IMA THE DAILY WKWb. Thursday, Februarv 2, I'age 2, , Hi, The Daily News IS YOUR SKIN 9 MAIL SCHEDULE ' Published PRINCE Every RUPERT Afternoon,- except BRITISH Sunday,COLUMBIA by The News BROKEN OUT I Mondays,For Wednesdays the) East. and Saturdays . . For Both Comfort Printing and Publishing: Co., Third Avenue. Xt jom troubled with blotch, at 9:30 a. m. simple cr blackhead? Mr. O. M. """iiixaIB, H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Smith, of C30 2Ut Si, BJmontCtt. From the) East. say: "For (kin trouble thr 1 Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs-lays nothing caa equal Zam-Buk. Mr at 5:45 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: kln wu o blotchy I vn aahuna p.m. and Appearance. of it, and although X tried eterr City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. remedy I could think of. It got no For Vancouver: By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. better uniil I ud Zam-Buk. This Tuesdays 5 p.m. To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. mj herbal tkln balm 1 saw has perfectly-worked wonders dear aal Thursdays 10 p.m. 4 smooth." Saturday, Feb. 1 and 15, 7 a. m. 9a TELEPHONE' Such ailment, although apparently on the surface tkln. really From Vanoouvsr Ladles are, very .careful of the Feb. 1919. arlie In the underlying Utauea, and DAILY EDITION. DjjSjiisi Thursday, 27, 10 p.m.j Zam-Buk's auccei la such cues 1 Sundays ? fit of their dresses. Correct fUtn9 due to Its -wonderful power of penetration, Vednesdaya ... .... io:ju a.m. "corsets War Trophies which enables It to reach Jonday, Jan. 27; Feb. 8 and 22, are even more Important. the root of the trouble. The Umu-latlT Exhibit on Coast quality In Zam-Bnk rouiee at 9 a. m. Ladles can have these made On Saturday the Dominion Government Great War Trophies the ilurtish cell to healthy action. t0 Exhibit will be -shown in Vancouver for the last time and next; Thi promote a rigorous circulation For Anyox: measure, of the finest material, that the exhibit will! which carries off all Impurities 10 p.m. week will be taken to Victoria. From city Sundays hers rlBht In and a smooth, clear skin la the town, fitting be sent lo Ottawa, where certain trophies will be retained for the result. Vednesdays 10 p. m. each federal archives, while the remainder will be distributed to all Zam-Bnk Is qsally good for e-tema, Individual figure properly. parts ot the Dominion. In this distribution it will be the aim of ulcers, blood-poUontag, pile, From Anyox: the Government; it is understood, to seud trophies to those dis sura, cuts, chapped haad and Tuesdays a.m. Corset comfort Is essential to Chilblains. All dealers,at 50C a box. tricts in which regiments were recruited that won them on the Thursdays p.m. physical well being. Held of battle. It has been suggested that Prince Rupert should at once put in a claim for a share of the trophies. For Port Simpson and Naaa Rlvar An Invitation Is extended points: to Wx Over But Bundays 10 p.m. ladles to visit Money is Needed. Campbell Sweeny, Provincial Chairman of the British Co From Port 8lmpson and Raaa Mrs. Director's lumbia Division, National War Savings Committee, recently said: River Polnta: Corsett "The war is over, and it might be thought patriotic effort in the Salvation Army. Tuesdays p. m. way of saving and lending to the Government is no longer neces Room 3, Molntyre Block, 1st floor. Public meetings. Tuesdays, sary, but this is not the case for tne loiiowing reasons: wnne Quaan Charlotte) Islands: actual lighting has stopped, an army of occupation will have to Thursdays and Saturdays at 8 p Far Maaselt, Port Clements and be Kept in the enemy country for some time, and Canada' must . Sundays at 7:30 p. in. Upper Island points: furnish its quota of the army. The payment and provision for Queen Charlotte Islanders can eor Skidegate, Queen Charlotte our army during the course of demobilization has also to be provided lot do better than mail their City and Lower Island points: for, and, above all, money must be found to properly pension, printing needs to The News Print anuary 23, Feb. 6, 20; March 6, and for the dependents of those who our soldiers, provide shop and get the work done 20th, at 7 p.m. I.d ward Llpsett, President Harry Lipsett, Manager have made the great sacrifice for our protection and for the romptly and well. toward uunningnnm, vice-President preservation of the freedom of the world. ?rom Masset, Port Clements and Canada Must Now MINERAL ACT Upper Island points:" Finance,Herself. From Skidegate. Queen "Charlotte Lipsett-Cunningham & Co. "Further, much money will be required for the development Certificate of Improvements. City and Lower. Island points-p of our natural resources, by which means alone can we pay off NOTICE anuary 28; Feb. 11 and 25; Mar LIMITED the heavy national debt the war has imposed upon us, and for "lied rolnt Extension" mineral claim. 11 and 25th, a.m. - tlluite in tne Jiaas River Mlnlnr Division all these purposes we must finance ourselves, for the rest of the or Casslar District. FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE Woere located: On toe Kltsaull Hirer, For Skagway and the Yukon. world wants what money it has for its own uses. The success of tbe biff Canyon. the Victory Loans has proved conclusively that Canada can finance near TAkE AOflCE nut Lewis W. PaUnore, anuary 27, Feb. 8 and 22 9 a. m 8teamsh!p Supplies, Qas Engines and Accessories herself if she determines to do so, and what is asked of her now Free as Miner's arent ror Certificate Ole Evtndsen,No. J0.407-C.Free Miner's set-Inr Fish Nettlng. TwInes, Lines, Ropes and Cordage the bursts of which have Certificate No. H.155-C, Intends, Utj From Skagway and Yukon. patriotism lo magnificent is supplement days from tbe date bereor, to apply to tbe PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. produced over $1,000,000,000 in two years by persistent economy Mining- Itecorder ror a Certincate or Improvements, "cbuary 1 and 15 a. in. for tbe of obtaining purpose and so steadily keep the country's coffers filled, and the country's s Crown Grant or tbe aoove claim. Registered Office: Prince Rupert Office: soldiers fed, and the country's industries flourishing." under And runner Section take 85. must notice be tnai commence!.action. Itewart, Maple Point.Bay and Swamp 68 Water Street. Telephone No. 95 Oliver's Name is before Imnrovements.tbe issue of such Certincate of .lose Jan 31; Feb. 11, 28, 10 pm Vancouver, B. C. P. O. llox 1698 Mentioned at Ottawa. DAT c.u mis sin aay or i-eoruary, a. u g. rrive Feb. 3, 17; March-3rd Says thee Vancouver Sun: "The despatch -from Ottawa stating that the name of Hon. John Oliver is being canvassed for MINERAL ACT TIMBER SALE X146S. the party leadership will not be surprising news to the friends of the veteran premier of this province, though it appears to have Certificate of Improvements. Sealed tenders will be received by tbe " Minister of Lands not later than noon on been unthought of by Mr. Oliver himself, which, of course, is NOTICE tbe 10th day or March, til, ror tne purchase NOTICE TO FISHERMEN! be from of Mr. Oliver's "Black Bear" Mineral Claim, situate In or Licence X 146S. to rut S.t90.00c what might expected a man modesty. feet, B. M., of spruce. Cedar, Hemlock and Division of Casslar Dis the Nais Mining- "It must be admitted that for the national leadership Mr. trict. Balsam on an area situatea on air uu Our Supply of Bait is exhausted for the present Where located: On tbe a'ltsault River, Ellerslle Bay, Range 3, Coast District.. Oliver possesses many qualifications of both a positive and nega near the biff Canvon. .Three (3) years will be allowed for re tive character. Official take Administrator NOTICE that of John the K. Estate McMullln of moval Further or particulars timber. or tbe Chief Forester, -:- Watch this space Jor our -:-announcement "He is sturdily devoted to the broad principles of Liberalism Charles Swanson, deceased. Intestate, Free victoria. B. C. or District Forester. Prince of a new supply and his long public record ,in this province will furnish all the Miner's Certincate No. 3.S22-C Intends. Rupert, b. c. suty days rrom the date oereor, to appiy proof of that statement which may be called for. His sterling to the Minlnff Recorder for a Certificate N TRo SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH of Improvements, for tbe purpose of ob- COLUMBIA. WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED and the singleness of with which he sense ofjduly purpose pursues atning- a crown urani or me aoove ciaim, his course, inspire the confidence of his followers. AI1U imiucr MU.1I.C IU.I IVIIUUi TAKE NOTICE that Alexander W. Dow BUTEDALE - - - B.C. under Section 85, must be commenced f the City of Vancouver In the Province "On the negative side, he has no past party sjns to answer before tbe Issue of sucb Certincate of or British Columbia did on.tbe I3rd day for. He has not been identified with of the dissensions which ImDrovements. of anuary, A. D. ISIS, Issue a Writ of any dated tnts sin aay or February.- a. u. Summons out of tbe above Court herein have shaken the party in the east. He has been too far on the !(. clalmlnr as aralust you SDecinc perform outside to be saddled with the of mistakes which have ance of an Agreemeat for tbe sale or Lot onus any MINERAL ACT iv. Block si. section e. city or prince been made. Rupert, and payment of tbe balance of the purchase monies, and Interest due under "The Liberal party of Canada might do worse than to select Certificate of Improvements. said Agreement ana an accounting, ana i STEEN LONG WILL The Gurvichj declaration that he Is entitled to a Ven the war horse of Delta for their national leader." NOTICE dor's Lien upon the lot aforementioned In respect of the purchase monies. Interest, Work to Do In Red Point No. 1" Mineral Claim situate taxes and costs and the enforcement of S ANITA. AMD HEATING Transfer! British Columbia.. n the Naas River Mining Division of Cas the said Lien by sale or your Interest on star District. der the said Agreement and an Order can ENGINEERS John Oliver is needed just now in British Columbia wore Where located: On the Kltsaull River. celling the registration of the said Agree near the blur Canyon. In the Land Office and costs. ment Registry than at Ottawa. He is the of British Columbia and strong man TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W. Patmore, dated at prince nupert, b. c, this AasnU for 548 is well known and appreciated here. There are plenty of men Free Miner's Certificate. No. S0.407-C, acting tstb day of January, A. D. 1919. as agent ror Ole Pearson, Free Miner's TO WILLIAM F BASER, MoOLARY FURNACES Frweill who can be chosen to lead the Fideral party, but few who could Certincate No. U.1S7-C. Intends, sixty P.6. Box 102 Office, days from the date hereof, to apply to the N THE SUPREME COURT OP carry the provincial Government over the shoals which have beset Mining Recorder for a Certincate or Improvements, COLUMBIA.J BRITISH its course since its inception. A good many people would like to for the purpose of obtaining IN PROBATE. We Sell Coal a crown urani or tne aoove claim. : : N THE MATTER OF THE ADM1.MSTRA and see Mr. Oliver change the sphere of his activities, but we feel TION ACT sure that the Premier is listening to no siren voices just now. before under the Section Issue 83,of must sucb be Certincate commenced of N THE MATTER and OF THE ESTATE OF SHEET METAL WORKS Improvements. PETER LYSYK; DECEASED: Phone 834 5, Second Avenue. dated this tin day or February, A.D. TAKE NOTICE that In order of Ills Honour F. McB. Young,-made the 18th day Night phones 176 What the Spring Hill Farm Owners NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC or aamioisirsior January, ine 1919,estate 1 or was peter appointed Lyiya, and Blue 270 Barsalou's TION ACT deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby-required ana riajna wm, m nw ngni ; Say of .... . m luroisn same. rroDeny venneo. lo me. time, and at the rlsht prioo. j Motor Transfer! R. S. C. Chamer 11. on or before the 3rd day of March, it is, The Northern B. C. Fisheries Limited and all parties Indebted to the estate are hereby gives notice that they have, under requirea to pay ine amount of their in- DECORTICATED nri'inui i ui ine taia Act, aeposiiea witn aeoteaness to me forthwith. tbe Minister of Public Works at Ottawa JOHN II. MuLLIN, "X Cs 1 it M n villi? and In the omee of the District Registrar Official Administrator. of the Land Registry District of Prince DATED this 3 1 si day or January, Hi). Hotel Expre and Ba'J itupert, at rnnce itupert, u a, a description Hyder of the Site and the Diana for mnrare. In the matter of an application for the Cottonseed Meal docking and mooring of cannery and nsh-rrmen's ssue Of a fresh Certincate nr lnrtrlhle COAL uAisinl F. boats as proposed on a portion of Title to Lots 38 and 39, Block 7. Section urv Port Esslngton harbour at Port Esslngton i, (.ur ui i-rince itupert, Msy 9(3. Portland Canal, B.C. T.0.Ba In front or Lots 3 and NlautanaD.rFhon.18t 4, Block I, Esslngton Hume ii oereuy given mat it is my Townslte, being a sub-dlvlslon of Lot mention to Issue, after the einintinn nr d, itange o, coast unmet. M. :R. JAMIESON, Proprietor imrij uiii i rum ine nrsi minilratlnn tir. February 8, 1919, And take notice that after the einlratlnn or, a rresh Certincate qf Title to the above of one month from tbe date of the first mentioned lots, In the name of The North Vancouver Ml'llng St Grain Co., Ltd., publication of the said notice, the Northern Western Loan and Investment Company. WORK Gtttuay l Ih ftmoul 2)oA Mint I). C. Fisheries Limited will under Section Which certincate Is dated 18th March, FOR ELECTRICAL Vancouver, B. G. 7 or tbo said Act, apply to the Minister or 1911, and was registered on application Public Works at his office In the City of received the JJnd February, I9t, and Go to Ottawa for approval of the said site and Is No. 1 186-1, Dear Sire: 1'ians ana ior leave to use tne sad rnr. tana Now Open for Business iiegisiry omce prince Rupert, B. C We consider Cottonseed Meal .mire ior me storage, aocking and moor the finest milk and NU.Il iilllli I V 1 V, Wa inir ui rsuuery ana nsnermen-i nn.t. Geo. butter fat producer on the market. We have used Dated at Vancouver. B.C.. this hm ii.v II.District F. MacLEOD,Registrar of Titles. it extensively in all our testing. Our records are iXUiminn.T B.C. FISHERIES LIMITED. us follows: 440 lbs., 407 lbs., 563 lbs., 840 lbs., c. A. Crnshle. Seeretary. Ft 336 2nd Av. i23 lbs. butter, this last ono being with a milk WATER NOTICE Hotel Prince Rupert production of 14,811 lbs., making we believe, the P.HFEEDCo. BLACK 367 CREE" highest Jersey Cow record in Canada for 1918, The DIVERSION AND USE. EUROPEAN PLAN Save Money In stock comes through the winter in fine shape when whose address Is Terrace, B. C, win ipnly ror a licence to take and use I cubic root 11.50 par day and up. fed Cottonseed Meal with other rations. Wo also per second,of water out of Thornhlll Creek Have got In a New Season feed it alone through Spring-and Summer as it which River about noWs 100 north feet and west drains of Ferry Into Skeena Landing. Supply of ; FIRST-CLASS OAFR slops the great looseness of the bowels attendant Bulbs, Hyacinths, A La The water will be diverted from the Carte. upon the consumption of Spring grass, tpn.m .t Tin i n f ,Km i t inn ,.-. - .i rast of the Skeena River, and will be used Daffodils, Tulips, Suey (Signed.) Frank Davenport-Chapman & Sons, for power purpose upon the land dmrrllx Chop as Lot 839, Itange 6, Coast District Crocus, Easter Lilies SPRING HILL FARM, mi. innuc was iiu.tra on,ine ground on. ,.r IND OA' i lha Olli Haw nf I a n 1 1 i a A i St. James inn vu j vi miu, i.i., a copy oi Hotel Duncan, V. I., B.C. this notice and an application pursuant (Make the borne beautiful thereto and to the "Water Act, 1814" will 33 be nied in the office of the Water Recorder Have Some (LATE "OUtrUU") at Prince Rupert. Winter .Blooms ! Fin8T CLASS ROOMS Ask Our Agents for Samples" .ii'in.iiuii way oe THE P-ACEF0B Hot i i i and Cold Water. n-u mm me b.iu nnirr nrrururr or Will. indoors and Outalde. (ha P.m,ilwil1.. n, 111.1.. til....- ! Vancouver Milling & Grain Co., Limited wiimiuiici Buildings,. vi Victoria,n.irr maiiii,B. C, fame-mrnt within M par Mint, ana sa aar Waak. uiirijr uaj iner mo urn appearance of 908 Third Ave. Main Office and Mills - Vancouver, B.C. this notice in local newspaper. ini'3, ninnrn IIIII'Ki APDHCant.. . Phone US. P.O. Box 333 -Tha. Hill fif Ih, ftmm m.K I...- Never forget to look through oBoxsarr no uum v, .no ins, viiuiic.iiun or mis notice Is January Si, 1019. the classified list on Page 6. Pi Jil'a id