EJ OiESLIl Chemists Druggists and The Daily News E.C.D.6E0.J.FRIZZELL BUTTER P.O. HOX 1680 Now 55c. Phones,82 and 200 3? m rvi rnonei 10 and 25 j fflLX. NO. 30 P11INCE ni'PKnT, D.C., SATURDAY, FEnRL Any Ts, 1919, PHICE FIVE CKNTB MIGHT LEAD TO CIVIL I (MOTION ASKING UNIQUE OCCUPATION I$cnn nnn WAR AND BLOODSHED DURING THE WAR'V,,VVVV 1 wu RESIGNATION Agitation to Have South Africa DOLLY VARDEN Declared Republlo Condemned W. J. Pitman who Is Starting In OF MR. DUNCAN Dy Leader of Opposition. Business Here Experience.Had Interesting Temlskamlng Mining Co. Pur Capetown, South Africa, Feb. chases Mine and Railway from barrio rusw at 15. -The decision of tho Nation-Jalist "Listening in" on tho German Former Owners of Prop- Alderman wireless messages as they were party to send a deputation Hall ana wauer win City Hashed from one point to another Come Up Monday. to Europe to interview President In Europe has been tho Wilson with a view to ircttlnsr favorite ANTICIPATED PROFITS pastime with Sergeant W. J. Pit- 'I hereby give notice of motion South Africa declared a-republio $900,000 IN TWO YEARS who has man, recently to for resignation of 7Ir. by tho Peace Conference aroused I come asking locate at the meeting of tho an interesting debato in the As-Council herje. It has usually been the custom Duncan ! Sergeant Pitman went overseas for Cobalt Illihintr onmnnnina In Feb. '19. sembly. to be held on 17, from Vancouver with the floyal securn nrnnpriioa in nihor w- Siifncd V. J. UAIUIIE." Sir,Thomas Smarlt, leader, of I Tha nbovo is tho text of a notice the opposition, moved that the Engineers and was attached to the thern Ontario fhlds, but the Tern-signallers' ihilnDncaw on tho City Hall no-,House condemn the agitation now section. Owing to his iskaming Mining Co. has made a thorough knowledge er the Oer- board today. It is the climax jboing carried on for dissolution somewhat new departure in tico man language, which he acquired jumping to British Columbia fa cood deal or agnation on me 01 me union anu severance 01 me for during several ,arf of aldermen in regard to the connection now existing between years' residence a fresh property on which to ex-m onduct of the public utilities and South Africa and Great Britain. Germany while studying music, 'tend its operation, says the Fin-j Sergeant Pitman found himself ncial Post. necially in regard to the hiring ne lurincr expressed tne opinion At the annual meet-! . particularly useful in keeping tab -I. 11-11 tm j ing of Temlskamlng shareholders iwiui, bucii iigiiuiiun, ii iicrsisieu f employees. on what the Germans were saying, At the meeting of tho Council in, would lead to civil war and this week, which by the way wa .. Onl? a few weeks returned from a 1.1 .11. .1 f ft it. A t somewhat slimly attended, th iisl Monday Alderman uarrie uiuuusneu in soum Airica. overseas, ho was at one of the management authorized were to that tho superintendent complained largo stations in Surrey when the take the most disrespect-, ( necessary steps to ac-Jarmistice had spoken REPUBLIC RESTORED was signed, and he had quire the Dolly Varden Mine, a de-jdistinct fullv of him, quoting language. pleasure in reading the veloped silver property located at vhich Is not usuany useu in me IN NORTH PORTUGAL German instructions sent from j Alice Arm, 96 miles north of Van-Spa, press. the German headquarters, to couver. Tho matter will como up on via the Eiffel Tower for transmission' (Special O. T. P. Telegraphs.) Rich In Silver Monday evening. Tlierp Is also London, Feb. 15. The to Erzeburger and the other Ger- Both J. P. pco- A Bickell, the Presi-, Alderman1 SKELETON by AT THE motion promised FEAST. man armistice delegates at Gen. Pi of -Oporto, dent, and Engineer right supported by re Kaeding, of in regard to tho of ew ...uit.. r i t it.. 1 Foch s headquarters. !""" luii-us, imvB lustuieu uiu. jDomo Mines, who have examined h. r.nnnr.,1 in reimrd to abnoint- kiiv -w v " nnn,,l,l!n t TlAn4..l Previous to war time, Mr. Pit- I the hients. As there Is no nOtiCO Of B1'UU,,U " 1 UllUBUI, VICE-PRESIDENT BROKE P. DOREEN LOSES Dolly Vorden, gave unreserv- iiiuu as one 01 me leacners at ed to the ravia L.ouceira, royansi leaner, support proposed pur- iowevcr-notion posted it may in be regard dropped.to it, .has been 'arrsstcd. Fighting at TIE IN THE SENATE COMPASS AND GEAR 2"Ott xuiyiuiu nnn la r uouservaiory rMnrtiof - r n m 01 chase. The m nn.. wns dnscrihprf Oporto lasted 90 minutes. The .a y.amai, Ui suuio as naving more tnan 88,000 tons created Inole. He has come to locate in 0f 18 news enthusiasm at Lisbon. ore averaging ounces, which via O. T. r. MARRIED YESTERDAY Part of the Government is (Special Telrvrasbs.) Struck By Gale Off Skldegate and .Prince Rupert in the interests of at ono dollar an ounce would nive Washington, Feb. 15. With Has Hard Time In the Heintzman & Co. piano house proceeding to Oporto. 1,601,65 i, or a profit of $900,-000. AT ANGLICAN RECTORY the vote of Vice-President Mar Raging Sea. This one could be taken out shall breaking a lie, the Senate UftQPITAT mMMITTCKC 'late yesterday defeated a motion RESIGNS BECAUSE in two years. The owners of the Al H. AnHionn vnnlnrv ilnl VUlHlllli UjIjU . . mino had run out of funds with ll f i T I The fishing boat P. Doreen with ight, Rev. Canon Itix officiated UAVr DTII nrjftlMTnn oenuiur juiiiisuii, ouiuurnia, OF DISAGREEMENT which to complete the building of IIAYIi DIlfcM iirrUlillfcUlnepublican, to proceed with con Capt. II. Doiron in charge, had a t the marriage of John Phillip- a necessary railway line, and ihe sideration, of a resolution propos mishap on her last fishing trjp. or i'rince anu miss i via Temiskaming Company, in return ion, nupera, (Special 0. T.P. Telerrapbs.) The following arc the officers,Ing an oxprcssion by tho Senate she came in Thursday morning rcda Johnson, of Winnipeg, for assuming their liabilities, Ottawa, Feb. 15. Major J. L. land standing committee of the for tho withdrawal of American The bridegroom is pno of th uh no ngh and ,0fjkl ngmuch.tho Todd of the Board of Pension'would get a first mortgage on all .. . .'Board of of the Prince.troops from Russia hs soon as i: r T : 1 t I pjrettors orse for wear and lear Commissinners. hns rfisienprt nnrt lho property. Already about 1: The boat was making her .way .resignation Jia.been accented-5000,000 had been,. a Dent, on tho plilcment Smith Island. The tion for tno year 1919 nn In Skinornin nnrl wnta wlfliln i .i n , rm nav n -MifHa tYinno -Ihiiti...... 1 fi on 0 ...v..... " .v Uy luo uovernmeni. ine vacancy i also comes from the north- Hon. Pres., Hon T. D. Pallulln, BERLIN STRIKERS lien miles of the place,when she created has been filled by the ap- mi,es having been built, and the M. P. P. 'curlInn lt nnniin f nrnl i tiootir . . . Ii 1 1 f r- ii r n nm n(n I r iauT Ya Irn island nd was attended at tho L'DCD CTADTC riACCTi' J ..u.w.vu pointmeni oi wajor Stanley uor,- "-"" .ciannu(, vvuiu ii'diiing uy Mrs. Larusson. President, D. G. Stewart, Esq ACLI JlluLu LLujJjU southeast galo which she headed isMne who has been actinsr as bui,t al a cost of about $60 000. Vice-Pres., W. E. Williams, Esq into. When morning came she t 1 1 Spent S700,000. Mr and Mrs. PliiUipson will seureiarv oi me noara. ake up their home in tho city. I Managing Secretary, W. M. (Special by O. T. P Ttiisrapus.) was at least twenty miles Off I TliA rpaicnnUnn nf Mnfnp TnrlH In all, tho Dolly Varden von- .Wright. Berlin, Feb. 15 Big- depart- Skidegale, with tho gale raging as nas resulted from a disagreement dors had sPent upwards of $700, Managing Secretary iron, dero bad as over and il lasled twenty- 000, but confidence was expressed Ask your Grocer or Druggist ment stores and specialty shops .witn th0 Government as to the dp Thorpe's Non-alcoholic wine. J Executive Committee, Rev. W. in central Berlin, whoso packing lour nours. method of administration of the by the speakers that the Timis-kaming E. Collison, chairman; W. E. Williams, 'and delivery force's are on strike,! Useless to Continue, pensions. could clear away all the Esq., E. C. Gibbons, Esq. attempted to remain open today1 Finding that it was impossible obligations in two years and I Houso Committee, W. E. Williams .hut wp.rfi forced tu close bv the to buck the storm, they tunned thereafter own the property in MAX HEILBRONER Esq., chairman; Aid. Mrs. strikers. SIiods were entered by round and headed for home, mak PRESERVE HISTORY OF fee simple. The extension of the W.'J. Kirkpatrick, J. C. McLen-I etrikers, who dispersed shoppers inS about nine miles an hourwith MILITIA REGIMENTS railway lino to another premising Rollablo Jeweler nan, Esq., J. F. Matheisonj Esq. land induced the clerks to join he I,eIP of th6 wind and arrived - property two miles farther was Diamonds,,Watches, Clocks I Finance Committee; E. C. Gibbons, tho walkout. hero Thursday morning rather under consideration, but the Cut Glass, Silverware, Ivory Esq, chairman; J. D. Mc- tne worse ror tno adventure. (Special via a.T.p. Teletrapbs.) whole deal was contigent upon Umbrella, Community Plate, Aulej-, Esq., Alderman McRae. Carried Away Compass. Ottawa, Feb. 15.--Major Gen- the legislature of British Colum- Etc. MUCH INTEREST IS The wind carried away the era fe y MewDurn, Minister or ,ia granting a new charter for CANADIAN OUTPUT. comnass which was situated out- Militia, in a letter, addressed to nie railway, the old one having Corme 3rd At. TAKEN IN DANCING and 6th 6trt. side the wheel house. Two skates ouicers commanding units OI oTtiirvfl nn T"e(pmhfir 31 Inst. (Special via o. t. r, Telegraphs.) of gear wero swept awarj ono an- Canadian militia, draws attention The Purchase Price. Ottawa, Feb 15. The output 'Soven Events are on the Tapis chor and cable, two sacks of coal, fhe fact,that the committee, of While tho Dolly Varden will of Canadian factories in 1917 was fnn h Rnminn unnkanri the stove chimnov and many other llltn. mjor. . uenerai oir w. u. cost $900,0,00, which is approxi-. v a m - . ..j . ..." "DEMERS" thiyo billion dollar's. Dur Classes Crowded. smaller articles. , biviub peo- mately the amount of the Temls- ing tho war nearly seven hundred i The Doreen loft yesterday af- ial consideration to the problem kaming surplus, it will not be Mrs. Demer whilo south 'thousand workers wero employed. There is a great revival of ternoon after refitting to make or uie acuve muiua upon a pian necessary to use any of the sur secured tho exclusive dancing of lato in Princo Rupert, another attempt to get fish. which will at once preserve tho pus for u10 purpose. As' explain-history liandling of suits and STRIKE CONTINUES. Two teachers havo all they canj N of tho militia regiments 'ed by Mr. Bickell, no payment is coats of one of tho highest to bo turnins and perpetuate the identity of.'i0 be mnda to the vendors of the MANITOBA TO SECURE class tailoring firms in .spec.. via-o-rTiewraph,, L overseas battalions. Dolly Varden other than from the Vancouver. Belfast, Feb. 15. Workers,) During tho coming week there' NATURAL RESOURCES revenue to bo derjved from oro Suits will begin toarrivo today, by ballot, rejected the pro-Lro sovcn dances" on tho tanis.i BIRTH shipments from the mino itself, next week. Soma trench posals of tho employers by mdro .g0veral of theso are private ev-i coals havo already arrived. than 2,000 majority. cuts but three of them are pub (Special via O.T. P. Telegraphs.) A daughter was born yesterday Ladysmlth Wellington Coal reduces uuiwe AND SEr Winnipeg, Feb. 15. In the to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Birch, of your fuel bill and gives lic dances. There seems to bo a Advertiso in tho Daily News. atlsfactlon. Phone 16. .P. R. desire to get all the dances in be- 'pert General Hospital. Coal Co. fore the lenten season commenc- hJnalmaJ nk tQ gecure resources soon. Tho Government I After Lent those in search of would bo given to aid and develop recreation and exercise will turn the great copper districts in Man- WESTHOLME THEATRE 10 mo roiiur uiih. in wiuuh uiv.v ., , , ,,,i,nH i, M. nn Empress Theatre is already a revival of interost. struction, etc. : THE H0ME 0F PARAMOUNT PICTURES s piendld Dram.tlo Foturti and Claan Whol.tom. Oomadlu. NO MESSAGE TO-NIGHT WOMEN'S FEDERATION. TONIGHT (Special by n.,T. P. Telegraph.) GREAT DOUBLE ATTRACTION (Special via O. T. P. Telegraphs.) Buenos Ayres, Fob, 15. The WALLACE i.nnllnn P 1 1 n 111 1 A T. nf riAnilfIfS Winnipeg, Feb. 15, A feden- REID ,whv,i....u w... v.. r--..,.. rvnMn 100 nnn , In "THE KAISER" has by a largo majority. rejected,""" of tho Dominion, i I l 1 1111191)1 )ll OLUU l.ll.Jlil.p NN And. J2"BUr Ct,t Including 1.. Scotia and Prince Fdward LITTLE it.- n n nl IK.Anl l..ml,l,l'1' LOTTIE PICKFORO TULLY MARSHALL 1110 uuiuiuii uuusinuviit hoouiiiuij Island excepted, was effected at a The Beast of Berlin the occasion of tho .flrpt Ger. The on Ropublio. conferenco of delegates representing Rupert Julian's Sensational Hxpose of the Kaiser's Intimate Man from Funeral Range man women in each province, Life. This picture will stir you to the breaking undor tho Agricultural Educational ll lf.nl. -i .... . I. O, D. E. danco March 3. tf point. h lawinno'iiLbit IX Xtk,M. Rld ,n thU P'". fogltlv from Act here. r AND Tha The Much Talkedof Ploture : - c"cm.f.ync..?laht ,nd '5'c'on .."ur, What would you do under FISH ARRIVALS BENMTUKR!llNNRir8. 5' Tn, OF COMEDIANS The Surrender of German Navy MORAM ruim rt i vnm Thero wer;o two fish boats in In- port this morning, the Arctic See the Hundreds of Torpedo Boat Destroyers, Subs, Cruisers, 'The Battle Roval" bringing in 18,000 lbs., and the and Battleships surrender to the Allies. A 8cream from start i ri.i.h Wanderer with 10,000 lbs. Tho COME EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH I FOrt QUALITY Arctio reported very rough weather MU8IO .ii.UY WESTHOLME HUBIIBOIOn CONCERT TOO ORCHESTRA IHO DO. SERVICE AND SATISFACTION this last trip. Tho fish will FIRST SHOW AT 7 SHARP, SECOND SHOW AT 9 TICKETS, 50c and 25c food Board Licence No, 10-7310, bo sold tomorrow morning,. J