Page fl T11E DAILY NEWB. Friday, February 21 25,000 wort! Shoes for Sale 1 A Gigantic Clearance Shoe Sale now in full swing at the FAM ILY SHOE STORE, 3rd Ave. We must make room for New Spring Goods which are arriving daily. We are offering our entire stock at greatly reduced prices. In taking over this stock of shoes we found many lines we wish to clear out and are offering these at below cost prices. Every shoe in the store reduced. Every bargain genuine. Below we give a few of the wonderful values offered. Watch, the papers for further bargains later MEN'S BOOTS including such well-known brands as Regal, MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS, Leather and rubber tops, 9 to .12 LADIES' KID OR PATENT KID PUMPS. Some have hand- X Ames Holden, Slater "Invictus" and Telrault, etc., in black .inches, regular values 5.00 to $7.50. turned soles and some welled soles, values to SG.OO X or tan, button or laced; values to $12.00. Sale Price $3.75 to $5.75 Sale Price $3.45 Per Pair Sale Price Per Pair $7.65 Ladies' odds and ends in PUMPS AND HOUSE SLIPPERS; LADIES' FINE QUALITY VICI KID BOOTS, New Mahogany Values to 55.00 MEN'S BOX CALF OR GUN METAL CALF BOOTS, buttoned and laced; values to $1.50. TAN CALF BOOTS. New walking or high heels, right up-to-Uale Sale Price $1.95 Per Pair Sale Price $4.85 Per Pair in style, values to 810.00 CHILDREN'S SHOES n Black or brown; odds and ends of Sale Price $6.90 Per Pair 7 high-grade makes. Sizes to 2 VERY SPECIAL Sale Price $1.95 Per Pair MEN'S BOX CALF BOOTS, Goodyear welted. Russell calf LADIES' GUN METAL CALF LACED BOOTS, DIucher cut. 'MEN'S WORKING BOOTS including Leckio, Amherst and A useful wet weather boot leather; lined. Double soles. Viscolized. All $10.00 sizes, reg Sterling makes. High op, low cut. Values to $10.00 Sale Price $7.45 Per Pair Sale Price $3.95 Per Pair Sale Price $6.95 Per Pair NOTE THE ADDRESS: The FA LY SHOE STORE, 3rd Ave. GEO. HILL The Practical Shoemen. E. R. TABRUM A 25,000 Shoe Sale. Family Shoe pi EMTV (V WORK" IN I II7IIT WTfHli: 1C It 1UU1U1 vx wiiu in luijui. iuiuuli iu Store. G H. Arnold Local News Notes j t mm nnd n' v;r , a -u.t THE COMING SPRING BACK FROM FRANCE EVERYBODY NOTARY PUBLIC j E. G. D. Butler 50c at Frizzell's. from the Acme Importers, Led., on Saturday, February 22 and save special via u. t. f. Tciempns.) Arrived Yesterday Fit and Well Spirella Corsetiere. Black 257. 20 per. cent. It Ottawa, F-jb. 2. Information and Ready for Serious Work GOES We Buy is turning in 10 me uepainauon Every shoe on sale. Family F. S. Stevens aiyived from Committee to the effect that there' of Civil Life. Victory Bonds Shoe Store. it Skeena City on the train last will be no scarcity of work with ' TO THE night. He had been at the Khyex the various railway companies as ' Among the arrivals here last Army and Navy Danco on Wednesday, mill which at present is closed. Roller Rink Paying highest market soon as sprang opens. - nigni on uie iram was rugni February 26, in St. Andrew's price for them. Lieut. Robert Ritchie, familiarly Hall. 48 Having increased Who Wants Any quantity. All t our. dairy 25,000 worth of shoos, all un- known here as Bob. Ho left herd we are now in a position to Pleasurable Exr-vse maturities. No delay. D. Zarelli was among the passengers supply all demands. Standard der one roof, on sale, Family France January 10 and camo sailing for Victoria on fcilioe Store. It atnnM.i n.....h . Open Every Day Dairy. Phones Office 68; Dairy u tL4e f uilUUb It I ISO OJ life Ml 13 the Prince George. 2 to 4 and 8 to 10 H. G. HELQERSON, LTD. Black 517. 46 GT. P. steamer Prince Albert ocea.n on tho Mlnnedosa. Insurance Real Estate Going to build? Why not the arrived this afternoon at 2:30 and! Leut. Ilitcluo has been flying .216SjASl, Prince Ra?t, B.C. 20th Century way. Phone 478 and Aleck Cheauk, an Austrian alien is expected to said tonight for all in tiie Imperial service. He was L. J. Marrcn, Prop. let us show you. . It enemy was brought before Uueen oiiarlotte points. j wounded nt St. Quenlin when he Phono Blue 197. Magistrate Carjss this morning in W. W. Blaikie was among the the Police CourJ on a charge of QnrnT fr Salurday' ;was I set upon by four German ly lanes and forccd l0 nnd bchjn(J passengers arriving from Smith-ers not reporting his whereabouts. Ho given fifteen . "V0"""" -nes. 'Uie light took place 18, on the train last night. j was days imprisonment. on all Men s and Boys' Suits. No 000 feet in lho air ,... -FORJALE Mrs. P. 'O'Brien, wife of Pat. rcve. importers, l,iu. IJob 8ays ,at w,,Uo h(J ,s g,ad THE O'Brien, section foreman at Usk, I Another two hundred and fifty;, ;... , - . !to be homo ho would not have was among the train arrivals last workmen left Anyox yesterday, ViVviiv H - construe-.; mlsscd the show for anything, ECOMf ST night. ,most of them bound south. This A??1' y" h"?.e is feeling quite fit and intends .3 Room House t reduces the number...employed at:Xn ' v T . rfh. "V" to"urauo .' stuJie8 ch urero 417 Fifth Ave. East Just arrived by the Princess !, omli. 1 !.l " one mure, ueauy interrunled. l.v lh rrronl. n,l ;me oinwitci mnii veiy 'vuuauer- 4 Z"- O ,-.T "Mm"" phone 478 Sua, 800 tons of New Wellington!ably, following " several hundred 1 1 lure." riiones 18 and 36 $600 -oal Albert & McCafTery, phone Food Licence K M"" KahaV fn, 80U,th,v01! A. 13. Rosovear, general agent of This hoJsc is on a good 116, - tf It at the lho G m P who ,g ,n .. ... SURPRISE PARTY Specinl forThe Week present price or copper the com- tnriav. ro,nhr.ntar, lifa )ir(twloi,I level lot, about four blocks The Misses D, McDougall and imiiy uuimui auuru 10 pay Small wblte beans, r t W wff yesterday at Anyox. On learning!Wany FrIond8 from the drydock. among the arrivals in town last wages demanded. of the event his friends of the G. 'MUn Lillian ,nvade King on uTf of Brown Deans, reg, , im for " !m t-k i a . special night off the train. x. i . unu ai anyox u Wblte Deans, reg II) . Every reduction ab solute y otla Birthday. pn ft" nuine, Store. prMonlatjon ln t)0 iorm oreen Peas, special ID '? Owing to a misunderstanding lt goId cuir linkg no. 2 nice, per iu rmm McCaffery, Gibbons A surprise party was arranged O. ...O. Java Coffee, coniainlnf it was stated that the roller race ..IIP. I H lb DM' f at the rink would be last night. It The funeral of the late Mrs uLmVx- th, 1,0"i'9 SnTlal Coffee.l-iiJ. c-Dlnai..ius lit spoons, & Doyle, Ltd. is tonight and commences at 9. Sweet Uiscutts, all klndJ, lh Saturday Specials Sweet Iiiseuus,.. ,", Large Sunklst Naval J, Insurance Real Estate W. A. Adams of the city police California Head Lettuce 15c and SOc uoien ii.ii is in receipt of a letter from the Urtro Wlilte Caullllowrr 40c and SOc We 1' n nboul tI,irty of her fricnds railJeJ lap Oranire. per b 4 lb x, got It. N. W. M. Police requesting him FTfstlt Sweet Itljubarb,Potatoes per lb 2 lbs for 2Se 30c Son BiJ SlH offlolai The' !,nerkh0mB "V 8treel a"d Prince Rupert, B. C. to join Jhcir detective agency fop, Sunklit Klorlda Orape Lnuuns,Fruit per dot t for 35c 30c funenal arrangements n t o IS ?Z9aimt " "vonliiK. -Mussallem Grocery this district. Large Navel Oranges, doz . , SOc hands of liaynor Brothers ,recoivf W auti- LTD. Table Ouaranleed I'ears, per Sweet doz and Juicy.60c (I . . ,v"'"'ws ,ful gifts the occasion. Drydock activity. Houses lack- New Hipe Comb Bananas,Honey,per sections,doi., . . boc All members of Skeena Lnrliro Daneiner .and cards woro indulged ing. Who cried wolf? Arp yon No. t Soft Suell Walnuts, lb. . . toe 50e No. 45 Knights of Pvthina nnH unlu 11,0 early Unurs of tho sure this time? Ileady to house Terrace Turnips 8 lbs. for 25c nornin' ffi-ntTlfl TOM LEE CO.' Ueep lied Ucetg. 6 lbs. for 25c visiting brothers are requested to. 10,000. tM i " these new citizens? That empty No. I Hard unions.. Jbr. for 25c altend annual church parade ', Augusta with nl Yo U. on 840 Second Avenue, West. lot can bo filled by the 20th Century Klnest C, Carrots Uarife Parsnips 6 lbs.lbs. for for 25c J5c Sjmday, February 23, to Baptist NINE FISHING BOATS 2,500, tl.oCaygcn 3,000.w.U - way. Phono '478. it Wlnesap Apples, Special 3 lbs 25c and .the Gilford 0,000, Wagner Apples 4 lbs. for 25c unuiuii. iiicufc uusiio tiaii o:30 VEGETABLES Commissioner Sowton will give California EQQS retaiuma DOWN Kresii AGAIN Eggs 65c p. m. K. of P. annual "At Homo" BRING IN CATCHES pounds. Wholesale and Retail Viking Duller Is poiltlvely Uie Monday, Feb. 24, in Castle Hall at a lecture on the "Lessons to bo tlnett creamery btiiter on Hil General Contractors and earned from the Great War" in this tornorrow market.Sperm We will at sell It 0 p.m. Bring the ladies, 40 The fish companies were kept Prineo Rupert's Labor; Exchange. he Salvation Army Citadel on mc busy today when nine fishing Salo. Family Shoo Store- Saturday, February 22, at 8 p. m. Table TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY vessels discharged thoir fish and . .I.. I Prince Rupert, B. C. m Sunday, nt 8 p.m. ho will con Rupert Supply-Go. received the prico of 13.8o and Wine la a moon. -When t Phone 547 P. O. Box 725 duct the service. Everybody' welcome. PHONES 211, 212 FOUND .Bunch of r, 90m 10c per pound, rhoroe's is Good, so DrW 45 keys. Apply The boats arrlvinc worn tlm Dally Nojvs OlTlce. tf Lebanon with 12,000 lbs., tho 13. 0. D, Butler 50n at