TI1E DAILY NEWS. CITY SHOULD HELP ;,jf H GEI II HERSELF INTO SUCCESS VAT V K. it3. i (Continued from Page 3.) nEiunsi and retire in ease. That is blunt, Prince Rupert OF but is it not a fact? ( AO. Toot BIS r cm?-. 1 Lood at Tacoma. Point the Way Should the securing of the local lV&3 r I rWC. pop's V MUSIC STORE .fraii-a-tiyes" industries for the town bo left Relief entirely to the railroad while wo to Quick Opposite Post Office adopt a policy of watchful waiting? Vbhona, Ost. "TV 6oi number of years It is all right to leave the v for a ,.t Wfr,;wd and severe J'atns question of terminals to the G. Under New Management. " caused by T. P. But shouldn't we as citizens s ,hnrv liitinir. of the town take the initiative WATCH THIS SPACE Ff.R THE OPENINO DATE " 1 Biren UP '"P0 of eTer in bringing manufacturing Mr. Will Edmunds wishes m to announce that he will open friend plants, elevators, etc., to the 4''wc!) at'"11. recom: the above store shortly with n select lino of musical merchandise, . -t n:it-a-Uvcs' to me and place? One lone man brought Pianos, Gramophones, sheet music and musical first box I felt so the Todd Drydock and Construction Instruments. He will complete and latest catalogues carry V that I continued to Co., a shipbuilding 'industry r of the leading music firms of Canada, United States, Great and now I am enjoying employing thousand ,. j : over seven .; ji hciUth, thanks to your" 'men, to Tacoma. And Tacoma Britain and Europe. iprfuHi'Jt medicine". had for years been deader in pro Mail orders carefully attended to. Expert repairs on portion to its size than Prince string instruments, bows re-haired, and wood wind Instruments cold by are -all M a box, C for 2M, Hupert ever was. adjusted and repadded. or sent postpaid by Why Not Advertise? rr Limited, OtUwa. Here we have some thousands of live citizens. Why not do some THE DAILY NEWS civic advertising and let the CJ . A rlirnvff oinrr world east of Smithersand south nr- .nil iiii iiiiiiic of Ocean Falls know what we have HI vu J always pays but unless we do our British Columbia, commencing at a post here. We have a fund of natural P'snted about or a mile south westerly PI- Phone 98 resources In our hinterland that aaverllsing others will not do it rrom a small bay and fclanJ in canoe l'ass S.S. PRINCE RUPERT ror us. There's a job for the between Moresby and Ctiaatl Islands near Con that is unsurpassed. Why not advertise Log roiDi ana about z tnilei easterly along Adertiinj mil e Board- of Trade; to advertise llie Moresby Island aide or Canoe I'asa rYlIV 1 wS,ea wnl df1,"s it? We have thousands of throughout Canada from Duck Point; tnence south 80 cbalns: and the States undeveloped hydro-electric horse-power tlience east 80 cbalns; tbence nortb 80 SAILING n at, wiut FACTS about Prince Rupert, to halns; tbence west 80 chains to the point at our back door. Why not or commencement, get after the government and keep ocated November 16th, H18. WANTED. THURSDAY RCidnlaht for Cwanson Ocean Vancouver advertise that? W'e have one of CHAHLES E. BURGESS, Bay, Falls, the best harbors in the world. after them till we get an elevator By Hans K. Cbrlnensen, A Rent. and Victoria. Estiri OMi DOLLAH FOIl here to handle that grain Portland i " 1 II. ft 1.' Why not publish abroad that fact? Sk'EE.NA LKKD DISTRICT DISTIUCT OF WEDNESDAY Midnight for Anyox. III. I J rourui jvvu.r. is after. Such advertising VL'llN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. We arc forty-eight hours nearer i.o dozen laying hens the Orient than any other Pacific can be dona without reams of ex TAKE NOTICE that Betlv r.hrntenun ir 8. S. PRINCE JOHN pensive literature. A well direct Prince Rupert, B. c, married woman, intends , :. :ciiirel8 G. II. Hood, port. Why not put that on the to apply ror a licence to prospect Tor Queen Charlotte Islands February 20th, and March 6th. ed statement of plain facts is the coal and petroleum over the following described tf n t ibio. City. bill boards? We are nearer one lands on the West Coast or Moresby only and have way, we the facts of the world's greatest fishing Island, Britrtb Columbia, xommenclng TRAIN SERVICE ;t,iw yuur furs to Goldbloom, that will do the business. it a post planted about 1 mile south rrom grounds than any other Pacific the southerly shore or Canoe l'ass and S Passenger MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and3ATURDAY at It :10a.m. for Smltbers Avenue, iie pays nigii Conjointly. miles east or the southeast corner and juifo coast transcontinental railroad location post or Robert Reld's application Prince Georg. Edmonton and Winnipeg, making direct connecUons for all tf If this movement be carried out -.1 p-ice. terminal. Why not induce more for licence: tbence north 80 chains: thence - points- east and south. there will conjointly with our ef cas I 80 chains; tbence south 80 chains; EMPLOYMENT WANTED llsh packing and freezing con uience wesi so cnains to tnc point or com forts be signs of life exhibited by mencement. ACEKCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. cerns to come here? We have a Located November i;th, 1618 the railroad that litre put us ,iixi;tli WANTS JOB on that offers BETTY CIIIUSTENSEN, , surrounding country For iuiormation and reservations apply to to overhaul engines. which will soon show that they By Hans K. Chrlstensen. Agent. Ante an ever increasing market for G. F. JOHNSTON, City Passenger and Ticket Agent. are with us "to the last ditch." Daily News. tf SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF y d; x staples and other manufactured The Lord only helps them who yLEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. City Ticket Office, S26 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 goods. Why not talk about it and TO LET help themselves, and all good TAKE NOTICE that Gertrude Knott, or get outsiders talking? Prince Rupert. B. C spinster. Intends to things come to them only who apply ror a licence to prospect for coal and i ui Jloams with or without Agricultural Lands. HUSTLE while they wait. petroleum over the following described ituiiii loinforts, Phona We have nqt far distant from anis on the west Coast or Moresby Is I take pleasure in presenting land, British Columbia, commencing at a 55 our city very excellent agricultural post planted about one mile south rrom the this discussion by one who in a southerly shore or Canoe Pass and S miles s land suitable both for mixed way is merely an onlooker, but at as i or me soumeasi rorner ana location ri r AM A Ell AM PAT iVIf' D All WAV FOR SALE farming, stock raising and market post of Robert Reld's application ror the same time is much interested. licence; tbence south 80 chains; thence gardening. Why can't we assist west SO chain.); tbence north 80 chains; .iLr i uiniture, including the of British Columbia (hence east 80 cbalns to the point or com province ik'EEXA LAXD DISTIUCT -DISTRICT OF mencement. Lowest Rates all Eastern to Points i y uf-srtr, baby crib, arid the Grand Trunk Pacific rail QUEES CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Located November 17th, 1918. TAKE INOTICE Andrew that or .Voetman, via Steamer to Vancouver and the al healer, kitchen way to settle that land by adver Prince Rupert, B. C, fisherman. Intends to By Hans UEllTHUDE K. Chrlstensen,kNUTT, Agent. apply ror a licence to prospect ror coal couch, iron Canadian Pacific a aairs, Railway it in with tising conjunction our 4tid petroleum over the following described SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT t f -ms utensils, etc. lands on the -West Coast or Moresby Island, civic publicity? QUEEN CHARLOTTE J 3 LANDS. British Columbia, commencing at a post Meals and Berth included on Steamer Hi J6. 53 1 What about our climate? Ninety planted about 200 yards rrom the southerly TAKE NOTICE that I. Hans K. CUrlsteri tbore or Canoe Tass and 4 miles east or per cent of our youngsters go to ilit: northeast or Robert Reld's .rii, ui j riutc nuiHrrft, L. i., iisueruiau, u-- .Lt Aluminum .and corner ap lend to apply ror a licence to prospect"ror months in the plication ror licence; tbence north 0 rial described school ten year and petroleum over the .following - v. arc, nickel plat- iihalns; tbence west 80 chains; tbence lands on the west coast or Moresby FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA AND SEATTLE FROM PRINCE RUPERT ' without being sick. How many cuth 86 chains; tbence east so chains to uniisn ai a 3 AH new goods (he point or commencement. post isiana,planted about uoiumoia, or commencing a mile south February SSlh, March 11th, and 1st; April 1st, llth and gist; May 2nd, other cities beat that health can Located .November 17th, It 18. Third Avenue. If westerly rrom a small bay and Island In 15lh and S3rd; June 2nd. record? Not many. And that fact A.DHEW VOETMAN, Canoe Pass between Moresby and ChaaU By Hans K'. Chrlstensen, Agent. Islands near Log Point and about 3 miles jAL s ngor Sewing ma-aoo; s worth a whole lot when it comes easterly along the Moresby Island side or FOR KETCHIKAN, JUNEAU, WRANQELL, SKAQIVAY, ALASKA Hed IKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF : anoe 1 ass rrom buck point; tnence norm Phons ti-w, to civic advertising. Why not OUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. 0 chains: tlience cast 80 chains: thence From Prince Rupert February 24th, March 7th, 17th and 28th; April 7th, (54) put a big electric sign board on r TAKE Bar rolnt.NOTICE California,that Daniel hotel L. Keeper,Sutherland,in- ihe south point 80 chains;or commencement.tbence west 80 chains v to 17th and 28tb; May 8tb, 19th and 29th. Ni the hill where people arriving on ends to apply ror a licence to prospect ror Located NovemDer lotn, 1918. ruble Hubbard Oven, oal and petroleum over the following described w ;. La Casse Bakery. the (rains and boats can fee it lands on the West Coast or Moresby HANS K. CHRISTENSEN, Applicant. ' i ; aire Rupert, tf and know that we are on the job sland, British Columbia, commencing ai SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. post planted about t mile south rrom OUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. LOST here to show them llrat we have a th? southerly shore or Canoe Fass and i TAKE NOTICE that Robert Reid. or Prince town worth coming to, a town miles east or the southeast corner and loca Rupert, B. C, taxi driver. Intends to apply Co ner Fourth Street rnd Third Avenue, Prunes Rupert. B.C. Hon Post or Robert Reld's application ror a licence to prospect ror coal ano ''it-- (child's) on that wants the manufacturer to licence; thence north 80 chains; thence petroleum over the following described west 80 mains; tnence soutn su cnains; lands on Ihe west Coast or Moresby Island, - between Second come here and make flour, pulp, thence east 80 chains to the point of com British Columbia, commencing at a Mil Street. Finder umber, shingles, sashes and mencement. ost manieo aooui or a raue soutn. Located Novemner I7tn, ibis. westerly rrom a final! bay and Island In 1 B. G. Under. doors, machinery, steel ships; to DANIEL L. SUTHERLAND, Canoe Pass between Moresby and Chaatl By Hans K. Chrlstensen. Agent Islands near Log Point and about 3 miles tf and smelt the we come here ore asterly along the Moresby Island side or have in the mountains back of us SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Canoe Pass rrom Buck Point; tbence north j Ave, a lined glove QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. 80 chains: tbence west 80 chains: thence The jUnion and which now has to go six hundred TAKE NOTICE that Peter Jensen, or outh 80 chains; tlience east 80 cbalns to COAST SERVICE. ii' a.so phone 522. ' Prince Rupert, B. C, net boss. Intends to the point or commencement. miles to Tacoma to b9 smelted apply ror a licence to prospect ror coal Located November tein, ivis. For Vancouver, sailing Tues., 7 FOUND simply because there are no ind petroleum over the following described ROBERT REID. Steamship p.m. lands on the West coast or Moresby Island, By Hans K. Chrlstensen, Agent. facilities here at the source of iiniuh Columbia, commencing at a post Anyox, Port Simpson and Naas Points, planted about S00 yards from the southerly SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF Co. of B.C. -li'in"li ,,r keys. Apply Pfoduction? hire or Canoe Pass and 4 miles east or QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS. Mondays, 7 a.m. t ' ' Cilice, tf Advertising Pays. the northeast corner or Robert Reld's application TAKS NOTICE that I. Albert K. Estesvaag for licence; thence south 80 or Prince Rupert, B. C, fisherman. Intend Ltd. John Barnsley, General Agent Look at Wrigley's Spearmint chains; tbence west 80 cbalns; thence to anolv for a licence to prospect for coal :: :: TAXI SERVICE doesn't norm 80 chains; thence east 80 chains to and petroleum over the following described gum and say advertising be point or commencement. lands on the West Coast or Moresby Island, Mt -SKNUEn pay.. Look at the people who Located November 17th, 1918. British Columbia, commencing at a post SERVICE PETER JENSEN, planted about 200 yards from the southerly ai'j Uay. Phone 99. yearly traverse for pleasure the By Hans K. Chrlstensen, Agent. shore or Canoe Pass and 4 miles east or Canadian Pacific Rockies, and say the northeast corner or Robert Reld's ap SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF plication lor licence; thence south 80 ';'-hm,',"'," f;.distiuct of advertising doesn't pay. Compare OUEEN CHAHLUTTE ISL.A.-Ua. chains; thence east 80 chains; thence nortb Advertise in "The Daily News" I 't ISLANDS. tak'k notice that Charles E. Burgess of 80 chains; tbence west 80 chains to the the city of Seattle twenty years r.v Pnint. California, hotel keener, intends 'point or commencement. tlm Altle E. Burgess, of with Scaltlo today,, and then to apply for a licence to prospect for coall Located November 17th, 1918. , a. Hurried Woman, In- ago The Paper that gets Quick Results in ence to prospect say advertising doesn't pay lands on the West Coast of Moresby Island, Applicant. 11 "it tbe following i!n wi coSj( 0f "; "-i Columbia, com-i nil,-.mre,i about or Canoe Sou yard Pass Life if Don't Weaken v'liii'atlon" northeast ror licence,corner It's a Great You '""in; thence East 80 , riialnsi thence i'"int of commence- ran, nig. 1141 rutepicn'. Agent. Mil !'!,1",:J-rP.IiTflcT ISLANDS. of rH REftT life. Wmr jMI "'IR il... . . . . Annie Lindsay, of ,Wnier. Intrndi to ., '"Pet ror coal and W r"ll"'n described ''nh,:,IM of Moresby Is- , ..J""1' ouih rrom h ; ;.! rasa and S mile. i j -i ., c"rDer and loratinn i! ill I aunllrn,.n " IM u rh.ln.." .V" " -win- tliem north mi ni...i '" ,u ' Point or com' 'tntirt. ..... Hi;: K 'f.'bristensen.1JSDSAY A tent ) T?2 J I Mother. -THiNH a HB 1. 1 " h "5V' '"!a Cbrlatensen, - 1 UUud. lime ! P? i asa " l8'and n.ti near !nd iiin 1 SOMth BA .l.'."1 ' ii.ii, 4t,.N. Applicant. 1oprrUt ISIS br U Ivmlor Tlmoi. Vw York Hfald Co.)