IHt. 1IA1LV Mt Tbturia?. 34 1 El 's The Daily News JtUJL SCMEOULX ROYAL YEAST PRLS'CE HUPE2T - ERITISH COLUMBIA CAKES For t& ExsS. Tfc ipafcj d Zrnljttit Ctta Priztlzz zrA Pabfoiasz Co., Hard Arena. 3 sasb tisi it f x:Tat b ts$cn-c4,fotzre IL F. PQLLEK, ILurxcDrc Editoz. iatrcrag tie fitiiit. Tie rtaggf frwa a Frcm Um Eart- SssdsT!, Te4ays and Thors- SUBSCRIPTION BATES: b?rzif a rzpiSy zt jractkal Izys at 5:15 p.cx. aY City Dtrer7, hj esrrier or mil, per nvyalh 75c lis cny i tie itxii zxi Br MzHCzrzda. or Gre&t Britain, in zArzzce. pr year 5.01-To vzazt cals a gzznxUti la b? Tor Vaccower: United States aod either eosstrfe. in sArtixxm 57.5ft. h mrrrapxt. Ezdk Tc M-day ,5 p-ca. tf & snare axes art nzei !silrday, Feb. f acd 15. 7 a. so. pijer, a raa a mtttr is t TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVEKTISLVG - 76 cam it men. toiz Ootnct Eatet on ajrkatxn. tixajadjaZr izti&L, Sasdaj From Vincovrtr........10 pjau "THE COTTON AND SILK OF IT" A'e4oedars 10:30 . m. As a UiiJua!? hy'j5fe. you cooid a IMILY EDmO.f, -HjSfa Tatorrr, Mrefc ROYAL YEAST HAS EEEM THE ioa&iT. Jao. 27; Fib. 8 asd 22, silk ia tbe maim? of article here eottcm STAKDA2D YEAST OF CAXADA xt 9 a-m. just as you would not use cottn for silk. F02 XEAELY HALF A CETUZY to tbat a soft lernelled wbeal u doc be.r.s Spltndld Price tor For Anox: a special pastry Hour, gitin? results onoku -ordinary ProrlntUl Bondu L "W.QUUl fJOSPAST 10010) Sada;s ......10 pxa. floor milled from bard keraiJcl h-By Ttml the Brilnk CsAanfhi Gortramtot hatpin? eoa-Mmee T020STO. CAXADA Vedaefrdars : 10 p.m. the use of Wild Rose Pastry Flour. m the ttnntl world apparesl from the fact that time gel better results than you ever dreauned ; mrflioH oVrJUr' worth ot their bo&ds hearing am taitreti rat of a From Anjox: save at least 25 per eenL in hortatB?. r ! and a faalf per cent have been add for praeiieafly par. The Tcefoays ije. ought to be sufficient to induce yoa lo bvrnliys p.m. yoa are using baier bread, and enjoy bai ex prke i Sairatlon Armjr. pastry, by not order up a 10.1b. sack from When it i eMrei I hit C&osdua GorernncBl Victory Rivet For Port Simpson amd Hau Public meetings, Tueay, Vancouver & Grain bonds ImA to t tasnle free ot income Lax in order to market Ihtta I iariaB and tatarcUyg at 8 p. points: Milling Co., Lid. ft m dear that B- & securities are now looked upon as good as! suueajs at ii30 p. in. t-umlaj ..10 pjn Blahi 09 a4 MiMst VaawMft BeaacaiM: Victoria, VlMMiir, Ntw Wsataaicstar, Dominion"eriiie, It for the economic C.J. fpeal very highly Fo4 UcM Itoa. 12-1t2-13-14.15. From Port Simp too and lt2s tnUHHgetfienl ot the- affairs of the province that from a condition i A man bad a range to sell. He advertised it in The Daily ews River Points: of fttnfcrnptcy he ha been hroaght to a place where the money and within an hour after the paper "uesdays p. m. 4 'magnates of the world again look, on her with confidence. was on the street the range was Playground for sold. If yon have anything to ell Queen Charlotte Islands: Delicious- Partly Flour try the classified column. For MasseU, Port C'.tmenU and School Children. Upprr Island points: In a lecture last night in the Presbyterian Church Principal When rou hae read Lie news l'or Skldgate, ueen Cbarlolle Ilredy of the High School drew attention to the lack, of playgrounds iotifc tbrtNigh the classified column City and Lower Island points in the city. He showed (hat play was just as important uo Pae 5. anuary S3, Feb. 6. 20; March 6, 20th, at 7 p.m. a work as a factor in the derelopment of the child. To have to MIXEItAL ACT play on Ihe lreeU was not good for children. I'Jaj grounds 7rom Masset, Port Clements and houjd be provided at any price for they are a modern necessity. Certifieate of Improvements. Upper Island points: BAM(- QF-MQNTREAi, At King Edward school there is a playground that could be SOTICE From Siidegate. Quen Charlotte made useful with the expenditure of a little money. Like ventilation id rtel Zxttrntoo" mlatral claaa. City and Lower Island points sttattle to (be .iui isiter xwar Otniton anuary 28; Feb. If and 25; Mar. ESTABLISHED OVER 1S0 YEARS and other heaith conditions this is a matter on which it does iA caMttr DfslrKL Wse taul: On the klusolt Rlrer, 11 and 25th, a.m. not pay (o be penurious. Honey spent on playgrounds is better aar ibe Ur csama. Savings Department Jl TAKE "IOIICE uut UwU W. Pattoore. than on any other school equipment. rnc Miser's ceruneale -o. TB.407-C act For Skagway and the Yukon, Play is the natural outlet for the activities of the child. Forbidden at as sintt for Ole eslndsen. Free Muter anuary 27. Feb. and 22 9 a. m Deposits of $1. and up play, the';hHd fails to develop normally and eventually the trm tac date bereof, ui apply 14 Ue ward received, and Interest Hiaiaz Hecoroer rr a teruoeaie or ua- inclination is to drift into the criminal ranks and eventually to iruttmeau, tor tax ferpse f obuuuox From Skagway and Yukon, allowed at highest current a Crown orast 01 toe aoore cuiro. 't-buary 1 and 15 help 1111 the jails. a. in. And rortbrr use notice uui aeuoo. rates. Savings Department under seetloa !. must be ttAuatmac Factor in Creating before Ibe tssae 01 sucn Certincxie of accounts given special ! lairoMaenls. ttewart, Maple Bay and Swamp ?1, ii if Bolshevists Here. uatx.1i lot m taj vi icunurj, a. v. Point. . attention. The greatest factor in the creation of Bolshevists in this I8I. Jose Jan 31; Feb. H. 28, 10 pm be made, country is the action of such men as Flavelle in profiteering while MINERAL ACT Arrive Feb. 3, 17; March 3rd Deposits may Hie country is struggling for freedom. The noble boys who went and withdrawn, by mail as oversea at the pay of a dollar and ten cents a day and many of Certificate of Improvements. TIMBER SALE X14S5. easily, readily and safely as whom gave their lives for freedom did not think that while they NOTICE in the world from the Huns the home Sealed lenders will b recelred br tbe person. were freeing people at were nsxra t n "Black Bear" Mineral dilm. situate In Minister of Lands not later than noon on being enmeshed by those at home. There can be no liberty here the nasi Minlnr Uiruion cf uur Lu-trtet. he 99lh dar or Mareli. 191s. lor tbe mir- while men in high positions are able to accumulate hoards such Wbere located: On tbe lluiult lUver, rhaut reel. B.nr M.,Ueence or spruce,X.KSS.ceaar,to rot iiemicca:l.Sta.Ooi ana II. ST. G. LEE, Manager, Prince Rorcrt BraacL as that mentioned in Parliament by Sir Sam Hughes. Compare near the bix caoyoo. Balsam on an area situated on Blr Lake. Ellerslle Bay. run re i. coast dijuici. TALE .NOTICE tbat John II. MeMalUn. that with the paltry dollar ten a day that the boys were getting ocieul Admiaistrstor of the Estate of Three (J) rears will be allowed for re at ihe Mime time tor doing vastly more important work, and it Mliv-rs Charles Swansrn,tertincsie deceased,zo. J.i2-c,intestate.inienas,Free mora!Further of paruenlars timber. of Ibe Chief Forester. in evident that something is wrong. It is not a matter of party ilxly dari from tbe date hereof, to apply Victoria. B. C or District Forester, Prince politics. It i a matter that must be righted by no matter what or to lifiprortrueois,the Minlnr Recorder tor we for purpose a Certiorate or od-slriln nupert, B.C. STEEN & LONGWILL SEEDS! parly is in power. The general opinion expressed is that hanging a Crown Grant of toe above elalin. N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH And rurttier take notice ibat action, COLUMBIA. CESSjBsaaeraBBSaVaaVaaaaVMBi in much too cay a punishment for a man who could sap the life under Section ti, mutt be commenced blood from the nation at a time when the young men were fighting before tbe Issue of such Certificate ot TAKE NOTICE that Alexander W. Dow SANITAA. MrsO HEATINO For the Garden taiprovenwnls. r the City of Vancouver In the Province for liberty. UATtu tun tin aay or rtDruary, a. u of British Columbia did on tbe 23rd day ElfOiriEEnS 1019. of January, A. V. 1919, Issue a Writ of Specially I summons out or tne above court nerein. MINERAL ACT elalmlnr as aralnst you SDecliie Derform Acenta for ance or an Agreement ror the sale of Lot 19. eiock ii. section e, city or rrince McCLARY FURNACES nuvtn. ana Davmeni or ine oaiance oi ine Certificate of Irnprovernenls. purchase monies, and Interest due under FEED PIMAIiCE DEPARTMENT. NOTICE said Agreement and an accounting, and a PLUMBIriQ CHICKENS declaration that be is entitled to a Vendor's DOMINION INCOME WAR TAX ACT "tied Point Ho. I" Mineral Claim situate Lien upon the lot afort-mcntloned In and HAY, GRAIN 4 FERTILIZER or tne interest, n the Naas III ver Minlnr Division of Cas respect purcnate monies, taxes and costs and the enforcement of SHEET METAL WORKS rlar Diitrlet. TO WHOM APPLICABLE. the ssld. Lien by tale or your interest un Where located: on tbe Kitsaim Hirer, der tbe said Arreement and an Order can- Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. Every pcrum who In 1918 rctided or ordinarily resided in Canada 01 near TAKK the NOTICE blr canyon.llut Lewis W. Patmore, relllnr the registration or the said rree-ineiit wm employed in Canada or carried on busine in Canada, includin. Vrrr UinefM Cert flea te no. I0.407-C. act In the Land Rerlstry Onice and costs. Night phones 576 corporation! arwi joint atock companies. I for Ole Pearson, Free Miner's -DAT til at rrince itupcrt. o. u., tms Intr a if en ilh day of January, A. D. 1919. and Blue 270 ceriMrate !Vo. H,ti7-C. intends, sixty PHONE 53 TO WILLI 4M. FIlASEIl. WHO SHOULD PILE RETURNS. dayi from the date hereof. 10 apply to the The right work, at the right Mining Heeorder for a Certineale of Im-pr'wrnenls, P. O. Box 333 908 3rd 1. Every unmarried person or widow or widower, without depended for the purpose of cLulnlcg N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH tlma, and at the right prist. children under twenty-one years of age, who during calendar yeai a crown urani 01 me auore ciaim. IN PROBATE.COLUMBIA, And ritrther take notice that action 1918 received or earned $1,000 or more. under lection i. must be commenced N THE MATTER OF THE ADM1.M3TRA 1, All other individuals who during calendar year 1918 received or eernec: before 'ihe Issue of such Certlfleaie of TION ACT $2,000 or more. Iifiortvcmentv OATI.D this Stli (lay of February, A. D. N THE MATTER and OF THE ESTATE OF i 3, Every corporation and Joint stock company whose profit exectdct. 1918. PETER LYSYK: DECEASED: Hotel The Gurvich! $3,000, during th fiscal year ended in 1918. TAKE NOTICE that In order of Ills Hyder Honour F. McB. Younr. made tho V8th day VAVIGAHLE WATHItS PKOTIJC of imuuisj, a. u. tits, i wit appelated FORMS TO BE FILLED IN AND FILED. administrator to the estate or Peter TION ACT Lytyk, FORM Tl, Uy Individuals, other than farmers and ranchers. deceased, and all parlies having- claims Portland Canal, B.C. 1 ransrer FORM T1A. By farmers and ranchers, aralnst the laid estate are hereby required lo fjirnlsh same, properly verified, to FORM TJ, ny corporations and joint stock companies, 1 The Northern It. H. C.II.Chanter C. Fisheries lit. Limited on or before tbe 3rd day or March, 1919,me, M. Jl. JAMIESON, Proprietor FORM T3, By trustees,executors,administrator!of estates and assignees hereby rives notice tbat they hare, under nd an parties inoemea to tne estate are FORM T4, By employers to make return ot the names of all directors flirn 7 Of tbe ssld Act, deposited will en u i rra io par me amount or the r in ;"", Phone Green 548 officials, agents or other employees to whom wos paid $t,0W the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa drbtedness to JOII.X me forthwith.II. MULLI.V. Gateway lo the famout fflmA Mint or more In salaries, bonuses, commission or other rcrnunera and In the omre of the District nertmar Official Administrator. tion during the calendar year 1918. or me Land Hertnlry Dlttrlrl of Prlnre DATED this 3111 day of January, 1919. imiMTi, ai rrioee minri. 11 u a description FORM T5, Uy corporations, joint stack companies, associations and or tbe site and the plans for storare, Now Open for Business Coal syndicates to make return of all dividends and bonuses paJ d'xkln and rnoorinr of cannery and nih- . In the matter of an application for the Ve Sell : ssue of a fresh Certlllrale or Indefeasible : to shareholder! and members during 1918. rrmen's bxais as proposed en a portion of Tine io urn 3g and Block 39, 7, Section Port Folnrlon harbour at Port Knnlnrton Individuals comprising partnerships must file returns in theii , oi uiy rrince nuperi, way 933. 111 rronr or un 3 and 4, morn 3, Kstinr-trm individual capacity, Tnwnnlte. bclnr a sub-dlvHIon of Lot Motlco Is hereby riven that It is my 15, lianre S. f.'ot Dlstrlel. mention to Issue, after the expiration of GENERAL INFORMATION And lake notice that after tbe expiration hlrty dayi from tbe first publication fcere-r. r inn rnonib from th data nf the first a rrcsh Certificate or Title to the above Hotel Prince Rupert All return! mut be filed IN DUPLICATE. publication or the said notice, ihe Northern mentioned lots, tn the name or The North I Forms may be obtained from the Inspector! and Assiatant Inspector ll. C. FIhTl Limited will under Section Western Loan and Investment Company. Barsalous Which rerllllcate Ii dated IStli March, T nf tlifl nald Acl, apply to the Minister or f Taxation and from the I'ostmatters at all leading centres. I'liblli: Works at his omrn In the City of 91, and was registered on application EUROPEAN PLAN KHurns should he filed Immediately. Ottawa for approval or the Mid alio and received the 22nd February, 1912, and Transfer Is tin. 1186-1. S1.50 per day and up. Motor mans ana ror leave to me the said roro-ihore Postage muit be prepaid on letters and other document! forwarder for the jtorare, dorkinr and moor Land Rerlstry Office Prince Rupert, n, C, y mail to Impectorsof Taxation. In a- of cannery and nnherrnen'a lmta. 4nuarjr jrxuu, IVIV. Addrcues of Intpector! of Taxation for thii Dlitrict : Haled al Vancouver, B.C., this S3rd. day II. District F. MacLEOD,nerlMMr of Titles. FIRST-CLASS CAFE Min? NOUTIICIIN II. C. FISIIEMF;. LIMITED, A La Carle. Furniture VANCOUVER DI3TRICT. C. A, Croibie, Secretary. Fit Express Bat Inspector of Taxation, Auistant Impector of Taxation MM torn Bank Bldg., VICTORIA, D.C WATER NOTICE Challenge Roller Race COAL,- VANCOUVER, B.C Asiiitant Inipectot of Taxation, WE HANDLE MBIS"H. B.C 'rAt'f.' mn'Tirp D1VF.I1SI0N(hat Thnm AND DHE.r ti.l...t.ini. at the Rink St. James Hotel vr i..., .ml Day Fh.n wlinsa address is Terrace, 11. c, will apply Sixth Avenue (LATE "QUEENS") for a llrencn 10 lako and un 1 ruble fool FinST CLASS ROOMS I.,-, rii,nu t wiwr uui tit 1 minium ireea whlrh (lows north and drains Into Skecn.i Thursday, March 6 Hot and Cold Water. Mlver about 100 feet wcit of Ferry Land-In EN ir. At 10 o'clock WEST BOo Night, and 93 Waak. THE par par Tb wnler will be diverted from the , . . ,Imiiii n nnlfil .I.Aii. 1 n A NOTICE TO FISHERMEN ! eait of I ho ekeeiia lilver, and will be used H. N. DELMONICO, of Chop..Suey nr j'utiTi j'liiiMjBfj ui'un iiiq milt! oei;:',i . Vancouver, Challenges ii! Lot 890, ftanre 5, Coast District, . Our of Bait is exhausted for Supply the present Thltf nritli'A ti'M. nnfii1 nn iia ..,,n GEO. HILL, Now Prince MISS M. A. WAY A"" " (he 01b day of ianuary, 1910. A copy or Rupert's HO0,2 Avenue mm nonce ana an application punuinl Champion, TEACHER OK MUSIC Third -:- Watch this space for our -:-'announcement therein and tu tbo "Water Act, 1911," will For the Half Mile. ....lift ....nii1. In... fhn rifllen nf Hi Wtt.a tiAnnnHAM 309 Second Avenue ...v .......v v ...v II.KI ntvuiuvi of a new supply at Prince liupcrt. iiuieriions to in application may be TUna with atudenti tha ayllsbui of the THE PLACER supPM llleil wllh the laid Water rieeordcr nr wllh Admission 10c, Toronto Conurvatolra rf Millie, from Ihft Cnmnlpollee nf Wnlee 11 1 h.a ttai primary to advanced. Phone Blue 120 WESTERN PACKERS, LIMITED inent liiiiidiniri, Victoria, It, c.,' vunin ihlrijr days after IIih first appearance or L, J. Marron, Prop. filial l-lf.llfiu In as Innn I BUTEDALE - - - B.C. n'Miir in a iirwuimjpnr, TMOS. 1. KlliKPATniCK. Applicant Phono Blue 107. Never forget lo look through Tim fflllA nf flin nral mil.ll.tAi .. . . .",F i'iiiiik.i ioi of tlits iiouco i! January av, iviv Ihp classified list on Pago D,