IX I Pi It SLIMIIED GEO.J.FBIZZELL FIRST, wit workmen's rcriinients AID Board KITS Com-pcnsatlon HE DAILY NEWS Pork 20c.Sparc Ib.Ribs PK 82 end 200 Phones 10 and 25 VOL. X. NOI PMNCE IIUPE11T, 13. C, THUUSDAY, MARCH 6, 1919. PRICE FIVE CENTS DIE WACTIT AM RUEIN. GREAT STRIKE IlfeERLIN PEACE TREATY MILITARY AND NAVAL CONTINUES UNABATED AND asm TERMS BEING DISCUSSED IN PARIS MOBS LOOT AND PLUNDER (Special to The News via 0. T.P. Telegraphs.) "l Paris, March 0. David Lloyd George, British Prime Minister, ATTACKED AND POLICEMEN CAPTURED E sTATIONS iiax arrived in Paris accompanied by the Duke of Connaught. The CROWDS WHILE PEOPLE PILLAGE FROM BY arrival is a prelude to discussion of the main features of the Peace STORES ROBBERIES AMOUNT TO Treaty by the Council of the Great Powers which begins today. MANY MILLIONS OF DOLLARS The question to be determined relates to the military and (Special to The News via a. T, I'. Telegraphs. naval terms of enemy disarmament. These were originally March 6. The great strike continues. Robberies framed as terms of the armistice but have now been changed to Berlin . III! -P .1 1 1 1 it- - ... L. form part of the permanent peace treaty. minting to many millions ui uuiiuro vvuriii ui (jrupciiy jiao . -o-ripH carried out during the last two days. Jewellers' netin i as mi have' been looted and also drapers' establishments. MILLER MUST GERMAN WAR PLOT in the northeast part of the town, dairies, produce and meat BROUGHT TO LIGHT .hl8 The have radicals been are plundered.concentrating their efforts on capturing the iAjnarongen.The waters of the Rhine have inundated the country around ! STAY IN JAIL Two Seamen Committed 8ulclde Ilco stations. Thirty-two precinct stations have been attacked on Barkentlne Puako en central station assaulted three times. Several policemen Route Victoria to nd the " Judge Young Confirms Sentence .r cantured by the mobs. Arms depots, jewellery shops and PLAYGROUND CURRIE TELLS of Nine Months' Imprisonment Cape Town. food stores have been pillaged. for Selling New York, March 6. Disclosures HOW THE Whiskey. in regard to time FIRST STEP MEN a war plot PROHIBITION PARTY HALIBUT SELLS AT to destroy American shipping on MAKES A PROTEST THIRTEEN AND EIGHT TO PARADISE WILL RETURN SECOND TRIAL PLACE TOOK YESTERDAY brought the Pacific to light coast in an have investigation been into charges brought by the Big Convention at Vancouver Objects There were two fish sales made In confirming the judgment of crew of the Barkentine Puako to Modification of Law after the usual business hours Principal Brady Sets Forth Inter Letter Received from General says nine months' imprisonment for from Victoria, B. C, for Cape Return. Tuesday afternoon. They were esting Truths re Education Return by Units has been Town that their master, Captain Before Soldiers selling liquor to the contrary pro- Adolphe Pedersen had been so the Omaney with 24,000 lbs. and of Boys, and Scores Decided Upon. visions of the British Columbia the Democrat with 9,000 lbs. The Conditions. strict that two of the seamen had u T. P. Telegraphs.) i'rommtion Act Clarence -.y-M "ia against committed suicide. Omaney sold for 13 and 8c. to Vancouver, March C. The tlio Booth Fisheries, and the Dem U'OULD ENCOURAGE (Special via O. T. r. Telegraplis.) Miller, Judge "ioung said that he I Pedersen said, that the crew Victoria, March G. In letter had little to There Peoples prohibition Party convention ocrat received 13 and 8c. from ATTENDING! HIGH SCHOOL a say. was uiiuiupiuu 10 sins me snip. from General Currie written on doubt the accused negotiated the with opened yesterday the-Pacific Fisheries. February 7 he says most of the sale of the liquor. He saw Blanche inn ieieimi.es nrcsent. They are One sale look place today, that That the boys should be given ai.;.i . it i i n i . i i. were confident that what they iuuu uivision were men in ing- "an. uuu men wem 10 luaaeune taking actum to protest against -Q the Chimera which had 5,000 every chance to play, to enter the land en route home. The first, Myers who agreed to purchase the bought was water. .,, ,. . , libs, of hulibut, and sold for 13 For Dismissal. to be by schoo'l, surrounded high Itll fiUOrtS 01 Uie SO-CttllUU uuu3r second and fourth divisions will liquor. As a result of the nego- und 8 Vic. per Ib. to the Booth influences instead f bad The evidence being all in for i I: I u good follow in the order named. tiations the barrel was delivered ai 'any to ureaK or inouuy wa Fisheries Co. the prosecution Mr. Mclnnes made and to be provided with healthy - .V X.tX.ltl 1 Tho policy of returning men by to Miss Myers. oj iuc iiromimiuu iuv an application for dismissal of provisions literature instead 6T some of that units has been decided upon. All Johnson-the Crook. of the soldiers HOCKEY FINAL8. case on the plea that the sale return mtil tho which he gels now, Was the pith Canadian troops will be in England The prisoner told the women (rum overseas. of the contention of Principal J. by May 1 and all back in he was to get a commission on made was by the evidence shown tlpedal via U.T. 1. Telegraphs.) to be water and not whiskey. All C. Brady oj-lhe high school in a the Canada before June 2. sale. It was unreasonable to the whiskey that was in the barrel lecture tr the' Wednesday Club thing he should have placed himself i TOTAL CASUALTIES the at-tiie xi'resbylflrian Church hall had been given away as a sample in jeopardy unless he (n)fll thu litis (if ,riininnls flip vml was IN YPRES SALIENT,! Hockey League are March 'ja8t night, liis subject-was "The ini f.r hmv ihA i.rnininir nf n.0 getting something (Ait of it. The wlusEey.and what,It was sold whfskey was not 2 and 11. Boy as an Asset" and he handled was they it in iriaslerly style. streets had led to crime, ." . , . , . , ,, ipreienaea to sell and it was a Mr. Brady said he had never al via O T P. Telegraphs.) LEGISLATURE CALLED. Mr. Brady said that this was the instructions o I found on the school grounds a Johnson, there doubt about that. was no i Winston of reconstruction and ... 4 Yy Via 1 I London, Murcb C the period tyrr rr n 1 r in n a Doy or girl fond of play and at the u """The charge to have made inii.vliill, British Secretary for Special vn O. Tl. Telegraph.) while in Europe they were reconstructing same time evil minded or evii man enough to carry out his part Ifi haye been one for getting . :tated thai the total casual- Dawson, .March 7. The Yu- the devastated and spoken. It ,was the duty of the of "ie ?"BauL,. , , , money under false pretences. , is called meet country we should be re-ana kon Legislature on ruined ine luage saia ne ieu sorry ior f i state when the mother had done ics t tnc British.. UUIIUU1UU I Mr. Williams submitted that a I April 3. constructing spiritually, inorauy her to hand the man but this was not a court part lend a helping (Continued on Page Six.) ::mn troops in tno xpres and it was netter intellectually, i.v irivtnir u.a Phiiri n nh.n,. in of sympathy but of law. He was -'tint fi-im July 31 to November HAS SOLD OUT. that the boys and girls should dis not concerned with the sugges develop. 18. 1917 were: British officers, than to go out into the world and Now and then there be tion that the Prohibition Act was i ' was a men. :'u;,838; Canadian (Special via o. t. p. Telegraphs.) !die morally and spiritually. lated report of some little thing persecuting the public. In regard "DEMERS" i00. men, 11,017; Australian- Vnncpuver, March 7. John ' Religion, being done. The life of a child to the application for a officers. 1,289, men, 20,- llandbury, on his return from Mr. Brady went on to speak of was not to be counted in dollars. stated case he was willing to hear The new suits have arrived. Winnipeg today reported having 'the throefold development which Economic Urge. argument on it later. We are delighted sold out his business enterprises 'was necessary in education. The rnrougii tne economic urge The case was heard yesterday with them, and know you P. G. E. STATUS and lumber concerns on the prai-1 moral, intellectual and spiritual many children had to leave school afternoon before Judge Young, will be. They are beautifully ries nature must bo cultivated. He- at an early age. Agafrist this with w NV- ,B- Mclnnes of Van tailored -of beautiful fc"ai ' a u. T. r. Telegraphs?) ligion, in some lonn, was uuuea-sary ciindiUnn tlinrfl is nlrfinHv couver who has come up espec- materials,"but our descriptive V." ina. Mrrh C. A resolu-in'-'Mduiifd FISH ARRIVALS. for life proper development rumbling of discontent, said the ia!1y r the occasion, defending, powers are not good by G. S. Banes of a boy or girl. It was not pos-jsible speaker. Men are wondering why and AV. E. Williams for the crown. enough for these suits. asKiny for a return showing;.tho to develop into noulo manhood Famous Case. (EpecliI via U. T. P. Telegraphs.) they are not given the rights Manual status, liabilities and without a respect for re This is the in which case famous one COME AND SEE . TheVnna J. came in last night they ought to have. Many asse1- ,f ..he Pacific Great Eastern Even m lieatnen bparta which barrel of water sold with 10,000 lbs., the Nielson with ligion. of the evils nf the rt.iv f.nnk nlace a was Railway passed tho Legisla-MirtfVsterday. it was found necessary to instil because had to Blanch Hart and Madeline 1-2,000 lbs. and the Nideros with men in high office religion in tho minds of the M'ers of Comox Avenue, on the 2,000 lbs. or halibut. Tho fish not the vision. Great nations of children. old lived for Selfish ends and supposition that it was whiskey, morning on will be sold tomorrow MAX HE it. BR ONER Play. lh 8Um of i,450 being paid Tor Our tho Fish Exchange. perished. empire lives for 9- education! Another phase of tho future, the lives of the micrhtv It- Reliable Jeweler which was as necessary as religion dead I 1 ',e wom?n concerned told Jyjmlth Wellington Coal re- say so. or intellectual development their tale again of how Miller had Diamonds, Watches, Clocks fuel bill and gives Scholarships. cuts.'a-iior..your Phone 16. P. R. was physical development. The Mr. Brady went on to advocate agreed to sell the liquor, how it Cut Glass, Silverware, ivory Coal weak bov or girl did not have the Lhn eh-inir nf snhnlnrBl.ina in nil wn delivered and the money paid. Umbrella, Community Plate, FOH QUALITY wi- energizing thoughts which was children who entered the high 1Iow Johnson, the other party to v Etc. SERVICE AND SATISFACTION .. . .... necessary. The playground was school in order to do with the fraud- had gabbed the money me omesi uanaaian ui,o u. nhiirch away Cornae 3rd At. and 6th 6trt. ?od Board Licence No. 10-7340 The Canada, J. F. Magu.re, Agent. .1..c,n- a more the necessity of giving way to the ana mnae 011 ana had not since economic urge. He asked why bocn 1,card from The witnesses evil than all the forces for their 1 should it be that when parents hud the courage to bring up chil- j is the first step to para dren they should be unable to give WE H for many and the absence of HOLME THEATRE other direction. them an education Empress : Theatre t leads in the Mr. lirady went on to 'Speak of More interest was being tanen in the evils of poverty. Ho made the TONIGHT only TONIGHT of cattle and thu nroner care statement that he had never horses than in the child. known criminal who from a came THOS. INCE PRESENTS tIS wearing the blue .shirt again Every dollar spent in playgrounds a comrortaoie home, rne ooys beloved etar of motion pictures is reappearing In one of his was so well spnt, declared from the poor homos often CHARLES RAY lamous, favorite roles of the great north woods the lecturer, that whero struggled to be good but they and (in a Triangle Production William Fox presents they are usod the prisons went down under the pressure. jails go out of use. lie had seen Deeper interest should he taken WILLIAM FARNUM a sad wreck and had heard "The many in this subject. Men in high Clodhopper" IN plaoes were computing how they could lower the wages, weheras How a boy, country born and bred, fought hia way to success "THE St. Patrick's Day they should be considering how HEART OF A LION" they could raise them. Let tho Mutt and Jeff Cartoon boys be educated In the high Harold Lloyd Comedy. Pathe Gazette Based on Ralph Connor's novel, "The Doctor" Arrangements Tor the much talked school and there would be little 2-Reel of rotrlclt's Day Concert are well heard of strikes and labor 9th of the Double Cross Mack Sennett C medy"His Torpedoed assisted under way.hy "Local outside talent vocalist will be of troubles. Episode, 'Mystery Lovt high class character. Tho com-nilitee Recreation. LHW 8TART8 7.1b ADMISSION 15o and 260. In charge promise a rare Mr. Bpady went on to speak of Admission 15c and 25c. Show starts 7.15 sharp Tom treat at tho the lack of recreational facilities ORROW Geraldine Farhau in "The Hell Cat" WE8THOLNIE THEATRE on MONDAV here. There was no gymnasium I Friday and Saturday, and Matinee Saturday at 3 "God's Country i,, "Al'UN In "Wokk" Amateup. Night Next Fbipay MAHCH 17, ISIS. SI or swimming bath and the result and the Woman." A Story of the Canadian North Woods, (Continued on Page Six.)