Titles. (Ive,