If Tuesday February 4, 1010. TUE DAILY NEWS. Pago '3 FULLER, SMART & ST13EN FINDING LAND FOR ALDERMAN CASEY Woodland Farm, Fulleif,s Grocery RETURNED SOLDIERS ENTERS PROTEST Dear Jane, Wednesday Morning Government Making Efforts to Takes UELIVEF.Y Canada Food Board License 8-35652 Exception to so Much of MOTOR Get Best Results From Polloy Work of Council Being Done At last I've found a moment to p HON E 45 PHONE of Settlement. . Behind Closed Doors. answer your very welcome letter. . sodas. S 3'c Fuller' Best Tea, 0c lb. S lb. lots Wili regard to tlio placing of At life regular meeting of the That's as far as I got, when I " ,.naV Sweet Biscuits In at S5c. Special Tea SOC lb. 6-lb ii.tlfc'a Biscuit--rull lines lots at tie lb. These Teas will soldiers upon the land, V, G. City Council last night Alderman heard a terrible noise in the kitchen, "ns CrVm If. f Sees"I sizes br.cLs. ult other we"standard or 'better blend,.than any Black of the Soldiers' Land Settlement, Casey inade several protests and rushing in, found that Bobby had J.V.n-i0 In Si ' Fuller's BOc lb. nice; No. 1 Japan, . 1 Be per lb. has issued Hie following against doing ho much of the pulled a pan of boiling water off the ln'"'y.&B special Coffee 3lbs II. Washboards,Brushes, brooms etc.vof and all whisks.kinds. statement: "The Soldiers' Land business of the Council in committee stove and scalded himself badly. Just Settlement is completing its organization instead of in open council. imagine! and I ten miles from the a good Watch for with the utmost rap. He was particular to state that no nearest doctor and no one here to help! idity. business done at the committee Thank goodness Tom has always insisted Legislation providing for tlio was legal unless it was conflrrn- 0vf cLndy Friday Special requirements of laricl near rail- ed by the Council. upon keeping Zam-Buk in the ways will be presented to Parlia- The committee reported the house. The poor little chap was in Ctnnad Fruits, Vsgstablss, Msats Always ask for and Insist on menl at the next opening. All appointment of Aldermen CaSey such awful pain it was all I could do Spinach,and Flih.IMmcntocs, Ta-,n.M. Jersey Brand Creamery Butter for soldiers in Alberta and any othcriand Perry to the committee to to hold him while I plastered the Zam-Buk n.niroirus, quality, and L. M. F. Eggs as strictly Chile con Came. All Fruits fresh; There can be none better province, who are qualified by,act in conjunction with the Great on his arm and leg. Then I bound d ludinir apples, Cherries.Apricots Blackberries, for eating;. farm experience to go on the land.War- Veterans in connection with them up with strips torn from an bid i mi no not overlook equal Fuller's Tor Uie special Prlcc-c our own syrups arc coming- Into next spring, will have equal op- their memorial. The report was sheet, and now he's actually asleep! vineinrs al Oil by None the gallon ,38c. demand. portur.ity of doing so. 1 made I 1 I only after rt being i asked for i Could you believe it ? I always knew j Crown Lands. j J Alue",,an iasey wno rcrninueu Zam-Buk was good stuff, but I'd no ': :lh.e Council that everything done available There .is Crown Land . ... . nf Mm PnmmillflA oIiaiiIH Via f1 idea it was so wonderful for ending i upon wnicn incy inigni seine, dui,"- v"v "u'"""" ouuu"' Whatever should I have done . thn Settlement Hoard is discour- Portea to tne council pain. againg all soldier, settlers- from without it! locating at points remote from IMPROVEMENTS FOR This started out to be a letter, Storage Batteries House Wiring of market the finest facilities quality.and on land not WESTHOLME THE4TRE but it sounds more like a testimonial for Zam-Buk! I'll send it off 11 is the policy of the Board to anyway, Charged and Repaired in all its branches see to it tnat no soldier is permitted ARE BEING ARRANGED because I wantHo ask if you'll please No Loss of Time While to settle under conditions send me half a dozen boxes of Zam-Buk Overhauled.Your Battery Another Is Being Is ELECTRIC whereby he will not he able to Paul Aviazoff, proprietor of the as soon as you get this, as I have Available RONS secure the highest results for his Westholmc Theatrp, arrived from only enough for one more dressing. Always GRILLS labors. Civilian settlement in the the south last evening. Ho says Agents For TOASTERS past has not been so regulated. that he has contracted for the ex Yours in haste, MVINRUDE Portable RANGES Delays. clusive first run rights of all the Mary Motors. HEATERS If in the minds of some people great stars of the Paramount- CAILLE Engines for VACUUM CLEANERS any delay seems appareri u Artcraft and First National Ex Mothwjl Tke the hint I Neter be without box of Zim-Buk Runabouts. WASHING MACHINES should be borne in mind that such hibitors' Circuit and the Mack on th! nhelf. Not only for tcalds, burns and cuts, but ior Sennet, Arbuckle and Charles eczema, ringworm, ulceri, blood-poisoning, piles, cold sores, etc. occasioned entirely has been REGAL Engines for t- it is without equal. And it costs no more than ordinary Trolling. . LAMPS through the policy of the Soldiers' Chaplin comedies. Ointments. 50c box. all dealers. The Famous English FLASHLIGHTS Settlement Board io follow Mr. Aivazoff also brought plans PETTER HEAVY OIL GENERATORS a course which in the end may for the remodelling of the oper of ating room which will be en ENGINE FOR render assurance success on ROTOR SWITCHES, " larged to accommodate two of FISHING SCHOONERS the part of the settler undoubted ETC. the finest motion picture ma chines on the market which will Full line of Electrical Apparatus in' stock. WEALTHY CLUBMAN be installed in the near future. Parkin & Ward Electric Co. Ltd. ELUDES THE POLICE This of a will complete provide program for the running without Dentistry Phone 125 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS P. 0. Box 67 interruption. In "Believe Me Xantlppe" the DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH ! 1DU WATER NOTICE Hero Wins His Bet and the One Decayed Tooth lowers Your Girl at One Time. DIVERSION AND USE. or Missing TAKE NOTICE that TUos'. I. Klrkpatrlck. whose address Is Terrace, B. C, will apply Efficiency A Wealth v clubman, whose ror a licence to take and use t cubic foot second of-water out of Thornhlll Creek is "Believe per favorite expression which flows north and drains Into Skeena Me, Xantlppe,' on discovering Illvrr about 100 feet west of Ferry Land- Things Look Brighter that his apartment has been robbed, intr The water will be diverted from the with trAflm at nnlnt about t&OO feet south bets $20,000 one night east of the Skeena IUver, and will be used Dr. two friends that he can commit for power purpose upon me iana oescriu, Bayne i nt aid nnn 5. Coast District. a crime .and elude the police for Thi. nntiri. wan nosted on the around on a Ho forges a cnecK ior the 9 Ui day of January. 1919. A copy of year. this notice and an application pursuant OFFICE HOURS. "Mirro" Aluminium Ware $100 'and goes to Colorado, fol thereto and to the "Water Act, 19)4." will lowed by many police circular?, at be filed Prince in the Rupert.om.ee of the Water Recorder Morning, 9 to 12, Afternoon, 1.30 lo 5.30; Evening, 7 to 3 Objection to the application may be Mixing Bowls Percolaters Bread Pans filed with the said Water Recorder or wlln the Comptroller or water jugnis, rarna-ment Dental Nurse in attendance. 5 Combination Kettle and Double Boiler Bulldlnirs. Victoria. B. C. within ihlrty days after the nrst appearance of jH Phone 109 for appointment ! Frypans this notice In a local newspaper. TII03. J. KIRKPATRICK. Applicant. The date of the nrst publication of this notice Is January 88. 1919. Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil "Mirro" Aluminium Reflects Good Housekeeping j . 8YNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENT Call and see the latest shipment at Pre-emption now confined to surveyed lands only. ISdwarci Lipsett, President Harry Lfpsett, Manager Iteuords will be granted covering; only i. V V land suitable for agricultural purpose Edward Cunningham, Vice-President FRED STORK'S HARDWARE I: fit and Partnership which ti tv?n-t!:r.bcr pre-emptions land.abolished, but parties of not more than four may arrange for adjacent pr-emitlons, with Joint residence, but each making: necea-sary & Co. Lipsett-Cunningham SECOND AVENUE Improvements on respective claims. Pre-einptors must occupy claims for Ave years and make improvements to 9 value of 110 per acre, including- clearing and cultivation of at least 6 acres, before 1 . LIMITED receiv g- Crown Grant. Where ; -emptor In occupation not FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE less than 1 ears, and has made proportionate improvements, he may, becausj i WBStt $ of til-health or other cause, be granted Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories Intermediate certificate of Improvement Phone 131 Office 14 Smith Block P.O. Box 772 and transfer his claim. Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage "WALLACE TLEID 1 Records without permanent residence be Issued provided applicant makes may . i-Believe ys Xantippe Improvements to extent of JJOO per annum PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Prince & and records same each year. Failure Rupert Engmeering Suppjyjo. to make improvements or record same will operatu as forfeiture. Title Ilcgistcrcd OlUce: Prince Rupert Office? cannot be obtained on these claims in where he lives for' eleven months less than 6 years, with Improvements of 'ffS Water Street, Telephone No. 95 Contractors 110 acre, including 5 acres cleared Engineers, Jobbers, on a ranch.-In the mountains he and per cultivated, and residence or at Vancouver, B. G. P. 0. Box 1698 Estimates furnished for Electric Wiring and Complete meets the daughter of a sheriff least Pre-emptor 2 years. holding Crown Grant may asks him if ho is hungry, record another pre-emption. If he re- Plant Installations nnd she land In conjunction with nis "When he replies "Believe Me, ?ulres without actual occupation. pro-Tided made and statutory Improvements Northern B.C. Representatives Xantippo, I am," she recalls a residence maintained on Crown,granted Canadian Westinghouse Electrical Equipment, Electric police circular she had read anu ''unsurveyed areas, not exceeding 20 Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 Ranges, Motors, Generators. her acres, may be leased as homesltes; recocnizes him the fugitive Co., Hamilton &c. as title to be obtained after fulfilling residential Lamps, and and Improvement conditions. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Goods. Hose father, has been looking for, For graalng and Industrial purposes, For Comfort, Courtesy and Service Mechanical Rubber be leased ilh the aid of a gun, arrests areas exceeding 640 acres may m. i- 'Extra Power" Belting. by one pron or company. his v-u., auiuiuu. him. Ho believes ho has lost PRE.EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. Canada Wire & Cable Bare and Insulated Copper. wager, but it develops that his The scop of this Act Is enlarged to Steel and Iron Wire. not a legal omcer ui Include all persona Joining and serving Co., Montreal captor was with His Majestys Forces. The time thn law. in accordance witn uie within which the heirs or devisees of a F. T. BOWNESS, M.n.g.r Domestic Engineering "Dico- Light products terms of the wager, and in addi title deceased under pre-emptor this Act Is may extended apply from for Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. Co., Iaolated Elcctrlc rlants one year from the death of such person, Dayton tion to winning his wager, no as formerly, until one year after the Felton Water Wheel Co. Water Wheel and makes his fair captor his captive conclusion privilege .Is of also the made-retroactive.present war. This Home Cooking Running- Hot and Cold Water San Francisco Hydraulic Apparatus fnr lifn. Thero are numerous TOWNSITE PROPERTY ALLOTMENT t Mirlllincr scenes which make this ACT. 9 C' Provision Is made for the grant to PaCifiCVanCOUVelPe Wood Slave Pipe, Tanks, etc.. photoplay one of great attractive persons holding uncompleted Agreements to Purchase from the Crown of ness frpm a dramatio stanupumi. such proportion of the land. If divisible, Dodge This film is to be siiown. m-ight a the payments already made will Manufacturings TransmAfsS: cover In proportion to the salo price of CO,, Toronto Hangers, etc. at the Wcstholmo Theatre, holding the whole such parcel.Agreements Two or more may persons group NOTICE TO FISHERMEN ! their interests and apply for a proportionate A line of Westinghouse Motors, Lamps and other Electrical ml. nnnmifa fnP t lift allotment Jointly. If It Is not considered advisable to divide the land Our Supply of Bait is exhausted for the present Equipment and GooJyear Baiting carried in stock lV r,t Tnnnnrv. 1019. WCre covered by an application for a proiior-tlonate IllUlltll W "' v l allotment, an allotment of land very limited, only two being issued of equal value selected from available Watch this for n . TlMi1r Crown lands in the locality may be -:- space our -:-announcement r-. r rrrri i,jjjjiijiij),m' to Mitchell & tiurrio ior jhuv- made. These allotments are conditional . T Mining r.n.. n. caraco upon payment of all taxes due the of a new supply Crown or to any municipality. The valued at $300, and to Mrs. Itoso rights of persons to whom the purchaser from the Crown has agreed to Vlnhnlonn fnn n rnKntro on flrst sell are also protected. The decision of WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED the Minister of Lands In respect to the WESTHOLME LUNCH Avenue, Lot 31, block 17, section adjustment of a proportionate allotment BUTEDALE - - - B.C. Is final. The time for making applies,, 1, valued al i,ouu, iuo ww' " tlon for these allotments is limited to SECOND AVE. the month was $1,800. the 1st day of May. 1S1I. Any appllca. tlon made after this dato will not be HOME COOKING. LADY COOK. considered. These allotments apply to Never forget to look through at town publio lota'auction.and lands of the Crown sold Advertise in The Daily News For Information apply to any Pro Yin Pago 5, Fjfty cent meals from 11.30 to 2.00 and 5.30. to 8.00. the classified list on olal Government Agent or to r-,.-..Short orders all thejtime. Special rates i with room and board. Advertise In the Dally News. Deput7 O.Minister It. NADEN.Vlotorla,of Lands,B. "Q The Paper that gets Quick Results ' .-,Yir'"'"