Thursday, February THE DAILY NEWS. 27, 1019. Page 8 DRASTIC MEASURES fflrrALYEAS? FOR PROTECTION OF Friday Specials F P lh'r) Fi 1 . Il SOCKEYE SALMON In the Meat Dept. Royal Yeast Cakes is that it is easier to wrap Pork Pork Spare Liver, nibs,per lb.per ID 10C Jc dUVIj BEFORE square takes by machinery than round cakes. Drastic measures for the protection Pork Shoulders, whole, per lb. SOc Each package will contain five cakes instead and preservation of tho Pork Pork Shoulders,Tenderloins,In per cuts,lb lb. 32HC sc of six but Uie quality;and quantity of yeast sockeyo salmon of Puget Sound Veal Cutlets, per lb lb ,. . S?Wc 30c Veal, Leg- per will be the same a3 formerly. are outlined in suggested regulations Slew Veal, per lb. c 1 ANn at E.W GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED received recently from Leys Mutton Mutton,Chops,per per lb lb .... 3c WAR MONTREAL Washington, D. C, by Mr. Henry Slew nound Mutton,Steak, per per lb lb. ..... S7HC 3&c WINNIPEG O'Mftlley Field, Assistant U. S. Sirloin Steak, per lb. 40c Bureau of Fisheries, with offices T-Bone Steak Jc Rib Steak, per lb 30c SHOES in the L. G. Smith building, for mb Cooked noasts Tripe ncef,.......per lb.lbs. ror 35c 38c PRICES submission to tho Stato legisla Beef Kidneys, per lb Je Word has been received from SEINING BOAT IS ture now in session &l Olympia. Cooked Head Clieese,Ham Sliced,per Ijc 0c tho numerous friends of F. Peters Similar regulations have been OolognSr per lb isc K. C, who is now at New Denver, BEING CONSTRUCTED forwarded lo tho British Columbia B. C, that he is enjoying much executive bodies, and if both the belter health since being away. (Special via 0. T. P. Tele?ratts.) Stale of Washington and British Table Supply Go. Rupert A seining boat is being constructed Columbia act favprably, a fish Parkin & Ward Electric Co., by E. II. Shockley, Fra-ser treaty governing tho sockeye salmon PHONES 211, 212 SALE CONDUC 0) Ltd., is the place where you can Street, for Don Y.elf and Jack industry on Juget Sound and save money on lamps. All sizes Bradbury, both returned boys, in British Columbia waters will up to and including GO watts, 4 Oo M who are helping in its construction. bo ratified by tho United States in the Store next Door each. laid last week The keel was and Canada. ! Local News Notes j and it is the hope to have it Conference. Spirella Corsetiere. Clack 257. finished in about three months. to Self's Cafe The regulations were drawn up It is 18 feet long with a 13-foot by the American-Canadian Fish- E. C. D. Butler 50c at Frizzcll's. beam, and will have a 20 h. p. cries conference which met Iii Standard engine installed. Sale still going strong. Family G.H. Arnold Frisco Sealllo last April and have just The average cost to build a boat Shoe Store. tf been mado public. Tho Ameri MEN'S SHOES from $3.95 NOTARY PUBLIO that size today is about $5,000, can representatives at the con than - - including labor. Never so cheap cheaper ference included JMr. Iledllelu, ahywhero Shoes nt Salo next to We United States SccrelaryCof Commerce, Self's Cafe. ' tf WOMEN'S SHOES from $2.95 Buy VANCOUVER WINS E. F, Sweet, Assistant Secretary Bonds AT ICE HOCKEY of Commerce, and Dr. II. Major Georgo Hull who loft Victory M. Smith, United States Commissioner hefe about a week ago for Vancouver ; CHILDREN'S SHOES (Special by n. T. P, Telegraphs.) ' of Fisheries. returndd 011 yesterday's Paying highest market Vancouver, Feb. 27. Vancouver's Tho Canadian representatives b6at. at similar reductions pVicc for them. win at hockey last night included W. A. Found, Superintendent Any quantity. All gives, it the championship lead, of Fisheries. O. J. Des- See Love Loop the Loop, a good maturities. No delay. the percentage standing being barats, Deputy Minister of Naval two reel Mack Sennett comedy, at now Vancouver 588, Seattle 470, Service, and Chiof Justice J. D. the Wcstholme tonight. Victoria 438. Hazen. of New Brunswick. E. D. Don't Forget The Place- H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Quiglcy was secretary of the con Shoe leather ready to wear Insurance-Heal Es'ate PRAIRIE WEATHER. ference. and to fit anyone and fit for anyone 215 Sixth Si., Prince Rupert, B.C. The Proposals. Sale now going on next to NEXT DOOR to SELF'S CAFE (Special via 0.T. P. Telegraphs.) Self's Cafe. tf The suggested regulations pro Saskatoon reports 20 below vide that fishing for sockeye sal Harry S. Evans, pioneer piano Third Avenue today and foot of At zero a snow. mon shall not be permissible ex Leave is in town. tuner, now your Edmonton it is 30 below zero, under licence; number of cept order with John Bulger, phone clear, with a light wind. shall be limited state THE licences in 122, or at the Singer Shop. 53 of Washington to licences issued EGO 1 OR IE Bargains Shoe in shoes Store.for every-gne.. tf in 1918, and in British Columbia Martin Scaife, a well known old An interesting story of inti Family not to exceed 1,800 gill nets; only timer here left England from mate circus life with a love interest American citizens shall bo allow overseas on February 23 and is The Canadian Red The intense biggest of appeal. Phones 18 and 36 ! Once you try, you'll always buy 41 ed to fish in American waters and bound straight for Prince Rupert. show on earth at the West-Lolme SpecUs-M 24 to March 1 Atkin's Sausages. watel-s.British Technical subjects restrictions in Canadian in Don't forget Ethel Clayton in tonight. Cross Sociely Golden West Soap, 6 cakes In School Shoes below cost Sale regard to net fishing are made; a a great production at tho Empress Preparations are being made 3 boxes 70c Bex, Special Self's Cafe. tf Sunlight Soap, regular 3 Tor S5c. text closed season each year of half Theatre tonight; 8th .episode of for a big St. Patrick's Day concert Sptwil .. .. 1 tor SI.00 of tho Double As free transportation on Pure French Castile Soap, re?. the sockeye salmon run and "The Mystery to be held in the Wcstholme 40c, -special.... 3 for 85c$1.00 Wine Is a Mocker Whon Dad. weekly closed periods are pro Cross." 49 theatre on March 17. It is to be ill Red Cross shipments of regular White Xaptha Soap,, Thorpe's is Good, so Drink It. supplies will cease on March car. n. Special 75c vided; crowding of fish traps so tn unusually important event. Lux,Spo i-cKUUr lal 15c per tt pits,ror 70c as to prevent the free passage of Rehearsal o f Prince Rupert 31st, 1919, all branches and Lye, reg:. 15c. Special 6 Tor 70c salmon between them is prohibit Syninhoiiy Orchestra in Baptist When the beautiful girl falls workers under the Jurisdiction Pearllnt-30c, Special Washing Powder,2 reg.Tor 55c ed and the size of nets is fixed. Church Monday evening, March in love with the married man how of the Prince Rupert Stove Snap,Polish,reg. regular 25c, Spec.15c. 4 Spec,for 75c Regulations in regard to tho use 3, at 7:30 sharp. All interested does she get out of the difficulty? Branch are requested to all kinds ror 10c Eye-Sight of purse seine nets aro mado. please attend. 49 The story is told at the Empress make their final shipments nvrklli-'16c. Special nobin Starch, regular 10c Regulations applicable only to tonight. 0 to the Canadian Red Cross s.-jnp, 3 for S5C . anc A Chinaman by the name of Oh Ivory regular British Columbia waters include Society, Prince Rupert, B.C, Spcrlil 7 for 50c Chong Yee was brought before All "ther soaps at special prices the prohibition of fishing in cer Bargains tn shoes for on or before March 15th, this wi'ek. Science Magistrate Carss in tho Police everyone tain parts of the Fraser River except next, of all supplies of Court this morning and convicted at Sale next to Self's Cafe. tf Ntellem Grocery Company with hook and line. made-up and unused material of having opium in his possession. LTD. the delights of good and articles on hand for pNJOY Ho was fined $25.00 or 25 E. C. D. Butler 50c at Frizzcll's. 'to depots. vision. See everything shipment specified ISH CATCHES ARE days in default. clear and distinct as nature H. YOUNG, intended you to. NOT SOLD TODAY There will be a tremendous FOR SALE ! Honorary Secretary. movement to the Bulkley and Ne-chaco B.C., has solved the Prince Rupert, CCIENCE and to the Francois problem for and so Six Fishing boats arrived in Valleys February 24th, 1919. I I STEPHENS you, Lake district this spring. 1919 defective sight is- brought port last night with small catches. belongs to Central British Columbia. Furniture of three-room back to perfection, by suitable They .were the Orient with 10,- fiat, diningroom set, davenport, PUBLIC in touch the NOTARY Keep through glasses. 000 lbs, the Reliance with 12,-000 bed, dressers, grafanola Interior News, published at Smith-ers, There was only on fiskW the Sadie lbs., K. with 8,500 sewing machine, chairs, B. $1.25 for six months, iin.ii rnenivfnir her clearaw ALLOW us to correct the lbs., the H. and R., 8,000 lbs., the C, and rugs. ii defects that Norman o: $2 per year. 49 papers yesterday, tho Seattle spoil your 3,00 lbs., and the Saturn Private Sale, Thursday, and with lbs. Capt. Nesland in command. 0,500 vision, perhaps your The Prince Albert arrived in February 27. FOR RENT health and happiness too. No sales wero made today. at prc'war prices J port at 5 o'clock this morning 12 BESNER APARTMENTS Footwear from tho south Queen Charlottes. paio nexi iu om Six-roomed house, bath, hot WG promise you satisfac-tion ALASKA SWEEPSTAKES. i i She had a large cargo of coal and cold water, electric light, and a moderate fee. from Nanaimo and Ladysmith (Special by O. T, P. lelegrapns.) chicken house and garden, totaling Oil tons. She reported WE KEEP OUR PROMISES Nome, Feb. 27. Ail Alaska for rent that mining activities have begun weepstakes dog races have been at Jcdway and that they had taken $20.00 postponed this year. The cup New a large-amount of freight across Spring ace lias been set for March 29. Fred Joudry for II. Heina and M. McKinnon, . . who both have mining property Practical Optometrist TO n I nrr Tn 01 k coiru there. Mr. Melno Is working his mine on Copper Island. Tho Al M. M. Stephens Third Ave. - - Prince Rupert bert will leave here tomorrow Blouses Oppotlta Poit Ofllc iUH SALL Aluminum and morning. REAL E8TATE INSURANCE whito enamel ware, nickel plat FINANCIAL AGENT ed tea kettles.. All new orood Watch this paper for further at Brochu's, Third Avenue, tf bargains. Family Shoo Store tf Coughing scatters gem -ZT-'-y HUy bo We are showing many pleasing styles in Blouses, Stop it Crepe de Chine and Georgette. These are the best tna FORJALE Coui-biuf Inrrnupi the 1919 have produced, both in make and shades. Irtiuticn ill the alreadv in. prices from OiUitU uiuciious membranes aro $5.00 to $12.00. and U moreover apt to carry 3 Room House dlsae Malhieu's lo others.Syrup of Tar and In Boudoir Caps Cod Liver Oil cromptlj stops couliin?, and thanks soon, 1hese $600 to its tonic properties,effects we have a fine assortment, both in silk and nets. S: i permanent cure. The wonderful popularity aro very pretty and stylish. This house is on a good of Mathieu'a Syrup of Tar ki every and Cod Liver Oil is specially House Dresses, Cover-all Aprons and level lot, about four blocks doe to its great value as a are sp12 pennant-lit Tang and bronchial White Aprons have just come in. These from the drydock. Sold healer. suitable for nurses, waiters, and tho housewife. So"16 everywhere,35c iarga bottles. the House Dresses are in largo sizes, from 44 to 54. X. l MAT MILD CO,Prop, Gibbons Starbrke, P.Q. McCaffery, COME ALONG TO .A d pm MftfcA V mtmmimml & Doyle, Ltd. III 1 1. MIMVM4& " H-i Insurance Real Estate Jabour Bros., Ltd Prince Rupert, B. C. SUBSCRIBE FOR Third Avenue West The Daily News At the Empress Thettro tonight