Page 8 THE DAILY NEWS. Saturday, March l l91( 1 PARTING WORD Saturday Specials FROM GERMANY In the Meat Dept. l-orlc spare Itibs, per lb lie BEFC E Pork Liver, per lb 10c Cork shoulders, whole, per lb. 10c Prisoners of War Receive Printed Pork Shoulders, In cuts, lb. 3!He Message Before Leaving Land Veal Pork Cutlets,Tenderloins,per lb per lb JOC S6c 'i 141. of Their Captivity. Leg- Veal, per lb S7WC Slew Veal, per lb Sic at Legs Mutton, per lb sc The prisoners of war who are Mutton Chops, per lb 40c 17 WAR Slew Mutton, per lb He returning to this country . from Hound Steak, per lb v. Sic Sirloin Steak, lb 40c Germany are bringing with them T-Bune Steak per 45c a pamphlet handed to them before lilb Steak, per lb 30c SHOES Rib Roasts beet, per lb 36c PRICES they left the scene of their Cooked Tripe 8 lbs. for 3tc Alice B. ready for business If j VAR SAVINGS SiAMPS terrible sufferings and headed "A Beef Head Kidneys,Cheese, per per lb lb Sic Sic n need of a launch, phono ued Parting Word." Conked Main Sliced, lb. 60c 39 i, Prince Rupert Boat House.I COMMElllfc btLUNU "Gentlemen," it begins, "the Bolog-na, per lb Sic W. J. Thomas. tf war is overl A little while and you . ! The returns for the first month will see your native land again, Harry S. Evans, pioneer piano . ,, vn,innf,, savines Commit- your nomes, your lovea ones, Rupert Table Supply Co. tuner, is now in town. Leave your British Columbia Division, your friends. When you are already rder with John Bulger, phono were about $25,000, with no returns united to your families PHONES 211, 212 SALE CONDU CTED 122, or at the Singer Shop. 53 from 271 units out of 587. thousands of our countrymen v.ill Tho quota which has been set for still be pining in far-off prison British Columbia Is 5,000,000 for camps with hearts as hungry for 4 in the Store next Door G. H. Arnold tho year 1019. This means that home as yours. j Local News Notes j the returns will have to run to at Have Suffered. to Self's Cafe NOTARY PUBLIC least $450,000 a month for the You have suffered in confine would not?. There Pork spare ribs 20c. Frizzell's who rest of the year, in order to reach ment as the The committee, however, were many discomforts irrila-lipns, quota. Regular monthly meeting of We Buy point out that very few committees and misunderstandings. the Army and Navy Veterans on Your situation has been u dilll- MEN'S SHOES from- that had been formed; Monday night, March 3. - $3.95 Victory Bonds most of the divisional organizers cult one. Our own has hciin des vere waitings for tho conference perate. Our country blockaded, Shoe leather ready to wear Paying highest market ;which look place on,.February 4lh our civil population and army suf and to fit anyone and fit for any WOMEN'S SHOES from $2.95 price for them. and 5th; that practically no advertising fering from want of proper and one Sa:e now going on next to Any quantity. All was doiie in the newspapers sufficient food and materials, the Self's Cafe. ' . tf CHILDREN'S SHOES maturities. No delay. and that, therefore, under enormous demands made upon i the circumstances, the returns our harassed land from every side Meeting of the Retail Clerks, at are nothing to despair of. these and many other afflictions the Carpenters' hall on Monday, at similar reductions H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. made it impossible to do all that March at 8 p. m. sharp. All members 'Insarance-Real Es'ate -"216 we should have liked to do. Under kindly attend. ' 51 PRINCE GEORGE the circumstances we did our best Sixth St., Prwce Rd?:.I, B.C. to lessen the hardships of your Go to the Empress Theatre to A committee of the City Council lot, to ensure your .comfort, to night and see the "Merry Mer Don't Forget The Place composed of Mayor Carney and provide you with pastime, employment, maids," oceans of laughter- and Aldermen Harper"and Ogilvie, has mental and bodily recreat see the famous L-KO beauties. been appointed to report on a ion. It is not likely that you will NEXT DOOR to SELF'S CAFE THE difficult cir "The. Ilous"c of Glass" at the proposal to erect a memorial to ever know how our those who have fallen in the war. cumstances have been. Westholme tonight is a first rate Third Avenue ECONOMY STORE Errors Committee. picture. It was seen with appro The Board of Trade here is a-Iive "We know that errors have been val by a good many people last to,, the situation and is preparing ommilted, and that there have light.. Phones 18 and 36 a Jjooklet dealing with the been hardships for which the W. J. Larkworthy, 'merchant land, and resources of. the district. to blame. a former system was Economy Store, Economy Store, if New Hazelton and a well known Patronized by ricn and poor, There have" been wrongs and evr CARMEL MYERS IN Economy store, Economy Store, bid timer in northern British Columbia, Sells more (roods than ever before. ils on both sides. We hope that Tlie reason w hy can soon be round, A report made to the City Council will always think of that passed through here last SOCIETY SENSATION The Canadian Red you IU prices are low, Its values shows, that the result of a rhursday on his way to Vancou sound. , and be just. Gives sixteen ounces to tne pound. census gives in Prince George ver on business. Economy Store. Economy Store, "You entered the old Empire of Famous Actress as a Beautiful Cross Society The$9'List-re.In town and specials the population .as 1581. Germany; you leave the new He-public The.announcement is made of Duchess Is One of the Most The ea;n'prof of the pudding: Is In the. The Council is about to notify the newest and, as we .he sad death of John McKay, an Delightful Characters. Econcr.iy Store cannot be beaten. the property owners of the proposal hope to make it, the freest land old time Indian, at Metlakalla on As free transportation on Try It Just once, your orders give. in the world. last. He member Sydney Parmelee, the beautiful ill Red Cross shipments of You'll J)l cm the day as long as made by the Grand Trunk Froday was a you live. Pacific Development Co."to accept "Once the barriers of artificial of the Mellakatla band and was daughter of a fishing captain, had supplies will cease on March SPECIALS an additional 25 per cent, payment haired and misunderstanding about 65 years of age. been brought up to believe that 31st, 1919, all branches and White Epans 3 lbs. for 25c ment on property sold by them have, fallen we hope.that you will the was a duchess. workers under the Jurisdic Hrown r.eans 3 lbs. Tor S5c know in happier times W. J. Pitman who is the Oreen Teas 3 lbs ror 25c as payment in full, and to issue learn to representative When the story became generally tion of the Prince Rupert to those who make such payment these grander features of the land for northern B. C. for known through the ncwpap-rs, Branch are requested to Iter ism Grocery Conpnij and clear up the.taxes. Ex-Mayor whose unwilling guests you have the HeinUman & Co. pianos, left a Mrs. Jones, who found herself make their final shipments 'Perry is acting as the agent of been. A barbed wire enclosure is this morning for Prince George slipping on San FrartciSco's to the Canadian Red Cross LTD. the Company at Prince George. not the proper point ofview frpm and intervening points. He expects social ladder, rushed to the little Society, Prince Rupert, B.C. which to survey or judge a great to be back in a week. - fishing village and borrowed Sydney on or before March 15th, Inspector Parsons is back from nation. as her guest, knowing that to next, of all supplies of the Cariboo Blinded All. An anneal will be heard by be hostess to unused matsr. an inspection trip over a real duchess would made-up and game reserves. "The war has blinded all nations.. Judge oung in the County Court be the making of her socially. lal and articles on hand for But if a true and just on Monday in the case against When Sydney's claim to nobility shipment to specified depots. I I STEPHENS "A Foollight Flame" and a peace will result in opening the Mrs. J. Hildich charged with infringing was disproved, Mrs. Jones H. YOUNG, comedy cartoon are among the eyes of the peoples to the fad the early closing bylaw, promptly trumped up,a nice family NOTARY PUBLIC humors of the Westholme pro-grom that their interests are common ,which was dismissed by Magis-this tree for her. Honorary Secretary. tonight. war will not have been fought:trate Carss. Of course one would naturally Prince Rupert, B.C., in vain. If the peoples at last . L think that San Francisco's society February 24th, 1919. Don't forget Carmel Myers, that realize that it is pot each other I Yu'""l,ao'u i folk would at once disown both beautiful little star at the Empress who are their enemies, but the.""a""" lt uI11lu " Mrs. Jones and tha lovely pseudo tsmornmg from Alaskan tonight-in a society sensation. ruthless forces of Imperialism." duchess. Never so cliear cheaper tha U,e FOR RENT and bapitalism, of militarism, of Ports incess Mary. The Did they? ntivuhorn Rlios at Sale ul all sorts of Jingo journalism lhat1c0,mn'81ner ,aS ,be?" pay,n? a Well, it would simply spoil CI f' P.fn I'I Six-roomed house, bath, hot Bargains in shoes for everyone sows falsehood, hatred, and 8Ub-Iv,8,41 inspection to the outlying a mighty appealing photodrama to and cold water, electric light, at Sale next to Self's Cafe. tf picion, then peace will not be Pst8 of 1,18 Ration Army, tell. You must see the working Keen warm. Elcilric heaters chicken house and garden, . 4 established in vain. We hope that) Ma8ter AUen. McNjcbo son of: out of this delightful play at the! $9.00 and $12.00- Parkin &Vaft for rent TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY every one of you will go home;r, A M.Mi.i.nii nf ii, n r u impress lonignt. j Electric Co., Ltd. t'l carrying a message of goodwill lntertained a number 'of ,,.;' r $20.00 i of conciliation, of enlightenment. school friends lagt njghl at Uieir LOST on Second Ave, a lined glove residence on 5th Ave. A most en- Finder please phone 522. L. P. Dallaire, accountant in inva,,,n ,mA wnH -, Hll , the Canadian Bank of Commerce , i.,,; ,! . , ' here, left this morning for Van-derhoof N and games. where he is taking temporary ew Sprin: M. M. Stephens Eye-Sight charge of 'the branch of rhe commission consisting of EAL ESTATE IN8URANCE th6 bank which was opened at mr. Justice Morrison, Captaia J FINANCIAL AGENT and that point on Thursday last. D McPherson and Commander Martin, which went to Juneau to louses Science A man had"a range to sell. He take evidence from those persons advertised il in The Daily News who could not proceed to Victoria, and within an hoyr alter the paper passed south again today on FORSALE CNJOY the delights of good. was on the street the range wa board the Princess Mary. - vision. See everything sold. If you have anything, to sell clear and distinct as natur,o try the classified column. The cut In wages at the Anyox We are showing- many pleasing styles in Blouse?, both intended you to. mine and smelter took effect to Crepe de Chine best that the and These are Georgette. A number of skating parties 3 Room House day with the result that a num These has solved the are being made up for this afternoon of left their 1919 have produced, both in make and shades. SCIENCE men work and will for you, -and so and tomorrow. The ice is south prices are from $5.00 to $12.50. come on the next boat. The $600 defective sight is brought reported good botli , at the Salt cut amounts in some cases to as back to perfection by suitable Lake and at Shawatlans. much as two dollars a day. Defl In Boudoir Caps This house is on a good glasses. nile notice in regard to the chang9 Rubber boots at cost, prices level lot, about four blocks A LLOYV us to correct the Bale next Selfs Cafe. tf was posted at the mine on Thurs-day. we have a fine assortment, both in silk and nets. These from the drydock. defects that spoil your are very pretty and stylish. vision, and perhaps your Wine Is a Mocker When Bad. A wire was received by W, E, kind of health and happiness too. Thorpe's is Good, so Drink It. Burritt last night from V. W. B. House Dresses, Cover-all' Aprons and every Mclnnis, a barrister at Vancou Whitft Anrnno 1, , Jf "l-iflrrWo nrG SpeciW McCaffery, Gibbons YU promise you satlsfac- . ver, stating that he will bo up here suitable the'housewife. Some o wr tion and a moderate fee. FOR SALE ! for,nurses, waiters, and on Wednesday's boat to be present Ooyle, Ltd. at the Clarence Miller appeal to the House Dresses are in large sizesv from 44 to 54. WE KEEP OUR PROMISES He Heard in the courts on Wednes insurance Real Estate Furniture of three-room day afternoon at two o'clock. Mr. COME ALONG TO Oat. diningroom set, davenport, Mclnnes was formerly governor bed, dressers, grafanola of the Yukon and later Judge of Prince B. C. Rupert, Fred Joudry sewing machine, chairs, the county court. and rugs, Jabour Ltd. Practical Optometrist Bros., Private Sale, Thursday, Footwear at pro-war prices at SUBSCRIBE FOR Third Ave. Prince Rupert February 27. Sale next to Self's Cafe. tf OppoilH Pvt Office 12 BESN&R APARTMENTS Third Avenue West The Daily News Spirella Corsetiere. Black 257. 0