Saturday, Marc), Page 2 TUB, DAILY NEWS. 9I9. The Daily News IS Y01S8 SHI J MAIL SCHEDULE PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News Mondays,For Wednesdays the East. and SaU For Both Comfort Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. udays at 9;30 a. m. Are you troubled with blotchas, Managing Editor. plmplet or blackheads? Mr. O. M. H. P. PULLEN, From the East. Smith, of 630 21st St., Edmonton, iaji: "For skin troubles thero Is Sundays, Tuesdays and Thurs-lays SUBSCRIPTION RATES: nothing can equal Zam-Buk. My at 5:45 p. m. akin was bo blotchy I waa ashamed and Appearance. City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 75c. of It, and although I tried over? remedy I could think of, It got no For Vancouver: By Mail Canada or Great Britain, in advance, per year $6.00. better until I used Zaiu-Buk. Thla P-m To United States and other countries, in advance, $7.50. herbal balm has worked wonders Tuesdays 10 p.m. my skin li now perfectly clear and Thursdays Telephone 98. smooth." Saturday, Feb. 1 and 15, 7 a. m. Such ailments, although apparently TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING 75 cents inch. Ladles are very careful per on the surface skin, really From Vancouver of tne Contract Rates gn application. arise In the underlying tissues, and Sundays 10 P-m- fit of their dresses. Correct Zam-Buk's success la-sucix cases Is fitting due to Its wonderful power of penetration, A'ednesdays ........ 10:30 a.m. DAILY EDITION. Saturday, March 1, 1919. which enables It to reach Jonday, Jan. 27; Feb. 8 and 22, corsets are even more Important. the root of the trouble. The stimulative at 9 am. Ladles have can these In Zam-Buk quality rouses made to the sluggish cells to healthy action. Demand for Houses This promotes a rigorous circulation For Anyox: measure, of the finest materials, Becomes Imperative. which carries oft all Impurities Sundays 10 p.m. The demand for houses is such that if the city of Prince and result.a smooth, clear skin Is the Vednesdays . 10 p. rn. right here In town, fitting each Rupert is to grow steps must be taken to erect some at once Zam-Buk Is equally good for eo-lema, Individual figure properly. Men bring their families here and then send them away because ulcers, blood-polsonlrg, piles, From Anyox: Corset comfort Is burns, cuts, chapped hands tnd Tuesdays a,m essential to there is nowhere to put them. Others are rooming here and chilblains. All dealers, at 50c.a box. Thursdays p. tn physical well being. and leaving their families in the south whereas they would like to send for them at once. For Port Simpson and Naas Rlvei yaiffljBjBk An Invitation Is extended The mayor has promised that in case private enterprise fails points: ' to ladies to visit to supply the need the city will consider the question of erecting Sundays 10 houses on city lots and selling the'm to those who are willing to Port and Naas - From Simpson Mrs. Director's Corseterie purchase on time. River Points: Cold in Rupert, Salvation Army. Tuesdays p. m Room 3, Mclntyre Block, 1st Moor. But Oh You Prairies! Public meetings, Tuesdays, Queen Charlotto Islands: It is cold in Prince Rupert but the returns received daily Ihtirsdays and Saturdays at 8 p. For Massett, Port Clements and h. Sundays at 7:30 in. from the prairies indicate that it is very much colder everywhere p. UtiDor Island noints: oast of this point. While the thermometer here registered well Queen Charlotte Islanders can-lot ?or Skidegate, Queen Charlotte above zero for the past few days, all prairie points showed degrees dp better than mail their City and Lower Island points of cold ranging from ten belowt to over forty below. printing needs to The News Print anuary 23, Feb. 6, 20; March 6 tit 20th, at 7 p. m. I'.dward Lipsctt, President Harry Lipsell done shop and get the work Manager If we had a few days of thirty below with a breeze we should .romptly and well. Kdward Cunningham, Vice-President all freeze and there would not be a waterpipe left sound in the "rom Masset, Port Clements and town. MINERAL ACT UoDer Island points: From Skidegate. Queen Charlotte Lipsett-Cunningham & Co. Fishermen Refuse Certificate of Improvements. City and Lower Island points To Sign Agreement. NOTICE anuary 28; Feb.. 11 and 25; Mar The llshermen who operate the trawlers are taking a holiday Tied Point Extension" mineral claim. 11 and 25th, a.m. I LIMITED ! In the Naas IUver Division while the big boats are being overhauled. The holiday has already of situate Cassiar District. Mining FISHING & CANNERY EQUIPMENT MARINE HARDWARE lasted month and there to be" of the boats where located: On tbe Kltssult niver, For Skaoway and the Yukon. going a seems no sign near the blgr Canyon. - Steamship Supplies, Gas Engines and Accessories 27, Feb. 8 and 22 9 a.m TAKE AOTICE that Lewis W. Patmore. anuary out. The weather is not but there is certainly propitious as yet Free Miner's Certincate No. 20.407-C. act Fish Netting, Twines, Lines, Ropes and Cordage no income for the men or the boats while the operations are ing Certificate as agent No.Tor Ole 14,155-C,Evlndsen,Intends,Free Miner's stitj From Skagway and Yukon. days from the date hereof, to apply to the PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. stopped. Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, '"ebuary 1 and 15 a. m. The difficulty is that the old agreement between the flsher-"nien for the DurDOse of obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claim. Registered Ofllce: Prince Rupert Offlce: and the boat owners has expired and the men refuse to sign under And further Section take 85, must notice be that commencei action. itewart, Maple Point.Bay and Swamp 68 Water Street, Telephone No. 95 up again on the same terms. Improvements.before the Issue of such Certincate of 10 Vancouver, D. C. P. O. Boz 1698 .lose Jan 31; Feb. 14, 28, pm to D.vrtu mis sin aay oi reuruary, a. u. According report the men averaged last year something 1919. rrivo Feb. 3, 17; March 3rd like four hundred dollars a month. How much the owners of the MINERAL ACT TIMBER SALE X1465. boats made we do nokknow. It is a pity that arrangements cannot be made for the work to proceed as the season is advancing Certificate of Improvements. Sealed tenders will be received by tbe and the whole community is losing money which might be brought NOTICE Minister the 20th of day Lands of Marcn.not later tots,than ror tne noon pur on NOTICE TO FISHERMEN! " chase of Licence X 1465. to cut 2.290.001 here if the boats were operated '.'Black Bear" Mineral Claim, situate In - - feet, B. M., of Spruce, Cedar, Hemlock i and ;--- the Naas Mining Division or Cassiar Dls 1 trict. naisam on an area situated on uig Lane, Our" Supply of Bait is exhausted for the present Important Bill Where located: On the Kitsault niver, El ersl e Bav. Range 3. Coast District.' near lhe- b ir Canvon. - Three (3) years will be allowed for re Is Introduced. - take NOTICE that John II. McMullin, moval of timber. -:- Watch this for our -:-announcement oniclal Administrator of the Estate of Further particulars of the Chief Forester space Premier Oliver has introduced a bill to provide for the initiative Charles Swanson, deceased, Intestate, Free Victoria, B. C, or District Forester, Prince of a new supply and referendum in the matter of securing legislation and sixty Miners days certincate from the s.sxx-i..hereof, to lmenas.apply nupert, u. c. to the Mining Recorder for a Certillraie N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH for testing public opinion on important measures. This is the of Improvements, for the purpose-or on- COLUMBIA WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED most modern method of legislation that obtains and mriing a crown urani or trie aoove ciaim. anywhere And further take notice that action, TAKE NOTICE that Alexander W. Dow BUTEDALE - - - B.C. will make the Government of this province the most democratic under Section 85, must be commenced f the City or Vancouver in the Province before the Issue of such Certincate ol or British Columbia did on the 33rd day there is. Imorovements. of January, A. D. 1010, Issue a Writ of i. i tu mis tin aay or reDruary, a. u. summons out or mo aoove court nerein To make the government thoroughly democratic is the only 1V1V, claiming as against you specific perform anre of an Agreement for the sale of Lot way to prevent social upheavals. There is now a constitutional MINERAL ACT to, biock 2i, section e, city or rrinee Rupert, and payment or the balance of the way of obtaining any kind of redress that may be needed. There purchase monies, and Interest due under STEEN & LONGWILL j The Gurvich Certificate of Improvements. said Agreement and an accounting, and a is no license for small numbers of agitators to try to upset the NOTICE declaration that' he Is entitled to a Vendor's Lien the lot aforementioned In social fabric, but what the majority of the people want can easily rcsDcct of upon the purchase monies. Interest "Red Point No. 1" Mineral 'Claim situate taxes and costs and the enforcement of SANITAR . nnD HEATING Transfer be obtained. There is hardly any limit to the possibilities. n tbe Naas Illver Mining Division of Cas tne said Lien Dy sale or your interest un flar District. der the said Agreement and an Order can ENGINEERS Premier Oliver and his cabinet to be conprratulated are on Where located: On the Kltsau t Illver. celling the registration of the said Agree their determination to carry outpre-election pledges. It will make" near the blir Canyon. ment In the Land Registry omce and costs. them stronger when they again a're ready to go to the people for Free TAKE Miner's NOTICE Certificate that Lewis No. 20,4 W.07-G,Palmore,act-In? vain uvitii aay oi at January,prince a.iiupcrt.i. iviv.u. c, this Agents for Phone Green 548 as agent Tor Ole Pearson, Free Miner's To WILLIAM FRASER. McCLARY FURNACES a verdict on their record. Certincate No. 14,157-C, intends, slity l'.O. Box 102 OfiiceTFraserSI. aays irorn tne aate nereor, to apply to ine N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Mining Ilecorder for a Certificate- of Im provements, for the purpose of obtaining COLUMBIA. PLUMBING Coal IN PROBATE. a crown urani or the aoove claim. We : Sell : Anil rnlhi.K MVa nmlen .hat Acfln N THE MATTER OF THE ADM1.MSTRA and TION ACT under Section 85, must be commenced before the Issue of such Certincate of and 8HEET METAL WORKS improvements. N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF DATED this 5tli day of February, A. D. rt.Ttn lysyk; deceased: Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. TAKE NOTICE that in order of Ills the "sweetest" Honour F. McB. Your.g, made the 28th day Night phones 576 or January, A. D. 1919, I was appointed NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTEC administrator to the estate or Peter Lysyk, and Blue 270 Barsalou's story that ever TION ACT against deceased,the and said all estate parties are hereby having required claims The right work, at th right to furnish same, properly verined. to me. time, and at the right prla. Motor Transfer n. S. C. Chanter IIS. on or before the 3rd day of March, 1010, The Northern B. C. Fisheries Limited aim an parties inueuiea to tne estate are was told hereby gives notice that Uiey have, under required to pay tne amount ot their In Section 7 of the said Act, deposited with debtedness to- me forthwith. the Minister of rubllc Work at Ottawa JOHN II. MULLIN, ..It cam from home to "nor man" In and In the omce of the District Registrar Ofllclal Administrator. Furniture Moving the trnch. It started visions; smacking nr tne Lann negisiry District -or Prince DATED this 31st day of January, 1010. and BaggSe of lips almost a stamped for horn. It Rupert, at Prince Runert. U c a ,dcirrin. Hotel Hyder Express ws a wonderful Utter) painting word-picture Hon of the site and the plans for storage, In the matter of an application for the of. the cakes, tarti and pits thai UU1-U111K ami iijuuring oi cannery ana nsn-rrmen's ssue of a fresh Certificate nr inrierenihin wr all to be the prlie cf this fighting boats as pronoscd on a nortlon of Title to Lots 38 and 30. Block 7. Section WE HANDLE COAL man upon hla return. Port Esstngton harbour at Port Esslngton , cuy oi riince uupert, May 0J3. Portland Canal, B.C. 182 ffi. in rrnni or i-ots 3 ana , biock 3, Esslng-ton Notice Is hereby given that It Is my Nlirut.ndDrrhon AND WILD ROSE PASTRY FLOUR Is Townslte, being a sub-division of Lot mention to Issue, arter the expiration of going to help you keep your word. It 4, nange t, coast District. hlrty days rrom the nrst publication here-f. M. ;R. JAMIESON, Proprietor will bak such short and light ptttrlei And take notico that after the exnlratlon a fresh Certificate nr Title m iho .hnv that you will or one month from the date of the never want to us brc first mentioned lots, In the name of The North flour for this again. Milled from of publication of the said notice, the Northern Western Loan and Investment wheat, It Is easier handled and' requires li. C. Fisheries Limited will under Section Which certincate Is dated 18th Company,March. Gateway lo the famout ffluth Mine ELECTRICAL IVOR" I lesst 28 per cent, lei (hortenlng. Can 7 of the said Act, the Minister or 1018. and was registered FOR b had In 10-1 b. sack upward at all Public Works at his omre in the City or received the SSnd February,on 1912,application and Go to grocers. wiiawu iit opyrurni ui itie saia sue nna pians ana ror leave to use the said foreshore Now Open for Business Food License No. 139 If.its. ror the storage, docking and mooring Land Registry omce Prince Rupert, B. C, of rannerv and nshrrmen's lnt Dated at Vancouver. B. C this sard rtav II. F. MacLEOD, Geo. Wa VANCOUVER MILLING & GRAIN CO. VI .auunijr, 1VIV. District Registrar of Titles. NUItniEIlN B.C. FISHERIES LIMITED. LIMITED C. A. Crosble, Secretary. F88 336 2nd Ave. Main Office and Mills:Vancouver Hotel Prince" Rupert Branches;Victoria,Nanalmo, New Westminster, WATER NOTICE SEEDS inon"ORKK, Mission City I DLACK 367 - DIVERSION AND USE. TAKE NOTICE that Thos. J. KirknitplrV. EUROPEAN PLAN Save Money In Lamp 5Z whoso address Is Terrace, B. c, will apply For the Garden for a licence to take and use 1 cubic root $1.60 per day and up. per second of water out or Thornhlll Creek which flows north and drains Into Skeena Specially Suited for Prince River about 100 feet, west of Ferry Landing. FIRST-CLASS CAFE Hupert soil. END The waier will be diverted from the A La Carte. THE WEST stream at a point about 1600 feel anuth. cost or the Skeena River, and will be used Suey For the for power purpose upon the land desrrlb Err 17 n Chop as Lot 830, Range t. Coast District rH.C,LT CHICKENS mis notice was ponied on the ground on AND 0AF the 9th day or January, 1010. A copy of HAY, GRAIN & FERTILIZER St. James Hotel HOUSE inis notice nnn an application pursuant Third Avenuo S3. thereto and to the "Water Act, 1014," will 912 be nied In the omce of the Water Recorder (LATE "QUEENS") mi at Prince Rupert. FIRST CLASS ROOMS Objection to the application my be THE PLAC sUppEn nied with the said Water Recorder or with Hot and Cold Water. the Comptroller or Water Rights, rarlla. Am ment Buildings, Victoria. B. C, within BOo pr Night, and 3 pr Wk. thirty day sfter the first appearance of PHONE 58 this notice In a local newspaper, THOS, 1, KIRKPATftICK, Applicant. P. O. Box 333 908 3rd Ave. The date of the nrst publication or this Never forget to look throilKh notice la J.nuary S8, 1919. the classified list on Page 5.