Tv.s,Ja.v. t- THE DAILT EWS. Page 4 n- trv n a A 31 ten a.a.H (Z-A-soo " year Afo an clctr areartd on nr anile," writes lira. JeCrer. o! UeUmeu. Ma. "In ?lts of ail tie recsellcs I tired. It rpread to lay fcsee.axad ct oped tntojicra sors. I bad ssediexl treitiDect for tweatj-Cva ears, but only c Uzonrr l t'.iel Tie pais I suffer ei tu terrible, sad for rem I vit unable to leare the bOBM. " Oae dzy I saw la a newspaper us account of bad nicer hiring teen cared 7 Zan-Bak. Altboasb I was skeptical, now, of anytbLs carle? me taring tried so many restedies in Tain I decided to sire Zam-Bak a trial I applied tb tt?ta freely ererr day and to ay tiizl.t tfce sore aoon ahowed some I' rovraeaL GradaaSy tie ln-1 . aiitkn was drawn oat, the Xin was erded, aad, after thirty years of tcHtrinz. I reallied I was oa lie mzi to recorery, With per-tererarce. the awfnl sore was fin-ally eaxpleteiy bealed. sad, al-tbsrtb tbat was three years ago, The Greatest Name there has cot beea the slightest in Goody-Land tr&ce of the nicer returning." Zari-Br is the best remedy, also, for eczetsa, bolls, pimplea. blood-polsonlar. piles, boras, scalds sad cats. All dealers, or Zaxa-Bak Co, Toronto, 0c box, 3 for J 1-25. Ueintzman & Co. pianos are made of the best materials. to tltt world nat- So are a few T other pianos, but tbat is II' I 'llll I III ill I I where the similarity ends. You have only to bear the 7 re. - -9- u Ueintzman & Co. tone to realize that here is a balance, 1 G"ra a depth, a fullness, WW iff a sweetness, a delicacy of Its favorite rfile Is Quite evidently as ably for the ribbon on the neck, sleeves WRIGLEYS ASHION and fortune both trimming upon the formal frock, and when and skirt. lone tbat is unequalled. travel on tbe circuit plan it takes this turn it must be confessed Evening dress is an all absorbing topts Jm m In the sealed package tbat 3 Tbe price is standard and their foEowera are never that It adds much dainty charm to tht of the day, and even the simplest frock mf U keeps all of Its coodness in. A throughout Canada from quite sore Itut what la coins garment. Is fascinating. During the last year there authorized dealers. to happen next. There is something about ribbon that it was little time or thought spent upon It. Phone me. Good lack raay ba In tht essentially feminine, and because it t More vital things occupied our hearts and FtaV"rLaStS W. J. PITMAN, ascendancy to-day and HI luck to-morrow milady loves It well. mind a. but now that there is peace It has imT (W?J and what la in vogue one season is out of Just now we are more prone thin 'ever once more come Into Its own and It has Hotel Prince Rupert. WWII i atyle the next. to evince a fondness for the feminine type met with a welcome reception at the hands But rise and fall'aa they may, fortune of clothes, doe, no doubt, to the fact that of the world and bis wife. and fashion are two of the most sought we have been restricted to the severe sort Tbe uncrushable resourcefulness and op fl THE SU THEME COURT OF BIUTISil after thine In the world. Not a soul of apparel for so long. timistic Ingenuity of the designers and COLUMBIA. i i : i i i among us wants to be out of pocket or This pretty frock of canary colored tulle modlstea have resulted in creations that t T out of ate. over taffeta, with Its bands of narrow are things of beauty and Joy not forever, Ti THE MATTER OF THE ADMIMSTIU-TIOH t DANCING LESSONS Lost to sight for a time, the wheel of ribbon, la sure to make a very direct ap but as long as they last. ACT and To our Customers! fashion has turned to give ribbon a prom-: peal to the heart of the debutante. And tbe best part of It all Is that ther X THE MATTER Uf THE ESTATE OF LATEST DANCES "Inent place once more, and miHng the As for her small sister, the dress of chif are so varied that every one Is sure to TRVSCESCO MAJtDAlO, DECEASED. IX-TESTATE. Private Instruction by one of best of Its opportunity It gtvea of Itself fon and satin is Just the very thing. In find Just what she needs as a complement We teg to cd ije that without stint. this case rufCes of eliiffon substitute and to her particular type of beauty. Ilia Seattle's bet known teachers. T TAKE NOTICE that in order of another lar-e iiipmrat Slnrle lessons 11.00 X liinour F. McB. Younr. made tbe Slit day i Three lessons ts.oo JL or February, A. D. 11. I wa appointed of Seren lessun 110.01 X thought the committees should he had the right of appeal to the Mandalo.Aominiitraior deceased,10 tne and etate all partlea or trancco navinr . . PHONE BLUE 3S9. 2 lOUNCIL WILL lay duwn rules for the heads of Council. rtx:tiu arainai me saui eetate are isereny required to rurnUh same, proper!v veri LEON A BUSHNELL J departments to follow. One ex The vole was then taken only fied, to me, on or before tbe Sfnd day ot of this Alderman Perry voting for the Mireh. A. I). 1S1. and au partie inotbted iirro ample was in regard to the WALKER'S MUSIC STORE, 2nd AVE: to the ei late are requirrd to pay the X NOT INTERFERE Tuployment of returned soldiers. motion. amount wllh. or ineir inaenteoueas vo me rorin- It would be easy4.o lay down general J01I.1 It. McM 111X15, regulations and it must always PROPOSAL TO GIVE OfQclal Administrator. WITH BUSINESS Dated this XSnd day or February, 1910 bt understood that the work FILIP TO MINING HERE A of the beads I THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISU ismmuin TOM LEE CO. of departments was COLUMBIA: subject to -the committees because .Continued from Page Three) Motion of Alderman Perry to I.t THE MATTER OF THE ADVLMSTRA 840 Second Avenue, West. Have Committees Consulted the heads were liable to sro wronir. TIO.V ACT, Has Ju: t Arrived He would have nothing to do with sufficiently steady and copious AND . Regarding Appointments THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF VEGETABLES hiring and firing, but he was always supply of ore had-been proven. ALFU.N5U M-linE. or FJOREJiTI.NO, DE Is Defeated. CEASED. INTESTATE. Wholesale and Retail ready to take up the griev The Cost Small. TAKE TMOT1CE that In order Of Hll ances of any workmen. lie "A sampling plant and assay Ionour F. Men. Younr. made Ue J tit clay General Contractors and The resolution o f Alderman r renruary. &. u. iviv. i u appointed thought the amendment would Admliuitralor to the of Alfonso office would not cost a great deal, eatale Labor. Exchange. erry's which was designed to Flore, or Florentlno. deceased, and all put too much detail on the committee. certainly not nearly much give the members of the com 1 so as partie navinr claims aralnst the said el ate are nereoy reaurrea 10 rumitn nie an experimental "farm, for in Prince Rupert, B.C. mittees a more direct interest in 1 properly verUlcd, to me, on or before Die In Support. stance, and considering the pro KZfia aav or iwircn. a. u. iwi. ana au Phone 547 P.O. Box 725 the matter of hiring or dismissing In of his parties Indebted to the estate are required support motion Alder-' portion of the revenues of the employees and increases of o pay tne amouci ot mrir inaeoieoneis to man Perry when moving it said provinco "contributed by the min me ronnwun. salary was voted down at the JOHN II. NCMULLIN, it was introduced to avoid the ing industry such an expenditure OOlcial Administrator. meeting of the Council last City criticism which bad been made for tho benefit of mining would Dated this ssnd day of February, 101W lglit, the proposal not getting a ' single recrardinir dismissala nnrtnint only be just. If THE SUTREME COURT OF BRITISH supporter. COAL Definite Rules. menls and increases in salary. I "For all the good the Minister He thought they should be made of Mines' annual report seems to N THE MATTER OF 3 HE ADMI.MSTR- For tbe of getting it purpose ACT Percolaters TION aware of what was going on by do the mining industry, it might -and rrice List - - Delivered before the Council, Alderman ' I way of reports. as well be abolished, except N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Double Boilers Casey seconded it but later voted ' ALBERT COLE, DECEASED, INTESTATE Grade No Club. merely as a record of production 1SUT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM Mixing Bjw!s per ton. gainst it. He explained that be T MAY CONCERN of an OrJer made bv Alderman McRae Screened, Sacked, . . . .$13,00 saw no reason in the 'various districts. Tho His Honour F. McB. Younr. Local Jutlre. Bread Pans Mine Run, sacked . 11.75 for an addition to the nrcsent bv 'money thus saved could be used n the above matter on the ZOth day of anuary, A. D. iut, as follows: Kettles Screened, in bulk . . . 12.50 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM. laws. The excuse for it was that' in the construction of such plants IT IS ORDERED that lite said John It. Tea the work was now done McMuIUn shall be allowed to swear to the by a gen-' and good roads to Mine run, in bulk ... 11.25 mining properties, death or the slid deceased as occurring Minei?in bulk from car 10.75 CIRCUIT NO. 1. ;eral committee instead of by' and oilier practical means on, the J7lh day or October, 1917. arter ar,J he expiration of one month from the date All bulk coil weighed over city Bo 12 & h St. and 3rd Ave. 'separate committees for each de-'of assisting the miner. or the nrst publication of notice or this Uteres scales with additional charge or 15c Bo 1 13 6th St. and 3rd Ave. 'partment. The heads of depart-j Prince Rifpert's order, unless in the meantime proof U All Kitch- Boi 14 stn St. and 3rd Ave. Interest. luruisui'u 10 me refisirar or inn court at per load added. jrnents would have a club held Prince Rupert, B. C, that the said deceased over( "As Prince reflects Bo. IE Junrtion of lit, 2nd tod Ilupert on account Aluminium heads. Ho Albert Cole was alive subsequently to the "Mirro" 3rd Avei. ,their did not believe o f its geographical position aiu xm uay ui uciuuer, IV 17; Terminal Coal Co J Bor IS tit Ave., between 8th and jip tying the hands of the heads'would be the logical place for the AND IT IS FURTHER Olinmm Hill the good hrekeeping Oth SU. (Knox Hotel). of departments in such said John II. McMuIUn do publish notice or any man-' mis oruer in tne iTince nupert Dally Kews, location of such Boi 17 a plant future IM We. and 7th St .Centra and I newspaper published at I'rtnrn nitneri The Phone Black 85 jner. superintendent of utili-! Hotel). smelter, the project should U. C, for a HTlod or or month. lies had nranlicnllv nlwnva ioVon 1 Dated at Prince llunert. U. c. thl r.ih Hardware CIRCUIT NO. 2. .to committee into his confidence'Ilupert interest especially.the citizens of Prince day or February.JOHN A. II.D. MCMULUN.IS ID. Stork's Boi 22 3rd Ave and 3rd St. (Pott and advised with them. He saw Official Administrator. Offlxe). "DONALD C. SIMPSON, AVi: NT no occasion for SECOND a change. Hot 23 3rd Ave. a n1 McBrlde St. "Smithers, D. C." N THE' SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH T. M. ORVIG Boi 24 1st Ave. and McBrlde St. I he Mayor explained that fh COLUMBIA. Boi 25 nd Ave. and 2nd St. heads did the hiring and firing The members of fho N THE MATTER OF THE "ADMINISTRA- Boi 26 2nd Ave. and 6th St. Dut tne council set the salaries. commission TIS1U A fvretaa ,v 10 BOAT BUILDER Bo XI 0. T. P. of inquiry into the wreck of N THE SUI'RE-V lift fntind Ihnl Ihia cnrr.o rtlnn u ' J THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF , - lull uu.' l J' Seal Cove tained in tht, "Princess Sophia" wont north ...o.t.ra J-n j , UbLtiADCU, in 1 LB lAlb. AP5:MSTlU" CIRCUIT NO. 8. Vancouver, only there It' Nf ITITP IQ IIL-nt-Uv riitMiu fTfi ifiiAii lis Builds all kinds of boats and yef-terday on the Princess Mary. IT IN THE MATTCH Boi 81 6th Ave. and Fulton St. was arranged by bylaw. MAY CONCEliN of an Order mad by TION ALI launches. They were Mr. Justice Morrison, llll Honour F. Mrll Ynnnr Inpnl Jurlo-A r Boi 82 Borden and Taylor Bti. In the above 1 'IK Foreign System. matter on liio .oth t.nv ..r MATTER ' Boi 34 7lb Ave. aua Fulton Bt. uommancier Martin and Capt, J. tcbruary,' A. D. an fpllowa: IN THE ' those who have given Alderman Rochester lr la nimiMipn it.-. .i. . . . .. DANIEL 1C Among Boi 35 Pin Ave. and Comox Ave. D, McPherson. With them wa TATE. n ..MpMlill n Blinll I,a ! .....a.i testimonials Boi 87 8th Ave. and Dodre Tltce the opinion that th - w ."""tii bu i ai iu mo are: Capt. Neuroutso8 and J. E. Mc-Mullen Heath or the said deceased as occurring NOTICE i .la- r .b9 Boi SB Cth Ave. and Thompson St, law covered the nrn' TAKE R. Cunningham & Eons cases. The representing the C. P. on the J3rd day of October, 1018, aMcr lln.i.Min V Met). Peter Herman & Co. CIPCUITIO, 4. posed system was foreign to thin E. P. Luxton and Mr. McKay It.;for fir the thl...w expiration...llPSt.. Vlllllllall,.n t.uwr.i of one.HUH month UI. IIUIIUU from tlx Ul. . date..lllll t- or Fobtuary, A. i , R. Unineil and was not used in ?r uHnIel' ln ,uo meantlnio proof Is Aaminisiraiwr.-.. n jMn ilIK W, Loud Boi 41 4 th Ave. and Emmerton any ine uovernment and E. P. Davies .u....o..tu i ,u n,c imneirar oi tins oourt l" Robertson & Rudge Place, commercial business. It would watching tho. case on behalf of at Prince Rupert. B. C, that tho said do-ceased, claiinl renuicra iKaltwl iu !;', Boi 42 tin Ave. and McBrlde St. have a tendency to bring Maria Very, was olive subsequently about G. V. Brewster a some of those whose relatives to the laid 83rd day of October, 1018. Marci' 10. a.; Boi 43 -sth Ave. and Oreen Bt. II. E. Kirby Bm 446tta Ave. and Basil St. patronage system under which were lost in the disaster. .a ANp IT II.IS McMuIUn FURTHER do ORDERED publish notice that ilie or to the estate a'n"'1 '.,, the Aldermen would be ... . .. amount ot.W Fred V. Rudge Boi 45 71b Ave, and Eberts. tlitfl rirrlpp. In... Hia .iiki...iiiivd nuiirrt,i iiutiy jil'WB, Years of Experience In the Boi 141 71b Ave, and Younr 8L (by applicants. The beads of the There may bo something you a B. newspaper C, ror a period pubiishtd or one at iiionlli.Prime Ruperl, with. , Mm ii Business. jurjmrmieniB musi e the heads. want. See the classified oolumn uun ii. MCMULLIN, Dated thlsjjh If a man was unjustly dealt with DATI.n at Prinnn 0l,lr'I iiii,.m,Admlnlstralor. pallf on Page 5, ii i .,.im ,n In tn0 lay of February, A, D, 18 IP, Advertise