Thursday, July 28, 1932 om me eR Watch for the 76 Banners LOCAL ITEMS | Oddfellows’ opening dance, New Hall, 4th Ave. East, Friday 29th, at 9:30 p.m. Admission 50c. (176) R. E. Moore left on yesterday af- {ternoon’s train for a brief trip to Terrace, accompanied by his son Richard. Mrs. M. Raven of Tefrace is pay- ing a brief visit to the city, having arrived from the interior on yester- day afternoon's train. jot New Westminster arrived in the {pay a visit with William Miller of ithe Seaview Grocery Misses Edith Kergin and Lucille | Brooksbank left on yesterday af- ,ternoon’s train for Terrace where they will spend two weeks visiting Thousands have | with Mr, and Mrs. E. T. Kenney. already proved 76 | a se Y ° Mrs. C. B immond, 10 has the finest Gasoline been paying a brief vist in th with friend ailed yesterday 1iternoon on the Princess Chaz G for home in Victoria Vreatest value for your money— highest anti-knock rating—more There were 56 passengers aboard power — increased mileage — no the steamer Princess Charlotte on extra cost. Drive in to the orange & noon from Alaska enroute to’Van couver. There were no passengers disembarking here from the vessel. and white Union Pumps marked by the big orange banners—ask for 76. ' * Dr. A. S. Lamb, travelling pro- Colored orange for identification, pecialist, was the speaker at the Made in British Columbia, regular weekly luncheon of the Ro- tary Club in the Commodore Cafe today. Past President'T. H. John- * on was in the chair in the ab- sence from the city of President G. A. Woodland ind UNION OIL CO. OF CANADA LTD. An acre of set pineapple plants Phone 953 Phone 953 ————[)e Jon's -ECONOM Cash and Carry 20% Bbticks First and Cabin Class SPECIALS Criday & Saturday Big Reductions also, Tourist and Third Class | Travel Canadian Pacific by the short St. Lawrence Sea- way to Europe. Take your pick of the luxurious Economy Butter “White Empresses”, led by 3 Ibs. for the Empress of Britain ia palatial “Duchesses” 3 68 popular “Mont” ships: Every class of accommoda- tion at the lowest cost in years. Frequent sailings each week from Montreal and Quebec (trains to ship- side at Quebec) to British +(Milk—Smail, Ali Brand and Continental ports. per mit Malt Vinegar err eet Verne. M 15c' irford Pears—Size 2's per 45¢ Specials Our Specials Are Still Going Strong | Why not join the crowd in saving money? Thanks to the new low fates and the favorable exchange situation, thou- sands who never dreamed they could are secing Britain this year «+ is 3 hedgerows in bloom ; ; ; thatched cottages « : 3 Father Thames... London. You, too, can see Europe this year. Visit historic Edinburgh, Belfast or Dublin. Or spend a holiday in Paris : « s Brussels: . the Hague « « « Berlin. For full particulars apply te any Canadian Pacific Agent or J. J, FORSTER Steamship General Passenrer A t CP. R. Station Malkin’s Best COFFEE Corned Beel—Convenient : cs D. ..., aae - outings : 89e ee eee mee core All Brands $1.36 70¢ Une Wal r qual i resh Eg 14¢ 14¢ sh Ground Coffee, 2 X ’ ou 725R iSwift’s Bacon-—Machine A j ric i iced, per Ib PA C€ Ich ise & Sanborn's Coffee oom per ib BA CANADIAN ! : * x Syrup—5 45¢| -* - re Ibs 49¢ iI. B. C. Arrowroot Biscuits—Good | z . . ; For Babies | Whiz Poli ung Wax The Fish which made Piin-e Rapert Famous |} 1-1. vxe ZC} per 1-10. tin 39¢e B. C. Oatcakes ee ee | 1 pke er 18¢ wee ; Seedless Raisins 95¢ é 9 | wrote jer. SBC] Spm to Bee Rupert B ran d WRESH PRUITS & VEGETABLES ee a ee Bananas toyal Crown Soap SMOKED ries oz ae i 2 lbs. for 95e 3 doz r 1 Lb. Finest Rajoni Tea and 4 lbs | Apricots 9 Ib for I minogue iStrawberrte Granulated per basket 10c Sugai Juicy Oranges 65e 3 doz. for Apricots $1 45 Prepared Daily By Afternoon Tea Peek Frean 50e¢ per crat : } Biscuits, per tin Bartiett Pears- 35¢ (This is the best yet) per doz Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. jing Cherries— ‘MUSSALLEM'S <=" 2 lbs. for 25¢ ct ‘Economy Store ~* ro \“Where Dollars Have More Cents”; §& !bs. for 25c We Deliver Orders of $2.00 Free of | Carrots 5 ‘ UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver P.8.8, CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PM Via Waypoints, arriving Vancouver, Thursday am ' ¢ T.8.8. CARDENA EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIGHT, Charge per bunch Arriving Vancouver Sunday midnight. approx 319 Third Avenue—Phone 18 & 360 Weekly sailin t6 Port Simpson. Alice Arm, Anyox, Stewart and Naas ‘ ‘ ‘ a 3 : - River lita Sunda 8 pm P. 0, Box 575 6 bunches for Further information regarding all sallings and tickets at VRINCE RUPERT AGENCY: Second A venue Phone 568, i Mr. and Mrs. Bert Buckingham | city yesterday from the south to| | her arrival here yesterday after- vincial health afficer and chest} : 9c) Watts’ Grogery | enn « i Northern Tomatoes No. 1, per Ib. 15¢ Munro ‘Bros. Classified Ads FOR SALE BOARD AND ROOM _ FOR SALE — All furniture arid|/BOARD and Room close to\Cold household goods. J. Farquhar, tt, Storage $30 month. Phone Blue ste en, SOR, tt. Mrs. W, Malcolm and Mrs. A.| 3PECIAL—Goodyear Tires at lower | neces Main of Sunnyside were arrivals in} prices than any mail order DAIRIES the city from the Skeena River 7 house. Kaien Motors Ltd. Phone | | Tonight’s mixed train from the Fast, due at 11 ,p.m.,was reported this morning to be on time. |yesterday afternoon’s train §2. es tage : | G. A, Woodland, local agent of| FOR we Indian Motorcycle, For FRESH LOCAL MILK the Imperial Oil Co., and Mrs.| 800d mechanical running order. 4 Phone Red 608 or 953 | Woodland left on yesterday after-| Make me cash offer.—and 28 ft.| DOMINION DAIRY noon’s train for a trip to Smith-| Boat, fisherman engine, excel-| jers and other interior points. Mr. lent condition. Must sell, Snap | Woodland will attend the conven-| $250:00. Apply Box 143, Daily! 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 ee tion of the Associated Boards of | News. 179! | . PASTEURIZED MILK Trace of Central British Columbia | a it Fort Fraser, ; | FOR RENT | Bi Eos i ella fy, aaa al SOME choice modern Pee | Announcements | for rent. Greatly reduced rates.| | Westenhaver Bros. ___—_“t/Fresh from Bulkley Valley Farms j | 'FOR RENT Fully modern néw un- Oddfellows opening dance, Jul}; furnished six-roomed house with 29 basement and hot air red for particulars call at Royal Ho- ON J Catholic Bazaar, October 19, 20.) sae a ee oe e VALENTIN DAIRY ! . Phone 657 WANTED . 4 na. — - - WATCHMAKERS | |BOARDERS WANTED—In modern + - 9 steam heated residence. Apply Send Your Watch, Clock, : W A : { o | Mrs. Joe Cook. 117) Jewellery and Optical : ; Repairs to QUALIT Y FOODS WILL trade firewood for household |324 Third Ave., Prince Rupert, intl Specials For Friday and | necessities. Phone Blue 625. 176/pnirty years Practical Experience Saturday | Assures Absolute Satisfaction BROKEN PEKOE TEA 27¢ LOST OUR NEW LOW PRICES per lb. Bie rae ow ei iidusiar’ WILL SURPRISE YOU (Quality at Reasonable Cost) LOST—Uffiee Key. Ki | : sT— s y. Kindly leave at | TOMATO SOUP—Clark’s The Dail > ; San | y News Office. tf I$ tos 25 i. CHIROPRACTIC |/PORK & BEANS—Clark’s | No, 2 tins, 2 tins ROYAL CROWN SOAP— 15¢ LOST— Bunch of keys on ring. | Finder please return to Daily | per carton 23¢ News Office. | EMPRESS STRAWBERRY JAM- Empress Pure, 2-Ib jars 40¢ The AUCTIONEER New Pack, per jar | TOILET ROLLS Fic Packing — Crating — Wrapping Green 241 and 549 and Genera] Furniture Repairs | 6 for ' lpDUTCH MAID MAYONNAISE— List your goods with me Open Evenings 6 Exchange Bix. 4ic GEO. J. PAWES—Phone Black 120) - W. C. Aspinall rhree Year Graduate Chiropractic Modern Ray Treatments Given Phone for Appointment Made in B.C per 16-02. jar TRANSFERS CAMERON'S Transfer, Phone 177} Dry wood, Tables and Chairs for rent. Beer botties bought. | } LSEsSev nace ye) AUCTIONEER | 2 pkgs | List your goods with us—Prince NAVEL ORANGES-—Pure Gold, 2) Rupert’s leading Auctioneer. wees 96e ° 76¢, G. M. HUNT | per doz | 3rd Ave. Phone Red 637 89c : 7 wien) | aa JUNBAR SHRIMP—W or = Suk o tin we 23c 20c SEAL COVE TRANSFER. Wood for sale at reasonable prices. Phone Green 609 or Blue 903. PAINTERS Manure For Sale | ote ‘LIGHTEN YOUR SPRING CLEAN- MEDIUM SIZE PRUNES yer 2-ib. wks . No Straw, $2.00 Per Yard ItG LABORS SQUIRREL PEANUT ' ‘ieee. $i 25¢ Casey Cartage Fuel Co. np eae | ‘ Phone Red 302 (evenings) te LARD—1-lib. cartons lic Phone 803 ; ich | J.P.MOLLER sy. ROYAL CITY TOMATO JUICE, per tin 9c) j ° om oe, PRINTING OFFICE SUPPLIES Rose, Cowan & Latta Phone 234 Kalsomining, Painting & Paperhanging MMPRESS MAL T VINEGAR ; 23c ( ! bott COT TAGE ROLLS—Average 17¢ ’ weight 5 Ibs., per Ib | COOKED POAST PORK & DRESS-| ING—Special Week-end ea RAT AS | By Day or Contract REASONABLE CHARGES PFePrrcT SRAT mo $1.25. °° $1.50 doz CERTO—For Better Jams & > ite car tal 3ic pr TNYvs OTICK DINNER— | Large ‘244-lb. tins i per tin 29c ; FRESH GREEN BEANS 95¢c. on — 2 Ibs Fresh Apricot Season is About Over. " To Greet You on Arrival SATURDAY, JULY 30 We Meet All Trains commencing at 8 p.m. Leave your orders now for preserv- in the — * | Special Rates For Pienie SUMMER RESORTS When Coming to TERRACE For Your Picnic or Holiday MAKE ARRANGEMENTS AHEAD WITH US ine requirements. Shipment due to FEDERAL BLOCK, 3RD AVE, Parties to Lakelse Lake arrive Monday. Price and quality guaranteed right, « WILLIS PIANO We Can Take You Mahogany); Orthophonic Victrola | Anywhere at Any Time Kitehen Cabinet; Eureka Range; | At Moderate Rates 3 Wicker Chairs; Bookcase; 3 SWAIN’S TRANSFER & TAXI Wood Coal Terrace, B.C. PHONE 55 PRONE 56 “THE BEST FOR LESS” 28S Ree Lino Rugs; 2 Heaters; 2 Beds Oe complete; QUANTITY OF CAN- BOSTON CAFE Trunk; Camp Bed; Six-ft, Show- | Is Reopened “THE DUNES” : | ¢. ) Queen CEprlotte Enlends J. Dawes) “sags | | case; Baby Buggy; Pots and Thoroughly Renovated THE AUCTIONEER Children Under 12, Half Fare. Pans, ete., must be sold, Send in your goods for this Sale by Saturday noon, 3 i ( J Re- Bright and Cheery Phone Black 120—Red 633. a a We fins oe Sieewaeens Better Than Ever al sie Write or Telegraph MADAME RAJAUT SERS sh Sr * emery Te = esi — e ee ey ar 4 ’ a . gua Fria felt ) : ee Pa 1