Wednesday, February THE DAILY NEWS. Page 6 Wli ECZEMA FORMER LOSES RUPERTITE HER DIAMONDS Attention to Salmon Trollers SOON RELIEVED Mrs. Nan L. Handasyde Victim of Robbery or Rings Valued HAROLD N. 11 The finest and most economical engine on the market today At $3,000. VrM PEVSTtR IN I A lil is the A Perfect Treatment For This MM CLSSS 5MS : IS I Four diamond rings valued at HE. COKE.S fRofA V If Doman Engine for Distressing uompiaini $3,000, $o0 in cash and two ne oHE. Of THE OLDEST II J Trolling gotiablo notes aggregating $570, Made of the finest materials possible, by a firm who have 7 ..t W an alUck of Weeping were stolen today from the auto V A,r4t WE. WvAT EAlN the whole- Interest of the fisherman at heart, it is an Engine I Edema; o bad that my clothes mobile of Mrs. Nan L. Handasyde, oLt 1 y hard to beat. t LouU be wet through at times. 1731 Valencia street, formerly Made in all sizes, from 5-7 H.P. to 85 II. P., the Doman four mon tns,i sunercu icni 01. nf n haatitv narUn nl For engine has been put on the market specially for fishing I cc ild gtt 1 no 2727 West Seventh street, ac- boats.- It burns distillate well pniU-a-tiTes and Soolfca BaiTA Iropilinir In hi as as gasoline, and a mechanical rt,. flrt treatment cave mo relict onta n Tnn ......I turn of mind is not necessary to run a "DOMAN" ocio u uus Aiigema fishing- boat iltuci'thcr, I have used thres paper. engine. of 'Sootha Salva' and two of Mrs. Handasyde told the poiise For heavy duly, the "N. SfS." engine with reversible pro-pellor boxos that she missed the rings and 'Fruit-a-Utes',and am entirely well" is the best. other valuables, which were in a If " lluijUi smaH For particulars and terms, see black nin these sterling remedies are handbag, within less .nU br dealers at COc. a box, 0 for j than five minutes after leaving PAUL AIVAZOFF sent on receipt of price by uuiuiuuijjiB jii uie wesicou ji KruiU-tives M, or Limited, Ottawa. garage, 1320 West Seventh street. Theafre, Plow 444. Pool Room, Phone Bine 91 "Fruit-a tiTes" Is also put up in a She furnished the police with a "It is better to be sure than sorry" uial size which sells for 25c. description of two men who are said to have been the only persons iJr'rAC-' THE DAILY NEWS in. the garge when she left m. gV.ME.S the machine. The missing hand (Oopjrlrtt. 191S. bj U Erealia Ttk-fam, M t La: s-AU Classified : Advertising bag, Mrs. Handasyde said, was taken from the front seat of the Men's Shoes right up-to-date unusn i.oiuniDia, commencInK at a post Phone 98 automobile. in style but dated planted about of a mile soutn westerly at former dpIcus from a small bay and Island In Canoe Pass S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Column One of the rings is said to be Sale next to Selfs Cafe. if between Moresby and Chaatl Islands near ILii i the Advertising that Log Point and about 3 miles easterly along a family heirloom. It is described r i. .J ukM ttiv nvChin .ne .nmceuj' 'loiauu siae ot canoe pass upio ru 11"Dnng" ihu'w' as having "a setting of six large Advertise in the Daily News inence i rum duck east foini;80 cbalns:inence thpnrn soutn 80 nnrth cnains;so fnnp" nnH to valnnj K I 1 halns; tbence west 80 chains to tbe point SAILING WANTED. Handasyde at more ttw 11,000: OF vi ocated lAJiiiiuruceiijeui..November I8tb, IS 18. THURSDAY Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ocean Falls, Vancouver iAae, nuuue tnat Annie Lindsay,, or CMAHLES E. BL'ROESS, anwants janitor wonK .. I'rlnCb HUDert. H. C . unln.lvr Inlcnrt. In . By Hans h. chrlstensen, Agent, and Victoria. ' ...-... .. .....b i iur a licence 10 prospect for coal and by the hour, weeK or-monui. i i timicum u?er me toiiowing described SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF WEDNESDAY Midnight for Anyox. Red Cross i i anas, on me west Coast or Aloresbv li. UUttn UMAHLUTTE ISLANDS. j Phone 2, between 6 and 7. tf Notes i I laud, Britlsn Columbia, commencing at a I Ipost planted about l mile soutn from tbe TAKE NOTICE that Betty Chrlstensen, or . S. 8. PRINCE JOHN fANTED General servant, good ipi,. H Miutneriy snore uiueai of Canoe cunier Pass iuu and location i miles nuvc to.ujcri,apply ror U. a u.,licence marrua to prospect woman, for intends Queen Charlotte Islands February 20th, and March"ethT wages. Apply Mrs. L. W. Pat SUm Of $03.40' was realized Ipost of Robert Held s aDDlIcatlon for a iva, uu tnriruieuui over,ine .touowmg tie more. from the sale of goods held in the ,?0 SEE?. T.'nl.'L'S .ttSfiS? by scribed Island,lands British on the Columbia,West Coast commencing of Morea TRAIN SERVICE nui on riiuay iasi, ine lOllOWintc uwu i cuama to me point or com' at a post planted about 1 mile south rrom General Servant, Ap the southerly shore or Canoe Pass and S Passenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY at ll:J0a.m. ror Smlthers fANTED being a list of the articles dis- Located wovember 17m 1618. miles east of the southeast corner and Edmonton and Prince Oeorga, Winnipeg, making direct connections ror all ply 0. II. Arnold, 412 Fourth posed of: AM ME L1ADSAY. location post of Robert Reld's application points east and south. - By Hans K. Cnrutensen, Agent vii nceuce; lueuce norm bu cnains; inence LAvenue. tf Mrs. Bulger, cup and saucer, east 80 cbains; thence south 80 cbains; thence west 80 chains to the point of ,-nn hv II I. MMn n.h- II Is"-". u "u'-u'n'i'l com AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. ring your furs to Goldblooin J ..c.l li, I,. fH 1 It I HTTP IUI .N'tkC mencement. ntllPP A((frnth. nnnloo. u-nn hv I TAKE fiOTICE tbat I. John ChrlMensrn Located November 17tb, 1918. , rfhird Avenue. He pays high. 4. , ..v.. u i , . ,. . . . . : BETTY CHRISTENSEN, For information and reservations apply to ... Mo nu tIJ. v n ""v.1 Vr. mncnam,. intenq By Hans K. t( uuiiuc, mid, x . it. uuui. in aiiuu lor a licence to orosDect ror mil Chrlstensen, Agent. lest price. sack nf CUVa r,io-n-lan(1 fetroleum over tbe following described Q. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. sugar, won SKEE.XA LAND Dy DISTRICT ,aDd4 on ,ue We,, or Moriby isiana. DISTRICT OF City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avsnue. PHONE 260 UUfcfc.H UtARLUTTE ISLANDS. PANTED The address of wo Diore, jurs. vaisnnne, CUl gia8S lu,"lsu iiuu-. couunencing at a post man living in downtown district ,'ater bottle, won by Mrs. Perry! irom a small bay and Island In canoe Pass TAKE NOTICE that Gertrude Knott, or who could do washing and Indian women at TVlptrrnnh firppt loc'cen Moresby and Cbaall Islands near Prince Rupert. B. C sclnster. Intends to ror point, and ahmit 1 mll.i pumtIv iinn. apply a licence to prospect for coal and unending for, several bachelors. gauntlets, won Dy Mike Lemon: lU)e .oresDy island side of canoe Pass petroleum over the following described ands on the West Coast of Moresby Island, Will deliver and call for same . IS. Kj. 1'aCKing L.O., salmon, won I mence wet 8U cbains; tbence nortb 80 British Columbia, commencing at 1 Box 225 News office. W. luiiu: tbence cast 80 chains to tbe point post planted about one mile south from the Apply by Goldbloom; W. L. Sandi southerly shore of Canoe Pass and i miles FOR SALE son, coffee, won by Mrs. J. S. ILocated ut couunencemeni.Aovember iuH lth. 1918.. east post of of the Robert southeast lield's corner application and location ror CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Edgar; L Smart, oatmeal, won by licence; thence south 80 chains; tbence west 80 chains; tbence north 80 )H SALE Furniture of ten Mrs, H. McCall; Mrs. W. H. Vick- liKEEWA land distiuct district or tbence east 80 chains to the point or cbains;com ers, child's underskirt, won by Sutice vCeunn, mencement. Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points Eroom rooming house. Rental takk tni Anew ot Located November 17lb, 1918. If 10, wilh lease; also soft drink Mrs. Strachan; Miss Edith Ward, ?Se, i"pfrV, .J S GERTRUDE KNOTT, via Steamer to Vancouver and the By Hans. K. Chrlstensen. Agent. parlor underneath, if desired. caw piuie, won uy Aiei nix; Mrs.imu petroleum over me following- aescribed Canadian Pacific Railway I itid9 on tbe West Coast of Moresby island, SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Cf 'hone 108, for appointment. 45 Gil Munro, eggs, won by W. drlllsh Columblt. commencing at a post QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Goldbloom. I planted about iOO yards from tbe southerly Meals and Berth included on Steamer TAKE NOTICE that I, Hans K. Cbrlster-en, )K SALE Good 2G-XI. trolling ibe northeast corner of Robert Reld't id- or Prince Rupert. B.C.. fisherman, ir- toatt also Ashing gear. Apply Mrs. A. W. Healey and Mrs. plication for licence; mence norm so. c-aal tend and to apply petroleum Tor a over licence lbe to following prospect de-ror scribed lands on tne west coast or Moresby FOR VICTORIA AND-SEATTLI FROM PRINCE boat "Dalila" Govt. Wharf. wituaiu mil uv in tuurBU ui. iuu I oum to cnams; inence east su cnains to VANCOUVER, RUPERT Island. British Columbia, commencing at a nln In thn hut on rriaajr nexi. llue irtfd 01 N"tmbtr commtneemeuu nth. ists, post planted about ot a mile south February 38tb, March Utb, and Slst; April 1st, lllh and Slst; May Snd, SALE v rortable Hubbard Ores. westerly from a small bay and Island In ANPKEW VOETMAN. IStb and SJrd; June Snd. Canoe Pass between Moresby and Chaatl . ny nans a. inrmensen. Agtm. ThA Assistant commissioner of v. uua rrjuic nuycri. 11 manas near Log point and anout s miles easterly along tne Moresby island side or FOR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANOELL, SKAQWAY, ALASKA the Canadian Red Cross Society jkeena land district district of LOST uanoe pass rrom buck point; inence norm in r ranee has just returned to I take .notice mat Daniel l. Sutherland, 80 chains: tbence east 80 cbains: tbence From Prince Rupert February S4th, March 7tb, 17th and SSth; April 7th. south 80 cbains; tbence west 80 chains to - It is m) opinion nf that I ' D,y 1'olnt, California, hotel keeper, in-L,anaaa. ine point or commencement. 17th and ISth; May 8th, loth and !9th. - wuv uuucii VvKlIU Of Ull ends to apply for a licence to prospect for Located November 16th, 1918. tvuuu akuuu uciwucn oecona OlMCiai mat ine ursi OI may win oai and petroleum over ine roiiowing HANS K. CHRISTENSEN, Applicant. scribed lands on tbe West Coast of Moresby - I n IL r k a n SCO the removal Of the bOCiely ,ilna, British Columbia, commencing at SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF W. O. ORCHARD, General Agantv jIP!1 CO rv.llltn f n II ' TT.J.. frnn Frnnrn., nh In in... Knorinndl Post planted about l mile soutn from QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. - " ,j l.h .i.itth.rlv ilifi,, rinrwi I1 9 nr a mna TAKE NOTICE that Robert Reld. or Prince the work must continue until the miles east or the southeast corner and loca Rupert, B. C., taxi driver. Intends to apply Co ner Fourth Street rnd Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. autumn at least. tion Post; or Hocert iiem s application ror ror a licence to prospect ror coal and licence: inence norm eu cnains; inence petroleum over the rollowtng described FOUND west 80 chains; thence south 80 cbains; lands on the West Coast or Moresby Island, tbence east 80 cnains to me point or com British Columbia, commencing at a l 1 IIuh.I. . . a. a GERMAN 8ENTENCED mencement. post planted about 4 or a mile Southwesterly -untn ui ACY9 WJ Located November !7tn. 1918. rrom a small bay and Island tn ),iiiv oivo rc.waj vt a l DANIEL U SUTIltllLA.U Canoe Pass between Moresby and Chaatl (Special by 0. T. P. Telegraphs.) By " cunstensen. Agent Islands near Log Point and about 3 miles easterly along tbe Moresby Island side or TAXI SERVICE Owen Sound, Feb. 25. One Ukeena land district district of canoe rass rrom Buck Point; thence north month in Jail at hard labor and Tk&&T?&M&r! 80 chains; tbence west 80 cbains; tbence The .Union of south 80 chains: thence east 80 chains to COAST SERVICE. fine of $4,500 was pronounced Prince Ruptrt. B.C., net boss, intends to the point or commencement. '"tsiiL uiiu ii,iv I'nnna uu Located November loth, 1918. "J " "UtlU V V pon Reeve Joseph Weber Of ,ni petroleum over the following described ROBERT REID. Steamship For Vancouver, sailing Tues., 7 p.m. C P. R. FARM Ncustndt In default of navment l4ndi 03 tne West co5 or More51'' island-, . By Hans K. Chrlstensen. Agent. BrU1n CoiumDa commencing at a post Anyox,Port Simpson and Naas Points, T) A r a- m- ... of the fine, Weber would be im- planted about S0O yards rrom the southerly SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Co. of B.C. aiim L)AiL) Choice farms hore of Canoe Pass and i miles east or UUEErt CHAHLUTTE ISLANDS. Mondays, 7 a.m. n nAii ..hi .. . . . prisoned for three years, DUt ne ,ne northeast corner of nobert Relds ap- TAKE .NOTICE that I. Albert K. Estesvaag chose to the fine. Duration for licence: tbence south 80 or Prince Rupert, B. C, fisherman. Intend John General pay I chains; thence west 80 cbains; tbence to apply ror a licence to prospect ror coal Ltd. Barnsley, Agent . . . I north 80 chains; thence east 80 cbains to and petroleum over the following described U'KI itu.o- a 10 pay; inrigaiea be point or commencement. lands on thn West Coast or Moresby Island, QUARANTINE LIFTED Located novemDer 17 in, ivis. British Columbia, commencing at a post kHkWrt in ouiiiiy eniiLnprn A - planted about 200 yards rrom tbe southerly By Hani K. Chrlstensen. Agent. shore or Canoe Pass and A miles east or Dawson, Feb. 25, The quaran the northeast corner or Robert Reld'a application i0 assisi new SL'EENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF ror licence: thence south 80 tine regulations a t Skagway QUF.tN CIIAHLOTTE ISLAKUS. chains: thence east 80 chains; thence nortb Advertise in "The Daily News" v.o, an now mey are against Influenza which have been TAKE NtiTICE that Charles E. Burgess of 80 cnains: tnence west eo cnains to toe oi commencement. ror rreo hnnlMnfa Bay Point, California, hotel keeper, Intends point iri force since last fall were lifted to apply for 1 licence to prospect for coal Located .Tovcmoer i7in, imu. ' -w VW a Vi a ALBERT K. ESTESVAAO. The Paper that gets Quick Results ' "wnil. UZU lincnnrro yesterday. lands on the West Coast of Moresby Island, Applicant. nniA.. ... J. . .. " UUUUtl. JOi It's a Great Life if You Don't Weaken UND ACT OlEEN ru.if niCT-DISTRICT OF CHAtlLOTTE ISUNDS. . a S 1 IT "UllUE lhf r...... .. v. UP PP'C V urn aO" a. - .. . 1 1 j ins - ui 1'rinr iiuin.1 n,.n...i. iirrnniiinn . . -r . I C VI I i-rri P KlOiE. NCI"- ' ' , an in "ra'ij ivi trci u lease th fniun-in. - v' HE. A1 S - DWK. "Net 1LlTPh M.1ITIA . ... '? " Pot Planted at a n. virAcW "luaied at i- - DOCTOR, ""nt, boundary r IV""" 01 . . vwiT i r n f V- CALLED fXJ hAviHrVJT T lln. .. " IJJ. Willi lh THIS T&M &OLt,rfc 1 TT f I r J rSrA -'vi u ill ipil Tys K .a. trnhiitA ini f lnenc folloum. .1"! X0? OV t-iur"--' 1 1 ftr - - w vaauiE a I itH ir lha -uuncnnmn. EOT THtS' ,ff VEHf FirOE pRescgipnor' Of leu alm..7 ""if xu acres 1rCR. MAUrR.lf LUWE II. SIMPSON. llAM. v. STVt-t- t-w , .. ... - KEcemho. - crAjoi mt-r- -.14. F IB FNi i 1'olnf Allla P n... SCf 1 ,c.?'.' Dctrni.,, ""nw . o prosoect I fm ire rA.iM "wa i.iH. ."u orr th e;,J' of the" 'it thr'n. efiaiMT"Jft w "B"J 0 eh. .?ou"l 80".V. "jr iuu Tk7 tDtenst!n, Aent.