Pfiones,82and200 chemists po.DruJ3sis flos lGflO and he Daily News Watch Space Thi lot. N0 29: princk rupkrt; n.g, Tuesday, February 4,iui9. PRICE FIVE GENT? lee otrike ug is in the Air BOLSHEVIST SCHEME FOR GENERAL REORGANIZED SETTLEMENT LAND BOARD SOCIAL HYGIENE PROGRAM ITRIKE IN GREAT BRITAIN AND Maxwell IsTaken Smith as Retires Chairman and By Place FOR CANADA OUTLINED AT IRELAND BEING OPENLY PLANNED M. H. Nelems. MEETING HELD IN OTTAWA Victoria, Feb. 4. Melbourne II. Nelems has been appointed chair 'number of very important resolutions passed at man of the British Columbia Land leueral Demand for 44 Hour Week iu Vicinity of London; Par-; settlement Board. succeeding GATHERING LOOKING TO THE SUPPRESSION OF Maxwell Smith. The reorganized COMMUNICABLE DISEASES AMENDMENT liament Which Meets Today Faces Ever Growing Menace; boa'rdlxvill have a membership of OF CRIMINAL -CODE three,. G. R. Ward and F. It. De PROPOSED Important Program for Legislative Body. hart being the other members. (special to The Kcws rla 0.T. P. Telegraphs.) (Special to The News vu D. T. P. Telegraphs.) Ottawa, February i. The first step toward the .organization GERMANY'S LAST HOPE. London, February 4. Every trades union worker In the vlcln- . of social hygiene program for Canada were taken when, repre-r 1 1 .1 i 1 1 .I, V" " m -JM ...III nn'inn C f l La T h 11 nc H a" unlaea 4 fn a Hnuaon m ant sentalives of a number of provinces met here at the call of Q IsOliUUI I mil 0" vii j i i n v vuu; uniugg imu uuivi iiiiiwiii Acting fy ma L- .. ni.aL Inlil It limn a n M ..n a J .n 4 n Tfn.. .Ia Premier Sir Thomas White to discuss legislation'for the control Islon was roached at a meeting of union representatives last of venereal disease. The conference was suggested by the military Iignt. February 4. The Reconstruction Parliament con- An authorities.important discussion look place and a number of resolutions enes today with a large portion of the country's workers at were passed, in one of which the conference placed itself tempting to take reconstruction into their own hands. As the on record ,as being in favor of the immediate establishment of a"' Irganizatlon of the newly elected legislative body gets under way, Federal Board of Health. real Britain and Ireland face the constantly growing menace of Another resolution states that, general strike, which is frankly admitted by many of Its insu subject to the consideration of the governments of the respective RETURNED MEN lators to be the first attempt toward socialism of the national provinces, tho following general odustries under a Bolshevlkl regime. The vital questions which principles ar.e necessary in any Ills parliament must pass on are: Ratification of the peace treaty, legislation looking to the prevention MEETMANITOBA Settlement of the general strike, the definition of its attitude to and control of venereal dis ward the Irish Republic, and the adoption of a general recon- eases: Compulsory notification, GOVERNMENT compulsory treatment, standard truction program. ized treatment, authority to ex amine persons suspected of being affected with venereal disease, Eight Hundred Parade Through SOLSHEVIKI prevention of quack treatment, Winnipeg and Demand the quack remedies and averting of Deportation of Aliens WANT PEACE UP BY STRIKE jsuch treatment and remedies, From Premier. 'right of entry of public health 0. P. 'TclegTaphs.) authorities, etc. (Special by T. , Winnipeg, Man., Feb. 4. Ov - A resolution advocating, the tnine Says They will Pay Debts Seventy Thousand workers are er- 800 -returned soldiers panaded amendment of the criminal code f In Order to Stop the War. Affected By Decision to Drop to the Provincial Legislature last of Canada so that persons suffering Tools In Sympathy With evening and detfTanded that Premier' from venereal disease in com-'inunicative 1 .1 v, 1. T. P. Telegraphs.) Metal Men. Norris and his Government form who knowingly (New York, Feb. 4. The Rus-ian 'or by culpable neglect communi-'cates state their position clearly on Soviet Government wants (Special vl 0. 7. P. Tclevnpbs.) question of deportation of aliens. such disease to another car is make Feb. 4. All Contrary to general "expectations, ana willing to con- Seattle, Wash., 'person shall be guilty of a criminal ins to get it but if (ho Allies 1 immediate hopes of averting a no returned man asked for a offence, was also passed, is si in war the Soviet will,light city-wide strike of the majority of m"" TRY TO SLIP IN SOME KNOCKOUT DROPS. 4 i Another resolution passed ad-;"job." Tho one subject engrossing tin nu, Premier Lenino do- the 125 Iabon organizations, m- vocates that the Dominion Gov-: them was the enemy alien and uifi) ri u eopyr;ighted interview vOlving the greater part or 70,- the demand that he be denied em- cmmenl render financial assist- Buujjslipd hero at 10 GENERAL Payment here and be deported today. 000 workers this morning STRIKE IS SUGGESTED AS n tn hR nmvin,M in nrhfinrr - - " Lenine said the Soviets were o'clock, was abandoned late yes- these diseases and another advises "a back home to his own country. hclined to pay the debts of tho teijlay when Attorney George examination of all seamen They said there was no rush but lid if 'Dunworth, of tho Cili- they wanted action to get results regime, by that-means war Chairman coming within view of the Immigration an be stopped. zen's Industrial Relations Com- PROTEST AGAINST CURTMMENT OF Act, before they aro allowed as soOn as possible. The tone of Assed what ho thought of. Rus-inittce, announced that the com- ashore at Canadian ports. the speeches was very moderate. l'S8 Clieribllllv In Mm T.pnirnn nf millon liml ilin.onf irnipd inedia- Premier Morris said he sympath- Sations. Lenino -renlied that tinn sessions. The committee, he Jised with the demand and had the illiey are not forming a laague said, could not seo that it could FREE SPEECH AND FREE ASSEMBLAGE F: Ritchie has received a tele- xiiiiQr under consideration, from his Bob Ritchie,-' U nations but. n iacn nf lm bo of further assistance in avert .gram.. ... I. t i son,.) i .r i '"lalists to stranrrlo nations." ing aN strike. wuu iius just uuivc-u ui iuunux-ui Ladyjmlth Wellington Coal refuel A sympathetic striko (Special to The Hews via 0.T. P. Telegraphs.' from overseas en route for Prince your bill and gives t had genepnl been called on tho question Vancouver, February 4. Hesulling from the refusal of pro- Rupert, lie was in the Royal Fly-j atSfactlon. Phone 16. .P. It. "DErYIERS" of 25,000 striking metal trades prictors of local moving picture theatres to grant the use of their'orations to ,lis credit after d0wnjfliioJ witrkirien, who left tho shipyards houses to the Socialist party of Canada and the federated Labor jng eleven enemy machines and Wc have a small assortment 21.and contract shops here on Jan. parly lor meetings Sunday night, tho Vancouver Trades and Labor jone haloon. He expects to arrive' wil' Co'-ncil. through the medium of a special issue of the Dritish "pre witnin a montn. MAX HEILBRONER A gencral-slUke at Tacoma of silf, sergo and occur at 10 o'clock Thursday, Feb. Columbia Fedreationist, has sent out a call to all unions to hold. Rollable Jeweler poplin dresses that are' Olhv ir at all. Tho Central Labor s-pocial meetings for the purposo of deciding whether or pot a The Prince John arrived in port last from and the njght Anyox Council at a .meeting yesterday general striko should be called as a protest to "maintain the Diamonds, Watches, Clocks Skeena at7 p. in. She had 10,-000 Cut Glass, Silverware, Ivory wonderful values at $25.00. advancing the proposed hour from and free workers' right to free speech assemblage.'' cases of salmon, and reported Umbrella, Community Plate, Tuesday to confirm with the act COME AND SEE ion hy tho labor unions at Seattle. FISH ARRIVALS a fine trip. Etc FRANK MOBLEY NOW Manufacturers' Agent, Corntr 3rd A. and 6th Straat. Spirella Corscticro. Black 257. Tho fish arrivals last IS GOVERNMENT WHIP , night J. F. Mag u Ire, Smith Block. were: Nidaros with 6,000 lbs.; the Albatrosa with 10,000: the Volun Frank Mobley, M. P.P., has teer with" 4,000; tho Director with been appointed chief Government 0,000; the Agnes H. with 3,500, WESTHOLME THEATRE and tho Helena with 4,000 pounds Theatre Whip in tho Provincial Legisla impress all selling arouml 15c. and 12c. ture. Ho" succeeds Fred W. Anderson, TO-NIGHT ONLY The boats reported rough weath member for Kamloops, er at sea. TONIGHT who did the work last year. W allace Eeid It will be Mr. Mobley's duty to Priscilla Dean for tho Government cau aiyango Prince Rupert Club In Tom Browning!Dramatic Succeta cuses, to seo that thero are always IX- "The Brazen Beauty" enough Government supporters LTD. on hund during the.sittings of the' PARTS- Believe House to ensure that a snap ver Me, Xartsppe dict should to look not after bo taken,tho and Interests generally N otice ! Eddie Lyons&AND Lee Moran Comedy of tho party in tho legislature. NESTOR COMEDY Universal Current Erects The Annual General Meet SCENIC - - Salmon Fishing on the Columbia ing of tho Prince Rupert Latest News of the World During Club, Ltd., i3 adjourned un the evening, the splendid,Weatholme Concert Orchestru will "po, ..,. .render the followinir til Tuesday the 4th day of Admission 15c. and 25c. Show at 7.15 Sharp "Exf'n.:i- i V byiTobanl "Caucasian Sketches" L;y jvanov February instant at 8 p.m. UV Liannn riTi.. r-i.. r:it ti-yf " ------ vlllj VJIH viuvi rreiuae py I'achmanlnoir. T. C. DUNCAN, .Corning-'The Fall of the Romanoff's," February 13& 14, FOR QUALITY ADMISSION- - - 25c. and 15c. SERVICE AND SATISFACTION Secretary. "Over the Top," February 17 and 18' ?ood Board Lioenco No. 10-7340