1019. THE DAILY NEWS, fage WALLACE RE1D IS . SEEN TO ADVANTAGE A Song for Every Mood "The Man From Funeral Range" . Is Dramatlo Play With Many Music gives expression to every human emotion. interesting situations. that is happy and beautiful in life, has been All riio story concerns itself with expressed in music. llio experiences of Harry Webb When things seem bright and cheerful because a young prospector who angers two simmers by refusing to sell a ray of happiness has come into your life, you need Ills claims. Ho leaves the Funeral an outlet to give vent to your feelings. flange, where he has been isolated from humanity and goes to tho When sorrow or depression comes, the need of city where In a cafe he Is at consolation is even greater. traded by a cabaret girl's voice - I ana later comes to lovo tho girl 7 .. It is at such times that you derive the greatest herself. comfort from One of the sharpers turns ud as an admirer who is despised by e NEW EDISON Janice,Deen entertainer,cast the off girl.by is the Jealous,Dixie,villain,another having Bret Cost this Month 4.01 "The Phonograph with a Soul" ton. All sorts of exciting times fol Next month War-Savings Stamps will cost $4.02, and so on Then one sweet note of the voice of Anna Case, low, but in the end ail comes out until December, when the price will be$4.11. The extra cents or one ripple of melody from the bow of Albert well.The story is at tho Westholnic represent the interest which is accumulating all the time. Spalding, puts your soul in harmony with the world. Theatre tonight. These, too, are the prices you can secure for your W-S.S. Music real music is one of life's greatest boons. should circumstances make it necessary to realize on your Edison music is real music because the New Edison KAISER IS SEEN IN investment before January 1st 1924, when the Dominion of does not merely imitate, it re-creates. One never HIS TRUE COLORS Canada pays $5.00 lor every stamp you own. 1 tires of the New Edison, the novelty never wears off, because there is no Beast of Berlin Shows Late Ruler novelty to wear off. It is Of Germany Really Was.as He SOLD WHEREVER YOU SEE THE BEAVER-TRIANGLE SIGN 3 not just another"talking machine". It is decidedly A full house greeted "The Beast different. To appreciate of Berlin" last night at tho Em press Theatre and it was a show the difference you must that was well worth going to. RHUBARB COMES ON hear it Tho spirit which made the Germans set out to conquer the MARKET NEXT WEEK submit Wewill gladly world is well illustrated in the the New Edison to your many scenes representing the inner Beans Have Dropped and Egge are musical judgment either ernment.councils of tho former govT On Toboggan Current Dentistry here orinyourown home. 173 Following close on tho play and Prices. r.cally seeming like a part of it g DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH ! p as tho natural sequence, was tho The new season's growth of Charles Wesley Teetzel, Prince Rupert, B.C. 3 surrender of the German fleet to rhuliarb is now on the market and One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your the Allies. The great dread a large demand is expected. It is noughts which had never flred ; selling at 30c. a bunch. White E5 . Efficiency 5 shot in self defence paraded be beans have dropped in price considerably fore the eyo and the British ves and eggs are taking the FULLER, SMART & STEEN sels are seen there with their spring slide downwards. Lemons guns pointed on the enemy to are easing somewhat and therp is uller's Grocery safeguard against treachery. a slight tendency downward in Dr. It is safe to say that with such other lines. The following are iayne 'an attractive lot of films the the current prices: DELIVERY Canada Food Bord Licen.e 8-35652 :theatre will be well filled again Fish. OFFICE HOURS:- PHONE 45 PHONE tlonight lance. for the repeat perform Fresh Cod, salt,salmon Alaska 25c 15c Morning, 9 to 12; Alternoon, 1.30 to 5.30;-. Evening, 7 to S Cod, 2 lbs. .... 25c E Dental Nurse in-attendance. Cod fillets 15c WF. STAND FOR EVENTUALLY! MOUNTED POLICE OF Fresh black cod, 2 lbs. . . . , . 25c j . Phone 109 for appointment ' HI BRITISH COLUMBIA Finnan haddie, lb. ........ 18c QUALITY Halibut, lb 25c Herring kippered, lb 15c Jersey Brand Headquarters to be Established Soles, lb lOo M f at Vancouver with Strong Detachment Skate, ..)....... 2 lbs. 25o in Central B. C. Oolichans, salt, lOo Creamery Butter Sak Acadia Cod, 2-lb. boxes 60c ARE FRESH Ilegina, Feb. 14. Tho establishment Crabs, large, 20c to 25c. Edward Lipsett, President Harry Lipsett, Manager Why not now? of headquarters for the Fruits and Vegetables. Edward Cunningham, Vice-President , Mounted Police in British Columbia Onions, dry 4c at Vancouver with Super- Lettuce ...20c; 2 for 35c Best for Poaching Best for Table Use InlnndAnl TInfr!frnn in phnrfrn linft Brussels Sprouts, per lb.... 25c Lipsett-Cunningham & Co. been offlcially confirmed. Dawson Bananas 60c is to bo theheadquarters for, the Grapefruit (California) .... 10c Yukon and it was also, proposed Grapefruit (Florida) ..2 for 35c LIMITED to have another headquarters at Apples, per lb .Co to 1216c FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE Prince George but this was overruled. Celery 15c Grapes, per lb 40c Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories Ii is likely that there will be a Carrots, per lb 3o Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage lone I3l Office 14 Smith Block P.O. Box 772 strong detachment stationed in Parsnips, per lb., 4o PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Central British Columbia with emons 35c Prince George as the logical centre English walnuts ..' 50c Registered Office: Prince Rupert Office: pcertjngineering & Supply Co. of tho interior and Prince Australian Currants ....... 30c 68 Water Street, Telephone No. 95 Rupert for tho coast district. Comb honey 50c Vancouver, B. C. P. O. Box 1698 Engineers, Figs, per pkt., 20c and 40c L Contractors Jobbers, Cranberries ...... 40o f mates furnished for Electric Wiring and Complete Oranges (navel) -35c to 75c riant Installations Dales, per box, 30c Meats. Northern B.C. Representatives Beef, pot roasts, lb. ...... 30c. radian WestinghoUSe Electrical Equipment. Electric Beef, check roast, lb.. . .32c to 35c WESTHOLME LUNCH Co., Hamilton Ranges, Motors, Generators, K Beef, rib roast, lb 37 Wc. SECOND AVE. Lamps, &e. Beef, boiling, lb. 25c and 30c ( & RUbber HOMESCOOKING. ' LADY COOK. Prtar S18 Mechanical Rubber Goods, Hose Hamburger, lb 30c lOrontO.- "Extra Power" Belting Stewing, lb 30c. laaa Wire & Cable Dare and ! Insulated Copper. .amb, leg 50o Fifty cent moals from 11.30 to 2.00 and 5.3Q to 8.00. Montreal Steel and Iron Wire. jamb, loin . . . 50c. Short orders all the'time. Sppcial rates with room and board. Mutton 35c S4 "Delco" Light Products Pork sausages 30c. ,, Isolated Electric Plants Tomato sausages 35c. ton Wnto. n Pork, leg 40c SanE 1 Water Wheel and Pork, chops 45c. lranciSCO Hydraulic Appa:ratus Pork, shoulder ... 35c uoast Pipe Co.' Ayrshire bacon, sliced, 50o to COc Wood Stave uucouver Pipe, Tanks, etc. Bacon, piece, lb G5c fse Manufacturing . Transmission Machinery, Bacon, sliced, lb. .,...45c to 70c I U ' Tornntn.. b Pulleys,- Shaftine.I . Ham, Smoked, 50c "angers, ic. Ham, sliced 55o n0fW lEaU lnghU8e Motor. Lamps and other Etec- Salt backs , . . 45o Turkeys, per lb 50c " V"" huk carrieu insiccK Chicken, per lb. 50o Fowl, per ID. 45o HON. J. A. CALDER Pipklcd Pork per lb. 356 and Bologna per lb 25o 37 Minister of Emmfgration 'ITao i 1 r.lmoeR Yii lh . 25n Colonization who is now bending P.O. Box 1704 his energies to tho work 6! plao-ing Cooked Ham, per 4b. .. 55o to 60o for Comfort, tho returned soldiers back Sparo Ribs por lb 25o Courtesy and Jervice in civil life. Dairy Produce. Butter, lb COc. LSAVOY HOTEL II Is Just as cheap to get your Butter (cooking) lb 35o.50o lb Clfteso, printing done well and dono at send it away.TYy Eggs (case) 70o lomo as It Is to Strictly new-laid eggs 85o "-"a eraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. Tho News Print Shop. Margarino 45c " " bo somothing you "KII.L ,TH OGLCIAN SWInbKSCBNC prom THE MAIGI)( poking There may He 9ejt o" ee.i) at tho roller ring to- Sco tho classified column Meet mo Running Hot and Cold Water want. on Pago 5. aight- Tho skating is good. tf At tho Empress Thoelro tonight