Page 2 Thursday, February 19 HORSEWHIPS A MAN WHO INSULTS HER The name Heintzman & A Statement by the Peoples Prohibition Co. on a piano is the hall Enid Bennett in Story of Circus mark of quality. You can Llfo at Westholmo Tonight, Association of British Columbia .1 smile in quiet pride when Intensely Feminine. your visitor looks at or tries your piano. The A story of circus life known as m name Is enough. You have "The Biggest Show on Earth" and Fact and Policy the best. featuring Enid Bennett is the of The price is standard fering at the Westholine tonight. throughout Canada from Speaking of the play a critic says and authorized dealers. Each lady star has to have a Phone me. chance to wear clothes of the V. J. PITMAN, other sex before she completes A Convention Hotel Prance Rupert. her "repertory of characteriza lions," but. most fortunately, Miss Bennett does not in her change hav9 to pretend she is anything Call- but a girl. She is so thoroughly feminine in every movement as Recent developments in connection with the administration WRSGLEY well as in appearance that it of the Prohibition Act in the Province of British Columbia 1 DANCING LESSONS would be impossible for her to have made it desirable that the People's Prohibition Associa- disguise herself as a boy. Sh9 is lion should reaffirm its attitude in regard thereto, and should LATEST DANCES very straight, alert and quick in take such steps for the amendment of the Prohibition Act as Private Instruction by one or lion for Its most effective T Seattle's best known teachers. her movements as a tamer. experience has indicated'are necessary T Single lessons M.OO the daughter of a circus owner, enforcement. Z Three lessons 15.00 but only once does she act like-a J Seven less jns .110.00 Some the Fads man, when horsewhipping a man of The Greatest Name $ PHONE BLUE 389. guilty of gross insult. She even 1. On October 1st, 1917, the British Columbia Prohibition in Goody-Land LEONA BUSHNELL holds a pistol as if she was afraid Act came into force. WALKER'S MUSIC STORE, 2nd AVE. it would 'go oil. She is delight 2. For eight months the Prohibition Act was reasonably fully feminine, however, a com well enforced, and notwithstanding the handicap of large pensalion for the utter lack of stocks of liquor privately stored before the law came into other characterization in this effect, splendid results were evident, among them the follow play. The unfortunate "hero is ing: TOM LEE CO. j compelled to move through it like ) A marked decrease In crime, especially of those offences associated a manikin, and all others simply with the drink habit, resulting In the closing or Jails. A great Improvement tn social conditions. 840 Second Avenue, West. play to the star. up A notable stimulation to business. This was shown In an Increased Christmas trade. It was also Indicated by the remarkable financial sun VEGETABLES UNIQUE FEATURES port to the Red Cross, Victory Loan and other worthy and patriotic Wholesale rnd Retail movements. A notable Increase In efficiency In Industrial lines. General Contractors and AT ARMY AND NAVY (e) The law was also of the utmost value to the military anthorltles in Imy latest- "f Labor. Exchange. their arduous and responsible work of recruiting and training rein VETERANS' DANCE forcemcnts for our armies overseas, as repeatedly affirmed by tuost Prince Rupert, B.C. in charge of this great duty. LIp in the world nat- LSjr Phone 547 P.O. Box 725 Bugle Calls Sounded at Intervals 3. After this period there followed an interval of growing urally has to have With Last Post as Finale laxity in enforcement, culminating in the scandal of the Commissioner h package worthy mWWm At Big Event. himself being convicted as a party to this illicit traffic in intoxicating liquors. Just before the home waltz at 4. This again was followed by a period of two months when I GOAL the Army and Navy Veterans there was no Prohibition Commissioner, and no adequate enforcement WW fl dance last night the "Last Post" of the Act. The ofllce of Prohibition Commissioner WRIGLEYS was ounded by the cadet buglers, has recently been filled by the appointment of Colonel Sclater, Price List - - Delivered Vm. Martin and Howard Frizzsll, a gallant and distinguished soldier, and a highly respected K W In the sealed package that W and all stood for a few seconds citizen of the province. K keeps all of Its eoodness In. M m Grade per ton. with bowed heads out of respect 5. On three occasions in recent years the principle of Pro W m That's why W Screened, Sacked, ....$13,00 for those comrades who had fal- hibition has been submitted to the people, and each time has The Flavour Lasts! gkL M Mine Run, sacked .. . . 11.75 en on the Held of battle. At the been endorsed by a majority of the electors of British Co jh Mp 52 Screened, in bulk ... 12.S0 same time aergt.-fliajor Aaams lumbia. Mine run, in bulk ... 11.25 and Sergt.-Major Logan stood at 0. The present Prohibition Act was endorsed by a majority Mine nun bulk from car 10.75 attention on either .side of the vote of the Electors (men only voting), and afterwards enacted TUE Unt,ME COUHT OF BRITISH All bulk coal weighed over city Union Jack. The buglers also by an all but unanimous vote of the Members of the Legisla COLUMBIA. scales with additional charge or 15c sounded the other army calls in turer per load-added. THE MATTEft OF THE ADMINISTRATION cluding the supper call. Tecent Developments ACT To our Customers! Successful Event. and jTenoal Coal Co. f The ball was a great success. The enemies of Prohibition are alert and active. FRANCESCO THE MATTEn MANDAIO,OF THE DECEASED,ESTATE INTESTATE. OF -ft Til n oii- o rr There were a large number pres Simultaneously with similar developments in other Cana We beg to advise that ent and the floor was in excellent dian Provinces, a so-called Moderation Party is being organized TAk'E NOTICK that in order of Ills another shipment - condition, ins decorations m- m British Columbia. This movement is deceptive in name and lonnur F. Well, lounr. made the Slst day large or February, A. t. 1919, I was appointed luded the Allied flags and the character, and seeks to enlist fair and temperate citizens In Administrator to the estate of Francesco . . of a in which they have little Maudaio, deceased, and all parties having crossed arms of the veterans. programme voice and which has naims against tne saia estate are nercuj T. M. j During the evening a cake pre motives and ends not fully disclosed. The movement is taking requirea to rurnisn same, properly ven ORVjlG lied, to me. on or before the Had day of sented by Self's Cafe was raffled, different form In different provinces, according to local con March, A. V. 1919, and all parties indebted "Mirro" the proceeds to go toward the ditions, but there is jeverywhere an evident purpose to undermine amount to the of estate their are Indebtedness reaulred to to me pay forth the BOAT BUILDER erection of the War Memorial. and ulimately destroy the various Canadian laws which with. Seal Cove Later on it was announced that restrict the liquor traffic. In British Columbia the avowed JOHN Official II. AlcMuLLIN,Administrator. Builds all kinds of boats and the handsome sum of fifty dollars purpose of the promoters is to impair the Prohibition Act. or lated this SSnd day of February, IBI9 Ahiminu launches. was collected for that purpose. to secure its repeal, thus placing themselves squarely in opposition N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Among those who have given Tire prize winner was S. J. Evans. to the thrice expressed desire of the electors of the COLUMBIA: Sergt.-Major Adams, D. C. M., Province. IN THE MATTER OF THE" ADMINISTRA R.testimonials Cunningham are;& Sons made a first rate M. C; W. Derry Nor dare we minimize the possibilities of great injury to TIU ACT, AND Has Just Arrived of the Navy looked after the door; the temperance cause. They are endeavoring with plausibility THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Peter Herman & Co. ALFONSO FLORE, or FIORENTINO, DE W. R. Loud refreshments were served by Mrs to transmute public indignation at the failure to enforce ChAStll, INTESTATE. F. Mrs. Mrs. II, the law, and TAKE NOTICE that in order of His Robertson & Rudge Gilhuly, McEvoy, public resentment because of dereliction of lenour F. Mcli. Young, made the Stst day Harvey, Mrs. V. Adams and many duty on the part of tne late Commissioner, into a demand for February. A. D. 1910. 1 was appointed G. W. Brewster Administrator to the estate or Aironso Ii. E. Kirby other voluntary helpers. the repeal of the law itself I Flore, or Florentlno, deceased, and all -The music was provided by II We do not share Stephen Leacock's view, which is so highly tartle having claims against the said es Fred V. Rudge ale are hereby reaulred to Turn sh same Years of In the A. Harvey and James Lee, who approved and so generally circulated by the enemies of Prohibition, properly vertlled, to me, on or before the Experience sir nil day of March. . v. 1919. and all Business. played the violins, G.-A. Wood that the working man is "better off with loose motor parties indebted to the estate are required land played the flute, G. C. Walker muscles, a soggy aesophagus, and a mug of ale beside him," me o par amount oi uivir inacnieuiicss io the cello, Howard White the drums because thereby he is "put on an equality with .kings and JOHN II. McMuLLIN, AGENTS WANTED and Miss Stephens the piano. plutocrats;" or that employers are guilty of "sheer shortsightedness" Dated this 22nd day Official of February.Administrator.1919 in favoring prohibition, because to the "drinkless (Spare timej, to act for this N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH CLEMENCEAU IMPROVES. workman the glaring inequalities of Town and District for society will stand revealed," COLUMBIA, Paris, Feb. 26. Premier and he will "turn into a Bolshevik." ENGLISH SPORTING SYNDICATE N THE MATTER OF HIE ADMINISTRA Clemenccau will be ab probably TION ACT Percolalers Exceptional Opportunity As to Policy to leave his residence for and Good today N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Double Boilers and Yearly Salary the first time since he was shot. (a) We insist upon the fair, fearless, and Intelligent en-forcemenl ALBERT COLE, DECEASED, INTESTATE Commission. of the present Prohibition Act. RUTlCtr IS HEREBY GIVEN TO WHOM Mixing Bowls MAY CONCERN of an Order marts bv No Town or Village is too When you hae read the news (b) We oppose Its repeal, or the Impairment of its essential lis Honour F, McB. Young, Local Judge, Bread Fans the above matter small on the SOlh dav of I-. look through the classified column principles until demobilization Is complete and our citizen miliary, a. ii. iviv, as ruuows: Tea Kettles Write to r. Ii., Dox 443. soldiers IT IS ORDERED that the said John It are Care V. L. EIIWOOD, LTD., on Page 5. re-established In their homes, and normal conditions McMul'ln shall be allowed to iwiir to Ihr 30, Fleet Street, E.C 4, are otherwise restored. death of the said deceased as occurring yrypans Loudon, England. on the 27th day of October, 1917. after (c) At tho end of and such period (assuming proper enforcement nu expiration or one month from the, iime has been or the first publication or notice of this maintained), we are Utensils willing to accept the verdict order, unless In the meantime proof Is All Kitchen oi ine peopie or tne province, confident that the experience rurnisned to tne registrar or this Court at Prince Rupert, B. C, that the said deceased HalfMile Roller Race unuor wiis mc, ana me results of Prohibition elsewhere will Albert Cole was alive subsequently to the "Mirro" Aluminium reflects inaicaie me wisdom or the measure biu vmii uay ui uciouer, 1V!7: AND IT IS FURTHER OIIDEIIED that the housekeepm? At the Rink said John II, McMullln do publish notice or good Cth Avenue. A Call for Service this order In the I'rlnce Rupert Dally News, DEPARTMENT OF LANDS a newspaper published at I'rlnce Rupert, THURSDAY EVENING, The Executive Committee of the People's Prohibition Association v. iur a I'criuu ui uiie Hionm. February 27, at 8 o'clock. WATER RIGHTS BRANCH of British Columbia herebv call a CnnvAniin t on uay Dated ui reuruary,at I'rlnce a,Rupert,u, 19 IB.B, c, this 0th. Stork's Hardin "WATER ACT 1914." electors and representatives of organizations who JOHN II. MCMULLIN, This is the second race desire the Official Administrator. for the hi st of three between CANCELLATION OF RESERVE OF WATER cHjutumiiciii oi me i'roniDiiion Act, which Act, let it be re SECOND AVIN'!E NOTICE la hereby given that His Honor pealed, expresses the will of the majority of N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH -fi tho Charles electors Stewart, Douglas me Lieuienuni uovernur or uritisn Columbia, and COLUMBIA. by and with the advlre nf hi Executive their representatives in Parliament Storrings and Geo. Hill for assembled; such Conven Council, has been pleased to order: N THE MATTER lion to OF THE "ADMINI8TRA- meet in the 1919 Medal. THAT pursuant to Hie provisions of Vancouver on Wednesday, the Fifth Day of BRlTlf I nf Section SB of the "Water Act, 1914" being Second prize $5.00. mapier i or tne statutes or ism, ttiat ' A v 1 'uri,08e oi-counseiung as to ways and n THE MATTER OF and THE ESTATE OF N THE BUrllEMK COL MBIA. Admission 10c. the reserve or the unrecorded waters of means for the better enforcement of the Prohibition Act The MARIA VERY, DECEASED, INTESTATE. ADJ": Refuge Creek, established pursuant to Executive Committee NOTICE IS lll'lil liv nivrN vt wnnu OF THE ask that all local MATTEn uruer in i-mincii no. on, approved on tne and IT may CONCERN or THE an Order made Open Every Day I7tl day or January, 1019, be cancelled. tions meet at once to appoint Delegates to this Convention" III Honour F, McB, Young, Local TION ACT 2 to 4 and 8 to 10 DATED this 17th day'of February, 1919. ... In tho above matter on the 17 th day of THE MATTEH or UB'"0 T. D, PATTULLO, MUIl, wiiure mere is at present no local organization, ruuruary, A. u. 88 fOllOWS: DANIEL MCKAY, Minister of Lands. it is IT IS OI DEI1ED that Ilia nl1 John ir L. J. Marren, Prop. earnestly desired that all sub-units of this McMulllr, shall be allownrt tn u, t,. ii,a TATE. . . ,P Phone Blue 107. Assoc at ion, and Societies, Associations, Churches, and other death of the said deceased as occurring TAKE NOTICE.. - ''..!S.3 on the S3rd organizations which are in sympathy with day or Oclobcr. 1918, after ,nour i Mcli. '-'; , DENTISTRY the policy heroin iiic raiui-uuun oi ono montn rrom the date .,.,,. rnnruarv. a. n: ""mi advocated, take steps at once to see that delegates or the first mihllrntlim nr n. ,.r are appointed urucr, uiueni mi me meantime nroor Is from MISS M. A. WAY their district so that there may be a full furnished to the Iteaistrai r thf. nn ittn.l -' -'"profii V representation claims OFFICE H0UR8I at the Convention from all at I'rlnce liopert, U. c, that tho said tie-coased, r'..'.i-rt i rnrnlih . nil' . ...nij TEACHER OF MUSIC B a.m. to 12) 1:30 p. m. to 6:30 p.m. sections of the province Maria Very, was alive aiiimnnnxtitiv 1 u ' V I.rnre ' ',,,. UW'g EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, to the said 3rd day of (ictober. 1918. 309 Second Avenue Ann it is Ft liTiiP.n n fm 1.1 i.-n .!,., ,i. March, . DR. J. S. BROWN People's Prohibition Association of B,C. said John 11. McMullin do nuh'itnh III UIU i-o.-.w ..,, Taking-with students the syllabus of ths DCNTIIT Of 701 Rogers this order In the Prince Rupert Daily News, amount oi mu" Bldg., Vancouver, B. With. if M.'M,I';;:,!, Toronto Conservatoire of Music, from Officii Smith Block, Third Avsnu. C. A i'u"i'a ai rriiicc Rupert, C, Tor a period or one month. primary W advanced. - Fhonn Blue 120 Phone 464. JOHN H. . MCMULLIN. j .,.1. IDin ln. I i.?ATE rrlneo ,lun,!r. C this tetn limjUIWiiV-Advertise in the Pa1 February, A, D, 1919,