Salurdarbruaiy15, 1919. THE DAILY KEWB. Page 5 ffflDSTHOUGHT GRAND TRUNK BOAT LEAVES Attention to Salmon Trollers DIE i WOf) The finest and most economical engine on the market today FOR STEWART is the Conquered VJtpv- FRUIT-A-TIVES".nd Restored Hi Health. Doman Engine for Trolling Run Between This City and Mining Camp Initiated Yesterday by S FFtce fop- n soRfRtsED ume Made of tho finest materials possible, by a firm who havo Steamer Prince John. tho whole Interest of the fisherman at heart, it is an Engine hard to beat. Tho Grand Trunk Pacific Rail . y 'ZZZXZZZZ ( TO-THE POST ) Made in all sizes, from 5-7 11.P. to 85 II. P., the Doman way Co. has initiated a service to engine has been put on the market specially for fishing Stewart with the steamer Pnince boats. It burns distillate as well as gasoline, and a mechanical John. That boat went to tho turn of mind Is not necessary to run a "DOMAN" mining town yesterday with passengers fishing boat engine. and freight, and while For heavy duty, ihe "N. & S." engine with reversible pro-pellor she will not run on schedule for is the best. a short timo she will make frequent For particulars and terms, see trips and it will not be long before a regular timo card will PAUL AIVAZOFF iifi.Jl urg bo issued. Theatre, Phone 444. Pool Room, Phone Blue 91 ROBERT NEWTON. Ore to Tacoma. MR. "It is belter lo be than J.itllo Bras d'Or, CMJ. The John not only took freight sure sorry" "I was a terriblo sufferer from and passengers north, but she Dyspepsia and Constipation for years. will load with oro and run south I had pain after catln?, belching1 gas, to Tacoma with it. Tho ore has constant headaches,and did not sleep been shipped from the liush mine null t nig it. I lost so much weight and is now at tho dock at Stewart - Sous frm 185 pounds to 140 ready to load. pounds- that I became alarmed and R. Ucautnont, superintendent of IS. PRINCE RUPERT h several doctors who, however, steamships, left on the John in 8KEEJVA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF east or the southeast corner and location did me no good. Finally, a. friend order QUhEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. post of Robert Reld's application for a to look over the situation TAKE NOTICE lhat I, John Chrlatensen, Icence; thence south 80 chains; tbeuco told me to try 'Fruit-a-t ties'. at Stewart and make r Prince Itupert, B.C.. fisherman, Intend east 80 chains; thence north 80 chains; SAILING In wi'.lt, there was improvement. arrangements to apply for a licence to prospect for coal thence west 80 chains to the point or com a for; the service. and petroleum over the following- described mencement. The constipation was corrected ; and Great land on the West Coast of Moraby Island, Located November 17th, 1918. THURSDAY Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancouver free of pain, headaches Development. British Columbia, commencing at a post ANNIE LINDSAY, and Victoria. soon I was Great developments are expected planted about or a mile south westerly By Hans K. Chrlstensen, Agent. nd that miserable feeling that from a email bay and Island In Canoe Pass WEDNESDAY Midnight for Anyox. Dyspepsia. I continued at Stewart during the coming between Moresby and Cbaatl Islands near S KEEN A LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF accompanies Log- Point, and about 3 miles easterly along- QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. spring and 8. S. PRINCE ALBERT fruit medicine summer. Already a me isiana to take this splendid Aiorcsuy iiae or canoe pass TAKE NOTICE and now I am well, strong and number of people are going in from thence Buck west Point;80 chains;thence South thence 80 north chains;80 Prince Rupert, B.that c, Betty married Chrlstensen,woman. Intends of Mnsset, Port Clements and Buckley Bay February 20th. vigorous". KOBKKT NEWTO.V. and more will follow' soon. Tho cnains; east so cnaln9 to trie point coal and to apply petroleum ror a over licence the to following prospect described for Cumshewa, Thurston Harbor and Moresby Island Points 60c. a box,6 for $2.50,trial size 25c. fact that tho Bush mine is ship ui Located cuimuencemeni.November 16th, 1018. Island,lands BrltlsU on the Columbia,West coast commencing of Moresby February 23rd. At all dealers or sent postpaid on ping rich ore to Tacoma and is JOHN CliniSTENSEN. Applicant. at a post planted about 1 mile south rrom the southerly shore or Canoe Pass and s TRAIN SERVICE receipt of price by Fruit-a-tlres getting good returns is giving S KEEN A LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF miles east of the southeast corner and Ottawa. others confidence in the district. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. location post or Robert Reld's application Passenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and 3ATU.1DAV at 11:30 a.m. ror Smlthers ; Limited, TAKE NOTICE that Andrew Voetman, of ror licence; thence north 80 chains; thence Prince George, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct connections for all Sir Donald. Prince Rupert, B. C, nsherman. Intends to east 80 chains; thence south 80 chains; points cast and south. No word has yet been received appiy ror a licence to prospect ror coal thence west 80 chains to the point of commencement. ! THE DATLY NEWS and petroleum over the following described from Sir Donald Mann as to lands on the West Coast of Moresby Island, Located November 17th, 1918. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. British Columbia, commencing' at a post Classified : Advertising whether he will develop his prop pianiea adoui xuu yaras rrom me southerly By BETTV Hans K.CHRISTENSEN,Chrlstensen, Agent. For information and reservations apply to shore of Canoe Pass and 4 miles east of erties this coming summer, but tne northeast corner or Robert Reld's application Q. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Fhone 98 it is generally expected that ho ror licence; thence north 80 QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. City Ticket Office, 62G Third Avenue. PHONE 260 chains; thence west 80 chains; thence will do so. At rate ther TAKE NOTICE that Gertrude Knott, of any will outh 80 chains; thence east 80 chains to Prince Rupert. B. C spinster. Intends to rhii i the Adrertirng Colomn that be enough mines working lo make .the Located point or November commencement.t7th, 1918. apply for a licence to prospect for coal and read want anything things hum there and ANDREW VOETMAN, petroleum over the following described people when thejr lo keep a anus on the west coast or Moresby Is By Hans K. Chrlstensen, A(rent. It brlngi result good steamship service going. land. Ornish Columbia, commencing at a post planted about one mile south rrom the JKEE.NA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF southerly shore or Canoe Pass and 2 miles WANTED. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. east of the southeast corner and location VETERANS' CONCERT TAKE NOTICE that Daniel L. Sutherland, post of Robert Held s application for f Bay Point, California, hotel keeper. In-ends licence; thence south 80 chains; thence CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY iVAXTED General servant, good to apply for a licence to prospect for west 80 chains; thence north 80 chains; PROMISES VERY WELL oal and petroleum over the following- de thence east 80 chains to the point of com wages. Apply Mrs. L. V. Pat- scribed lands on the West Coast of Moresby mencement. j more. Biana, uriusn uoiumma, commencing' ai Located November 17th, 1918. Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points a post planted about 1 mile south rrom GERTRUDE KNOTT, Theatre and Film Donated by the southerly snore of Canoe Pass and 3 By Hans K. Chrlstensen, Agent. via Steamer to Vancouver and the irlng your furs lo Goldbloom, miles east of the southeast corner and loca Westholme Management for tion Post of Robert Reld's application ror Canadian Pacific Railway SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT CF Third Avenue. II o highest pays licence; thence north 80 chains; thence CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Evening QUEEN price. tf Tuesday west so cnains; tnence souin 80 cnains; TAKE NOTICE that I. Hans K. Christen- Meals and Berth included Steamer Next. tnence east bo cnains to tne point or com on en. or Prince Rupert. B. C. fisherman. In mencement. tend to apply ror a licence to prospect for ANTED A Located November 17 1018. few lots in Section th, caal and petroleum over the following described The of tho West-holme DANIEL U SUTHERLAND, lands on the west coast or Moresby Seven (7 . Price must be reasonable. management By Hans K. Chrlstensen. Agent Island, British Columbia, commencing at a the FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE FROM PRINCE RUPERT Address P. O. llox Theatric has donated post pianiea aoout or a mne souin S KEEN A LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF from a small and Island in westerly bay 0138, Milton, Ore. 40 building for Tuesday night's concert OUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Canoe Pass between Moresby and Chaatl January 17th, 31st; February Uth and S8th; March 11th, and Slst, and lo the Great War Veterans. TAKE NOTICE that Peter Jensen, of Islands near Log Point and about 3 miles April 2nd. TAXIED The address of Prince Rupert, IS. C, net boss, intends to easterly along the Moresby Island side or woman Tho proceeds of the entertain apply for a licence to prospect for coal canoe rass rrom buck point; tnence norm living in downtown district and petroleum over the following described 80 chains; thence east 80 chains; thence FOR. KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANQELL, 8KAOWAY, ALA8KA ment will to the building fund go lands on the West coast of Moresby Island, south so chains; thence west 80 chains to who could do washing and for tho war memorial. Besides British Columbia, commencing at a post the point or commencement. January 13th and 27th; February 10th and 34th; March 7th, 17th and 28th mending for, several bachelors. planted about SOO yards from the southerly Located November 16th, 11118. tho theatre Paul . Aivazoff, the nore or canoe rass ana mnes cast oi HANS K. CHRISTENSEN, Applicant. Will deliver and call for same. the northeast corner of Robert Reld's ap will lessee of the give building, plication for licence; thence south 80 SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Apply Box 225 News office. the use of a'Mary Pickfond film chains; thence west 80 chains; thence QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. north 80 chains; thence east 80 chains to TAKE NOTICE that Robert Retd. of Prince EMPLOYMENT WANTED and all the appurtenances of the tie pomt or commencement. Rupert, B. C, tail driver. Intends to apply theatre so that the soldiers will Located November 17th, 1918. ror a licence to prospect for coal and Co ner Fourth Street nd Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. PETER JENSEN, petroleum over the following described OUXO MAN, Experienced bookkeeper be under no expense in that regard. By Hans K, Chrlstensen, Agent. lands on the West Coast of Moresby Island. British Columbia, commencing at a wishes position in SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF post planted about of a mile Southwesterly Prince Rupert. Apply box 224, Tho concert promises to be QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. from a small bay and Island In TAKE NOTICE that Charles E. Burgess of Canoe Pass between Moresby and cbaatl Sews Office, first rale.In every particular and Bay Point. California, hotel keeper, intends Islands near. Log Point and about 3 miles to anolv for a licence to prospect for coal easterly along tho Moresby Island side of doubtless there will be full BOATS WANTED a and petroleum over the following described canoe pass rrom buck point; tnence norm house when the curtain rises. lanas on me west coast oi Moresoy isiauu, 80 chains: thence west 80 chains: thence Itrltisti Columbia, roinrnenclrfir at a post south 80 chains; thence east 80 chains to The Union COAST SERVICE. i will pay cash for your boat if planted about of a mile south westerly Hie point or commencement. the rrom a smau pay ana isisna in canoe i Located November 1 6th. 1918. prjee is right. Send full PEACE ARMY PLAN between Moresby and Chaatl Islands near ROBERT REID. Steamship For Vancouver, sailing Tues., 7 p.m. particulars with lowest prico Log Point and about 3 miles easterly along By Hans K. Chrlstensen, Agent. staling where the boat may bo DEFEATED BY VOTE the from Moresby Buck Point;Island thence side south of Canoe 80 chains;Pass SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Co. of B.C. Anyox, Port Simpson and Naas Points, sn, by letter to X.Y.Z., News thence east 80 chains; thence north 80 QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Mondays, 7 a.m. nains; tnence west u cnains to tne puuu TAK NOTICE that I. Albert K. Estesvaag oflice. of commencement. of Prince Rupert. B. C, llsherman. Intend f Paris, Feb, 14. The Bour- ocated November 18th, 1918. to apply for a licence to prospect for coal Ltd C John Barnsley, General Agent WANTED Interallied CHARLES E. BURGESS, and petroleum over the following described for A small gois proposition an gasoline By Hans K. Chrlstensen. Agent. lands on tne west coast or nioresoy isiana, launch in good condition. military force to enforce British Columbia, commencing at a Dost Apply SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF planted about SOO yards rrom the southerly Saving full particulars to box peaco was defeated by an over QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. shore or Canoe Pass and i miles east of A whelming vote at a meeting of TAKE .NOTICE that Annie Lindsay, of the northeast corner or Robert Reld's ap tf Prince Rupert, B. C, spinster, Intends to plication ror licence; thence south 80 tho Scoiety or Nations yesterday. apply for a licence to prospect for coal and chains; thence east 80 chains; thence north Advertise in "The News" FOR 8ALE Tho French and Czccho-Slovaks eiroieum over tne rouowing aescnueu 80 chains; thence west 80 chains to the Daily and, on the West Coast of Moresby Is point or commencement. OR wero the only representatives voting land. British Columbia, commencing at a Located novt'iuuer iiu, ivio. SALE- A genuine Heintzman post planted about 1 mile south from the ALBERT K. ESTESVAAO, The Paper that gets Quick Results & U. in tho affirmative. southerly shore of Canoe Pass and i miles Applicant. piano, in splendid playing condition.- This instrument has been used by a musician and i l!?nnSmp,ele I" had lh best WHh of care.St001 Will f0f ll's a Great Life if You Don't Weaken By Gene Byrnes Can b0 8een Umo - - i i i n i i m ii i mm si i i i i n i i - - i --- i i i " t i mm i n mwm timm iwm u m jmim nui"" a Tito s Furniture Store, Third Avenue. ' ITootl condition, price 25o jPound--Dally News OITlco. T00SnLE,LoB Pilin88, 50 to 8DrI ",cngll,; hemlock and Apply Kilamaat Coun-Jvllamaat Mission . DtEnew0, 4AnnirJaIe ""Mard Oven. Dox ?Ply c Bakery I l3' I'r'nea llupert. if TAXI SERVICE I M1jSSENQErt SERVICE UJl!!iL"dDay. Phono 00. rnd." ."" arornla. k iu nnm.. ia-u wfiiimn in. K ''and. 5 "o? l VLmile eait of t!?re or Canoe Pass it'ti chms tl J ,)80?n.Cn?'!l,i thence COrame,1C0' , t , i " Chrlstensen. Aient. iCVoirltlit. lUJtl. bj u Ktanlua rt-li-yruu N W It- i.a