Pure 11LE DAILY AEWS. NOBLE MARQUIS HAS i -el G. H. Arnold BEEN jnAMED AGAIN Thursday : Specials Local News Notes BANK- OFMQNTRBT- PUBUO rna HTttri ta uo, 3 toe K ROTARY Uia acur n esc StUX. Ic a a D. Batter 50c at Fruxell's. ESTASLISHra OVXX IN TEAKS Everyone who Inox.t ILe Mar Ontmtrt fetrODtro i tvr IK quia of Ooeen sherry riJI welcome Ufcfi Ttuto Step, tin 257.1 at ..1 for Jk 5pfrella Corsetiere. Black We Buy (be Ion? delayed news of bis mar Pare Ottre Oil. Xtz A lulj Save Regularly Inad, i pc tan. tve rtr riage, says Valentine in the Lon f fCUJ 1H tiBf M I iC R. Anderson arrived from Haz- Victory Bonds don Daily Mail. A little eccentric. lUitaa Beit XarBUaOe: ndJ 4-2ji. is elton last nigbL Put in the Bank what you like all tbe itotfglas family, but a H sms). jt. uniit. txtn comfortably, but f . ... can spare save ittat A ? Zabrisiie of this city is fine gentleman and sportsman at George Paying highest market-price tr MtHsr iaeake soar. tjc. that amount regularly -weekly for thcnr. heart- I went with him to tbe rr ir. lie visiting at Cbileo for a few days.l Snap liXI Omtr. rr. sc monthly. funeral of tbe late Sergeant Dick f "T"1 for e or Any quantity. All tturgewben be was one of tbe UUe fcoe Sa?. rtr- for JK S. W. Swift was among tbe ar-1 Small, regular savings left in vi No delay. fprrtil S for SSc Eincolitb last I maturities. rivals from night. most derout and sincere mourners. GoMa Stp. It Wtl VCOdrrt tm lUhr s toe rmw s fcr lit llllll III! Ii I W V i I "Poor old Dick! lie was tbe! rjta Lre. Siwtlal . the F. S. Stevens arrived froml large amounts. Savings M. O. HELGERSON, LTU, prince of good fellows, and be! Skeena City last night on the I Accounts may be opened with " made good, said tbe llarquis to Insiraace-Sul IV tit Table train. the Bank of Montreal in Ime as we dijne to tbe eburcb. Rupert Suppfy Co. I ZL. 216 Six St, rVuceRsssL B.C. 1 Huttnil VUlmulfH rmounts of $1. and upward. PHO.5 211, 212 Carpenters meet tonight in I "I think I bave more doubles Ctuda Feud ?H Uena their ball at 8 o'clock. Special than any otber man alive," be business. told me once over lunch at Ro 4 H. ST. G. LEE, Mansger, Prince Rupert Branch. mano a. I replied mat i tnougni BOILING WATER IN Army and Navy Dance on Wed-1 FORJALE bis features rather distinctive. nesday, February 26, in St. An Oh, perhaps I should bave said OCEAN NEAR INDIES drew's Hall. 48 impersonators instead of doubles" be answered. "I bave read about Miss E. A. Barbeau arrived this 3 Room House rny doings In all parts of the Clouds of Vapor Rose From 8e morning from the south on the world where I bave never: been, and Odor Made Sailor Sick. Prince Rupert. The latest models of advanced slyles in and once in Paris I was'solemnly $600 presented to tbe Marquis of That a large area of the sea Mrs. G. H. Arnold arrived from Queensberry! lying noijlb of tbe South Ameri tbe south this morning on the Hits bouse if on a good Tbe Marquis of Queensberry is can coast and southeast of the Prince Rupert. Evening Dresses Vest Indies is now a seething hevel about four blocks said to be on bis way to Prince lot, V. Drinnan, 'traveling secre Rupert. mass of boiling water from which from the drydock. clouds of vapor rise and wn.'cb tary of the G. W. V. A arrived have just,arrived from New York. Ladies should tbe this BIRTH binder navigation, and the teui- from south, morning. inspect these new garments. rrdlu" u' wmu "un oar Mrs. Horace Dh Vernet and two There was born this morninz COOK & PO" cargoes ofl.KIM - t-.,a. McCaffery, Gibbons . .... ... . . H.I-. 1- I 1.1 lCUI,ul v" "f ."""0 " a We have a few Winter Coats which to ir. ana urs. mciiara Jiury ai. . .cimC ing with Aijchbishop Du Yeraet. we are offering the bospiUl a daughter. Brought to t reeport, Texas, iiy ... at half price to clear. & Doyle, Ltd. cpuiu Isaac oorman, ox the Among the few passenger? on There has been a -general ad- ulno emacs isaoel last week. the train last night was Miss M. Insurance - Real Estate vance in the price of furs since! iapwiirjoiman declares mat iforbury, who arrived from Hazel last autumn, with the exception;ue ae ior six nours mrougn inn. for Furs. Highest prices paid Prince Rupert, B. C. of lynx, skunk, and wolf, which le t0ll!a(S an(J that-durins have dropped slightly. Tbe re-'inal l" e m cargo or several I Just arrived Dy the Princess cent St. Louis sale was an in-jihousand pounds of Ush spoyed -na, 800 tons of ew W ellington GOLDBLOOM'S stance of ageneral stifTening. -and Da' to be dumped overboard.! .oal Albert & McCaffery, phone lie also 3'j$ bailors on tbe Isabel II 16. tf I ROLLER RACE The Cadet Corps and tbe High cooked cskz in tbe sea as his THIRD AVE. school have a fixture for Friday ressel passed through the boiling A' "arvey has heen appoint- night at the Exhibltion Biulding,!water and tnat life on the ship ed conductor of the Army and HALF MILE RACE when their espective teams will became almost unbearable De- Navy Veterans' .orchestra, just AT RINK, SIXTH AVENUE match at basketball. The srameitause of the extreme heat and the lormea. Best 2 Races Out of 3 for .1 l.m . l-iniispaiincr Blench u.-hrh flllori lha Qk - 1 ir r i 1 t i-i .1 CITY CHAMPIONSHIP in lhe mining industry here, ar- Cloud, f vannr. FOR 1919 When you have read tne news Um lhe east t 1'jijit race Thursday, Feb. 20 look through the classified column "We strjick the boiling waters fvef night on at 9 sharp; Second, Feb. 28, on Page 5. - when some 600 miles from our luo Storage Batteries House Wiring s t i,i rAa.i - iur. I and Third, March 6 between m wpu u uurmau. vve s Mi The G w y A Ladjcg AuxJJ Charged and Repaired mama Chas. Steward, Douglas Slor-rings had captured a large amount of larjr will hold a dance m Sl- An. No in all its branches Loss of Time While TOO LATE and George Hill, Jr. T0CL.AJSSIFY USuaUU uuU rinm,ieU) dw.8 XJall on Wednesday, Feb. 1st Prize, heavy gold plated 6 aw oyecu mr uuuic.ijo admission 50c. - 42 Your Battery Is Being ELECTRJC-irons medal. LP ST Leather handstrap purse. Overhauled. Another Is 2nd Prize, $5. Finder return to News Olllce. clouds of vapor rising straight . Jack Bralbury, a returned vet- Always Available. . . .. .. GRILLS .t..-j rr-v. 1. 1 l. I Admission ten pents. aucau. j.uc ueai uccuine murciran ana an oia timer Here, ar-appatient. Agents For TOASTERS L. J. Marren, Prop. . Wine Is a Mocker When.Bad. We thought the vapor rived frpm Vancouver on tne CVINRUDE Portable RANQES Phone Blue 197. Thorpe's Is Good, so Drink It. was but a fog which we frequently jPrince Rupert this morning. Motors. HEATERS una in mat part or tne sea and i. the sui'ntxE cotnT op biutism sailed into it. I The Seal Cove Red Cross So- CAILLE Engines for VACUUM CLEANERS Columbia. ..As we gucjj lne area over ciety will give a masquerade dance Runabouts. WASHING MACHINES TOM LEE CO. ' tio act"" F T"K "ADM,X'STBA- ung by vapor we learned our in the Seal Cove school room on REGAL Engines for LAMPS and . 'mistake. Instead of beincr an or- IFriday night. Dancine 8:30. cranri Trolling. 810 Second Avenue, West. '- .T'E. WATTEH OP'THE ESTATP- OF I J!r.QM, fr, r.A a , Imart, tn-tfl Vn- 4,1 The Famous English FLASHLIGHTS NAItIA VEHV, DECK AS Kit, J.XTESTATE. wm.ni.ij om,i v.u u- GENERATORS notice is nr.HKBY BivKS to Aviifiv we found boilintr water. Think- mission 50c. 11 PETTER HEAVY OIL VEGETABLES LV.lyuOIv that a small area had become ENGINE FOR Wholesale and Retail m the. above matter on tiw 17th day or affected by volcanic action, we rs T BeeTgs arj-ived from FISHING SCHOONERS WOTOR SWITCHES, General Contractors and ,tfri?ollhEKED'inatMbi0iT:jirbn ii.'steered ahead and continued to Vancouver this morning on the ETC. Labor Kxchange. deC.m'o? 'i,?2SSL? ;roereu0rr.,n'8o leer, believing every moment Prin.ct nuP"t to join her hus- Full line of Electrical Arperatus in stock. on iihi ard day of October, tots, arterrlhat we were about to clear the P nere wno 18 staying at the Prince Rupert, B.C. or tue nrat Dubiication or notice of una seething seas, until we covered 'Ark." Mr. Beggs is connected Parkin & Ward Electric Co. Ltd. Phone 547 P. O. Box 725 oraer. unieia in me meantime proof U nlrnnnf inn tnllpa with the salmon fishing industry runiisned to tbe of tbla Phone 125 liegutrar Court I In this ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS P 0. B x67 at prince Iiupert, It. C, that the aald de- Cargo ruined. province. "During our through iu nie iiiu zru uay 01 uciooer, is is. I passage aii it la puimltM oiiDtiiEo that'the'this boilintr area the entire 1 e rmce A1Derl wn,cn wa id John it. McMoiim do public notice of , caf due to sail to the Queen Charlotte 1 1 r 1 1. l 1 1 r. . - newiDaiter bublUhed at I'rinre rinrwM , ..... .. .USIanOSOn 1 IlUrSdav 11.13 been dp. ! $9 COAL w, c, for a period or one month. r'"v' ou " uim ivj j , , maws sj yi-'C'g JOHN It. McMULLI.V hottom of the vessel that the fish f omclal Admlnlitrator. t trame, mdfr not expected to riATHi at Prince Itoperl, U. C. thla 181.1 rotted and the stench, added to da or February, A. u. ll. Ket away for the Island points un- th odnn fmm ih naH. M. mav While it lasts, as in a few NEW ARRIVALS iday. ,.... I1" 43 nf o-illnra .loir Wo. week rnor shipments will POIIF.SIIOIIE LEASE va vtssv0 O a v n T t w V L U 1 f slop for a period o-.vipg to LAftp ACT compc.ieu 10 uurnp tne cargo This is the night of the skating t the road from the mine to ellca of Intantlon to Apply to Leaaa Land. overboard and return home race at the roller rink. There J" Tclkwa breaking up, as at in 3K!-rn at Skmn,uiiiii and iiiainci,kliuale iiecorauir on tbe weat tua-iK-t ":X . .... will bo a good crowd out and some First Arrivals of New Spring Milli present wo liaul over the Ice. if r;ll or Smith Iilnnd. almnt tun mllo u....0 ,u.. unuubu nicoc excellent' sport is expected. The nery . JJelivcry.xhargcs added, or orlli and wen of Oceanic Cannery, hinge boiling water8-about;:8ix hours rink be for general and a new shipment of Corsets 5; arrango your own delivery 'ackln?Take notice Company that Limited,,we the of Ooc,Vancouver,Mlllerd --several of the men on board lIng unli, i(ie'raCe starts and Our Corsets, in front lace, from $3.00 to $10.00 t rtn nnr & ''cupallon Cannernncri. Intend to anulv ...,.v v 'ihu y. weeo again as soon.as it is over. 1 or periniialon to lease the foliowlnc de-crlbd the sea. These wciyj cooked in ! . Terminal Coal Co. comrnenrina;landa; at a post planted at the short time. Sailors drew water At the Police Court this nnm ; FOOTWEAR : ortbeaal corner: thence south 10 chains. ollowlnr hlifh water marks thence west up in buckets and found it to be ing before Magistrate Carss, sev- Phone Black 85 or 0 ciiami chains.m iow foUftwInr waier inami Inw vilrr tnence mirk.norm ncaieu 10 a nign degree." en Cliinamen were charged with The new shapes are very pretty i 03, Pacific Cartage, Ltd. hf-nce east 3 chalna to place of bea-lnnlng. iapmin uorman ueciares he heing m an opium resort. The showing many of the very newest iu liUSSK,cuHiaiitiiiK.MII.I.EIII)o.u acrrs,l'ACkl0 more COMPANY or less. has sailed the gulf for thirty names were Chin Tnnt nium shades and shapes very years and never saw anything like Foon, Ah Loo, Mah the Laia. Lee stylish and and )ated aril Dectmber, 19 is. rsi,u .it .. t i i . . I . .... - smart, jniu uiauoyery no nas jusi mauo, ouey, ana Joe wny, Tho case Prices, $3.00 to $8.00 'nor experienced anything llkel was adjourned till lomnrmw i THE what ho had Just gone through. morning. Every pair of Ladies Shoes 1 thoroughly reliable in service ECONOMY STORE M. I STEPHENS AGONIZING SILENCE On her return homo last even ana wear ng after being invited out for NOTARY PUBLIO ispcctai via o. t. p. Telegraphs.) the evening on purpose. Miss 417 Fifth Ave. East Weimar, Feb. 19, When Henr Muriel Patmore found her homo Fhones 18 and 36 Krzherger announced tho new ar- m 1,10 possession of a party of rood Uccnce No. 8-1 03 19. misuco terms in tho National As- aDoui inriy or ner young friends, What senibly there w a a' agonizing w,1 wcro enjoying themselves more pleasing than Special for the Week FOR RENT sil encc. hugely at tho success of thofr buying your Hat. Blouse, binti! wtiit9 team, res JOc, ipccial surpr4so. The proceedings took Hose and Shoes all to Drown Iian, rer. He., special...s for 85c Six-roomed house, bath, hot FIELDING LEADER tho form of a china shower, and match , 8 lb for c and cold water, electric light, Miss Patmore was the recinicnl White Ucam, rev tie., special ... (special via o. t, p. of Telegraphs.) many magnificent nieces nf Get them per lb ioc chicken house and garden, at . . Oreen I'raa, iccU! J Itii for the Ottawa, Feb. 19 -It is under- noyal Crown Derby. Royal Dallnn No. t Illce, per lb 10c for rent u, 0. Java Coffee, containing- China piooa mat JJon. W. S. F eld ne is ana many otner kinds of i-i.inn cup and naucer, I lb. par. 11.15 ' likely to take the which she will bo Jabour Ltd. Special Coffee, containing allver $20.00 leadership of proud of when Bros., Sweet apoona,huculti,1-lb.a!)pkr klndi, 35c 45c no minerals, temporarily at least. 8"0 laices up house in tho near flweel liliculli S Iba. II.00 luturo. Third l.aif" Burikut Nvl Oraiifer. per BOLSHEVIK8 RETIRE Avenue West doien , ioc tap oranrea, per boa .o E. C. D. Butler 50c at Frizzell's. I'urlly Wlieatlcta, a.lb, aacka 50c (Special via 0. T, P. lel'rraphs.) MuSSdllem Grocery Company M.'M. Stephens London, Feb. 19. Tho Allies The St. Andrew's Societv win have Bolshevik! Bvo a farewell to forced a retire- J. II. McMillan LTD. REAL CtTATK FINANCIAL A4INT INSURANCE irient on tho Archangel front. 8 m o'clock their rooms SHARP.tomorrow AH members niKht at Advertise in The Daily New Ailverllse in the Dally News. (requested to bo nresont 4 --- The Paper that gets Quick Results