0.RA1FS Chemists UiMITEO and I HE Daily News E.C.D.Now BUTTER 55c. jl3fiafld2DD Phones 10 and 25 m A. X. NO. 35. PRINCE RUPERT, D. C, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1919 PRICE FIVE CENTS SPAM" DETERMINED - fOISL AMDS STRIKERS WENT TO WORK AT NOON MUNICIPAL 0FL0.D.EF0RW CHAPTER RIGHT OF TRANSIT AT CONFERENCE TODAY IN SEATTLE; 12,000 MINERS Important Yesterday Joint of Local meeting Daughters Held COMPELLING GERMANY TO LINE UP IDLE IN CITY OF BUTTE, MONTANA A.n v; of important Empire to meeting Organize.of the JAPAN TOEHOLD PACIFIC ISLANDS members of the thiee local chapters Wage Reduction of Dollar a day Precipitates Struggle in Mining of the Imperial Order of tho (Special to The News via O.T.P. Telegraphs.) Daughters of the Empire was held Paris, February 11. The commission un ports, vat?rways Town; First Sympathy Strike in United States rails . yesterday afternoon, when anoth and railways of the Peace Conference met today. England is with Return of Puget Sound Workers. er step in the development of the supported by America in the proposed postponement of the principle (organization in this part of the of complete liberty of transit to every country on equal province was made. This was in conditions to all. This (Special to The Mews via 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) the formation of a Municipal proposition was opposed by Albert Cla-veilie Seattle, February 11. The efforts of the general strike com APPOINTMENTS Chapter, which will act as the for France and Coromilas for Greece, who pointed out that mittee to have all union men refrain from working under the connecting link between the local England and America occupied special situations that made the Seattle general sympathy strike, the first of its kind in America, CONSIDERED BY chapter and the Provincial Chapter. question of commercial land transit insignificant for them. officially ends at 12 o'clock noon tomorrow. The executive com Pressing Germany. men's union voted for the Hitherto the three primary Paris, February II. The Peace Conference is still considering mktee of the street car car men to chapters here have communicated and CITY COUNCIL means to compel the Germans to live up to the armistice terms remain at their posts not o6ey tjio request. directly with the Provincial, to Today at Noon. whom all returns have been made. and also to prevent rearming. The French would do it by limiting Seattle's general strike ended officially at noon today. The From now pn, however, all local the production of war weapons and taking strict account" of Some Aldermen Would Like Power returns will hn mnrln in Mm MiLni the present stock. The French are convinced there is danger in decision to call off the strike was reached at one o'clock yester of Selection Tammany cipal Chapter, which will speak Germany unless held with a firm hand. day by tho general strike committee, composed of delegates of Methods' Feared by with the voice of all the chapters Position. 130 local unions, after a four-hour's session of the unions repre Aid? in Prince Rupert to the Provincial Japan's sented on the committee. One hundred and ten had voted to Rochester. Chapter. Above the Provincial Paris, February 11. Japan reiterated her intention lo hold participate in the general strike. Tho whole question of the Chapter is the Dominion the Marshall and Caroline Islands in the Pacific, which she took -j chapter; the highest of all, of from Germany during"ttu3 war, as well as to insist upon the execution Strike at Butte method of making appointments 'be Butte, Mont., February 11. -Twelve thousand miners are idle came up for r-eview at the meet-1?er irT! therial oaap" of an agreement reached in September last with China';regarding .. a. t . - . a . a infr rf Ilia ftf.. f.il n n 1 I n a 4 nifrdl i Britain Shantung. Formal state ment to this 'effect by Japanese nere either a a resuitraiRi,w?eK'. striKe.or.independent union ". " wuuv." -" .-A officers Elect. " ' . T . . . . representatives has been made pubTwi -here. - I 1 I 1 1 I I At J I I uuwuviwdu 1. V, U47Alt W The officers elected for the new r the appointment of tele-lch Borden Returning. t here f n cay in wages, anq mo rustling cara system, or mrougn tear or ninn., girls and also flre as respecting, Mrg Du y u Regent Paris, February 11. Premier Borden will return to Canada imimiai. on by the strlklna clement. The situation is under the ointment of an outsider as ' Mrs. J. C. McLennan, Ilegent. shortly for a few weeks. place o f Miss Belle McLeod, First Vice Wages were reduced on account of the drop in prices and the cnoosmg a local man Regent, FISH ARRIVALS Telephone Girls. . f Mrs. Howard Steen, Second OLD COUNTRY In regard to tho telephone girls Vice-Regent. ! The Anna G. Is In port with Alderman Barrje said he would Mrs. T. C. Duncan, Secretary, 16,000 lbs. of halibut; the Adeline w w m w M ( I M like to know it tho tele EMPLOYERS AND MEN why was STRIKERS ARE Miss Rothwell, "Echo" Secre- with 1,200 lbs.; the Eidsvold-With phone girls were not taken on in1. .. 23,000 and the Rennel with 6,000 "DEM EOS DISCUSS DIFFERENCES ii: ii,: i: : ,lalT Miss Mills,- Educational Secre lbs., all of which sold at 12 cents in. BACK AT WORK Wo hv. a small assort- came The said the tary. and 8 cents. Tho cargo of the Joint Committee Elected In London acting mayor Mrs. Eggert, Organizing Secre King and Winge sold at 10 cents matter in the hands Mr. t:i!'ii. silf. sergo and With View to Closer was gf tary. and 8 cents. Co-operation. Duncan. Miss Tingley, Treasurer. London Transportation' Is Once Alderman Perry expressed the More Normal and Men are poplin dresses Unit are Mrs. Elkins, Standard Bearer. 4l it 3C ))t 1 3 (t (f (t (f 3(S (Special by O.T.I1. Telosraphs.) opinion that they should reverse The Municipal Chapter, of Gradually Returning v.-mdrrful values the policy. Returned soldiers and In Glasgow. at $25.00. London, Feb. 11. Representatives course, win do cnteiiy an execu MAX H El LBRONER others entitled to consider-1 of many London manufacturers were tive body, its members being COME AND SEE alion in making appointments (Special via 0. T.P. Telcgrapbs.) Reliable Jeweler mot in conference today drawn from the primary chapters. with delegates representing over Applications snouia uo invneu ,,,,, ,,. Inn, hnn.ppa iinv London, Feb. 11. With trans Diamonds, Watches, Clocks 4 twenty trades unions in an effort ami shou,d co,ne before the co,n- about two huridred members at portation in the London district Cut Glass, Silverware, Ivory to define obstacles to moro cor- miue.e. nresent. and their record stands again normal as a result or me ' Umbrella, Community Plate, 4iiui;i Hum uuiriu suiu iiu iwioi settlement of the subway strike, rllnl polnllnna Aflor n lnnir ilis well among the five hundred'ehap. Etc. nu.lnn In ,vl.l. tlnrnn llnlfnnr 01 applications. WHICH IIUU ueeil ,. fhrmie-hmif thn . Tlnminlnn Great Britain is faced with the An Evening with of Burleigh and Wappleton, see- " for years and he thought they The,p activitics have been chielly possibility of a nation-wide walk Corn! 3rd A. and 6th Strset. snouiu uo tonsmereu. with for the out of electricians. Tho national Shake retary of tlie General Federation connected war wor-k speare. wire inspector. and is education- executive committee of tho electricians' of Trades Unions, were the chief, past four years, speakers, Joint committcca were " 'CJ,J. lu 4a al along patrioii0 i,ne8. union at Manchester ordered Al IT. -i b mniie ,VQ p,.e!cnt elected with u view to arriving al n,an a",e. Actinf Ma McRae! a general ballot on. the :.ti rijuvable and, Insiruc-'wnlng of demanding 40-hour question a wim thl an agreement-on the program. JJ DELEGATE RETURNS greatest of week affects thirty thousand electricians. SW'S m tinaiut in I lie Methodist BIRTH Hon. - I FROM GALVESTON Alderman look exception Tho strikers in Glasgow Wednesday A son was born this moiTiing Casey are Evening, nt Llin Prinen ilnnnrL General to the way in which Mr. Duncan i reported gradually returning to at 8 o'clock llosnilul lo Mr. and Mrs. Robert expressed himself in regard to J. H. Meagher Tells of Mis Visit work. FOR QUALITY to Texas Where He Attended SERVICE AND SATISFACTION McDonald, 1022 IIay Cove Ave. himself. He thought it was about time there was a chango in that Convention. Advertise in the Dally News. rood Board Licence No. 10-7340. department. ! ; Alderman Casey suggested thai. J. . Meagnor wno nas jusi re they should go outside only when turned from the Seamen's con Mm rinaillmi pnnlH nnf. lin filled flt VCntiOll at Galveston, Texas, TO- WESTHOLME THEATRE home. Ho had maintained that ports a very largo attendance, Empress i Theatre. position consistently. He thought delegates coining from England, NEW SHOW TONIGHT CNLY new snow Mr,. Duncan had transgressed Ireland and also from Japan. TONIGHT again in this matter and should The Japaneso representative ho brought'to time. told them that they now have 6,-000 aiiiuie erick Peculiar Light. seamen organized and at the Ruth Clifford. Rupert Julian Fre Alderman Kirknatrick said it end of 1919 it would be safe to put them in a peculiar light when say that they would havo at least Monroe Salsbury The Screen's Greatest Emotional Actress, 111...Uiu uiucriiii'ti..I I I.imiuw n.ll.lnff iiuiniii ui nt MlA v"v 10,000 organized. IN-- aetion taken by the mayor. Mr. Meagher received a hearty who played "That' Devil, Bateese," again welcome at Galveston. The first -in,-. Alderman Perry expressed Doubl Crossed his opinion that all appointments thing they showed him was their should be confirmed by the oxcellont harbor. "The Des Moth" committoo. Tho labor unions thero are in fC You will r,vS0ll!!c,s : Rurelsry : Society : Love Alderman Rochester! feared the voiy good shape, oxcept the fishing the with her when she triumphs over the keenest minds in of Tammany methods. industry which is in a very tho upper and under world introduction poor state, tho fishermen hardly A THRILLING DRAMA OF THE WEST 5 PARTS km Favoriles- Mr. and MrtTydney Drew, 1 Resl Comedy Alderman Perry will movo a being able to make a living, and One that will grip and hold your attention from beginning to end . Mack Sennelt's loom chaser, "His Naughty Thought resolution to givo cITect to his using tho old style boats the same 1-Reel Lyons-Moran Comedy, 'A Ripping Time' used ten ago. B views at tho meeting next week. as they yoars . Admission, 25c. and 15c. Tho next convention will ho Universal Current Events Ladysmlth Wellington Coal reduces held at San Francisco next year. ESD AY AND THURSDAY . ".' "I AUGHING BILL HYDE" your fuel bill and gives Admission 15c, and 25c. Show at 7.15 Sharp. J ureate.t of R.x Be.cVa stories of Alaika atlsfactlon. Phone 15. ,P. n. Ask your Grocer or Druggist for Thorpe's Non-alcohollo wine. I Coal Co.