February 8, 1910. Page 6 BOAT OP M IHI . MM . NlffT BADLY NEEDED i f Trade Favors Idea of Rupert With Outside Points. 11.... nf rlvnr trnns- up a he, incc ng 15 portut.on'"C t'rince canio Jtupcrt Iloar,tl iff PER PACKAGE 01 ...I.nn n letter Trade last ni8w 'rce- , f-ad from i'w" do not 'man a"""" . i.ini..ln in tlic way fills funnfnK a triweekly servi co up :, . in Iho canneries. Mr, .. ani.l Hint he had o ITcred ' iho mni from April 1. to carry i" - n nnlninn wns ex pressed by the members, that a H 9 I service of this kind should bo en couraged, imi mm . u h lie necessary to carry freight in or- der to make uic uuhihus a irp fll- able one. Badly Needed. ii n stownrf. said this w ns a . ihni u-.ia hadlv ricedcl .(.n l-r 1 1 v . ,m Alp rppnmnri woiil Id (Jo DC lliuu(s - r it well. It must, however, bo a NAVV CU fnoi(?!il service or it would n ot pay, neither would it prppe rly serve tno purpusu iniunpi, discussion it as iiii-i (hn... tliA cnmrnillen on Ul'tiui'u should tnkn CIGARETT ES i 1 nn.i cnmmpri'.fl vru'iu 'u . the mailer Mosquito up with Fleet.Mr. Freeman. This communication precipitated a general transportation discussion freely expressed in which that opinions there should were BEAUTIFULLY COOL AND SWEET SMOKING be a mosquito fleet running in and out of this port to keep the place in touch with the canneries and camps. A boat up the river tm Mil TTT1 III . III! . 1 1 1 1 Illl . Illl . Mil -III that would carry freight.and pas sengers, a service to Surf Inlet, connection with Stewart proper LIQUOR MEN HAVE N THE SUPREME 'COURT OF BniTISU from a small bav and Island In Cnnnn Pais ! and other; points were discussed COLUMBIA. between Moresby and Ch.iatl lslnrt near and it was decided to refer this IN PflOBATE. Log- Point and about 3 miles easterly along- N THE MATTER OF THE $2,000,000 TO SPEND AD.MI.MSTRA iue .nurveuy isiana siae or canoe pass whole matter to the transport!) TIO.V ACT from Buck Point; thence south 80 chains; and thence east 8U chains: thence north Hu S.S. PRINCE GEORGE lion committee for report. AGAINST PROHIBITION !Y 1'KTbll THE MATTER I.YSYKJ OF DECEASED:THE ESTATE OF ui halns;-.iu:iiii.-iiii:iiii-111.thence west 80 chains to the point. TAKE NOTICE that In order of nti Located November 16th, 1918. Advertise in thn Daily News. Honour F. McB. Young-, made the 28th day CHARLES E. BL'ROESS, . Rev. Hugh Dobson of Hegina, oi January, a. u. iviv, 1 was appointed By Hans K. Chrlstensen, Agent. SAILING administrator to the estate or Peter I.vuvlt. THE DAILY NEWS speaking Sunday evening in the deceased, and all parties having1 claims SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Highlands Methodist Church, Edmonton, against to furnish the same,said estate properly are hereby verined.required to me. yUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. THURSDAY Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancouver Classified Advertising stated that the Dominion on or before the 3rd day of March, is 19, Prince TAKE Rupert.NOTICE B. C.that spinster,Annie Lindsay,intends of to and Victoria. : auu an parties inaeotea to tne estate are apply for a licence to for coal and vote national prospect WEDNESDAY Midnight for Anyox. on prohibition required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness eiroieuJT over me ronowing described would not be taken till all the to- me. forthwith. ands. on the West Coast of Moresbv Is Phone 98 JOH II. M ULLI.N, land, British Columbia, commencing at a S. S. PRINCE JOHN soldiers had returned and that he omclal Administrator. post planted about 1 mile south rrom the 6th and DATED this 31st day of January, 1919. Queen Charlotte Islands, January 23rd, February . southerly shore or Canoe Pass and 2 miles Tk:. :. aj :.-- r 1 l was confident they would be SKEE.NA east or the southeast corner and location February 20th. LAND" DISTRICT DISTRICT OF p sop l read when they want anything largely in favor of putting Canada QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. post of Robert Held's application ror a licence; -thence south 80 chains: thence It bring result Iry. east eu cnains; toence norm hu rnams; TAKE NOTICE that AHle -E. Burgess, or A liquor; deputation is uieiice west ju cnains to xoe point or com TRAIN SERVICE now lay Point, California, Married Woman, In-ends mencement. wanted. overseas, ho said, representing to to apply for a licence to prospect Located November 17th, 1918. rassenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and 3ATURDAY at 11:30 a.m. for Smlthers or coal and petroleum the followlnir over and direct connections ror all ANNIE LINDSAY. Prince George, Edmonton Winnipeg, making the SOlUierS that tne Slackers at oescrmea janos on me west coast or WA.NTjiD- By Hans K. Chrlstensen, Agent. points east and south. -Lady cook at the In home had PUt prohibition Over menclnr at a post planted about 206 yards lander Hoarding House. ' from ,nc southerly shore of Canoe Pass SKEENA. LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF whilA iney were away iigniing, and 4 mlIes eas, of ,ne northeast corner OITPI-'IV ntiRi HTTP TQI.AIVna AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. whereas the fact was prohibition of "oben Reid's application tor licence; TAKE NOTICE that Betty Chrlltensen, or For information and roservaCions apply to -""f JUUl 1UIH Lit lllllllIillH 1111. Prince Rupert. B. C. married woman, in Third Avenue. Ho pays highest iad been enforced to save food to chains: thence south 80 chains; thence tends to apply ror a licence to prospect ror G. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. price. tf end to Iho soldiers. Mr. Dobson 80 cnslns 10 ,ne Plnl or commence- coal and lands petroleum on the over West the Coast following or Mores-described City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue. PHONE 2CQ informed his hearers that with .Located November nth. tis. by Island. British. Columbia, commencing at a post planted about 1 mile south rrom Gentleman wants suite of two or nf4 miiiiiiiu ill- inn iiriiusi.iii T it By Hana K. Chrlsiensen, Agent. tne southerly snore or canoe pass and 2 three rooms, furnished. Apply it a I Innd a fT-tst t n 1 Jinnri mm Oi1a miles east of the southeast 'corner and Uuh.,...i.v.i chuh ..uu ..v..i ,fKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF location post or Robert Reld's application box ?22 Daily News" office. 3 4 to discredit prohibition llirougn- QUttN charlotte islands ror licence; thence north 80 chains; thence east 80 chains; thence south 80 chains; WANTED Experienced fisher oui uic couniry anu mai a iunu take notice that I. John Chrlstensen thence west 80 chains to the point or com man to of $2,000,000 had been set apart jpproa'iicence'to mencement.Located November 17th, 1918. buy half interest in first prospfowai BETTY CIIRISTENSEN, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 1 class 30. U HIV! UIK llUUur luiurusis jur inu pciiuK'niu over wte loiiowmg- uestriueu ft. boat, 4 cycle engine, lands'on the West Coast of Morsbv island, By Hans K. Chrlstensen, Agent. 1300 cash required. Apply box this purpose. Of this, $200,000 British Columbia, commencing at a post planted about or i mile south westerly SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF for propaganda un 2i7 News omce. tf s newspaper from a small bay and island In Canoe Pass QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Lowest Rates to all Eastern joints der an expert ngenl. between Moresby and .ChaaU Islands near TAKE NOTICE that Gertrude Knott, or Vancouver ancT the l.og Point, and about 3 miles'easterly along Prince Rupert. B. C. SDlnster. Intends to via Steamer to HELP WANTED Referring to child welfare, the ine Moresuy isiana siae or uinoe cass apply ror a licence to prospect for coal and Canadian Pacific Railway pcaker said while the war had Trom Buck Pplnt; thence South 80 chains; petroleum over the following described thence west 80 chains: thence north 80 lands on the West Coast of Moresby Island, mil u wameu iui' cost Canada 00,000 lives, wo had chains; thence east 80 chains to the point British Columbia, commencing at a Meals and Berth included on Steamer ...i."nuifsaio i or commencement, post planted about one mile south rrom the House. One lost.fn Canada children accustomed 120,000 l.orated November 16th. 1918, uutlierlv shore or Canoe Pass and 2 miles to typewriter preferred. from preventable causes. JOHN CliniSTENSEN, Applicant. east or the southeast corner and location Slate post or Robert Reld's application ror experience and salary expected. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF licence; thence south 80 chains; thence, FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE FROM PRINCE RUPERT Box 221 Daily News OUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS wvm ou mama; iiiunrc norm ou mums; SHIPPING RELEASED TAKE NOTICE that Andrew Voetman, or thence east 80 chains to tne point or com and March and February 14th 28th; tub, and umce. .If Prince Rupert, B. C, nsberman. Intends to mencement. January 17th, 31st; ,21st, apply ror a licence to prospect ror roai Located November 17th, 1918. April 2nd. FOR AUSTRALIAN USE and petroleum over the following described GERTRUDE KNOTT, BOATS WANTED linds on the West Coast or Moresby Island, By' Hans K. Chrlstensen, Agent. British Columbia, commencing at a post FOR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANOELL, SXAOvVAY, ALA8KA planted Jf about Canoe 200 yards and from I l miles the southerly fasl ot SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT ( f January 13th and 27tb; February 10th and 24tb; March 7tb, 17th and 28th "uou mi- your uoai li Bclbourno, Fob. 7 A telegram fbore Pass J i QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. "IB Pi:ico is right. Send full received the Colonial Secre- from plication ror licence; thence north 80 TAKE NOTICE that I, Hans K. Chrlster-en, Particulars with lowest price lias nuormea Hm finmrann.11"'! thence west 80 chains; thence or Prince Rupert, B. C, nshcrman, lr larj (iuh g0 cmni. thence ea9t 80 cnain3 t0 slating where tend to apply ror a licence to prospect ror the boat may be oalth Government that the JJrit- the point of commencement. rial and petroleum over the rollowing de W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. seen, by letter to X,Y.Z., News . 11..1 ii.. ti:ii1. I i-vmcu iii". i.io. scribed tanas on tne west coast or nioresDy isu uuvurjiuieiii uiui inu jjiihoh ANDREW VOETMAN. Island. British Columbia, commencing at a onice, " Shipping Controller has allocated By Hans K. Chrlstensen, Agent. nost planted about ot a mile south Co ner Fourth Street md Third Avenue, Prfnce Rupert. B.C. westerly rrom a small bay and Island In ANTED A small to Australia for February, March iKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Canoe Pass between Moresby and Chaatl gasoline of shipping OUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLA.HUS. Inlands near Log Point and about 3 miles and tons launch in good condition. Apply April 599,000 easterly along the Moresby Island side or fmi for general loading and 41,- TAKE NOTICE that Daniel L. Sutherland, Canoe Pass rrom Buck Point; thence north ejving particulars to box f Bay Point, California, hotel keeper, lunula so chains; thence east 80 chains; thence tf 000 tons for refrigerated loading. to apply ror a licence to prospect ror south 80 chains; thence west 80 chains to -H: oal and petroleum over the following de the point or commencement. scribed lands on the Weal Coast or Moresby Located November 16th. 1918. FOR "SALE i nn apt stand, British Columbia, commencing ai HANS K. CHIUSTENSEN, Applicant. The jUnion COAST SERVICE. riTH'E OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO a post planted about t mile south rrom (l Till r., piinriiAsp i in mo soutneriy snore or uanoe rass nu SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF BUljU Superb Empiro N OUKKN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS LAND miles east or the southeast corner and loca yUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, Steamship For Vancouver, sailing Tues., 7 p.m. cooking D1STHICT HECORDINU 1 Ulti I i'r tion Post or Robert Rcld's application ror r,ange in good condl-uon. SKEENA AND SITUATE ON THE licence: thence north 80 chain; thence TAKE NOTICE that Robert Reld. or Prince Too largo for owner. SJI(E OF GRAY BAY, MORESBY 13- west 80 chains; thence south 80 chains; Rupert, B. C, taxi driver. Intends to apply Anyojt.Port Simpson and Naas Points, thence east 80 chains to the point or commencement. ror a licence to prospect ror coal and Co. of B.C. Mondays, 7 a.m. wiyU'Bborno House, 3rd Avo. TAKE NOTICR that I. Yoshlmatsu Mukal, petroleum over the following described Phone Dlack 452. f Vanrniivnr llrliuh rnlnmtila. farmer. In- Located November 17th, 1918. lands on the west Coast of Moresby Is (34) rpnri In nnnlv fntt nd.mllllmi til nUTChaSC DANIEL L. SUTHERLAND, land, British Columbia, commencing at a Ltd. John Barnsley, General Agent fori stTt. one hundred and sixty acre! of land By Hans K. Chrlslensen, Agent post planted auout or a nine soutn-xvcsterly bounded as follows: . . . from a small bay and Island In '1()ck 42, Section iiinriiPiiclng at a post pianica si u SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Canoe Pass between Moresby and Chaatl iAlk 5, $1,200,' orth East corner or Lot 888. Moresby Is QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Islands near Loir Point and about 3 miles land, nn nrv nv thenrn West twenty eusterly along the Moresby Island side or tl0al chains; thence North eighty chains; thence TAKE NOTICE "That Peter Jensen, or Canoe Pass rrom Buck Point; thence north . Falls, Minn. 31 i:ni twenty chains to iho roresnore; mrii Prince Rupert, B. C, net boss. Intends to 80 chains; thence west 80 chains; thence " followlnir the roroshore southerly to tno apply ror a licence to prospect ror coal south 80 chains; thence east 80 chains to I I C 1 T -T OAL ' ITsn. 1 . ... point of commencement, containing tou and petroleum over the following- described thn point or commencement. V u t'l)0 Point) aens more or less. lands on the West coast, or Moresby Island, Located November 10th, 1918. WESTHOLME LUNCH erl.1"0"' co 25o YOSIIIMATSU HUKAI. British Columbia, commencing- at a post ROBERT RE1D, ATED this Slh day of December. A. p. planted about S00 yards rrom the southerly By Hans K, Chrlstensen, Agent. SECOND AVE. idlg. Ml horo or Canoe Pass and 4 miles east or the northeast corner or Robert Reld's application SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF home;cooking. lady cook. In Lha mattAi nt an annllcAtlon for thd ror licence; thence south 80 QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. sue or a frond ivriiiirnin of indefeasible chains; thence west 80 chains; thence Spruct 'Ve"BU,5 '""look and Ulo to Lotx 38 and 39, Block 7, Section north 80 chains; thence east 80 chains to TAKB NOTICE that 17 Albert K. Estesvaag .Tu,yJ5ita't t.wy or rrmce iiupert, amy he point or commencement. or .Prince Rupert, B, C, fisherman. Intend Fifty cent meals from 11.30 to 2.00 and 5.30 to 8.00. ci Coun- Nr.ll.A la li...hv vlv.n ttlllt It li Illy Located November 17th. 1018, to apply ror a licence to prospect ror coal fen linn in limn riei thn etnlratlon of PETER JENSEN, and petroleum over the rollowfnir described Short orders all thetlme. Special rates with room and board. rnh . mi i i thirty days rrom tho first publication hereof, By Hans K. Chrlstensen. Agent. land (hi the West Coast or Moresby Island, to the above HrllUli Columbia, commencing at a pom a rresh Certltlcate of Title 4A.n': r-J, Oven. mentioned lota, In the name or The North SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF planted about .800 yards rrom the southerly Company. CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. snore or uanoe rass ami iiiu- rasi ui Z. . m-rince nurefT; ""li Western Loan and Invertment yUEEN Which cerllnrate Is dated lath .March. tho northeast corner or Robert Reld's ap 1918, and was registered on application TAKE NOTICE that Charlea E. Burfress ot plication ror licence; thence south 80 TAXI SERVICE 191. ,n1 hotel keeper, Intends chains; thence east 80 chains; thence north received the KSnd February, Bay Point. California, Advertise in "The Daily News" 'AYt ... U Nn, 1180-1. . to apply ror a licenre to prospect for coa 80 clmlng; thence west 80 chains to the B, C the following described point or commencement. Land Registry Office Prince Ruperl, and petroleum over the West Coast of Moresby Island, Located nnvemiier inn, im. lands on January xxnii, iviv, commencing- at a post ALBERT K, ESTESVAAO, The Results uj. 1-nono oy. ll, F. Macl.F.on. British Columbia, Applicant, Paper thatjlgtstsJQuick District Registrar of Titles. planted about ot a mile outn westerly