O thr nAlLf WEWB. Tuesday, February 4 Page i T I A The MAIL SCHEDULE Daily News v PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA For the East. . Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. at 9:30 a. in. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. From the East. Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs-lays at 5:45 p. m. WRfGLEYS SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. For Vancouver: By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00, Tuesdays 6 p.m. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. I fCLEANS-DISI NFECTS USED fORll Thursdays 10 p.m. I 50FTFWING WATER FOR MAKING I Saturday, Feb. 1 and 15, 7 a. m. Telephone 98. fill I H DIRECTIONS WITH EACH CAN. From Vancouver TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING - 75 cents per inch. Sundays 10 p.m. brands Contract Rates on application. .Vednesdays 10:30 a.m. three .londay, Jan. 27; Feb. 8 and 22, in alr-tteht sealed at 9 a. ni. DAILY EDITION. Tuesday, Feb. i, 1919. TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscribers to The News For Anyox: packages. Easy to find asked to tlio do- Sundays .10 p.m. Mineral Collection aro pay livery boys each month Vednesdays 10 P m it is on sale At Mines Office. when they call, except Many mining men are not aware perhaps that at the ofllce where payment lias been From Anyox: everywhere. of the District Mining Engineer there is a very fine collection of mnita fop the vear in ad- Tuesdays ..a.m. minerals and rocks from which minerals are obtained. In all vnnLO. The boys when .'hursdays , p. m. Look for. ask for. there are 125 specimens of rock and 200 specimens of minerals collecting carry olllcial re- which should al- For Port Simpson and Naas Rivet These are open to inspection of any mining men at any time and ceipls points: be sure to fiet ways be preserved. the Engineer, George Clothier, is always ready to explain anything Sundays 10 p.m. WRIGLEY5 in regard to them that is not clear and to give advice to pros pectors and miners. From Port Simpson and Naas The River Points: Prespeclors who have been out in the hills should take their CAPITAL BOMBARDED Tuesdays p. M". Greatest Name samples to the office and mtke comparisons in order that they (Special Tla G. T, r. Tel'grapbs.f In Goody-Land may be better equipped for the next trip. Queen Charlotte Islands: Stockholm, Feb. 3. Petrograd Port Clements and For Coming Back to has been bombarded by Kroristadt Massett, artillery and many people have Upper Island points: 2 j-VfrnuLciaw The Home Town. Charlotte "or Skidegate, Queen been killed. Serious disorders are Municipal committees to welcome home the Canadian men City and Lower Island points: from oyerseas have already been formed in several of the leading prevalent. anuary 23, Feb. 0, 20; March 0, 4 THt PERFECT OUM ritXU cities and in some of the smaller municipalities, says the Ottawa LAND ACT 20th, at 7 p. m. . SEALED TIGHT Citizen editorially. The Union of Canadian Municpalities is co OF SKEE.N'A LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT "rom Masset, Port Clements and operating with the Repatriation Committee. It is expected that QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Upper Island points: M JWRiGLEYSw I municipality will form an honorary committee of Charlotte every citizens, TAKE NOTICE that Eugene Humphrey From Skidegate. Queen composed of men and women who will assume a measure of responsibility Simpson of Prince Rupert, occupation City and Lower Island points master mariner. Intends to' apply for permission 28; Feb. 11 and 25; Mar, in this work of giving a welcome to the returning to lease the following described anuary men and their dependents, in helping men to secure employment land: 11 and 25th, a. m. KEPT RIGHT Commencing at a post planted at a wit when they are discharged from the army, and generally in assisting ness post situated at the Intersection of For Skagway and the Yukon. them to re-establish themselves in civil life. the north boundary of Lot 2353, with the anuary 27, Feb. 8 and 22 9 a.m shore line: thence north !0 chains, thence It apparently does not matter so much what the name of cast 30 chains, more or less, to the shore the local committee may be, so long as it is broadly representative line; thence following shore line to the From Skagway and Yukon. point of commencement, containing SO acres Febuary 1 and 15 a. m. of the community, and actively helping. In the municipalities more or less, situated near Klum-k'wot Bay. where committees have not been EUGENE II. SIMPSON, and yet formed, men of the and TheFIawurLasfs Swamp Morris Douinont, Agent. itewart, Maple Bay Canadian citizen army are coming home, the representative of Date, December 3rd, 1918. F. 19 Point. the Union of Canadian Municipalities is urgng that the citizens .lose Jan 31; Feb. 14, 28, 10 pm IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH should get together for the purpose of organizing the welcome COLUMBIA. rrivc Feb. 3, 17; March 3rd. back to the home town. The functions of the "Welcome Home" N THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA TION ACT Queen Charlotte Islanders can Prince of Music Committee, according to the circular letter, should be as follows: and Rupert Academy N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF lot do better than mail their JOHN KOSkl. DECEASED; INTESTATh printing needs to The News Print rhone 1C4 613 THIRD AVENUE Phone 104 Duties of Committee TAKE NOTICE that in order of Ills Honour F. McD. Young, made the 10th day ihop and get the work done INSl RUCTION GIVEN PRIVATELY ON Succinstly Set Forth. cf January, A. D. 1919, I was appointed Administrator to ine estate or jonn losni. romptly andwell. Piano, Violin, Violoncello, Mandolin anchTheory, Trumpet, (1) To welcome all returned soldiers and their dependents deceased, and all parties having claims Cornet, French Horn, Althom and Euphonium. against the said estate are hereby required on their arrival in your locality. to furnish same. DroDerly verified, to me. Uualo arrmnfftd for band or orchestra. cn or berore the 14 th day of February, PRINCIPALS-Will. Edmunds, M.S.M , R.I.A.M., Fcls Ceoil Medalist (2) To receive any complaints from returned soldiers and to A. D. 1919, and all parties indebted to the William Ualagno, Modern French Violin School. state are required 10 par me amount oi forward them to the Department of Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment, bclr Indebtedness to me forthwith. Members of Wcstholme Theatre Orchestra. JOHN II. McMULLIN, Ottawa, for investigation. Official Administrator. DATED this 14th day of January, 1919. (3) To help the returped soldiers to find employment. (4) If at time IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH any employment cannot be found in your COLUMBIA. FOR 8ALE locality for a returned soldier, to report particulars to the Department N THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA Pure Cream The Gurvich of Soldiers' Civil Re-establishment. TION ACT Tenders for Sale or 40 Horse rower, 6 and lyllnder Locw Victor marine engine. In (5) If positions exist in your locality for which returned N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF xcellent running shape, will be received PIETRO OIVOTTO, DECEASED; INTESTATE. iy District Engineer up till noon on Satur-.ay, Makes the ransrer soldiers are not available, to notify the Department of Soldiers' February 8 th, 1919. Engine can be TAKE NOTICE that In order of Ills nspectcd at any time at the Government Civil Re-establishment, so that men can be sent from the nearest Honour F. McB. Young, made the 13th day ivanrr, prince itupert, B. c. of January, A. D. 1919, I was appointed The highest or any tender not neces demobilization centre to occupy "them. Aaministrator to tne estate or rieiro arlly accepted. Richness Phone Green 548 Glvotto, deceased, and all parties having A. L. CARRUTHERS, Dlst. Engineer. (0) To co-operate with voluntary organizations. claims against the said estate are hereby Provincial Public Warks Dept., pTO.""Box 102 Office, Kraser St required to furnish same, properly verified, (7) To keep a general oversight over the interests of returned to trie, on or before the 14 th day of prince itupert. B. c. There Is a pure cnam richness lbrury. A. D. 1919. and all parties In about Pacific Milk that l the only soldiers and. their families. debted to the estate are required, to pay N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH secret behind Its goodness for We Sell : Coal ine amount or tneir inaenieaness to me COLUMBIA. : The Repatriation Committee, it is stated, will be only too glad f brlim lib. cooking. JOHN II. McMULLIN, You see, all we do to the rich, to answer any inquiries which be made the Official TAKE NOTICE that Alexander W. Dow may by municipalities Administrator. of the City of Vancouver In the Province fresh ml lie as It comes from the DATED this 14 lb day of January, 1919. with regard to thoso problems which come within its scope. The or British Columbia did on the 2 3rd day farm Is to evaporate water out of of January, A. 1). 1919, Issue a Writ of II. steps taken by the government to establish co-operation between ?l THE SUPREME COLUMBIA.COURT OF BRITISH claiming summons as out against or tne you above snecillc court perform herein This leaves the natural butter Barsalou's the Union of Canadian Municipalities and the Repatriation Committee X THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION ance or an Agreement for the sale or Lot fat and other cream solids as they ACT 10. Block si. section 6. C tv of l'rlnco were. see mto be highly commendable. Municipalities have a THE MATTER and OF THE ESTATE OF Rupert,purchase and monies.,payment and of Interest the balance duo or under the Then we seal It up so II remains Motor Transfer most mportant part to play, and duty to perform, in making the YO.NE YAMAMOTO, DECEASED; INTESTATE. said Agreement and an accounting, and a fresh and sweet. eciarauuu iiim no is emitted to a vendor's Try It In the next recipe which welcome real and permanent and practical to the Canadian men TAKE NOTICE that In order or Ills Lien upon the lot aforementioned in calls ror rnllk or cream. Honour F. McB. Young, made the 10th day respect or the purchase monies. Interest. Furniture Moving who left home, to give their lives if needs be, at the call of duty. of January, A. D. 1919, I was appointed taxes ana cos is, ana tne enforcement or Administrator to the estate of Yone Yema-mo Express and Baggaje me jam Lien uy saie oi your interest un to. deceased, and all parties having der tho said Agreement and an Order cancelling Pacific Milk Co. claims against the said estate are hereby the registration or the said A tree. required to furnish same, properly verified, ment in the Land Registry Office and cost. WE HANDLE COAL to me, on or berore the 14 th day of DATED at Prince Rupert, H. c, this LIMITED SONS or February, A. D. 1919, and all parties Indebted Bo 1SS ATLA& X Din (lay oi January, a. u. idiu. 332 DRAKE STREET Nlgut and Day Phone 1R2 P.O. to the- estate are required to pay To WILLIAM FRASER. the amount or their Indebtedness to me Factory at Ladnor, B. O. forthwith. JOHN II. McMULLIN. NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC Canada Food Board Llctnsa 14-156. Official Administrator. TION ACT DATED this 14 th day of January, 1919. WORK FOR ELECTRICAL FORESHORE LEASE R. S. C. Chapter tie, Go to The Northern B. C. Fisheries l.lmite, LAND ACT hereby gives notice that they have, under section 7 onne saia Act, deposited with otlce of Intention to Apply to Least Land the Minister or Public Works at' Ottawa Geo. Waddell In Slceena Land Itlstrlct. Recording Dls and In the office of the District Registrar rli-l or Fkeena, and situate on the west or the Land Registry District or Prince Kiasl of Smith Island, about two miles Rupert, at Prince Rupert, O C, a description ortb and west or Oceanic Cannery, Ringe or the site and the plans ror storage, 3 -j-- Phonos docking and mooring of cannery and fishermen's Take notice that we the Oosse, Mlllerd boats as proposed on a portion or 35 'acklng Company Limited, or Vancouver, Port Esslngton harbour at Tort Esslngtcn TIMBEn SALE X 1442. BLACK 367 GREEN ccupatlon cannerymen, Intend to apply In front of Lots 3 and 4, Block 3, Esslngton ir permission to leas me rouowing ae Townslte, being a sub-dlvlslou or Lot P. O. Box 452 crlbed lands: 10, uauge o, uuih uisinci. Scaled lenders will bo received bv the Commencing at a post planted at the And take notlco that after the expiration Minister or Lands not later than iimm on ortheast corner) thence south so chains, of one month from the date of the first mo SfBin uav or icnruurv. mto. fur iim ollowlng high water mark; thence west publication or the said notice, the Northern purchase or l.lcerco X ma, to cut 3,407,. chains to low water mark; thence north 11. C. Fisheries Limited will under Section ooo feet, U, M., or spruce, Cedar, Hemlock ii cnains, rouowing low water mark; 7 or tho said Act, apply to the Minister or and Oalsam on on area situated on Dig henro east 3 chains to place of beginning, Public Works at his offlcn In the Cltv of Lake, Ellcrelle Channel, Range S, Coast DENTISTRY nu containing o.u acres, more or less. uuawa lur approval or tne saia sue and District. OOSSE, MILLERD PACKING COMPANY plans ana ror leave to use the said foreshore Three years will be allowed for removal LIMITED. ror th storage, docking and mooring or timber. lated 3rd December, 1918, FU of cannery and fishermen's boats. Further particulars or the Chlcr Forcst-r. OFFICE HOURS! Dated at Vancouver. B.C.. this 83rd dav Victoria. II. C. or District Fnrmipp. B a m. to 12 1130 p. m. to BiSO p.- LAND ACT ui January, iviv. Prince Rupert, B, C, Nlllt THKHN u. C. FISHERIES LIMITED, BRCWN C. A. DR. J. S. Crosble, Secretary, FJ8 Notice of Intantlon to Apply to Leas Land. TIMBER SALE X t208. DENTIST in sxeena i.ana District, itecoraing auric! of Skeena, and situate on the west In th matttr of an application for tho omeai Smith Block, Third Antnu oast or Smith Island, about two miles Issue of a fresh Certificate or Indereaslble Sealed tenders will be received bv the Five Coast District. Title to I.ots 38 and 89,- Block 7, Section Minister or Lands not later than noon on lonii and west or oceanic Cannery, Range i, cur or rnnce nupeet. May U83. the S8lh dav or February, luio. rnr iim Take no tire that we, the Onsse; Mlllerd Notice Is hereby Riven that It la jiiv purchase or Licence X 1908, to cut 1,035,. acklng Company Limited, of Vancouver. Intention to Issue, after the expiration or 000 feet. 11. M.. or Cedar and Snrnen mi an U. C. occupation cannerymen. Intend to thirty days from the first publication hero. area situated on west shore or Kllerslle apply for permission to lease the following of, a fresh Certificate or Title to the above mmiiiui, unlive a. i.uusi iJlgiriCI. MISS M. A. WAY described landsi mentioned lots, In the name or The North Three years will bo allowed for removal commencing at a post planted at the Western Loan and Investment Company, of timber. TEACHER OF MUSIC inrthwest corner; thence east 10 chains; Which certificate. Is dated 18th . March, Further particulars of tho Chief Fnreit. hence south 90 ehalnai thence west 10 1919, and was registered on application er. Victoria, U. C, or District Forester, 309 Second Avenue chains to high water mark; thence north received the SJnd February, 1919, and of th o cnains rouowing nun wnter mark and is No. 1I.. Taking with students the wllabut nntalnlng 15.0 aires, more or lens. Land Registry omce Prince Rupert, D, C, Toronto Conservatoire cf Music, fn OOSSE, MILLERD PACKINO COMPANY tfauuary fziiu. iviv. See tho classified nils, on pngo adv.nced. VhoM D1ui fOft PORTLAND OrpGONIAN LIMITED II, F. MatLEOD, primary to 1ATED 3rd December, 1918, 1 4 District Registrar or Tllle?. five