. ....av. March I, 1010. ... THE DAILY NEW8. niuiwi Page 3 DEPLETION OF THE FULlRIZEDJTORE SALMON IN THE ,., running a Fuller-lied More, mere -niildn't K bacK any L? or C3d, to the way or our dadi, "loppy old methods or yore. the UNITED Ask what docs FulIer-liesUineanJ STATES Jl".h iiMtly. It's making things clean, - ii . Fuller-lied store there's no Junk on the noor, & dirt or disorder is seen. Attempt to Be Made to Preserve spFCIALS SPECIALS Fish From Extinction Allen 3 lbs. for 50c Coffee, rresh,..,3 lbs. for ft.00 Enemy Flchermen. Good rrunes---" f)r , 00 Llttie white Beans, per lb., 10c oranges. d0, for u.oo I'alm Olive Soap, per doz, 11.35 Lemons, rge. Tea 50C per lb. beatlte, Feb. 2i L. II. Darwin state fish commissioner and state ThS mire goods do are not protected knaw at rrom the peas.neas, game warden, is leading a fight to ihi rat never gloats o'er the Fuller nolled Oals have aliens prohibited from fish And the cat does not roost on the cheese. f!H come to my riiller-Ued store ing in the waters under his con ami 'when they have looked the place o'er, liol, pointing out that the free murmer, Gee Whlzi How delightful It Is; We've Thev seen nothing like It before. hand allowed these men has re WORK AND SAVE customer cheerfully spends sulted In very un-American prac ind when from our place he' wends, lie i fives us no knocks, but boosts as ho talks tices springing up. In regard to our Fuller-lied store to his mends. this fight, Daijwin says: The greatest service YOU can render to your country in these critical days ot construction; is to work conscientiously, economize sensibly, and I he abnoijmal demands of 4:5 PHONE PHONE invest regularly in War-Sayings Stamps, and YOU will gain even more than more than four world of years will the country by doing these three thinca I war on tho fisheries of this state has already accomplished' the practical destruction of the Sock-eye ' $5.00 for $4.00 V N salmon run, the greatest of AND EACH DOLLAR WORTH MORE. any of our salmon runs. Indi Phone 131 Office -14 Smith Block P.O. Box 772 cations are that it has very greatly xr c?'1-924.? Wen tne"Dominion of Canada repays you $5.00 for every depleted our next greatest run, Stamp you own, a dollar will buy more than it will today 1 which is that of Humpback sal Prince fapEnering& Supply Co. nion, while all of the salmon runs Price this month, $4.01 have been greatly reduced. Thj Engineers, Jobbers, Contractors extraordinary circumstances are Buy War-Savings Stamps the only possible justification for furnished for Electric Wiring and Complete Estimates this. I3ut, now that peace has Plant Installations come, nothing can justify our 49 permitting, this destruction to Northern B.C. Representatives continue. Canadian Ve3tinghouse ggrierj ric Sockeye Destruction. Co., Hamilton Lamps, &c. One of the most regretable cir ATHER OF SOPHIA ll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!IIHI!lfr cumstances is the fact that in the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Mechanical Rubber Goods, Hose VICTIM WAS HERE Toronto. "Extra Power" Belting. destruction of our great Sockeye CO., run, the chief benefliciaries were Canada Wire & Cable Hare and ' Insulated Copper. the Austrian alien enemies of this Herbert Davios Was at Juneau Dentistry Co., Montreal steeI ron wire- country. The records of this office Watching the Inquiry Into show that practically-two-thiijdti Domestic Engineering "Deico" Light Products Cause of Wreck. of the fish taken in the Isolated Electric Plants Co,, Dayton J Puget Sound (were the Sockeyes M DON'T NEGLECT VOUR TEETH 1 If PeltOn Water Wheel C0. Water Wheel and and Humpbacks run), were secured Herbert V. Davies of Victoria, San FranciSCO Hydraulic Apparatus by seine fishermen. And of whose son Herbert was drowned H One Decayed or Missing Tooth lowers Your ' jf Co. the purse seines in operation, at on the Princess Sophia caine Coast Pacific Pipe EE Efficiency., EE south the VVoodstave Pipe, Tank?etc. D least two-thirds of these were on Princess Mary this Vancouver morning arid went south. lis went operated by Austrians, and not Transmission Machinery, to Juneau to watch the Dodge Manufacturing inquiry. over 15 per cent by American citizens. Pulleys, Shafting, He that the American says cap Co., Toronto Hangers, etc. As a result they werp ab- anliifplv nhlft in HipfnfA lh nripA tains did everything in their pow- A line of Westinghouse Motors, Lamps and other Electrical n flliPir nrndnnf nnH in... this. i er lo a,lu " minus Uie peu- Equipment and Goodyear Belting carried in stock found one r-of the--f reasons for- the ! 1 UH 11... t.: -l.','uu,u J 1,mvv .11 au ayne been saved high prices of the last few years. Mr. Davis had a family of a OFFICE HOURS: Made Money. The Austrians remained here dozen before the war. F.our of Horning, 9 ta 12; Afternoon, 1.30 to 5.30; Evening, 7 to 9 EE them went overseas, tho oldest and 'Conducted their fishing operations, not 22 of and the years age youngest making enormous profits Dental Nurse in attendance. EE just over sixteen. One was Storage Batteries House by the, depletion of our, fisheries, killed. Jj Phone 109 for appointment EE Wiring while our own American Herbert and his wife were Charged and Repaired citizens were forced to leave the drowned on the ill fated vessel in all its branches fishing industry and go into the lliilliilfflllinilllllllflliillililllilliillliil r.'o Loss of Time While and naturally Mr. Davies is keen army to fight the battles of this 'i our Battery Is Being on watching the inquiry, ELECTRIC country and of civilization itself Overhauled. Another Is IRONS against the brothers of these have read tne When news Always Available. vou Phone.37 P.O. Box 1704 Austrians. It is a fact that GRILLS same look through the classified column Agents For TOASTERS in 1917, while our American luys on Page 5. CVINRUDE Portable RANQES were getting $30 a month risking For Comfort, Courtesy and Service Motors. HEATERS and losing their, lives for Wis SYNOPSIS OF CAILLE Engines for VACUUM CLEANERS country, these same Austrian , Runabouts. WASHING MACHINES purse seine fishermen were, dur LAND ACT AMENDMENT REGAL Engines for ing certain weeks of the year, Pre-emption now confined to surveyed Trolling, LAMPS making as high as seven and eight lands Records only.will be granted covering only F. T. DOWNESS, M.n.g.i The Famous English FLASHLIGHTS hundred dollars each, and the dependents and land which suitable Is non-timber for agricultural land. purposes Fifth and Fraser St., Prince Rupert, B.C. PETTER GENERATORS of our soldiers were b'j- Partnership pre-emptions abolished, HEAVY OIL but parties of not more than four may ENGINE FOR ing forced to pay the most exor arrange for adjacent but each pre-emptions,making necessary with Home Cooking Running Hot and Cold Water FISHING SCHOONERS MOTOR SWITCHES, bitant prjee for tho fish cauphl Jclnt Improvements residence, on respective claims. And of Pre-emptors must occupy claims for ETC. these Austrian. by many five years and make improvements to Ihese Austrians were sending tho value of (10 per acre. Including clearing Full line of Electrical Apprnlu in tteck. and cultivation of at least 6 acres, before money wnicn tny were ear.ung recelv' :g Crown Grant. Parkin & Ward Electric Co.. Ltd. here to Austria to aid their breth less Where than t i ..ears,emptor and in has occupation made proportionate not ren to flghL and kill our soldkrs of Ill-health Improvements,or other cause,he may,be because granted OSTON GRILL hone 125 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS P. O. Box 67 Fisheries Code. and Intermediate transfer his certificate claim. of Improvement In an attempt to rehabil'talu Records without permanent residence 606 THIRD AVE. PHONE 457 be issued provided applicant makes the fisheries of this state, which may of annum Improvements to extent 4300 per have been in par.t destroyed, and and records same each year.record iFall-ure A GOOD PLACE TO EAT. to make Improvements or Milllllililliiliiillllllllllllllllillllll lllllillillllllllillllilllllllilll! largely as a result of the efforts same will operate obtained as forfeiture.these claims Title In Home Cooking. Open Day and Night. be cannot on DINNER 11.30 to 8 30; PRICE 45c. to 50c Detsert at meal. of these Austrians, I have prepared less than 5 years, with Improvements of every Including 5 acres cleared Short orders at time. 110 per acre. any a new Fisheries Code, Striate and cultivated, and residence of at WARNING to the PUBLIC I Bill No. 127, which ' provides least Pre-emptor 2 years. holding Crown Grant may among other things: record another land ln pre-emption.conjunction If with he requires his 1. That hereafter licenses farm, without actual occupation, provided statutory Improvement! made and U has come to my knowledge that the Harry Hanson shall only bo issued to American residence maintained on Crown giwnted WESTHOLME LUNCH alent for Hot citizens or to corporations, the land. not exceeding 20 Water Coils lias been infringed from time Unsurveyed areas, SECOND AVE. io whose stock is held acres, may be leased as homesltes; tunc, by the majority of installation of Harry Hanson Coils by-un- title to be obtained after fulfilling residential American citizens. and improvement conditions. HOMECOOKING. LADY COOK. autiiorized by persons. They say the coil they sell is not a r For graxlrg and Industrial purposes, nTy anson coil- but if the firebox linings aro removed 2. To increase the fish taxes so areas exceeding 640 acres may be leased or company. by one person mi, P,CS ln any pjaced in lhi9 svacc, this is an infringe- that tho Fisheries Department the PRE.EMPTORS' FREE GRANTS ACT. Fifty centneals from 11.30 to 2.00 and 5.30 to 8.00. a my Vlont" I' this practice is persisted in by un- will be entirely supported and part by of Include The scope all persons of this joining Act is and enlarged serving to Short orders all thegtime. Special rates with room, and board. uinomed fishfng industry no persons, I will take steps to protect my interests. with His Mijesty's Forces. The time Householders tho expenses bo borne by tho general within which the heirs or devisees of a should also note that by having a Harry deceased pre-emptor may apply for instalIc(1 taxpayer. title under this Act Is extended from hPLn also y y unauthorized they any person, long one year from the death of such person, liable under tho patent laws. 3. To establish sufficiently as formerly, until one year after the rices closed seasons to permit of a conclusion of the present war. This for Colls, made of Iron Pipe, $20 with one Year reaching privilege Is' also made retroactive. BANK 0FM0NTREAL sufficient number of fish uarantce ALLOTMENT Made of TOWNSITE PROPERTY Brass, from $25 to $35, Five Years' to the hatcheries and to tho ACT. Guarantee. S that Provision Is made for the grant to 3 natural spawning grounds, so persons holding uncompleted Agreements ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS be Increased and, to Purchase from the Crown of tho supply may uch proportion of the land. If divisible, HARRY I If possible;- restored to its former as the payments already made will The Farmer and HANSON cover in proportion to the sale price of dimensions. the whole parcel. Two or more persons Phone 4S9 The Reliable Plumber B . To prevent the Jssuanco of their holding Interests such Agreements and apply for may a proportionate group His Bank 139 Second Avenue more fish trap or purso soino allotmont Jointly. If It Is not any considered advisable to divide the land licenses in this state than were oovered by an application for a proportionate should be on intimate and jWlillllllillilllllllllllilll allotment, an allotment of land llllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll in existence on January 1, 1919. of equal value selected from available friendly terms. They can tho Crown lands in the locaflty may be This provision will dostrict made. These allotments are conditional be mutually helpful. of largo fishing ap-, upon payment ot all taxes due the mil! il tun 7111 operations The Crown or to any municipality, tm. r-i. f r- i i .ft! h rn m wm m m i Prince Rupert Academy of Music plianccs, but in nowise will interfere right from of peraons the Crown to whom has agreed thn pur-chaser to ine uaiiK. 01 momreai is ;m I ftt fcfl Wl M Mil with tho activities of the the ell Minister are also protected.of Lands In The respect decision to the cl always glad to give to its U 1 ft "WIOIVH filQ Tlitnrv llimni,, t,, ,l small fishermen. adjustment of a proportionate allotment 'l the benefit of its Is final. The time for making applica-tlon customers, INSTRUCTION GIVEN PRIVATELY for these allotments Is limited to Sfoj??Umo. Principal It Is Just as cheap to get your the 1st day of May, 1919. Any applica. financial experience and tlon made after this date will not be y 1 ,,"tatnund Vm " i.',v,OQern rrenchand Sevcik Violin scnooi printing done well and done at considered. These allotments apply to knowledge. lands of the Crown sold "ffyRtid. V'O'lncello, Mandolin, Cornet and Euphonium ionic as It Is to send It away. Try at town publlo lots auction.and WINNIPEG BRANCH Miie,-'" Clarinet and Saxaphone For Information apply to any Provincial "Wbem op i, NGED FOR BAND OR ORCHESTRA Tho News Print SJiop, Government O.Agent R. NADEN,or to H. ST. G. LEE, Manager, Prince Rupert Branch. WpgTim,.. XIIEATHE CONCERT ORCHESTRA ' Deputy Minister of Lands. Advertise in tho Dally News. VlotorU. 6. a