February 2 1010 THE DAILY NEWS. Page 3 PROPOSAL TO THE i m V.niiQ'l runnin FULLERIZEDJTQRE tro a bacH Fuller-Ucd ny more store, GIVE FILIP TO Caa You Lead Men and Women lv T of scafla. to the way or our dads, T tie Slopry fid methods of yore. asK wht docs Fuller-'"''1 meant JJlHi iirstlv. lt' maklns thing clean, .Vuiler-lted atoro there'a no Junk on the floor, ?u dirt or disorder is seen. Smithers Man Offers Solution" or SPECIALS SPECIALS Problem How to Rouse Interest . s lbs, for 60c Coffee, fresh,...J Ins. for $1.00 In Industry. - a mines. , for jj.oo Little White Beans, per lb., toe " 3 dt. 'or 1.00 faim olive Soap, per dox. 1.35 ,: 5 lbs. lor l-ss 0ood Vlnerar, ir gal toe SMELTER p r 1 AT RUPERT WAR-SAVINGS Societies need leaders Boods are protected from fleas, ONE OF SUGGESTIONS v v organizers and with initiative. T ,,,ice do not knaw at the jwas, men women , : never gloals o'er the Fuller tiolled Oats na Hie calHoca not roost on the cheese. Who will start a War-Savings Society? , . iKo m my Hiller-lied store Local Sampling, Assay and Pur i wiic-ii they novo looked the place o'er, chasing Office to Encourage Who will lead the way? i !'v murmer, Gee Whit; llow delightful It Is; Vu ve seen nothln like It before. Small Man Proposed. The customer cheerfully spends ud when from our place he wends, rives us no knocks, but boosts as he talks ine lonowing letter wlilcii is ''mi- Fuller-lied store to his friends. War-Savings Societies of special interest to mfhers and PHONE 45 PHONE to citizens of Prince Rupert who S believe In the future of tho min Help Thousands . . ... ..... 1IIH IUUUPUV III tillS UISUICI 13 mm given special prominence in the To Save hope that it will lead to further discussion and that some solu War-Savings Societies have been, and are, a tremendous lion of the present semi-stagnant success in Great Britain. Thousands who condition of the mining industry were never may bo found. able to save their money have accumulated Government Storage Batteries House Wiring "The following paragraph taken certificates worth hundreds of dollars. from the editorial page of. a. Charged and Repaired in all its branches While local paper recently, will bear In the United States, millions of members of tio Loss of Time analysis and criticism which people are Your Cattery Js Being ELECTRIC-IKONS should be of interest to every War-Savings Societies, which are organized in factories, Overhauled.Available.Another Is thoughtful person with, the general offices, stores, fanning communities, sections of towns Always GRILLS welfare of Northern B. C. at and villages, schools, and clubs. Agents For TOASTERS heart, and especially to the citizens . RANGES of Prince Rupert as will be CVINHUDE Motors. Portable HEATERS seen later on in this article: Everywhere throughout Canada, War-Savings Societies CAILLE Engines for VACUUM CLEANERS "A Grubstaking. are in process of formation. Everyone who can save an writer in an agricultural Runabouts. WASHING MACHINES magazine estimates that there occasional quarter should belong to a society; first, for his REGAL Trolling.Engines fcr LAMPS will be over a thousand prospectors or her own direct benefit; second, because Canada can Tho Famous English FLASHLIGHTS returning to this province use the money to excellent advantage, as in the case GENERATORS and suggests that the Government PETTER HEAVY OIL of the War Loans. should grubstake them for the ENGINE FOR MOTOR SWITCHES, bills. Many less profitable moves SCHOONERS FISHING ETC. could be undertaken. For details of the organizing of War-Savings Societies and particulars "If the Government was to take! regarding War-Savings Stamps or Thrift Stamps, address: Full line of Electrical Apprelu in loci . action along the lines of the above Ward Electric Co. Ltd. paragraph, such action would NATIONAL WAR-SAVINGS .COMMITTEE Parkin & prove profitable to certain interests Room 615 Metropolitan Building, Vancouver, B.C. Ph.: ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS T. O. Box 67 that always eagerly welcome and O.H.M.S. at oi No is any disbursement of public mon put top envelope. postage required. ey whether such expenditure is wise, and of permanent benefit or not, but it certainly would not be profitable to the returned soldier Phone 131 O.Tice-11 Smith Block P.O. Box 772 prospector, nor to the Government for the War-Savings Stamps are sold at$4.01 following reasons: sold 25 each at cents Thrift Stamps art Prince Rupert Engineering & Supply Co. "What Plenty ails of the Prospects.mining industry this Banks month and at Money-Order this other places displaying Post Offices, wherever War-Savings and at many stores,Stamps are sold in this district, (and conditions sign. 48 A here are not 60 very different Engineers, Jobber, Contractors from those prevailing elsewhere), Euimat s furnished for Electric Wiring and Complete is most emphatically not lack of Plant Installations prospects, but of producing mines. load of 25 tons, he must ship in flflflflfllllllfllllfllllJIllfflUIirillfffffffflfll iHNiHii!lliI!!Illlfi!lll(Ill!iH!!llllHiIIU Tho hills are already full of smaller quantities &l ruinously Northern B.C. Representatives prospects and a goodly proportion higher rates. Canadian Westinghouse Electrical Equipment, Electric of those in this district that The Remedy. Co., Hamilton Lamps,Itanges,&c Motors, Generators, have had a little development done "Our Government, which ap on them show reasonable prob pears able and willing to neip strv Goodyear Tire & Rubber Mechanical Rubber Goods, Hose ability of eventually making producing farmers, railroad companies and "Extra Power" Belting. esf Co., Toronto. mines. Some have already others, could reirfedy the situation Canada Wire & Cable Bare and ! Insulated Copper. produced a lot of ore, and if it felt so disposed in the DON'T NEGLECT YOUR TEETH ! Co., Montreal Steel and Iron Wire. others are producing in a small following way that is, by carry Dom-ic svav through the efforts of the ing out the excellent mining One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your Engineering "Deko" Light Products individual discoverers and-own-piank the Liberal of m platform Co., Dayton ,, . Isolated Electric Plants Efficiency ers without tne assistance olwo years -ago; which I herewith Pelt an Water Wheel Co. Water Wheel and outside capital. give in oraer io reiresn wie San Francisco Hydraulic Apparatus Remove Disabilities. memories of those who may have Pacific Coast Pipe Co. "There should be and would be forgotten it. Vancouver Wood Stave Pipe, Tanks, etc J a creat many more of the lat- " 'The prospector needs aid. ter, especially in high grade gold, ye propose to establish Govern- Dodge Manufacturing Transmission Machinery, silver and lead camps, If the dis- inent local sampling, assay- and ayne Co., Toronto Pulleys. Shafting,Hangers, etc. advantages under which we labor purchasing offices. The. pros- were removed, as they mustce ne- pectors will bring in their two or OFFICE HOURS: A line of Westinghouse Motors, Lamps and other Electrical fore it will be very profitable for three tons of ore to the Govern-for 9 (0 12; Afternoon, .30 to 5.30; Evening, 7 to 9 Equipment and Goodyear Belting carried in stock the owners, whether 'return- ment station, get an assay from ed soldiers or not, to attempt to the .total tonnage brought in and Dental Nurse in attendance. do much more than the annual (i,e Government will advance CO - assessment work on their claim per cent. of its value at once and Phone 109 for appointment E PlH!lliI!ll!!l!l!hii!l!!i!!!lil!iiillll!llill required by law. ;the balance on return from the lll!l!llllilli!!illlli!!iiiliillli!l!HIi!ilifllll "Of course those disadvantages f smelter. The prospector thereby lillllllliHlUlIlllllllllllimiiliinilHiillll liimililiHllimilllillHHIIHUlilllllHilil also deter the mining captalist, gets a new grub-stake and con- WARNING I (.although in a lesser degree), tinues proving his property. A the PUBLIC to from attempting to do much here provcj prospect will bring him 'at the present time, unless he is from tho capitalist something like dwnrd Lipsett, President llarry Lipsett. Manager 11 EE .financially strong enougu io se- jts real value In a short time, we has fome to my knowledge that tho llary llansori i:dward Cunningham, Vice-President p w ut. !cure a number of mining proper- propose to establish a government toe Hot Water Coils has been infringed from time them successfully is in Erjties, develop gmeiier. Ample ore now anil"1'" by Ule '"slation of Harry Hanson Coils by un-lln Ejand build his own smelting and gjght jn tho north to warrant it, it' pmons- They say tho coif" they sell is not a refining plant somewhere reason- ana- the .Government should smelt Lipsef t-Cumiingham k Co. 7 Uimsnn coil, but if tho firebox linings are removed na ably near his mines? ore at cost. The result will be ii,OP; ln nnv ntnnn.l ! ii. lui. i i..r-: , 1, -r futcu in mis Bjjute, m is is uu imriubu-' 'Therefore since the prospec- producing anfl paying properties,' JLIMITED "iy Patent, if this nraMInn ia noraialnH In hv un 'work his ,, Etor cannot profitably etc( etc.- un. "- prrsong-! wiu tako Bleps to prolect my interests. claims himself and has little . Action Needed. FISHING & CAHKERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE (Ja ii "li iil.biers should also note that by having a Harry S chance at present of selling or ). The aj,0V9 piank is all right, Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories installed by any unauthorized person, they also bonding them, no matter how fact that so and liable under the on)y for the trifling Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes Cordage rces patent laws, E good they are, it does not sound far nQ aitCrnpt has been made to for Colls, made of Iron Pipe, $20 with one Year ilike honest common sense to au-carry jt out.' It would go a long PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. arantee Made of Brass, from $25 to $35, Five Years' EEiviso him or anyona else to pros- Jf toward solving one of our registered Otlice: Prince Rupert Office: Guarantee. Ipect for mines. 'greatest difficulties, If for a bo- 08 Water Street, Telephone No- 95 ; Smoltors Remote. EE 'ginning only tho local sampling, ' HARRY "Our greatest disadvantage is asgay. ant purchasing offices were Vancouver, II. C. P. O, Box 1698 HANSON remoteness from smelters. At the stai)ijsheH. with the prospect of The Reliable Plumber lpresent time it costs about $10 a G0vernment smelter after one 4P9 139 Second Avenue nor ton (in carload lots) to trans continued on Page Four.; port and treat silver-lead ore Phone 37 P.O. Box 1704 from an easily accessible mine to NOTICE TO DOQ OWNERS ths nearest silver-lead smelter, individual For Comfort, Courtesy and Service the average and as Dog licences are now due for miner, having to laboriously ho year 191 0. If same are not WESTHOLME LUNCH hand-sort for shipment only the jaid by the 15th of March, 1910, richest of his ore In order to make dog owners will become liable to SECOND AVa his operations profitable to himself, 51 prosocution. F.T. BOWNE5S. Mntr home;cooking. lady cook. cannot usually minimum in a single car- VM. ADAMS, Polca Constable, Fifth andFraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. secure a season Authorized Pound Keeper. ShO'torder8aUthe iJy cent iiuiu n.av io &uij ana 5.30 to 8.00. When you Iwo classified read tho column news Dargaina in shoes lor everyone Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water time. through the Special rates with room and board. look at Sale next to Self's Cafe. tf on Page 5.