Wednesday,, February 10, 1010. THE DAILY NEWS, Page tnfernalionai; AT THE EMPRESS 7 C i Mrs. Vernon Castle In "Stranded 'MINING) In Aroady" and Another Episode of "The Mystery." CONVENTION II Another double program is to be shown tonight at the Empress To bo held under auspices Theatre. Tho big feature is Mrs. of 15. G. Chamber of Mines Vernon Castle, the greatest Amer. .1 l ! t .1 .1 i A m. IViUll UU11UC1, 111 OUUUUCU 111 t)'c A Nation VANCOUVER cady," a thrilling story of the ttttw great out-doors. Tho story was MARCH 17, 18, 19 very popular as a magazine serial of Bondholders $5:1 for m , and as a novel and tho the author is one of tho most popular writers Leading men from all of American fiction. and each dollar parts of Canada and the "The Mystery of the Double Before the War, Canada looked outside her borders for Capital. warn worth more. United Slates will bo Cross" is another thrill this week During the last three and a half years, Canada has become a present. The addresses Two doors confront the charac nation of Capitalists, for the man who buys a $50 Victory Bond, or x will be and discussions ters. Between them is a note a $5 War-Savings Stamp, is a Capitalist of the best type. invaluable. which reads, "Behind one of theso doors lurka death; enter at your By the discovery of ten times the number of Capitalists, or Bondholders, Every man In B. C. Interested peril." Courage and lack of cour. that she previously had, Canada has made a great stride forward. In mining should ago ano shown in the sequel. The Interest charges, necessarily high atjhis time, do not withdraw money lay plans to attend this episode is a story all itself and from the country. Home industry is fostered, and the problem of the 55 can bo seen and appreciated with convention the first International War Burden is solved. out knowing anything of what mining conference went before. EVERY CANADIAN SHOULD BE A CAPITALIST. The ever held In Vancouver. opportunity is provided by the offer of War-Savings Stamps at $4.01 this PRINCE RUPERT IS month, and redeemed,for $5.00 on the first day of 1924. BACK ON LOCAL RUN Addrcssci by the six Dlitrlct - Bay XVar-Saoingt Stamp, at many at y'otl can, at often at you can, Mlnlnf Engineers of B. C. on development worlc In at Money Order Pott Officet, Bankt and other placet their districts. Vessel Arrived This Morning ditptaying the Beaver Triangle tlgn. Resplendent With New Paint Oold mining In D. C. and With Interior Improvements. Legislation to make possible Increase Your Holding of Bonds JtfTFt4 A1 mmmmmi reduction of B. C. ores within the province. Resplendent in new paint and All the Time. with officers and men all looking Better utilization of B. C. the better for their holiday, tho coal. G. T. I. steamship Prlnco Rupert 48 arrived this morning after several Possibilities or establishing or smelter and refinery on the weeks spent in dock at Esquimau. southern coast of B, C. She is replacing tho. Prince George which now is having a Taxation of mining properties similar overhaul. In D. C. The chief change made in the area situate on Matbcson Channel, Range ll!!l!llllllll!illlllllllllUilll!l!:IIH!l!llllllll 3, Coast District. boat since she was here is the Two (2) years will be allowed for removal The neld of the prospector Kea vross notes j j or timber. new purser's office which has been how to encouragehlm. Further particulars of the Chief Forester, built in the centre of the lounge Victoria, D. C, or District Forester, Prince Rupert, Ii. C. Other matter of-to vital Interest opposite tho old ofilce and connecting The sum of $72.10 was realized mining In B. C. with the second class lasj week from the sale of work TIMBER SALE X14G5. Dentistry silting room also. It is commo conducted in the hut. In addition Comprehends Display of Ore Sealed tender will be received by the dious and much convenient to this the following gentlemen more and Up-to-DiU Mining Minister of Lands not later than noon on Machinery. than the old ono besides allowing have kindly donated to the funds the SOth or day Licence of March,X 1465,1819,to cut ror S,20,ooo the purchase DON'TJ NEGLECT YOUR TEETH the use of the old offlces fop, sleep of the society commissions to reel, B. M., of Spruce, Cedar, Hemlock and Convention Write at once Manager,to John D. k'earns,Hofrers ing compartments. Purser Wood which they wene entitled on the Ellerslle Balsam on Bay,an Range area situated 3, Coast on District.Big Lake, One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your Building, Vancouver, ror full par-tculars and his assistant Mr. McLean are sale of Victory Bonds all of which Three (3) years will be allowed for removal timber. concerning the convention in charge and are much pleased are grateruuy acunowieagea: Further of particulars of the Chief Forester, Efficiency with the change. A similar cabin M. M. Stephens, 10.00; E. G. Gib Rupert.Victoria,D.8.C C, or District Forester, Prince is being constructed on the Prince bons, $3.75; G. V. Nickerson, TIMBER SALE X1443. George. $52.75. Sealed tender will be received by the An exceptionally generous do District Forester, Prince Rupert, B. C, not Dr. nation was received from tho later than noon on the 28th day or Febru ayne ary. 1819. for the purchase or Licence Hazellon branch of $350 to be ap X 1443. to CUt 210,000 feet,. D. M., Of SMART & STEEN SDruee. Cedar. Balsam and Hemlock on an FULLER, funds of the plied to the general area adjoining- L. 609, Big Lake, Range 3, OFFICE HOURS: Fuller's society. Coast one District.(IJ year win be auowea ror re Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Evening, 7 to 3 Grocery moval of .timber. The following list of articles Further particulars or tne cnier oresier, Victoria, B. C, or District Forester, Prince EE Dental Nurse in attendance. were uisposea or iasi weeh.: a. Rupert, B. C. MOTOR DELIVERY Canada, Food Board License 8-35GS2 13, C. Packing Co., salmon, won by Phone 109 for appointment jj Mrs. J. V. Potter; Indian women j synopsis of PHONE 45 PHONE at Telegraph Cryjck, gauntlets, LAND ACT AMENDMENT won by Alex. Ftix; Mrs. R. McKay, Pre-emption now confined to surveys Il!lllllH!lllillilllll!IIIIIIIII!li!lll!ll!illil !l!ll!llli!li!lliy!l!!lllilll!ll!(lillllISIillll by Mrs. J. C. Gavigan; lands only. won eggs, llccords will be granted covering only FULLER'S Fresh Every Boat Mrs. J. L. Christie, coffee, won by land suitable for agricultural purposes and which is non-timber land. - Mitchell Albert; Mrs. R. C. Parsons, l'artnershlp pro-empt Ions abolished, Special Blend Lettuce, Cauliflower coffee, won by W. G. Barrie; arrange but parties for of adjacent not more pre-emptions,than four with may Manager Edward President Lipsett, residence, but each making necessary Lipselt, Harry Fritz Joint Mrs. P. Wallis, tea, won by Improvements on respective claims. Edward Cunningham, Vice-President Tea & Coffee Rhubarb, Parsley Schultz; Mrs. W. II. Vickers, baby Ave Pre-emptors yearH and must make occupy improvements claims for to dress, won by Mrs. F. R. Hunt; value of (10 per acre. Including clearing Celery, Ripe Tomatoes and cultivation of at least 5 acres, before Mrs. D." V. Morrissey, box or receiving Crown Grant. & Co. Once Used Father McGrathj Where -emptor in occupation not Lipsett-Cunningham apples, won by and has made We are selling Little less than 3 years, proportionate Always Used Mrs. K. Henning, fancy articles, Improvements, he may. because White Beans, 10c. lb. of Ill-health or other cause, be granted They will please you ! won by Mrs. J. L. .Christie; Mrs. Intermediate certificate of Improvement LIMITED and transfer his claim. Try Them Large Lemons, A. Bcrnar, baby's jacket, won by Records without permanent residence MARINE HARDWARE Mrs. Carkill; Mrs. Olier Besner, may be Issued provided applicant makes FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT Improvements to extent of $300 per annum Samples Free 3 doz. for $1 fern bowl, won by E. C. Gibbons; to end make records Improvements same each year.or record.Failure Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories Mrs. Olier Besner, sack of flour, same will operate as forfeiture. TlUs Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage cannot be obtained on these claims In won by Miss Belle McLeod; Sisters less than 5 years, with Improvements of of St. Joseph, baby's dress, won by and 110 per cultivated,acre. Including and. residence 6 acres cleared of. at PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. II. C. Black. least S years. Pre-emptor holding Crown Grant may Registered Office; Prince Rupert OiTlce: record another pre-emption. If he re- Tho salo on Friday next will bo ?ulres without land Sn actual conjunction occupation,with provided his 08 Water Street, Telephone No. 05 in charge of Mrs. -valentine ana statutory Improvements made and Vancouver, B. C. -P. O. Box 1098 residence maintained on Crown gtanted Mrs. Sandison. ''uiisurveyed areas, not exceeding 20 lifffs-fffTT , - rsrsfrss 0--mmt0 Phone 131 Office 14 Smith Block P.O. Box 772 acres, may be leased as homesltesj Mrs. F. R. Hunt has kindly title io be obtained after fulfilling residential presented to tho Red Crpss library For graxlng and Improvement and Industrial conditions.purposes, PeRupert Engineering & Supply Co. in charge of Mrs. Backus a nanu- areas by one exceeding person or 640 company.acres may be leased somo set of the works of Robert PRE.EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. WESTHOLME LUNCH Louis Stovenson. .. The scope of this Act la enlarged to Engineers, Jobbers, Contractors Include all persons joining and serving SECOND AVE. with Ills Majesty's Forces. The time Estimates Tho death of tho late Mrs. Olier within which the heirs or devisees of a LADY COOK. furnished for Electric Wiring and Complete deceased pre-emptor may apply for HOMESCOOKING. has Besncrvhas removed ono who title under this Act la extended from Plant Installations one year from the death of such person, been a member of tho executive formerly, until one year after the Northern B.C. R committee of tho Canadian Rod conclusion as privilege is of also the made present retroactive.war This Fifty cent meals from il.SO to 2.CO and 5.30 to 8.00. Canadian Westinghouse Electrical Equipment, Electric Cross Society in this district since TOWNSITE PROPERTY ALLOTMENT Short orders, all the'time. Special rates with room and board. Generators. its organization some four years ACT. Co., Hamilton Ranges, Motors, Provision Is made for the grant to Lamps, &c. ago. This estimable lady was a persons holding uncompleted Agree-'ments Goodyear Tire all tho to-Purchase from the Crown of in & Rubber Mechanical Rubber Goods, Hose most zealous, worker such proportion of the land, If divisible, Co., Toronto. "Extra Power" Belting. numerous activities of tho society as the payments already made will cover In proportion to the Hale price of Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 Canada and both directly and indirectly the whole parcel. Two or more persons Wire & Cable such Agreements may group holding " Bare and '. Insulated Copper. contributed in no small moasure their Interests and apply for a proportionate Co., Montreal Steel and Iron Wire, allotment Jointly. If It is not to tho prominence and suocoss considered advisable to divide the land For Comfort, Courtesy and Service domestic has attained. covered by an application for a proportionate Engineering which tho society "Delco" Light Products allotment, an allotment of land Co., Dayton . Isolated Electric Plants In her death tho Canadian Red of equal value selected from avaluble be Crown lands In the locality may lelton Water rimca Knri fitv lias suiiereu lc made. These allotments are conditional, Wheel Co. Water Wheel and esteemed and upon payment of all taxes due the loss of a highly municipality. Tle to can Francisco " Crown or any Hydraulic Apparatus valued member. rights of persons to whom the purchaser F. T. BOWNESS, M.D.g,r from the Crown has agreed to Pacific Cnnsr P! r sell are also protected. The decision of Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. the Minister of Lands In tespeot to the uucouver Wood Stave Pipe, Tanks, etc.'l Never forget to look through adjustment of a proportionate allotment 5. Is final. The time for making appllca. Dodge Transmission Machinery, the classified list on Pago tlnu for these allotments Is limited to Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water the Jst day of May. 11. Any appllca. Co., Toronto Pulleys, Shafting, TIMBER SALE X1453. tlon made after this date will not be Hangers, etc. considered. These allotments apply to o tin f ui town lots and lands of the Crown sold ,w "I VYAftfr i mm - t Saletl tender wuTbe received by the at publlo auction. Weal En ""Bnou Motor, Lamps and other fciec-"luipment District Forester. Prince nupert, . c not For Information apply to any Provincial and Goodyear Bblting carried in stock later than 1B19.noon ror on the the purchase SKth day of or I-JW'";"FeDru-arv. Government a.Agent It. NADEN,or to Advertise In' The Daily News x to rut 140.000 feet of Cedar Deputy Minister of Lands, S.Voo' lineal; reel of Cedar pilln? on an Victoria, B. a