27, 1019. ayrcbruary 1HE DAILY NKWB. Page 6 " nn rnnr 1 in kin WAR VETERANS ARE L ' ., Attention to Salmon Trollers JlS I TPflllRlF Pass Resolution at Victoria IndU IFvlllllJLL cating 8tand Taken by the Ali,r jgtmh. Association The finest and most economical engine on the market today Generally. is tho He Commenced Since "That we as cx-scrvice jmen go to Take "Fruit-a-Hves" on record as opposed to unconstitutional Doman Engine for Trolling 73 Lnra Avium., Ottawa, Out. methods, and that Made of the finest materials possible, by a firm who have "Three years 1 Wan to fee while seeking to develop a high the whole interest of the fisherman at heart, It is an Engine run-down and tired, and suffered standard of political morality and hard to beat. from Ztw A.-too-Trouble. equitable treatment for all it has ren-much Having read of Truit-a. no sympathy with agitators of Made in all sizes, from 5-7 H.P. to 85 II. P., the Doman J engine has been put on the market specially for fishing I would try them. British tires', I thought or of alien nationality who boats. It burns distillate as well as gasoline, and a mechanical The result was surprising. are opposed to British institutions have not had an hour's sickness and to constitutional methods; turn of mind is not necessary to run a "DOMAN" fishing boat Binco I commenced using 'Frult-a and it is furthermore con- engine. lives, and I know now wnati nave 'Hiuered thal all persons profess-not For heavy duty, the "N. & S." engine with reversible pro-pellor known for a good inann ears- jng. 8yInpathie8 whlch are not ln ie the best. totStoli" aCCOrd wl"" British institutions For particulars and terms, see WyndiffiS J?ilAlUtIOTT. and wi"i organized government be PAUL AIVAZOFF . . . 'flpfllf Willi onniIM.. V... 1 u n t- : iv abox.u lorfJ.uu, inat Btze zix.. j- ewunj uic iu- At all dealers or sent postpaid on minion Government; If of alien Iheatre, Phcce 444. Pool Room, Phone Bine 91 receipt of price by Fruit-a-tlTes nationality be deported at once; "It is better to be sure than sorry" Limited, Ottawa. if of British nationality prosecuted ijtr v.. iiiut . r . . to tho full extent of the THE DAILY NEWS law. JCjknmowitQicUp "And be it further resolved that Starring tonight at the Westhplme Theatre. ; Classified : Advertising wc go on record as opposed to any flag being displayed in pub Men's Shoes right up-to-date Si-nil?. holumb.la' eommenclng- at a post j Phone 98 lic other than those flags properly in stylo but dated at former prices rrorn a small abol1.,',i bay of and 8 Island mlle ln oun Canoe westerly l'ass PRINCE RUPERT itiiii Adrertiiing Column that authorized by the Government, Sale next to Self's Cafe. If between Mnrpshv m.ri rh,.n ii.r U the and are also opposed to any flag ih l'lnt Knd ?H0Xlt ' mlles e'ie."iy oionir I i I thaw want amlki.. ii. "'""f iuu siue or canoe ras (Fn.-pl. re.u... i t. ' other than those authorized being Advertise in the Daily News. uui.ii ruim; mence south 80 chains It bring reauua ...cine tin ou cuains; thence north 80 displayed in any hall or building hains; thence west 80 chains to the point SAILING SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF .....'-i,vciiii:ii.. WANTED. except when in company with a QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. ocated November 16th, Ut8 British or Canadian flag." TAKE NOTICE that Annie Lindsay, or CHARLES E. BURGESS, THURSDAY Midnight for Swanson Bay, Ooean Falls, Vancouver ... I'tnt'lt 'I ..p i(nnn Intrin r. I r ti Prince Rupert.- B. C, spinster, Intends to Dy Hans K. Chrlstensen, Ag-ent and Victoria. apply ror a licence to prospect Tor coal and and 2 cockerels C. 11. Hood, etroleum over the following- described bkEENA LAND DISTRICT nis-rnif-T OF WEDNESDAY Midnight for Anyox. tf JUNEAU GETS PLENTY ands. on the West Coast of Moresbv Is yUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. City.. hox 1540, land, British Columbia, commencing at a post planted about l mile south from the t l.,M,'i:KEn,0T,CElla Bel-y Chrlstensen, or 8. S. PRINCE JOHN MAX WANTS JANITOH WOHK OF CHEAP HERRING southerly shore or Canoe Pass and 9 miles Jlr'e. nupe.r,'.B-c-' married woman. In- Queen Charlotte Islands February and Maroh"6th7 east or the southeast corner and location v.iu .u uyijijr ior a .licence to prospect Tor 20th, by the hour, week or month. -.post or itoDert Keid's application ror a """ over tne roiiowinir described Phone 2, between C and 7. tf I Icence: thence south 80 chains: thence lands on the West Coast of Moies- Juneau has been ismim, uriusii Columbia, commencing TRAIN ! t h,ri! UDI) aft Kh.lri. Iw. nnn, . m 8 Panle1 "bout 1 mile 8ERVICE ? p0SL south rrom W Ail .J-1 -UUHUl Ul DCUttUbi KUUU feast of fresh herring at the un- niencement. nuuiueriy snore oi canoe pass and S rassenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY andSATURDAY at 1 1:30 a.m.-ror Smlthers Located November 17th, It 18. miles east of the southeast wages. Apply Mrs. L. W. Pat heard-of price of 25 cents a water ANNIE LINDSAY, location post or Robert Reld's corner application and Prince Otorre, Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct connection for all more. bucketful. The gasboat Albatross, By Hans JC Cbrlstensen, Agent. ror licence: thence north so rhninn- thn points east and south. " ou cuains; .mence soutn 80 chains: Capt. W. R. Hanlon, arrived SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF thence west 80 chains to the noint nr mm. in port receatly with 150 barrels VUfcfcN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. mencement. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAM8HIP LINES. TAKE NOTICE that John Located November 17th, 1918. I, Chrlstensen, ply G. II. Arnold, 412 Fourth of fresh herring which Capt. Han-Ion r 1'rlncs Rupert, B. C, nsherman. Intend BETTY CHRISTEN SEN, For Information and reservations apply to Avenue. tf to apply ror a licence to Drosoect ror coal By Hans K. Chrlstensen, Agent. expected to sell to the Juneau and petroleum over the roiiowlng- described Q. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. Cold Storage Company. The latter lanas on the west Coast or Morsby Island, SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF British Columbia, commencing- at a Dost QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. City Ticket Office, b28 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 He company could not use the her planted about or a mile south westerly Third Avenue. pays high TAKE NOTICE that Oerlrude Knott, or i rum n suiau uay ana isiana in canoe 1'ass On account of the strike at ring. between Prince ItUDert. B. C. snlnslr. imn,l in Moresby and Cbaatl est price. tf Islands near Seattle and the fact that it had Lor Point, and about 3 ones easterly along petroleum apply for a licence to nrompri tnr mni ann 'over the me moresoy isiana aiae or uanuc I'ass roiiowlng described a supply of frozen herring on rrom Buck Point; thence South 80 chains; ands on the West Coast nr Mnronhv i- man living in downtown district hand sufficient to supply the boats thence bains: west thence 80 cast chains;80 chains thence to north the point 80 post land.planted British about Columbia,one mile rnminpnrlnor south rrom nt the m who could do washing and in port with bait, the Juneau Cold or commencement. southerly shore or Canoe Pass and 9 miips Located November east or the southeast corner and location ICttr, 1818. mending for. several bachelors Storage Company had wired to JOHN CHRISTENEEN. Applicant. post or Robert Reld's application ror CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY licence; thence Will deliver and call for same Capt. Hanlon at Sitka that it could west 80 chains;south thence 80 north chains;80 chains;Jhence SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Apply Box 225 News offlce. handle no more herring. Capt OUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. thence east 80 chains to the point or com mencement. Lowest Rates to all Eastern TAKE NOTICE that Andrew Voelinan. or Points Hanlon, however, did not get the Located November 17th, 1018. FOR SALE Prince Rupert. B. C. nsherman. Intends to GERTRUDE via Steamer Vancouver KNOTT, to and the cablegram, and he arrived at Ju apply ror a licence to Drojnect for coal Hy Hans K. Chrlstensen. Agent. and petroleum over the tollowlng described Canadian Pacific neau with a cargo of fresh fish Railway . tanas on tne west coast or island, uu oA-Loj r urnnure 'Oi ion Moresby SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Cf that he not He British Columbia, commencing at a post could dispose of. OUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. room rooming house. Rental planted about S00 yards rrom the southerly Meals and Berth included on Steamer proceeded at once to sell the fresh shore or Canoe Pass and 4 iui:a east or TAKE NOTICE that I, Hans K. Cnristec (40, with lease; also soft-drink en, or Prince Rupert. B.C.. nsherman. in the northeast or Robert Held corner s an parlor underneath, if desired fish to people about town at 25 plication ror licence; thence norllr 80 tend to apply ror a licence to prospect Tor cents water bucketful. chains; thence west 80 chains; thence uai mm jiviroieum over tne roiiowlng described Phone 108, for appointment. 45 a outb 80 chains: thence east -80 chains to lands on the west coast or Moresby FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE FROM PRINOE RUPERT tne point or commencement. alaiiu. unmu L.oiunioia, commencing- at a Located novemoer 17 in. iris, post planted about or a mile south February 8tb, .March 11th. and tut;, April 1st, 11th and 21st; May Snd, uu b uooa ro-it. trolling westerly rrom a small Lav and Island ln ANDREW WEATHER CONDITIONS VOETMAN. i.auoe j-ass oeiween AioresDV ann f:naaii ISth and SJrd; June Snd. boatj also fishing By Hans K. Chrlstensen, Agent. gear. Apply islands near Lor Point and about s miles hoat "Dalila" Govt. Wharf. LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF easterly along- the Moresby Island side or ON THE PRAIRIES IKEENA OUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. uanpe i'ass rrom buck point; tnence north FOR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANOELL, SKAfltVAY, ALASKA TAKE NOTICE Daniel L. so cnains; mence east bu cnams; thence From Prince Rupert February nth. March that Sutherland, 17th and " mus no. t roriSDie iiuDnaro oven south SO chains; thence west 80 chains to -7th, 8th; April 7th, almost r Bay Point. California, hotel keeper. In- new. Apply La Cum Bakery. me point or commencement. 17th and i8th; May 8th, 10th and 20th. " o box 413, l-rince Rupert. if (Special by 0. T. r. Telerraphs.) ends to apply ror a licence to prospect ror Located November 16th, 1918. oal and petroleum over the roiiowlng de Winnipeg, Feb. 26. At Win scribed lands on the West Coast or Moresby HANS K. CHRISTENSEN, Applicant. LOST there is cold north wind siand, British Columbia, commencing ai SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF nipeg a Dost planted about 1 mile south rrom W. O. ORCHARD, General Agent UUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. the southerly shore of Canoe Pass and 2 blowing with the thermometer TAKE NOTICE that Robert Reld. nr Prince Second Avenue between Second registering 30 below zero. miles tion Post east or or the Robert southeast Reld's corner application and loca ror ror Rupert,a licence B. C. taxi to prospect driver, intends lor coal to apply and Co net Fourth Street rod Third Avenue, Prince Rupert B.C. Mrcet and Sixth Street. Finder At Calgary it is 20 degrees be west licence;80 mence cbalns: norm thence bu south cnains;80 chains:mence petroleum over the roiiowlng described ianas on tne west coast or Moresby Is Please return to B. C. Undertakers, ow, Willi a little snow; ai r-a tnence east bu cnauis to tne point or com i.mn, iiruisn Columbia, commencing at a niencement. post planted about 11 of a ml e South inonlou 30 below is registering tf Located November 17th, 1918. westerly rrom. a small bay and Island ln J i Hi no wind blowing and about DANIEL L. SUTHERLAND, Canoe Pass between Moresby and ChaatI FOUND By Hans K. Cbrlstensen, Agent Islands near Log Point and about 3 miles iree inches of snow on the easterly along the Moresby Island side or ground. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF uanoe i-ass rrom buck I'oint; tnence north uUM).Bunch of kevs. Annlv OUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. 80 chains: thence west 80 chains: thence Daily Prince George, Feb. 26, One TAKE NOTICE . that Peter Jensen, or south 80 chains; thence east 80 chains to The .Union COAST SERVICE. Nows Office. tf Prince Rupert, 11. C, net boss. Intends to the point or commencement. degree below zero here today and annly ror a licence to prospect rur coal Located November 16th, 1918. TAXI SERVICE ind blowing. and petroleum over tne touowing aescnuen ROBERT REID. Steamship For Vancouver, sailing; Tues., 7 p.m. lands on the West coast or Moresby Island, By liana k: Chrlstensen. Agent. AVI A Mr. .... British Columbia, commencing at a post Anyox,Port and Naas Simpson Points, , about S00 yards rrom the southerly SKEENA LAND - - tuLiir.ii l,'.,1 i,.ii v .i. planted DISTRICT DISTRICT OF AIRPLANE LOST. Co. of B.C. hore or Canoe Pass and 4 mlles east or VUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Mondays, 7 a.m. "gut and Day. Phone DP. the northeast corner or Robert Reld's ap TAKE NOTICE that I. Albert K. Estesvaaa- plication ror licence; thence south 80 or Prince Rupert, .B. C, nsherman. Intend LAND AC! Washington, Feb. 26. The chains; thence west 80 cbalns; thence to apply Tor a licence to prospect ror coal Ltd. John Barnsley, General Agent , .1.u north 80 chains; thence east 80 chains to and petroleum over the roiiowlng described os 8 or a large airplane wnu he point or commencement. lands on the West Coast or Moresby Island, mates off novemDer ivi. British Columbia, commencing at ft kniiu li n i ir'T niCTtii rT rtr hree officers and two Locatca win, a post PETER JENSEN, planted about S00 yards rrom the southerly v-urtitLUTTE islands. the coast of Virginia is officially JBy Hans K. Chrlstensen, Agent. shore or Canoe Pass and 4 miles east or the Navy Department. the northeast comer or Robort Reld's ap TAKE KOTICE announced by SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF plication ror licence: thence south 80 that Eugene Humphrey UUEEN CIIAHLUTTE ISLANDS. chains; thence cast 80 chains; thence north aSIAl" or Prlni'A. tin TAKE NOTICE that Charles E. Burgess or 80 -chains: .thence west 80 chains to the Advertise in "The Daily News" rn.-i ......... .hTi intends to aon! for. nr. rtav Point. California, hotel keeper. Intends point or commencement. is inn ii'oso tne rollowlnr- w -m -- --- Rubber boots at cost prices- to annly ror a licence to prospect ror coal Located November 17th, 1918. 1ecrlbed . ALBERT K. mnwivui,i " 1 wv win.n 1.r. " ESTESVAAO. The that Result muenclnr Sale next Selfs Cafe. Wnnu on the West Coast or Moresby Island, Applicant. Paper gets Quick m nni i.,. .. .. t'S hmi ' " . - ., fuai III in I Art at .'.. uunaary of Lot ssss. with ih uience north n rh.in. .k It's Great Life if You Don't Weaken ,. .. .v"a""- rat"-e or less, to the shore a vuimuencemciit. rnm.inin....... an OTP Aw 1 ... mB au .. snuated near Klum-Kwol " ' Bar. tUOENE II. SIMPSON. i 1 1 ZTfs December iTr"' A0",- f . fefeeiNT life. . ... u ir v ----- ' j iiiL.i i;r " uiiahloTTE ISLANDS, iA.E. NOTICE that Am. r CWR To-HKTtSNP 6E1 fjicE- tue ME (s K fWI " to anniw Yn. i ",'"'rlpu woman, in ih NOT VEEH rtR." J r.Kl6HT MV CHNc!E. To f.v f v 1 l 11 I ALL - I ( s,STLlN-Lr.W HE A UTTte- ' ILL CALL 1 FUr4-ANP tMJcW 1 "J linH . i.,..:. iuoai or I AND WILLI--AMD "-.IR HI n. uiUIIIU B. ITllIII. na i Bliorn nf r.r..-i...; TtLuWrA TJ-t ArJt MAKMA AW f foo CALL 1 1 NO T rAJL . . A L x lliMntt " mi:H1.0 AaSK HU 'ni. " Point or comnnp. "ovenibsr 17th, 101S. bv ir.-."..1- y..aE83. A rent. CAUT0N GOVERNMENT. IIVAttn. . ." . J lfU.ll I,.(III I vi i ii I inn t - UU initAn 1. .... jlos. -u monarchist tendon. """""fc,--i-- NnotTPj"10 printing Print Bhop. lOoorU.t 111. kf Ua BT.alar T.lxraai. R.w ltd Bml4 Oa.1