Page 6 TUB DAILY NEWS. Saturday, February i5, 10ln r 64 EMPLOYMENT MONDAY SPECIALS G. H. Arnold NOTARY PUBLIC LOCAL LADY APPLES OFFICES WILL Ram ON We have them In all sliea, color OPENVERYSOON We Buy PASSES securing and varieties.another,If you case are before thinking-you or have to pay the new market prlcea, Victory Bonds which aro (11.90 per box higher, Madame Desner of Knox Hotel Monday.look this We lut guarantee over and us Every City Over 10,000 Inhabit Paying highest market Died Last Evening After No.Wlnrsaps l Wlnessps Jumble,wrapped rack, box, ants to Have Dominion Employment Protectio n price for- them. Short Illness. boxes I3.S5 Bureau o.ft Hussets, a dandy eater, 13.35 Any quantity. All No, t Greenings, eat or cook (3.35 Established. After four days serious illness No. t Salome, something good, (3,t5 maturities. No delay. Non-Such, a good ... Madame Besner. of the Knox Hotel cooker, 3.00 Stark large sue apples .... 13. & N ii-- died last evening at 8:20. Although Ontario No. I, a few left at $3.49 How are the soldiew going to It. Q. HELQERSON, LTD. ailing slightly for somo get jobs when they return from From head to foot we can time past, Madame Besner was up overseas? And what is the Do Insurance-Real Es'ate and around as usual on Tuesday Rupert Table Supply Co. minion Government doing to help give just that. 2IS Sixth St., Prince Rup:rf, B.C. morning, conducting the affairs PHONES 211, 212 tho men get back to civilian life? you of the Knox Hotel as usual, but Canada Food Board License 8-3043 These questions have been ask in tho courso of the forenoon was ed thousands of times by people "It ain't no use to grumble and complain-It's compelled to lake to bed. Since nteresled in the problem, and by thousands of the men themselves jest as cheap an' easy to rejoice; FOR SAL Local News Notes J who to their cither former do not intend employment to return or If God sorts out the weather an' sends rain who have no definite prospects Then - - rain's my choice." bpirella Corsetiere. Black Hal. for tmmediato employment, on 3 Room House iLaaaaaam-'V Hfib'ii i their return from overseas. What matters the rain if you are well protected James Smith, of B-igby Island, The Government has decided to reported very ill. - distribute employment and with with waterproof clothing? - $600 V lliis end in view has decided to The train which left on time establish" employment offices in Ladies' Rain Coats in This house Is on a good this morning carried v a very light every centro of Canada where tho newest styles level lot, about four blocks passenger list. - population is 10,000 or over. and Fabrics. mm There will bo 64 offices establish from the drydock. C, H. Orme was among ;tho ed to start with. many passengers for, Vancouver The .Government has decided Ladies' Rain Hats. Thursday night. that no effort will be spared and McCaffery, Gibbons Mark Brcnnan, of Ootsa Lake, n0 opportunity missed to 1 help- the Rain Capes with Hoods for Children F J&KBKk aaal I returned this morning on the returned men and any other man train after a visit tb the south. 0li woman seeking employment, and Misses. Ltd. & Doyle, . . to get a job. Employers of labor Insurance Real Estate To skate on rollers is the next,can secure help through the same Slicker Coats for Boys. best thing to skating on ice. It source; tho Government Employ- is much better than skating on ment Office. Southwestern Hats for Boys. Prince, Rupert, B. C. that time tho patient gradually thin ice. tf The Method. Rubber Footwear of all kindsfor A superintendent will bo in everyone. sank and on Friday evening a few minutC3 after, eight passed peacefully The G. W. V. A. Laches Auxil chargo of each office, with a staff iary will hold a d.ance in St. An whoso duty it will bo to bring the O. Besner,away. who is at present in drew's Hall on Wednesday, Feb. job-seeker and the Job-giver to E S. WALLACE Roller Vancouver, was wired on Wednesday 19, admission 50c. . 42 gether. Tho local offices aro under CO., LTD. and the first steamer he could SHOE REPAIRING. We the direction of a provincial get to come north was the Chel-ohsin, ato clearing house, with three Dominion headquarters for shoes sailing last evening and re-soling Clearing Houses at Hali vith Neolin or Fibre soles. Mo-Arthur's, Skating due here Monday night. Hart Block. ' 39 fax, Ottawa and Winnipeg. To Madame Besner has been .a the provincial headquarter reports EEAVERBROOK ILL. AT resident ,of Prince Rupert since J. F. Maguire of this city has are sent daily on the employment tho very beginning of the city, been appointed Prince Rupert situation collated and London. Feb.- 15. Lord Bcav- The Rink when, with Mr. Besner, she conducted agent for Evcleigh & Co;, Ltd., of sent in to the Dominion Clearing erbrook, successfully underwent a If you want a Piano the Old Knox Hotel. With Houses, so that tho Government Montreal, manufacturers of all serious operation yesterday. His You want the best. Is the Correct Thing the development of the city the kinds of baggage. will be accurately informed every condition is as satisfactory as That is New Knox Hotel was built, with - day as to labor conditions in Hours 2 to 4 and 8 to 10. be which house Mr, and Mrs. Besner Mrs. II. T. Willetl and daugh Canada. Weekly reports sent in jean expected. The Heintzman Instruction Given. have been associated over since. ter have returned to tho city after by manufacturers and by trades Madame Besner was an old coun a visit to Vancouver and have unions arriplify the information. Queen Charlotte Islander? can-lot & Co. try French woman, being born taken up their residence again in In addition to distributing em do belter than mail their L. J. MARREN near Paris. She has a son and the Waldron Apartments. ployment the Government has printing needs lo The News .Print PIANO Phone Blue .197 ; laughter there now, both married plans by which moro work will bo shop and gel the work done A meeting of the Retail Clerks romptly and well. made available. I md with children. She expected I am the only reprcacntaths will be held in the Carpenters' hall i ;o leave hero next week on a trip for Northern B. C. .0 France to see her; family after on .Monday night at 8 o'clock Just arrived by the Princess J. Buddcn, representative of the Phono Me. I will be glad to TOM LEE CO. 'our years of war. She Jiad en-Jeavored sharp. Business: election of two Jna, 800 tons of New Wellington Imperial Tobacco -Co., left this tell you about these superk to get acrossto France delegates for tho Labor Conven .oal Albert & McCaffery, phone morning on the tra'in for Hays- instruments, 840 Second Avenue, West. ibout a year ago, but was ,not tion at Calgary. ' 116. tfl port on business. ' W. J. PITMAN permitted. Grand concert at tho West Fittest Aaartsi Bttel Frixt tad VEGETABLES Having spent several years in Three carjoads of fish went Sejj the classified ads. on page holme Theatre in aid or the G. W. Wholesale and Retail the Yukon, from 1897 onwards, east on the train this morning. five. l! V. A. building fund Tuesday on Madame Besner has been on the General Contractors and next, lebruary 18, at 8 o'clock Pacific coast since that time and Labor. Exchange. Reserve seats at Orme's, 75c. a very wide circle bf friends and I ueneral admission, 50c. 41 acquaintances will mourn her Prince Rupert, B.C. p. u. 110x720 loss. At'the meeting of school board Ii'iionoaq Thursday night it was slated'that SHOES repaired while you wait. a new schoolroom would have to Sale ! Sale ! Sale We do not cobble shoes, we rebuild be opened at Seal Cove in the near them. We use the famous future, on account of the increasj; "well" system. McArthur's, Hart it mv uuuiuci ui peuyio II v ins in Block. J9 that neighborhood. Commissioner Sowton, Chiof in The application made in cham OUR SALE IS STILL GOING ON, AND WILL While it in few lasts, as a Command of the Salvation Army, bers of the Supreme Court befnra weeks mor;c shipments will Western Canada, will conduct the Judge Y.oung yesterday afternoon CONTINUE UNTIL SATURDAY NEXT. slop for a period owing to service at the Salvation Army Citadel, in re Ben tresia, deceased, under the road from the mine to Sunday, Feb. 10, at 8 p.-m. the Land Registry Act for lot 13, Telkwa breaking up, as at Everybody welcome. 39 block 14, section 5. in the heirs present Delivery we charges haul over added,the journed.of the said deceased, was ad Watch our bargain counter for the next few days. arrange your own delivery from car. Word has been received re You are sure to see something you need Eye-Sight cently by J. Sinclair that Aleck t Terminal Phone Black Coal 85 or Co. i hero Strachan,for six an year-,8,old time has fisherman just been French flannel blouses, Navy and Grey, from 34 to . 93, Pacific Cartage, Ltd. Service Strachan married in was Peterhead.very popular Scotland with 38, Regular $3.00 for 90c the fishermen around hero and believe that there is only expects to bo back in tho near WE way to gain your confidence future. Great values in Swiss laces and embroideries, cor the good will of the public. M THE To serve you Xallbfully and honestly At the meeting of the Fish set brassieres, skirts, white underskirts, and to apply the principle of the Packers' Union last eveninir it covers, "square dear to all our transactions ECONOMY STORE with you. was direct decided from to the send union a delegate to the etc. AH going at one third off. 417 Fifth Ave. East WE.iKulcsty have prevents now class us a or constantly-from patrons,quoting but western held in Calgary labor in conference March. Alder to be We still have a few pairs of hose for ladies, and in Phones 18 and 36 their very nattrrlngN opinions of man oeorge Caacy was elected Food Licence No, 8-10346. iur services. No doubt you know for, this office and will represent tashmerette for some of them, and we will bo satisfied .the union at tho Calgary meet children, at 25c per pair. to have you act on their recommendation. THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY ings. Also ribbed SPECIALS wool worsted hose for boys Oun earnest desire Is to- give Mr. Gillespie,, of Fraser Street. Economy Coffee EOc per lb. the best In glasses, to died yesterday afternoon from Economy ft lbs. ror Tea, per lb Si.SJ 60c preserve and amplify your sight, Prince Rupert hospital. He at was the 8 to 11 vears for 85c each. B lbs. ror ......... IJ.S0 aqd to obtain your respect and Black and White 1'epper, J-lb. tin, esteem as well as your custom. unconscious when taken to the Substantial reg. tic now ., 1 50c institution and did not regain discounts on Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Caking Powder, 5-lb tin. reg. Com In and . now consciousness. Thero is a Bon Price's Baking Powder, D-1N tin, in Vancouver who has been ladies reg. 32.50. now 12.00 com ror and children. noyal Baking Powder, tOc. municated with. reg The B. C. Underl uow , , . , . 40C Magic Baking Powder, 12-ox. tin S6c takers have charge of the funeral Magic 11.(0,Baking now Powder, 8-lb. tin,gt.40 reg. Fred Joudry arrangements. lap Oranges, per box, ...... i,S5 Mossaliem Grocery Company Practical Optometrist You ano not skating on thin i Jabour B Ltd. when at tho roller rink. if ros., LTD. Third Ave. Prince Rupert OppoaiUPoat Office Ask your Grocer or Drucmlst Third Avenue and Seventh St. for Thorpe's Non-alcohollo wine.