y THE DAILY NEWS. Tuesday, February nt 1Ql8 Page - PAULINE FREDERICK IN "DOUBLE CROSSED" mm A Wodern Play of Love and ln trlgue at the Westholme Theatre Tonight. nmihl( Crossed." a Paramount mm picture starring Pauline Frederick, which is lo be at Ihe West- holme Theatre tonight, is a moa- ArticUNd.lS HILE stooping Jern play of love and intrigue, Cut out for near the stove I caueht 'RtfcrencM the handle of a pan of boiling water and upset it," writes Mrs. Albert Smart, of 279 Harbison (Creating Opportunities Ave., Winnipeg. "The entire contents of the pan poured partly down my arm, but mostly over my for Employment loot, and as 1 was wearing slippers at the time my foot was very badly scalded! A huge blister covered the whole tcpof suffered my was foot Intense.and the We pain had I BESIDES helping todistribute employment through a chain of heard how pood Zam-Buk Is for such Injuries, so my husband the Government has developed plans to create opportunities got some and applied it. for employment. l no first application soon gave r.ie wonderful t from the burning pain, end-lief continued Briefly, these plans covcrthe following phases: applications completely cured the scald. After this demonstration of the value of Zam- 1. Public Works Buk we are new never without a box in the house. We have During the war, many important Public Works have been held up. The Minister proved it invaluable for the many little accidents which PAUUNEfREDEMU of Public Works, has his plans and preparations made to proceed with the are of such frequent occurrence in more necessary of these in the near future. This Committee has also been in in home.. Zam-Buk every is just as effective "Double Cro'v&tf' touch with Provincial Governments and Municipalities, with a view to impressing for salt skin rheum diseases,and such as upon them the necessity for similar action. The building and public works pro-. and eczema,Is without equal for ulcers,piles. gramme now in sight will provide employment for many returned soldiers and In where the many cases war-workers. - disease or sore is of long standing and other remedies have with a tremendous feminine ap - been useless, Zam-Buk has peal. II is the story of a young Z2. 'Railways worked a complete and permanent society matron who discovers 1 cure. Its absolute purity makes It suitable for the that her husband, with whom she During the:past four years, .a great deal of work necessary to keep our railways most tender skin (even the s very much in love and whom up to.standard has-been postponed. Some millions of dollars musl be expended kin of a baby) and mothers should young always keep a she has always set upon a pedestal, on improving road-bed, constructing bridges, buildings .and other improvements. box on hand for emergencies. has, in his youth, committed Vast quantities of ties are being got out this winter. Equipment of various kinds Zam-Buk does not deteriorate serjous slip. a with keeclne. All dealers. Miss Frederick's emotional act must-be secured. The Minister of Railways states that as soon as 'weather Stcabox. ing in the scene where she over- conditions will permit, some thousands of men will be absorbed in various railway lears a detective trying to black undertakings. The supplies and materials required will "also provide em--ployment. mail her husband with a signed confession, is superb and up to her highest standards. '13. Shipbuilding . , . CAPACITY HOUSE AT The shipbuilding programme.arranged for "by: the Government will provide employment for many'men during 1919. It' is expected that arrangements-will be EMPRESS THEATRE completed to 'keep the ''shipbuilding yards in active operation throughout the; year. "The Government recognises that this ship construction is one of the best "The Desire of the Moth" is a means tf providing suitable.employment for many skilled and other workers. Thrilling Western Drama Full of Exciting Scenes. 4. Export Trade The Empress Theatre played again to capacity houses last The Government has established a Canadian Trade Commission. This Commission night when the featur.o film was has an office in Canada and a ''trade mission" overseas. Through this trade "The Desire of the Moth," a mission it is'antiqipated that Canada will secure an important share in the business thrilling Western drama full of .4 of materials and providing manufactured, products required for reconstruction P.itFEEDCo. exciting scenes that grip and hold work in: A short time be the attention from beginning to Europe. may required before final details are completed end. and definite results jareiannounccd. The business so secured will be distributed The three stars, Ruth' Clifford, through the regular channels' of trade and thus afford extra opportunities for Have got in a New Seasons Supply of j Rupert Julian and Monroe Salis employment. bury, certainly played their parts Bulbs, Hyacinths, to perfection and this beautiful 5. Housing Daffodils, -ulips, play should full house certainly tonight.draw another The Government has set aside the large sum of 25,000,000 to be loaned through Crocus, Easter Lilies the Provinces in order the The Universal Current Events. to encourage building of workmen's houses. When the season for building arrives, this work should give employment hundreds Make the home beautiful is one of the best ever shown to many here. A rattling good comedy of men both in construction work and in. the supply of materials. Have Some Winter Blooms i finishes off a dandy show. Indoors and Outside. 6. Land Settlement C.P.R. EARNINGS 908 Third Ave. The Government, as already explained in a former announcement, has developed Phone 53. P.O. Box 333 Increased Cost Results In Lessen plans to help soldiers to become farmers, providing land, granting loans and giving training and supervision where It is that Ing of Twelve Million Dollars necessary. expected a large number of Compared With Previous returning soldiers will take .advantage of these opportunities. The scheme-will Yr. involve, the expenditure of some millions of dollars, a good deal of which will find its way into -building materials, supplies, machinery, etc., all of which will LEE CO. TOM assist in While the final statement of providing employment. 840 Second Avenue, West. earnings of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company for the year 7. Road Building VEGETABLES 1918 will not bo available until Wholesale and Retail some time in March, the figures The Government now has under consideration the question of joining the provincial General Contractors and deduced from the monthly "ac governments in financing the construction of public highways. Should Labor; Exchange. counts servo to give a fairly ac a favorable decision be reached, a large field for employment opportunities will curate idea of the relative posi. be opened up. Regardless of Federal action, provincial governments are preparing tion of profits for the sharehold their road-making Prince Rupert, B.C. own programmes. ers for the two years. Phone 5 47 P. O. Box 725 So far do the increased ra'tes unpensato for the higher wages; The Government is alive to the necessity for providing tcosts of coal. etc.. that an in. employment opportunities, and stands prepared crease in the gross earnings for, to assist in everyway possible. If corporations Pure Cream the year of over $5,000,000 finds and private citizens will Join in this feature of me net earnings actually over Repatriation Work, Canada should have little difficulty $12,000,000 less than in 1917 with the employment problem. Makes the Indeed, going over the lists for Director of the last nine years, never were Repatriation . -v the net earnings so small as this Richness past year. Back in 1910, when The Repatriation Committee the gross, earnings wore only a I little over $100,000,000, the net Thero Is a pure cnain richness OTTAWA about Paeinc Milk that 1 the only oarnings were over $30,000,000. secret behind Its goodness for whereas last year, with gross 57 rooklnir. per cent, greater, $157,000,000. fresh mT.K ., ,7come, fZtthe 11,6 net earnings were only a little ... n the supreme court of British sy. ffiol nAA nnA a- published Rupert.'"10 larm is to evaporate water out of,""-1 u,uu,uu, COLUMBIA. newspaper at' Prince amount of their Indebtedness to me It. u. w ions penoa or one month. .forthwith. LAND ACT uaiea at rrince Rupert, B. c.. this tth JOHN H. McMULLIN, TO ."M THE MATTEn OF THE ADMINISTR V TO riM leaves OTICE OF INTENTION ,Tblf the natural butter 'Resources" continues to TION ACT uu,t ui rouiuui, i. Lr. 1V1V, Official Administrator. con- JHN ill. PURCHASE LAND. , ,.. fat and other cream solids as they . anrl McMULLIN, - fnln I I i I 11 1 1- were. jium nm-i cauiiK maucr ueaiinp M THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Official Administrator. N THE 8UPREME COURT OF BRITISI1 N QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISiVi.irT Then remains,wHh the growth and ALBERT COLK, DECEASED, INTESTATE COLUMBIA. RECORDING PISTIthE we sea it up ao it development NOTICE IS HKIIFHY fllVFN TO VVIIDM IN THE SUPilEME COURT OF BRITISH ACTTEn F T"E ADMIJil31liA- KKEKNA AND fresh and sweet. f0f British Coliimhia. In Mils IT MAY concern of an Order made by COLUMBIA. TION SHOE OF O II AY BAY" MOI'iESBy Try It In the next recipe which Ilia Honour F. MeB. Younr. Innl juil and .LAND, calls for milk or rrenm l."u'""B I'UHUS...OUl limi In the above matter on the 20th day or TIS MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF N u. - " 1 1.1 I J - 1, TION1 ACT TAKE NOTICE that 1. Yoshlmatsu bins io iw, iiorinern iiriusn Columbia, aimary, n. u. iviv, as ronows: TKSTATEAMAM0T0' DtCEASt;Di W" farmer, '" IT IS ORDERED that thn lrt Inhn it and - - f Vancouver. British Columbia, but central. The inazn-zine McMuJUn shall be-allowed to swear to the THE MATTER OF THE ESTVTE OF iahe notice thBt n order of nit tend to apply for permission to PH? land Pacific Milk is death of ' tho said deceased a nrrutrlnv "N Honour I'. Mill. Younir. mnrln ihn inn. lone hiinilred and sl.MV 0. full of information. on the 27th day of October. 1917. after STATE0,V0TT0' DECEASED of January, A, D. 1919, I was appointed iboundcd as follows) LIMITED the eiDlrat on of nnn month from th iiha TAKE NOTICE that In nrrfa. .... Administrator to the estate of Ynnv.n,.7 . nmt nlantcd st'" Thero of the first publication of notice of thU Honour F. McB. Younj-, made the tsth moto, deceased, and all parties bavin? 'North k..t Mrn er or Lot V..t MoresW'twenty 332 DRAKE STREET may bo something you order, unlets in the meantime proof It of January. A.S. 1919, I was sppo tnln u.xin aBaii ma diu eaisie are hereby and. un Qrav Bayi thence want. See the classified column rurnitned to the registrar of tbit court at Administrator to the estate of required to rurnlsh same, properly verl-ned, chains; thence North ihtv cialnsi ?""';, Factory at Ladner, B. O. ' rlnee Rupert, B. C, that the said deceased Olvolto. deceased, and all parties having tn in, on or before the nth day East twenty chains to the forefborei iw on Pngo, 5, Albert Cole was alive subsequently to the claims against the said estate are hereby Hbrujry, A. D. 1919, and all parties In' following- the furesbore souther y, " ..0 Canada Food Board Llesnss 14-166. said 27th day or October, 19I7 required to iftrnlshi same, properly to the estate are required to nay point or rummencement, coniaumi AND IT IS FURTHER flhnFUPn Ihlt In fled, to on or before vorl. the amount Of their InrtMttarln.. . KV. me, tho Uth day " "1 arns more or less. .,, Advertise In'the Dally News, said John H. McMullln do publish notice of February. A. U. 1919, and all parlies in-debted of forthwith. YOSIIINA I bu A. R. this order In tho IVIoce nuperi Dally News, to the esute are renulrVd JOHN II. McMULLIN, DATED thl 8th day of December, j,H Official Administrator, 1918, rii