February 21, 1010 THE DAILY NEWS. Fri m, Page 3 I 'BUTTER AND FULLER, SMART & STEEN Fuller's Grocery EGGS CHEAPER Help (he work of Bnr ..n-rnR DELIVERY Canada Food Board License 8-35652 ReemisiruciionrWar Saving's ureen onions and Radishes Are PHONE 45 PHONE On Market and Rhubarb Selling Fast. Fresh Every Boat The advancing season has had FULLER'S the Inevitable result of bringing Special Blend Lettuce, Cauliflower down the prices of butter and eggs. This week there is a drop Tea & Coffee Rhubarb, Parsley of five cents in eggs and the same amount on butter. Each of these Celery, Ripe Tomatoes commodities will go lower, but - "AFTER 1 Once Used We are selling Little iperhaps the drop may not come Always Used for some weeks. White Beans, 10c. lb. "After They will please you ! Green onions and radishes frpm the Storm" Them Large Lemons, the south are seen here and they Try are not dear for they arc croinK Free 3 doz. for $1 Buy War-Savings Stamps at $4.01 each Samples at about five cents a bunch. The as often as you can. new season rhubarb which came Build up a strong investment in Government securities bearing on the market last week i3 going fast, the demand being large and nigh interest and help to finance the Reconstruction. steady. rf-a.l t m ceiery is noi in as good con Our soldiers being disbanded are and return, dition as it might be. It seems to be shipped in poor condition. As ed to civilian life, as poster picture indicates. spring advances the celery will There is urgent need for the production of Storage Batteries House Wiring not lend to improve, especially if more food and other supplies, as well as the It Is an early spring to the south. Charged and Repaired in all its branches The current prices are as fol means to carry our products. All these things WW No Loss of Time While lows: are for.Canada's good, and are essential to w Your Battery Is Being ELECTRIC-IRONS Fish. Prosperity. Overhauled. Another Is Fresh salmon 30o Always Available. Cod, salt, Alaska 15c J GRILLS Cod, 2 lbs 35c But they necessitate the Government spend Agents For TOASTERS Cod fillets 15c ing large sums of money, and this money $5,00 for $401 CVINRUDE Portable RANGES Fresh black cod, 2 lbs. ..... 25c Motors. HEATERS Finnan haddie, lb 18c must be borrowed at high rates of interest and every dollar worth CAILLE Engines for VACUUM CLEANERS Halibut, lb 25c more. Runabouts. WASHING MACHINES Herring kippered, lb. ...... . 15c In order to keep this interest in Canada and to $5.00 will I REGAL Engines for LAMPS Soles, lb I0o give EVERYONE a chance to profit by it, the much more purchase in 1924 Trolling. FLASHLIGHTS state ....2 lbs. 25c loan is floated in a denomination of only $4.01, than$4.01 will at The Famous English Oolichans, salt 10c present price. GENERATORS maturing on the first day of 1924, at $5.00. PETTER HEAVY OIL Salt Acadia Cod, 2-lb. boxes 60c I ENGINE FOR Crabs, large, 20c to 25c. FISHING SCHOONERS MOTOR SWITCHES, Fruits and Vegetables. In order that even the smallest savings shall share Buy CTC. Onions, dry 4c the privileges of the War-Savings Stamp plan, Full line of Electrical Appsralus in tlock. Lettuce 20c; 2 for 35c THRIFT Stamps may be purchased for 25 cents Brussels each, sixteen of which affixed to Thrift Card Sprouts, per lb.... 25c a Parkin & Ward Electric Co. Ltd. Bananas COc will be exchanged for a War-Savings Stamp. Grapefruit (California) .... 10c Phone 125 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS P. 0. Box 67 Grapefruit (Florida) ..2 for 35c Apples, per lb. ...... 10c to 15c Celery 15c Grapes, per lb 40c Sold You See Carrots, per lb 3c Stamps Parsnips, per lb., 4c Wherever the Sign Phone 131 Office 14 Smith Block P.O. Box 772 emons 35c English walnuts 50c 47 EVERYONE sh:uld invert Prince Rupert Engineering & Supply Co. Australian Currants 30c Many Patriotic Storekeepers Comb honey 50c sell Thrift Stamps Figs, per pkt., . . . . . 20c and 40c Engineers, Jobbers, Contractors Cranberries ,-40o Estimates furnished for Electric Wiring and Complete Jrangcs (navel) 35c to 75c Plant Installations . Dates, per box, 30c llilllHNi!i!llillliNllllljIIHIIillIllliIlilll NiiiflilllllllilllilllllilllillHIi.'lllliNililllLI Meats. In the Letter Box ! Northern B.C. Representatives Beef, pot roasts, lb 30c. Canadian WeStinffhoUSe Electrical Equipment, Electric Beef, check roast, lb.. . .32c to 35c Co., Hamilton Ss"01' Generator8' Beef, rib roast, lb. ....... 37 c. A Shot By the Way. Beef, boiling, lb 25c and 30c rhe Editor, Dentistry Goodyear Tire & Rubbers Mechanical Rubber Goods. Hose Hamburger, lb 30c I am glad to see that one of Co., Toronto. "Extra Power" Belting. ' Stewing, lb 30c. ho police commissioners is look- Canada Wire & Cable Bare andMnsulated Copper. amb, leg , 50c ng atter tne interests oi mo I DON'TJ NEGLECT YOURTEETH 1 jf amb, loin 50c. workingmen. Sid Macdonald is Co., Montreal stccI and Iron wire Domestic Mutton 35c all right and I'm with him when E One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your Sj Engineering -Deico" Light Products I'ork sausages 30c. ho says that it is unfair and hard Co., Dayton Isolated Electric Plants Tomato sausages 35c. on the workingman for him to be 'Efficiency" Pelton Water Wheel Co. Water wheel and Pork, leg, 40c obliged to pay two dollars at San FrancisCO Hydraulic Apparatus Pork, chops 45c. every town he stops at. There is Pacific Pork, shoulder, 35c a lot or men neing lei oui at Coast Pipe Co. Ayrshire bacon, sliced, 50c to COc Wood stave Pipe Tanks' et0,1 Qiyinby and somo of them are Vancouver uacon, piece, id bac cominc: to Prince Rupert and Dr Dodge Manufacturing Transmission Machinery, Bacon, sliced, lb 45c to 70c spendjng their money, which 1 ayne Co., Toronto 1ul,eys' Shn, etc. Ham, Smoked 50c tnini- j3 enough for this place to Ham, sliced 55c. e. They blow m all tliey have OFFICE HOURS. A line of rt. ii i r I Westinghouse Motors, Lamps and other Electrical can uacss uu and then either go to work or. Morning, 9 to 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Evening, 7 to 9 Equipment and Goodyear Baiting carried in stock Turkeys, per lb. 50c move on. ii tney naa neen wonting Chicken, pqr lb. ........... 50c here right along it would be Dental Nurse in attendance. 5 r Fowl, per lb 45c very well for them to pay, but not Pickled Pork per lb 35c for us as has not been here for H Phone 109 for appointment Bologna, per lb . . . 30c mory) than a few days or a few Illl I nead utieese, per id juo weeks. Cooked ham, per lb. ...... 05o I hav.9 been in this town a little Spare Ribs per lb 25c time and I do not seo what they WARNING to the PUBLIC Dairy Produce. want such a lot of police for. Butter, per lb 55c There is nothing hero for Ave or Butter. (cookint?) nor lb. ... 45c six constables to do. They just Kdward. Lipsett, President Harry Lipsett, Manager pj1.1''8 co'"o to my knowledge that the Harry Hanson Cheese, lb 35c. walk around and draw their pay Edward Cunningham, Vice-President to (i , Hot Wnlcr Coils has bcen Infringed from time EH Eggs (case) 70o ana nobody can see that they do a,.t . lhe in3la"tion of Harry Hanson Coils by un- Strictly new-laid eggs 80o anything. Perhaps when the steel Ilarr if per80ns- Tlicy say tho coil thoy sell is not a E Margarine . . i5c shipbuilding is starting up they Lipsett-Cunningham & Co. andL n Coi1, but if tno fll-cuox linings are removed may be able to work there, but tnoni in any placed in lhis 8nace thls is an infringe WILLIAM HART IN why should tho taxpayers hero LIMITED ' i author ".ly patent If this Pmctico is persisted in by un- have to, pay such a lot. I thin erized persons, I will take steps to protect my interests. SHOOTING STUNTS I can seo why they wanted that nSHINQ & CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE "anson ? " 8l,ould nUo nto that by having a Harry road ta collected, so as to pay Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories lecnml ?,011 mstallct ljy nny unauthorized person, they also the police who arj3 not cleaning liable under tho Snlondld Red-Blooded Drama at Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage patent laws. j r up tho city nor offering to inter Gua'psn!01 i2lls, mad0 of lron PP. 20 with one Year the Wastholme Tonight Entitled fere with tho crooked work that in PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Made of Brass, from S25 to $35, Five Years' "Selfish Yates." going on. Guarantee. Don't publish my name, Mr. Registered Office: Princo Rupert Office: There nrp a good many people Editor; or thoy might have it in 08 Water Street, Telephone No. 95 who attend every William Hart for mo and pet two dollars out of Vancouver, B. C. P. O. Box 1698 HARRY HANSON picture that comes along. He Is mo before 1 loavo or the drydock ono of the big men of the movie starts. But I should like to seo Phoi ne 480 The Reliable Plumber world and his pictures are much them policemen wording for a 139 Second Avenue sought for everywhere. "Selfish living. II llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Yates" is full of thrills, of clever GRANBY GRUMP. Phone 37 ' P.O. Box 1704 shooting, of all sorts of interesting It is said to the 102nd complications. G. E. Sherrard of For Comfort, Courtesy and Service bo ono of the pictures that ar.o Battalion who returned from over WESTHOLME worth while. seas a short while ago on tho LUNCH Tho comedy that goes with the Carmania and is a well known old THE S A VOY HOTEL feature Is ono of tho Mack Sen-sett timer hero, formerly in the em home;cooking. plays "The Secrets of the ploy of F, W. Hart, returned from F. T. BOWNESS. M.n.g.r lady cook. Beauty Parlor." This comedy is Vancouver on tho Princo Rupert Fifth and Fraser1 StM Prince Rupert, B.C. full of all sorts of foolishness, Wednesday morning. Sho'tordcLe Tal3 frm 11,30 t0 2,00 and 6,S0 t0 a- showing some of tho Mack Sen-nclt girls who are among ttio Never forget to look through Home Cooking Running Hot d Cold Water Special rates with room and board. most noted In tho world. ! tho classified list on Page 5.