Monday, February 3, 1919. THE DAILY NEWS. Pago 3 ST'S WHISKEY FR All $5.00 for $4.00 MAN ARRESTED flit i . ilN EXTERMINATOR And every dollar worth more! STOPS THE PAIN - AND ACTS QUICKLY IN VANCOUVER Rheumatism,lumbago,neuralgia,sprains,lame hack, toothache. er-.rhc nore throat, swollen Joints and all similar troubles are avUMt relieved by Hirst's Pain El terminator. It baa been sold for M rears, and hould be in every household has a hundrfduMi. All dealer!or write tit. HIRST REMEDY CO.,Hamilton,Canada. Police Find Barrel of Water In Swiss Dairy Ready for Government Kepeat Order. FULLER, SMART & STEEN b Security in A. Johnson has been arrested Fuller's Grocery 9 in Vancouver for being implicated Small Denominations n u wiiiskey fraud herw. ito will bo brought north and arraigned M0T0.1 ELIVLFY Canada Food Board LIcenie 8-35652 M in liie police court along with If War-Savings Stamps were offered in denominations - r-k ivt r? Si d n ir n ki r fca Clarence Miller of$40 and $80 redeemable in 1924 at r n u i' " -V t 9 r in j c who is held hero only, . ... on a charge of selling liquor, $50 and $100 respectively, only a limited number raniStV an -a'-1 SOaaS,MIMd 29,Sweet.........Biscuits du In at ruller's-55c. Best Special Tea,Tea eoc 50c lb. 5 Miller as lar came as here can some be ascertained weeks This Month $4.00 each of people could profit by the high interest return.. CliriHc's Biscuits rull lines at tie lb. These Teas will ago ,t all sizes. Mc-: suit you as well or better than any and was met by Johnson who toiu cocoa, -u Iit - , a;iiout orram Cheeso In bricks. (. t.:e other standard blends, liim that he had foui; barrels ol Month $4.01 each But nearly everyone in Canada can and should nice; No. t Japan 15c lb. ground. Fuller's 50c lb. per b .. ." ....rr-n to 9S. Brushes, brooms and whisks. whiskey left over since pre invest $4.00 periodically in these Government " 1L . -r, Sprrlal Coffee 31ns I. Washboards, etc., or all kinds. prohibition days and if he would securities earning over 4J per cent, compound A good Watch for A full lie introduce could him have to everything some customers over interest. W-S.S. are sold at Money-Order Post variel line of tnirty dollars a gallon tnat they Offices, Banks, and wherever the sign is displayed. of Candy Friday Speciai tobaccos couiu get. Miik-r introduced Johnson to a THRIFT STAMPS CtntisJ Fruits, Vegetables, Meats Always as ror and Insist on party of ladies wiio were looking and Fish. Jersey Brand Creamery Butter ror for just such a buy and they went rw4 04 fe Patriotic etorekeeperetoitteettyoa Thrift Tannic ,tragus.i.CMIo Spinach,con Carnc,l'lmcntocs,All Fruits quality, and L. M. F. Eggs as strictly logetner to the Swiss Daily where Stamp; at 25 cents each. Affix tixteen Irii-lW Cherries, Blackberries, rresh. There can be none better the barrels Were. One was taken of them to a Thrift Card and you can Tor I'imipplc-m not overlook Apricots Fuller's special eating. to the house and the girls were exchange for a W-S. S. this month. canal ror the price, Our own syrups are coming Into V - .gar None given a small portion of tlie liquor c'll Oil by the gallon 35c. demand. 7Z extracted by means of a syphon and on it proving satisfactory the sum of $1470 was paid to the nen as the price of the barrel. After the men had -gone the giijls found that there was nothing PRISCILLA DEAN IN jpilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Illlllillilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijjjj Storage Batteries but water in the barrel and THE BRAZEN BEAUTY" House Wiring that there had been a small quantity of liquor near the bungho.e and Charged Repaired in all its branches in a can;, sufficient to deceive Interesting Drama to be Shown, No Loss of Time While Dentistry thern, as to the contents. At Empress Tonight Featuring Your Battery Is Being New Favorite. ELECTRIC Overhauled. Another Is Story Comes Out. Always Available. IRONS GRILLS Owing to their own connection "The Brjazen Beauty," featuring jf DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH 1 J with the deal the girls were afraid Priscilla Dean, is the big attrac Agents For TOASTERS to say anything about it to the tion tonight at the Empress EE One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your CVINRUOE Portable RANGES police but the story came out and Theatre. This is a drama full of HEATERS Efficiency" Motors. the police investigated with the for VACUUM CLEANERS tense situations and dramatic CAILLE Engines result that the men connected interest such as movie fans love. WASHING Runabouts. MACHINES withj the deal were arrjested. Priscilla Dean of the was one REGAL Engines for On a search being made of the LAMPS actresses who took part in Grif Trolling. Swiss Dairy barrels some were FLASHLIGHTS fith's big productions. She now The Famous English found that had been taken there Dr. lias her and her GENERATORS own company PETTER HEAVY OIL in a packing case. One was filled own brand of pictures. "Tho Two- ayne ENGINE FOR with water and there "was a receptacle MOTOR SWITCHES, Soul Woman" was tho first stel- FISHING SCHOONERS for the whiskey ready, EE OFFICE HOURS: ETC. ar effort and since that she ha.-' but no whiskey there. Apparently made a name for herself. U Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30: Evening, 7 U 9 J Full line of Electrical Apparatus in dock. the trjick was to have been re Those who see "The Brazen peated several times, the belief Beauty" tonight will not bo disappointed U Dental Nurse in attendance. Parkin & Ward Electric Co. Ltd. being that the girls would be for the pep which has Phone 109 for afraid to inform against the men ! appointment been shown in the other plays Phone 125 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS P. O, Cox 67 will be apparent there. MANY PERFORMERS AT llll!lllliilll!lll!ilflilill!iiilll!illli!llll il(iIli!ll!!lHii!lii!il!il!li!liiillllllllllIlllI E. II. Mortimer, secretary of BIG CONCERT TONIGHT the Board of Trade, went south to Victoria by the PrincessMary 4 which called here yesterday afteiy e 3 The concert tonight promises Alaskan Edward Lipsett, President Harry Lipsett, Manager n lo bo one of the big affairs of the noon en routo from Edward Cunningham, Vice-President lings Look Sri gtter season. Those who heard the points. choir yesterday declare that the results obtained by Conductor; t 8YNOP8I8 OF Lipsett-Cunningham & Co. Davey in the few months during LAND ACT AMENDMENT which he has had charge of them Pre-emption now confined to surveyed "Mirro" Aluminium Ware are simply wonderful. The following lands Records only.will be granted covering- only limited; are the members of the and land which suitable Is non-Umber for agricultural lan purposes, FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE Mixing Bowls Percolaters Bread Pans choir: Partnership pre-emptions abolished, but parties of not more than four may Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories Combination Soprano: arrange for adjacent pre-emptions, with Kettle and Double Boiler Mrs. A. T. Bailey Joint Improvements residence, but on each respective making claims.necessary Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage Frypans Miss K. Byatt Pre-emptors must occupy claims for Miss O. Clarke Ave years and make improvements to PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Mrs John Conway value of 1 10 per acre, including clearing Mrs. C- Elklns and cultivation of at least & acres, before "Mirro" Aluminium Reflects Good Housekeeping Miss J. Qarton receiv g Crown Grant, Registered Ofiice: Prince Rupert Office: in occupation not Mrs. W. O. Humble Where r emptor Miss K. Shaw less than i ears, and has made proportionate 68 Vat?v Street, Telephone Nd, 95 Mrs. E. A. Woods . improvements, he may, because Mrs. I). McD. Hunter of ill-health or other cause, be granted Vancouver, B. C. P. O. Box 1698 Miss 0. Hunter Intermediate certificate of Improvement Call and see the latest shipment at Mrs. II. Hampton and Records transfer without his claim.permanent residence Mrs. W. Keith Issued provided applicant makes may be Miss D. Klllen to extent of 300 per annum Improvements Mrs. I. Llnnell and records same each year. Failure S FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Mrs. A. II. Lord . to make Improvements or record Miss K. Thompson same will operate as forfeiture. Title I Mrs. V. E. Williams cannot be obtained on these claims In Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 Mrs. W. S. Ledlle less than 6 years, with Improvements of SECOND AVENUE Mrs. Win. Millar f 10 per acre. Including 5 acres cleared Mrs. 1. Oliver and cultivated, and residence pf at Mrs. Wm. nobb least 2 years. For Comfort, Courtesy and Service Miss J. nothwell Pre-emptor holding Crown Grant may Miss J. lloss record another pre-emption, if he re- land In conjunction with his Mls U. Sliockley Mrs. F. S. Wrlg-ht ?ulres without actual occupation, provided statutory Improvements made ana THE SAVOY HOTEL Contralto: residence maintained on Crown granted Mrs. n. Blance Mrs. C. Larkln Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding 20 Phone 131 Otfice-14 Smith Block P.O. Box 772 Miss U. It. Cowan Mrs. H. Steen acres, may be leased as homesltes; F. T. BOWNESS. Manager Miss Kdmandi Miss. G. Vlereck title to be obtained after fulfilling residential B.C. Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, Mrs. J. I.oo .Miss ll. Crux and Improvement conditions. Mrs. J. Mitchell Mrs. S. Darlon For grating and Industrial purposes, Prince Rupert Engineering & Supply Co. Miss S. Stone Miss I., King areas exceeding 640 acres may be leased Mrs. W. E. Uurrllt Mrs. D. 11. Morrison by one person or company. Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water Mrs. T. C. Duncan Mrs. E. 11. Shockley PRE.EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. Miss M. Glen Mrs. Whaleu The scope of this Act Is enlarged to Engineers, Jobbers, Contractors Include all persons Joining and serving Tenors: .. .. with His Majesty's Forces. The time . ...... - .j Estimates Messrs 1. K. Sinclair. within which the heirs or devisees of a furnished for Electric Wiring and Complete I. Currle 0. lldOii deceased pre-emptor may apply for I. (i, MiLellan Krank Moore title mnder this Act Is extended from Plant Installations . K. K. ValHUIne W. V. Taliersall one year from the death of such person, II. Uowtlier O. V aJ'leil as formerly, until one year after the WESTHOLME LUNCH Northern conclusion of the present war. This B.C. Representatives-Canadian Bass: retroactive. privilege Is also made SECOND AVE. WcStintjhoUSe Electrical Equipment, Electric K. Clapperton W. Mason TOWNSITE PROPERTY ALLOTMENT K.-Orliuble I. S. Stevens ACT. HOME COOKING. LADY COOK. Co., Hamilton LamT8!,&cMotors' Generators W. II. Mellior I, II. Wilson Provision Is made for the grant to I. K. Frost 0. Oliver persons holding uncompleted Agreements Goodyear Tire & Rubber E. A. Woods A. J. Lancaster to Purchase from the Crown of Mechanical Rubber Goods, Hose W. II. Derry F.. ll. Mortimer such proportion of the land. If divisible, Fifty cent meals from 11.30 to 2.00 and 5.30 to 8.00. 0., Toronto. "Extra Power"belting. 9. King E. It, Tabruin as the payments already mads will Orchestra:, cover In proportion to the sale price of Short orders all thetime. Specialate8 with room and board. Canada Wire the whole parcel. Two or more persons & Cable Bare 'and Insulated Copper. Conductor, l'ror. II. A. Harvey holding such Agreements may group McMillan their interests and apply for a proportionate 11. 1st Violins Messrs. J. 0., Montreal Steel and Iron Wire. and James Leo allotment Jointly. If It Is not Domastic Snd Violins, Mesdamcs 0. A. considered advisable to divide the land Engineering covered by an application for a proportionate Woodland and J. II. Beatty ..Delco.. Productg Ught allotment, an allotment of land I . A. Woodland Mr. a. t-0., Dayton Isolated Electric Plants Flute, of equal value selected from available 0. C. Walker cello, Mr. Crown lands in the locality may be ' Pelton Water,Wheel Co. Trombone, Mr. Edward McClure made. These allotments are conditional NOTICE TO FISHERMEN ! Mr. Howard White Water Wheel and jirum, upon payment of all taxes due the oan 1'lano, Mrs. W. II, Sinlll). Crown or to any municipality. The rrailClSCO Hydraulic Apparatus rights of persons to whom the purchaser Our Supply of Bait is exhausted for the present Pacific from the Crown haa agreed to, Coast Pipe Co. Word was brought from Juneau sell Are also protected. The decision of. Wood s,ave 1ipe' Tank8' etCi 8 Princess Mary on the Minister of Lands In respect to the S. Vancouver by tho S, adjustment of a proportionate allotment -:- Watch this space for our I Saturday that Diver Jacobson reported Is tlnal. The time for making application Dodge Manufacturine Transmission Machinery, for these allotments is limited to announcernent of a new supply I tho upper part of llio the 1st day of May, 1919. Any application Co., Toronto l'ull srs, made after, this date will not be etc. Prjncess Sophia badly broken up, considered. These allotments apply to tho mainmast broken in half, but town lota and lands of the Crown sold WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED at publto auction. """ingnouse and other Elec-al trie Motors, Lamps tho hull of tho vos8el intact, She For Information apply to any Provincial BUTEDALE B.C. bclu'PmentanJ stock Government Agent or to - - - I Gaojyear Billing carried in will probably bo raised and will a. n. NADEN, " again ply to this port and Alaska. Depaty Minister Victoria,of Lands,A. a