The Daily News MAIL SCHEDULE ' PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA For the East. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Mondays, Wednesdays and Sat-trdays Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. jjglEWHlTtPB at 9:30 a. m. H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. From the EasL Sundays, Tuesdays ah(J Tliurs-lays at 5:45 p. tn. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: .City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month "Zc. For Vancouver: By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. Tuesdays 5 p.m. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. Thursdays 10 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 1 and 15, 7 a. m. Telephone 98. From Vancouver TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADyERTISING 75 cents per inch, m Sundays 10 p.tri I II ilHIK .Vednesdays 10:30 a.m Contract Rates on application. .londay, Jan. 27; Feb. 8 and 22 at 9 a. m. DAILY EDITION. Saturday, Feb. 22, 1919. j 3k CAM AHA MM I g E" .w!c I LLETT CO LT&II Sundays Vednesdays..For Anyox: ..10 10 p.p.m m Let Music Brighten the TORONTO.CANADA Leader Wanted EE For Two Parties. WINNIPEG MOWTREAt IU From Anyox: Lives of Your Children The death of Sir Wilfrid Laurier leaves an immense gap at Tuesdays a.m the top of the Liberal ranks. There is no man at present in sight 'hursdays p.m Let them grow up in an atmosphere of good music. . to step in and fill the place." V. S. Fielding, former minister of uum ACT Let their appreciation of the beautiful things oflile be developed For Port Simpson and Naas River by good music. finance in the Laurier Government, will take charge temporarily, SKEE.NA LAJiD DISTRICT- DISTRICT OF QL'EE.N CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. points: Let them receive the indelible imprint of culture and refinement old to enthuse the men in the Liberal but he is too a man young Sundays 10 p.m through the medium of good music. ranks and to the young men the party must look for support. Old TAKE KOTICE tul Eugene Humphrey While the young minds are open to receive such impressions, men are mostiv Conservatives. Simpsou or Prince Rupert, occupation From Port Simpson and Naas begin their musical, and higher, education with Because of the efficient way in which Sir Wilfrid filled the master mariner. Intends to apply for per River Points: position of leader of the opposition there has been no other man land:mission to lease toe following- described Tuesdays .......... p. in come to the front in sucn a manner as to appeal 10 me imagiiia Commencing at a post planted at a.wit EDISON tion of the rank and file of the party.. Mackenzie King has been ness post situated at the Intersection or Queen Charlotte Islands: spoken of as a possibility and Senator Robertson, Walter Scott, the shore north line;boundary thence north or Lot SO S333,chilns,with thence the For Massett, Port Clements and "The Phonograph with a Soul" George P. Graham and others. Graham has been a gooa man, east SO chains, more or less, to the shore Upper Island points: butJie is too old. A young man is needed. Who will it be? line; thence following; shore line to the Tor Skidegale, Queen Charlotte This wonderful instrument brings the world ot music into your A similar condition arises in the Union camp. Sir Robert point or commencement, containing SO acres City and Lower Island points home ; re-created by the world's greatest artists. No matter where British Ambassador more or less, situated near Kluro-kwol Say. live, your children can have the. same musical advantages Borden is expected to go to Washington as Feb. March 6 you as LL'GE.E II. SIMPSO.N, anuary 23, C, 20; and Sir Thomas White is generally expected to be his successor. Morris Doumont, -Agent. 20th, at 7 p. m. though living In the great cities during the height ot the musical season. Sir Thomas stands for intense conservativism. He is a man with Date. December 3rd, 1918. F. it The New Eduon does not merely imitate. It re-creates. No a finger in every big financial pie in the country. His views and ?rom Masset, Port Clements and human ear can distinguish artist from phonograph. The famous Edison those of the rank and file ate as wide apart as the poles. The MINERAL ACT Upper Island points:. tone tests hare proved this, not once, but more than 1 500 times. Literals in the cabinet could not follow Sir Thomas without From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte Start the Children' musical education to-day, by brinpine Jicm cutting.themselves off irretrievably from the Liberal party, something Certificate of Improvements. City and Lower Island points here, and letting us play a program of charming music that will be is 16? NOTICE which they have not yet done. Those who are a long way anuary 28; Feb. 11 and 25; Mar enjoyable for you as it will be delightful for the little ones. from the seat of Government and are out of touch with the leaders 'Red Point Extension" mineral claim. 1 1 and 25th, a. m. with the wires events situate In the ?aas Hirer Mining Division end not entangled political are watching or Cassiar District. with great interest and not without some anxiety. Good government Where the located:big Canyon.on the kltsault Hirer, For Skagway and the Yukon Charles Wesley Teetzel, Prince Rupert, B.C. is what is needed and to get it there must be strong leaders near TAKE AUllCE that Lewis w. patmore, anuary 27, Feb. 8 and 22 9 a. m and following to Free Miner's Certificate Ko. S0.407-C. act with righteous politics a large enough carry ing as agent for Ole EWndseir, Free Miner's through. Certificate No. U.155-C. Intends, sixty From and Yukon. Skagway date to the days rrom the bereor, to apply Is Mining Recorder for a Certificate or Improvements, 4"ebuary 1 and 15 a., m. More Pep for the purpose or obtaining What We Nesd. a trown orani ci me aoovo ciaiui. Prince Rupert Academy of- And further take notice tnat action, and Swamp Uewart, Maple Bay What we need is more "pep." We need it in our business under Section 85. must be comroencec before the Issue or such Certlilcate ol Point. Phone 104 613 THIRD AVENUE Phone 1M and in our work. We need it our play. Pep is the thing which ImDrovements. makes the lambs gambol with glee, the colls prance with joy, dated mis sin aay or t-eoruary. a. u .lose Jan 31; Feb. 14, 28, 10 pm INSTRUCTION GIVEN PRIVATELY lt. Feb. March 3rd Principola the calves throw up their tails and run like fury, the birds sing Arrive 3, 17; Wm. Balagno... Modern French and Sevcik Violin Schoels in split-throat notes, the frogs croak upon the creek bank, the MINERAL ACT TIMBER SALE X 1465. Will Edmunds...... Violincello, Mandolin, Cornet and Euphonium insects buzz and hum in the air, the milkman whistle as he jogs Harry Reid .Clarinet and Saiaphont along, the blacksmith laughingly beat the iron into shape, the Certificate of Improvements. Sealed tenders wUl be received by the MUSIC ARRANGED FOR BAND OR ORCHESTRA NOTICE Minister of Lands not later than noon on MEMBERS OF THE WESTHOLME THEATRE CONCERT ORCfiESTEA plowman urge his horses with a "gee-up, there," the engineer the oti day or March. 1919. ror the pur wave a kiss to his sweetheart as he throws upon the throttle, the "Black Bear" Mineral Claim, situate in reet, B. M.. or spruce, cedar, iieniiocr ana into the banker the rtaas Mining Division or cassiar District. ..woodman smilingly plunge his axe the giant tree, iiaisam on an area situatea on in; Laxr. and merchant rush to their work with a cheery "bye-bye," the Where located: On the Kltsault River, E lerslle Three (3)Bay.years nan if e will 3. be coast allowed District.ror re m mm fii aeafe?! mechanic and laborer fairly dance to their jobs, the soldier "go near TAKE the NOTICE big canyon.that John II. McMulIln. moval of timber. over the top ' with clinched jaws and courage that knows no fear, Charles Official Swanson,Administrator deceased.of the Intestate,Estate Free or victoria.Further B.particulars C or District or the Forester.Chler Forester.Prince STEEN The Gurvich the live salesman hie to his calls with shoulders squared, pride Miner's Certificate No. 3.522-C. Intends. itupen, ii. u. in his heart and nerves a-tingle with anticipation of new success. sixty to the days Mining rrom Recorder the dale for hereof,a Certificate to apply N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH SANITAA . mmD IIEATINQ Oh, "pep" is anything that puts happiness in the heart, energy of ImDrovements. for the purpose of on COLUMBIA. Transfer aimng a crown orani 01 me aDove ciaiui. in the body, determination in the soul, and invisible courage in And farther take notice that action. TAKE NOTICE that Alexander W. Dow CrVniNEERS the win. under Section 85, roust be commenced r the City or Vancouver in the Province before the Issue of such Certificate or of British Columbia did on the 23rd day improvements. or January, a. d. 191 v. issue a writ oi Agents for Phone Green 548 Improved Terminals dated this bin day or FtDruary, a. d Summons out of the above Court herein. For Prince 1919. claiming as against you specific perform KfcCLARY FURNACES io7liox 102 Oflk-s, FraseTSt Rupert. ance or an Agreement for the sale or Lot Railway, MINERAL ACT 19, Block g. section e, city or prince The general freight agent of the Grand Trunk Pacific Runert. and payment of the balance or the PLUMBINQ who addressed the Board of Trade yesterday, spoke of the purchase monies, and Interest die under We : Sell : Coal said Agreement and an accounting, and and of further the terminals here in order to "Certificate of Improvements. necessity improving cope declaration that he Is entitled to a Ven with the increased business of the port. This is the sort of thing NOTICE dor's Lien upon the lot aforementioned In SHEET METAL WORKS resnect or the purchase monies. Interest. which gives everyone the feeling that the port is bound to develop. "Red Tolnt No. t" Mineral Claim situate taxes ana costs ana me eniorcemeni oi Phoue 5, 834 Second Avenue. In the Naas River Mining Division or Cas the said Lien by sale or your Interest un Business is making improvements necessary. The hands of the par District. der the said Agreement, and an Order can Night phone? 570 company are being forced and growth is bound to come. Where located: On the Kltsault Rlrer, celling the registration or the said Agree and Blue 270 Barsalou's near the big Canyon. ment in the Land Registry Office and costs. Prince Rupert as the centre of so great a country and with TAKE notice that Lewis W. Patmore, uai to ar rnnco iiuDert. a. u.. mis The right work, at the right Free Miner's Certlilcate No. S0.407-C.ract- 25th day or January, A. D. 1919. everything ahead which makes for growth and prosperity is bound Ing as agent ror Ole Pearson. Free Miner's TO WILLIAM FRA5EH. tlmo, and at the right prloe. Motor Transfer to grow and prosper. Even without any artificial stimulus from Certificate No. K.1S7-C. Intends, sixty 3ys irowi uie uaie nercot, 10 apply to me !i THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH the introduction of big industries it would have to expand. With Mining Recorder for a Certificate or Im COLUMBIA. these other things in sight, however, and with a live Board of provements, for the purpose or obtaining IN PROBATE. Furniture Moving a crown urani or me aDove claim. N THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA Trade that will go out for business, there is reason for optimism. And rurtber take notice that action TION ACT Express and Bag?af under Section 85. must be commenced and Hotel Hyder before the issue or such Certificate or Jf THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF improvements. PETER LYSYK. DECEASED: DATED ttils stli day or February, A. D. TAKE NOTICE that in order of His WE HANDLE COAL 1W1V. Honour F. McB. Young, made the S8th day Portland Canal, B.C. Nlgut and Day Phone 1SJ F.0.Bw of January. A. D. 1919, I was appointed NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC administrator to the estate or Peter Lvsvk. TION ACT deceased, and all parties having claims M. ;il. JAMIESON, Proprietor against the said estate are hereby required to rurnlsh same, properly verified, to me, R. S. C. Chapter 115. on or before the 3rd day or March, 1919, WORK Of Interest The Gattitay to the famout FOR ELECTRICAL Northern B. C. Fisheries Limited auu an iiaruea inueuiea to me estate a"e tQuth Mint hereby gives notice that they have, under reuuirt-u in uav .ine amouni or ineir in. Section 7 or the said Act, deposited with aebteaness to me rortnwith. Go to the Minister or Public Works at Ottawa JOHN II. MULLIN, and In the office of the District Registrar Omclal Administrator. Now Open for Busineu oi inn i.ana negistry District or prince DATED this 31st day or January, 1919. Wa dtkli nuperi, ai rrince itupert, ll c a descrip- Geo. iiuu oi me sue ana iqi man rnr ntnrsrp In tha mattae of an aDDllcatlon foe tha docking and moorlna- of cannerv and nh. ssue or a rresh Certincaie or inriraihi to Ladies rrmen's boats as proposed on a portion or Title to Lots 38 and 39, Block 7, Section 336 2nd Ave. i wi r.aiiiHion naruour ai i-ori ESSMgton i. i.iiy ui j-riuce nuperi. May 983, in i nm i oi loij a ana , tiiocx 3, Esslng- nonce is nereDy given that It Is my Hotel Prince Phones ton rownsite, being a sub-division of Lot iitriitiuu iu issue, aiier me prmratinn nr Rupert 45. Range S, Coal District. thirty days rrom the first nuhlirminn her. BLACK 367 GREEN s And take notice thai after the einlrittmi or. a rresh Certificate or Title to the above or one roonih from the date or the first memionea iois, in the name or The North Save Money In Lamp- publication or (he EUROPEAN PLAN said notice, the Northern western Loan ana investment Company. B. c. Fisheries Limited will under Section Which certificate Is dated 18th March. $1.50 per day and MRS DIRECTOR wishes to announce 7 of the said Act, apply to the Minister or 1913, and was registered on annlleatlnn up. Public Works at his office In the City or received the fjnd February, 19IJ, and lyiama mi auruTHI UI II1Q aiu Site and Is No. 1186-1. that she has received full FIRST-CLASS CAFE t'ldiia aim ur leave iu ui inn sain rnrp. Land Registry Office Prince Rupert. B, C shore ror the storage, docking and moor DENTISTRY A La Carte. supplies of Imported materials my oi cannery ana nsnermen't vinma II. F, MacLEOD, Dated at Vancouver. B. c. thin 9-trri iv District Healntrar nf Titles. for the manufacturer of Corsets. NUItTIIEHN B. C. FISHERIES LIMITED, OFFICE HOCTSi n. A. Trouble. Secretary. F to To suit Individual figures of all 9 a.m, to 121 H30 P-w- WATER NOTICE P.R.FEEDCo. St. James Hotel DR. J. S. BROWN types, Mrs. Director, who Is a DENTIST DIVERSION AND USE. (LATE "QUEENS") Is TAVP... ......NftTlr-P Iha.... Thni .I. l-i-i competent corsetlere, ready .to v-.. iuu,. Kirapaincii, FIRST CLASS ROOMS Offleot Smith biom. whose address Is Terrace, B. C. will apply Phono 454. make Corsets to order. u, a iivrm-c iu tac aim ur l CUDIC lOOl Hot and Cold Water. per second of water out of ThornhUl Creek Have got In a New Seasons ......... .... ....,., BOo Night, and S3 WT. - auu ui.iiis mm Baeena par par of Corset comfort, so essential to River about 100 reel west or Ferry Landing. Supply ; corset appearance, has been a The water will be diverted rrom the Bulbs, Hyacinths, THE WEST EN stream at a point about 1500 feet south- ft.f nf t h J GbMnl lllun. A ..1)1 ... . Daffodils, Tulips, particular study with Mrs. Director ror power purpose upon the land denrrib- MISS 1Y1. A. WAY Suey 3 lajv mugs a, coast tiistrict. Crocus, Easter Lilies TEACHER OP MUSIC Chop for many years. This notice was posted on the ground n ..rf the 9lli day or January, ll. a copy or 309 Second Avenue Ladies are Invited to call at the thll nntlrA- - anrl -an ",-('annll.tli fill..J..T fl IJ,Jl.I (Make the home beautiful HOUSE AND thereto and to the "Water Act, mi," will fjJJ, Taklnsr with students the syllabus of the Avenue ne men in me oince or ine water Recorder Toronto Conservatoire of 012 Third Have Some Music, from Melntyre Block, No. 3, first floor. at Objections Prince the application may be Winter Blooms ! primary to advanced. . phone Blue 120 Phone Blue 82. filed with the said Water Recorder or with Indoors and Outside. THE PL-AcTfOR the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parlla-ment svppli thirty Buildings,days after Victoria,the first appearance B. C. within of 908 Third Ave. It Is Just as cheap to Eet your r, ibi mini 1 1 v larr. printing done well and done at 30S lima, 4, miihi'aihilk, Appl tint. Phone 68. p.o. Box 333 iome as it is to send it awuy. Try P. O. Box 897 - PM"1 notice I January ts, 199, The News Print Shop.