Art"Zam"""""AID low The Daily news Your Person GEO.Correct J.FRIZZELL FREE Weigher Weight air ps,82ani200 Phones 10 and 25 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, THURSDAY, MARCH VOL. X. NOJW i3, 1919. PRICE FIVE CKNTH PORGE CASEY IS ELECTED - TITE OPEN DOOR GIT. 'JRBSSBP ASSASSINATION OF FERDINAND WAS LOCAL VICE-PRESIDENT BY THEHUNGArM PLOT OF PREMIER B. C. FEDERATION OF LABOR (Special to The Ncwi via O.T.P. Telerrapha.) Berne, March 13. Charges that the assassination of Archduke MEETING MAKES CHOICE WITHOUT BALLOT J. Dv Francis Ferdinand and his wife, the Duchess of Hohenberg, KAVANAun RECORD r..OF PRINCE ---RUPERT'S- at Sarajevo June 28, 1014, was the result of a deliberate plot by REPRESENTATIVE the late Count Tisza, Hungarian premier, are made in a pamphlet written by a priest who was the spiritual adviser of the Duchess (Special to Tbe Jiewa via 0. T. P. TelegTaptu.) of Hohenberg, according to a Vienna dispatch to the Frankfort March 13. Willi a plurality of five votes over li is Gazette. Calgarj. -l-HtH nrpawlpnl nf Mi Uriliah P.n. The general idea of the pamphlets Is that Magyar magnates, . .a. J n 1 1 nM 111 l.iflLFL1. 1UI IIVV uiviuvuM wivib TTVIV with the consent of the Vienna court, wished to get rid of the nDia iiw" ., i.n,;nii,ici it. ;,!.. o,t -r ir ri . J p IClJOIialu ui ---- 1 Archduke, who was extremely disliked and to obtain vengence Vi'he Street and Electric Ilailwaymen's Union, both of for the murder at the expense of the Jugo Slavs. He pointed out , I I H V I 1 1 . lUHKailVlbUlUlli V.UO blVklbU IUI TIUbWl.lA no "proper" inquiry had ever been made into the tragedy. n' fnr vancuuvvi isiaxiu, j, u. .uumui unv new . . . " .. n i l"J"" i il. n.. j" .ir .1 (minster T. Roberts lor nooienuy uuu ine nummary, v. v. m for the Crows Is est l ass LARGE CATCH KIMMEL CAMP . ,I.,.,, r.ascv lor iiu- PRINT BUREAU i .ii rw n i'i i hi wai Victoria is selected as me ue MAYBECLOSED OF HELGOLAND MEN ARE BEING Record. Casey's George Casey who is the choice Independent Schooner Gets 105,-000 ALL SENT HOME ..linn 1 a VIPP-TirMNI. tns. comeuuuu a Announcement Made. By. Hon. lbs. of Halibut, Arriving i.. it,,a oiiv i imp. reDresen- In House Just Before noon Today. Martin Burrell of i nn tllf i:itv lioun. j '9'9 Number of Big Troopships Carrying which position ne nas neia Commons Yesterday. i ......... Ho wonl frnm The independent fishing boat Soldiers to Halifax and representative oi ine (Special via G. T. I. Telegraphs.) Helgoland arrived in port late More to Follow. as a this morning with the record ,h Packprs Lnion ana na is Ottawa, March 13. Appar BUDGET SHOWS SECRET TREATY catch of lbs. She 105,000 ... . was (Special via O.T.P. mAmnof ni iiih mine, mill ently endless debate on the ad- Telemphs.) out about two weeks and it was . I nfnn tvhlr.n Hrou Im rvcrorl nlnnfr nnnthpn rmir n ii...ntAno i Halifax, March 13. As a result . 'not expected that she would i-i i,n.finf I il.. li Hr ex-tceed was luSirUuieniiU m umiu 'liuuio. iu me uuuso ui uuuiuiuug EXPENDITURE BETWEEN CHINA of the riot of the Canadian her usual catch of fifty or flinn j i. ..mn4liincr mnrA yesterday after having been tern U1CU I1C1W OUMVJMB Isixty troops at Kimmel thousand pounds of halibut. camp, arrangements Dorarily terminated the previous t There were two other catches have been made to use Capitalist Danger. night by lack of a quorum. The $13,313,303 AND JAPANESE put up for sale today, that of the again the big troopships in the debato has eleven Sr, Casey is also a miner ana now occupied Tatoosh with 12,000 lbs. and the t year he prospected, in the 'days with the prospect of run-ce Canadian service. The steamer Madeline J. also with 12,000 lbs. Arm district as a result of ping at least two days more. Hon. Introduced Into Legislature Today Evidences Given Bq Immigration Baltic has left Liverpool with of halibut. The Tatoosh fished rn hp win uiuuiiuii duuii w V. S. Fielding is to speak. The Hon. John Minister of by Hart, Agent Tells Finding Copies along the west coast in about 120 over 3,000 men and the Carmania ka! as a member of the speakers yesterday were Thomas of Finance. of Document. fathoms of water, while the Madeline is on the way with nearly .3,000, II Afll.AJ .1 .1 1 n ia ihL class. iin bluicii a Foster, Edmond Savard, F. B. ..i ii .1.: v. s J. fished in Hecate Straits. while the White Star liner Olympic Stacey, Dr. Fontaine and W. C. via G.T. P. Telograpts.) (Special J . k. .... mit,U 1.-1 (special via o.t.p. Telegraphs.) The catch of the Helgoland was is scheduled to sail from McGuirrie. Vir.tnria. March 13. Hon. John Vancouver, March 13. In the purchased by the Canadian Fish J I, t I- t.IL.1 'Liverpool on Saturday with 5,000 a saia to uave ue?n- ushiuk . In a statement made previous Hart. Minister of Finance. Indav ,& Cold Storage Co. at li.5c. and Court proceedings' against Canadian troops. All three ships )Llhe. rumpUon tl,e deblte made tabled 1 1n" ? speech and kc. a pound. Fearless Ma riIo!HrH,V-ndfrclI onthe.lhe : e8lhiiali iDo;r Chen h ue Yen, ebad of are coming to this port. Coming ,Tbe re?t qf the fish fetched all the f ...Its expected that men fee to tin A a vi n Bi-lin s . siluation tnat ine uovern- nmese ixauonaiisi strike -year. phft hnrfirpt for the ine league, ..t i . . . ... years 13.5c. and 10c. at Kimmel will be back in rioKm i aTivpno a m rw nia n ti mmn . . vm-n mn s n a i n n una i camp r ...w... , - who is charged with being a member r iiyiv-ivzv snows iiiui mere are ays ku.s a big vote at:tion of closing the printing bur- nrnnnsPH ornAnriiJnrPs amminUrur of an unlawful organization, Canada by the end of the month. rcjii c oa eiri'Uons. MANY MEN ARME eau. to $13,313,303, while the estimated Capt. Malcolm Reid of the Canadian i labor men of the city wil. The agent of the Union Steam for the is revenue year Immigration Service, testified HERE FROM ANYOX ship Company here reports that UNITED STATES MAY only $10,209,960. !l"m Hnna lha efciAt to finding in Vancouver copies the Venture will arrive in Princ9 The large expenditure is made ON STEAMER YENTURE 'z.: in of their representa-oVr.t ASSUME CONTROL OF necessary by the desire of the of the sefret treaties between Rupert next week one day late. in the B. C. Federa- Government to tide over the abnormal China and Japan stolen from WASHINGTON FISH The Union Steamship Venture Army and Navy Concert, Em-tf lime following the close Chinese delegates crssing Japan arrived last night from Anyox, press Theatre, larch 25. of the war. enroule to the peace conference. iisiiii iu iirii r in bringing in a great many men in III Wl I IV Treaty with Canada Held Up Owing Reference was made by Mr. Doctor Yen would not answer who are leaving that camp following to Opposition of Austrian Hart to the success of the recent question as to how they came to the general shut down of DECLARED LEGAL Seiners. loan and the high credit of the Vancouver. "DEMERS" the work. Instead of going on province, the latter having recovered . south, as most of them would -nvi..FCrukU1 mi.,ii r,o. r r Ttierraphs.) (Special via U. T. P; Telerraplia.) under the present administration. We have received a naturally have done, they are here Halifax, Marrh 13. A sail- Seattle, March 13. The indications CIVIL SERVICE today wailing for the work at the second shipment of coats -ui closely written on an are that the Federal Government dock to start. and suits, making the vf" ';uvereu uy iwo of the United States will The boat sailed for the south range complete. Now is til(rpsfamr.a-o- .rauiys V.jltls 1 uvvn ueciarea j assume the administration of the LABOR MEN DO IS EXTENSIVE at seven last night. the time to make your m by the full bench nf Nnva'sockeve flshlnff in the State of choice, all colors, sizes Ja supreme Court and the ap- Washington following the failure and styles, in a wide variety 11 against the document dis- of the State Legislature to take NOT WANT BARS Total Number Employed In Canada of prices. ruer was drowned, action in restricting saumm zon In April Last Year NOTICE ing to cqnform with the provisions COME AND SEE Will Be Discussed Was 54,619. provided under the international Six-Hour Day '! All those found cutting "X fisheries treaty with Canada, At Calgary and Prohibition timber in the city park reserve HEILBRONER on Cards. (Special via O.T. P. Teleyraphs.) i incorporation of which into between McBride St. March 13. The civil Reliable Jeweler the state laws was defeated owing Ottawa, and Hays Cove Circle will (Special via O.T.P. Telerraplu.) list m me jiouse service tabled to opposition of Austrian be prosecuted, and those March 13.-At the of Commons today includes a Jimonds, Watches, Clocks purse seiners and other fishing Calgary,, who wish to take away any Si! Sl,v"ware, Western Canada Labor Congress statement showing the numerical V' Ivory interests. fallen timber must get a Umbrella, Communltv Plato the biggest question to come up strength on April 1, 1918, in-ad permit from the city clerk. Etc. Ladymlth Wellington Coal reduces is the six-hour day proposal and dition to 4,147 employees permanent T. McCLYMONT, it is almost certain that the liquor in the inside service and FOR QUALITY Cw" I your fuel bill and gives Mayor. and 6th Str..t. I atlsf action. Phone 15. P. n. question will be aired, although, 18,593 in the permanent outside SERVICE AND SATISFACTION Coal Co. to quote a delegate at the British service, mere were o,zj4 tern-1 m m Tood Board Licence No. 10-7340. Columbia Federation convention porary outside employees, a total i here, "any resolution that will of 41,019. To these figures must! Icall for resumption in any way of be added 13,000 rural postmasters j the liquor trade will be squashed under the jurisdiction of the I WESTHOLME THEATRE flat." Civil Service Commission, a grand Theatre Empress total of 54,019 in life civil service : One The Chinaman who was arrested of Canada. Big Show Tonlrtht as Kwong High Chong and Tonight Thursday Great charged with burglary on Tuesday PRINCE RUPERT HAS Materpleco of Pri meval Life . last was charged under a wrong name, his correct cognomen be HALF THE CLUBS IN VIOLA DANA wzan of the Apes" ing Wong King. THE WHOLE PROVINCE IN The oldest Canadian Life Co. THE GIRL WITHOUT A SOUL The Canada, J. F. Magulre, Agent. In answer to questions Dy w. Bowser, Mr. Farris reported to Elmo Lincoln anil Enid Markey the Legislature that public or twelve companies CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG and SIDNEY DREW clubs incorporated as noet itUDen, and. 1000 others grand (Wert under the Companies Act with all star cast in RlP ' am,zi"g "'rn production in the world's history six were in Prince llupert, one ai( "Jerry's Mother-in-Law" uro and at Prince COMPnv Port Essinglon one "MIS RllCiV HAY" a a A b PATRICK'S DAY Plendid British Gatt ST. March 17,1919 George.refused, No as applications they ail naa complied ncen 10th Episode, 'Mystery of the Double Cross Monday, with the provisions of the law,; Better than ever as it neara the end Admission 50c and 25c but ono had beeen dissolved by i I8.1 Pr0rr6m WESTHOLME THEATRE PATHE GAZETTE, The Latest News TMORRow ' lne westhoime Theatre Orchestra order in counoil. p anmount Picture Lv Si n. . . ..... . mA "THE COUNTRY.7": 'STORE" --"". !" Tickets $1.00 at Orme's, The Prince John left last night Shows, 7.15 and 9 sharp: Admission 15c and 25c. he Naas River,