LU 1UE 1MILT NEWS. Thursday, March i3 ,9,9 Page 4 WATER NOTICE USE AND STORAGE LAND WANTED TAKE NOTICE that pacific Coast Explo-raUon Co.. Ltd.. wnoso address Is Toronto, "MiiTo" Aluminium ont, will apply ror a licence to take and reflects .FOR SOLDIERS use 20O cubic reel per second and to store good 1 000 acre feet or 171.210,000 cubic feet housekeeping of water out of Cascade and Silver Creeks THE SOLDIER SETTLEMENT BOARD H I Zim.Dak ends the Streams. . also known as draining Long Lake and other small lakes In the vicinity d bleed- I CANADA Soldier Settlement Board Advertising mH ptI ,top or tbe Dig Missouri Group, which flows In a southwesterly direction and drains Into for Suitable Locations the salmon River aioui one mue sou in 01 For Returned Men. tbe International Boundary Line. "fco" The storage-dam will be located at Long Lake and other small lakes adjacent. Tbe Victoria, March 13. The plans capacity or the reservoir to be created Is Returned Soldiers bout 200,000,000 cubic ft., and 11 will of the Dominion Government for flood about 400 acres or land, (all rock), diverted from tbe stream rbe water will be the settlement of soldiers on land tl a point about the outlet or Long Lake Aluminum who desire to include the purchase of land by r a small lake below, at dam sue., and will be used ror power jind mining purpose soldiers, with the Government's upon the mine and tor tramways and ON THE LAN!) financial assistance and supervision, FIFTY PER CENT. FOR other subdivided,power except lines;mining described eta land not SETTLE wherever the soldier desires This notice was posted on the ground The;;Modern Ware an tbe 2lrd day or February, 1919. A to locate on approved land TRUST DEPOSITORS cop or this notice and an application pursuant for and receive assistance under suitable for the purpose. thereto and to tbe 'Water Act, lH, ' will be nied in the office or the Domestic Purposes Steps are being taken to ascertain Water Recorder at rrlnce RuperL II Victoria, March 12. An offer Objections to tbe application may be The Soldier Settlement Act the location of suitable land nt inn attorney-general of fifty filed with tbe tald Water Recorder or with in each district of British Columbia the Comptroller of Water Rlgbts, Parliament cent, dividend to depositors Buildings, Victoria. B. C, within their'dislrict in which the soldiers may desire per thirty days aner me first appearance or must first satisfy the Dominion Trust wm do of this notice ln a local newspaper. in order that to the locale, discussed at a meeting in a few Tbe territory to be traversed Is entirely i land may be immediately available a mining district and Is unsuitable ror any weeks. The offer may not be ac other purpose. See Mineral Groups, bead Agricultural Qualification when required. or salmon River, Portland canal. Mining Advertisement is being made cepted. Division. The date or tbe first publication or this Committee calling for tenders to. sell to the notice Is March 8. 1919. Advertise In the Daily News. PACIFIC COAST EXPLORATION CO., LTD. Soldier Settlement Board suitable Applicant. that they are qualified as "Settlers" within the land in each district of the province. By Wm. Noble, Agent. meaning of the Act and receive a N THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH The object of the Government COLUMBIA. N THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION is not only to settle soldiers, but Certificate of Qualification ACT to increase agricultural production and N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF before they may enjoy the full provisions of the by bringing under cultivation FR1NCFSCO MANDAIO. DECEASED, INTESTATE. land not now producing or inadequately Act. Every returned soldier who expects farmed. N OT I C E Reflects Good TAKE NOTICE that In order or Ills The land which will- be approved lonour F. McB. Young, made the list dun SHED, QUAIUNTLNE STATION r February, A. D. 1919, I was appolnfln The Soldier Settlement by the Soldier Settlement SEALED TENDERS addressed to the dminlstrator to tbe estate or Francesco ;Board for purchase will be land lnderslgned, and endorsed "Tender ror tbe Jandalo, deceased, and all parlies baring I Housekeeping tbe said obstruction or a Shed at the Quarantine laims against estate are hereby Board of high agricultural quality and tailon, Dlgby Island. B.C.," will be re-elved equlred to furnish sam.. properly verl- ed, to me, on or perore ine na aay oil moderate value and of such a at this office until 12 o'clock noon, aturdiv. March ISth. for the contraction Jarcn. a. u. ivivr, ana an parties inaeniea lo assist him in settling on the land should ascertain character that the settler will .l a snea. two craaies ana moving iuuii- o tbe esute are required to pay the Great mount of their Indebtedness to me rortb-Alih. Variety tmr unti rrom wnarr to ine snore. at once whether or not he is qualified. This hav9 every reasonable chance, Tenders will not be considered unless forms rurnlshed by Department JOHN II. McMULLIN, . . at . from the products of the farm, to nade upon applies also lo all men ho have already received na in accordance uu couumoiu cuu Official Administrator. earn subsistence for himself and lnMl therein. ated ibis 22nd day or February, 1919. an "Attestation" from the Board. runs and specifications to be seen on family and repay the loan, which ppllcatlon to thlj office or the' Dominion N THE SUPREME COURT OF BlUTISH Fred Stork's is extended over a long term of Fvbllc Works. Prince Rupert. B. a COLUMBIA. Each tender must be accompanied by an N THE MATTHl.OF THE ADMINISTRATION Agricultural Training easy payments. accepted cheque on a chartered bank, pay. ACT Hardware While the demand for such able to tbe order or the Honourable the - and Minister or Public Works, equal to ten N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Courses locations at the start will be very er cent (10) or tbe amount or the tender. DANIEL MCKAY, DECEASED, INTESTATE. SECOND AVENUE War Bonds of tbe Dominion will be moderate in comparison with the accepted as security, or war bonds and TAKE NOTICE that In order or Ills Phone Black 114 will be available for men who, while otherwise vast supply of land available, and cheque If required to make up an odd Irnour F. McB. Young, made tbe 6th day amount, interest win oe auowea ou ue ir February, A. D. 1919, I was appointed qualified, lack sufficient agricultural experience. no large turnover of lands is expected, posit after contract Is awarded. .dinlnlsirator to tbe estate of Daniel Me-iay, By order deceased, and all parties having advertisement has been O. B. II HI.L. Jaims against tbe said esute are hereby District Engineer. equlred lo rurnlsh same, properly verified, made widespread, as it is desired Full Information be secured oralaIon Public Works Department, o me, on or before the I Sib day or may to have on hand in the offices of rrlnce Rupert. B. a March, A. D. 1919, and all parties Indebted March 1st, 1919. o the estate are required lo pay the AGENTS WANTED Board in the Soldier Settlement mount or their indebtedness to me forthwith. by applying to Victoria an approved list of suitable (.Spare lime , lo act for Ibis JOHN II. McMULLIN, Town and District for locations in each district, Major M. V. McGUIRE, h I'M Official Administrator. Provincial Supervisor, Province of British Columbia, which could be placed at the disposal" mm )le1 thl 1th day or February, 1919. ENGLISH SFORTING SYNDICATE of the soldier who desires Exceptional Opportunity Pemberlon Bldg., Victoria, B. C lo settle in a particular locality. FOR ELECTRICAL WORK Good Yearly Salary and CapU L. F. BURROWS, M. C, Go to Commission. 906 Birks Bldg. Vancouver, B. C. i'TARZAN OF THE APES" DEPARTMENT OF LANDS No Town or small Village is too VERY SPECTACULAR Geo. Waddell Write, to E. B., Bot to, WATER RIGHTS DRANCU Care W. L. ERW00D, LTD.. II SO, Fleet Siren, f t. "WATER ACT 1914." 336 2nd Ave. London. EnDud. Most Interesting and Spectacular Film That Has Been Here U.CELL.T!O.N OF RESERVf OF WATER Phones LAND REGISTRY ACT. In Many Moons. KOTICE Is hereby given that His Honor BLACK 367 GREEN 394 SUBSCRIBE FOR (Sections 36 and 134.) he Lieutenant Governor or untisn uoium Save Money In Lamps. la, by and with tbe advice or bis Execu Tha Wncllmlilii Thanlra tra a ive Council, bas been Pleased to order; The Daily News Heintzman & Co. Re Application ,o. 10.SS4-I. File 6088. that pursuant to tbe provisions or TAkK ."notice mat application has been packed to the doors last night for action 59 or the "Water Act, 1911" being maae iu register rrawc w. nan, 01 rrmce ,u . of "Tarzan of the Uiapter 81 or tbe Statutes or t9U, that huperl, B. C, as owner In fee under aTax opening be reserve or tbe unrecorded waters or Sale Deed from tbe Collector of the CHy Anoa the most spectacular and lefuge Creek, established pursuant to if UnriM IlitiAVt ItAflHniF riir. Ih. Ofh risv ' )rder ln Council No. 68, approved on tbe or December, iwib, or all asu si.iuulah inieitsuus film that has treen 7th day or January, 1919, be cancelled. that certain parcel or tract or land and , DATED this 17 lb day or February, 19 IV. premises situate, lyin, and being In the nere lui m.nv a uay. T. U. r ATTULWJ, Weber Pianos uity or rrlnce itupert. more particularly tiib slnrv IpI a nf inn ririmrine Minister or Lands. known and described as Lot twenty ii.' , ... , . . . uiocjt Aineteen (l, section six (J), city up u winio imuy uy u one ujju JC THE SUPREME COURT OF BlUTISH High grade guaran-anteed at I'rlnce Itupert (Map Jjj. 'nnd of the BTauuai devMnnment COLUMBIA. You ire required 10 contest the claim pianos by reputable or the tai purchaser within 3$ days from of the young savage. Parallel .M THE MATTER OF HIE ADMI.MSTRA manufacturers. (which may be effected by publication In with It IS the story Of the uray- TIO.N. ACT and Our prices are right. KrP,r,'r- Vnl20.V!'n,.' stoke family in England, the .N ALBERT THE MATTER COLE, DECEASED,OF THE ESTATE I.NTESTATE OF Act" with amendments, and to the roiiow- search for the heir to the estate KOTIUE IS lifcHtHy UlVt.- TO WHOM -"nd'inr5riuitfWcieat and title and the love scene boar T MAV CU.NCER.N or an OrJer made by or certificate lis Honour F. McB. Young, Local Judge, Prince Rupert Music Store lis pendent being filed before tbe regis- itvepn Tnrjfin nnrl ihn gin whn n the above matter on tbe 20tb day or tration as owner or the person entitled anuary. a. u. iviv. as rouows: Opp. Post Office under such tn sale, all persons so served IS out to look for him, IT is ORDERED that the said John II. with notice, ..... and those claiming, itcMulltn shall be allowed tbe hile to swear lo the dosing Scene of the through or under them, and all j V. J. Pitman. Piano Dept. persons leath or the said deceased as occurring claiming- any interest In the land by virtue glory seems rather abrupt it will n the- 27th day or October, 1917, after or unregistered Instrument, and all any ne expiration or one monin rrorn ine aate persons claiming any Interest In tbe land be continued in the sequel which f the first publication or notice or this uy descent whose title Is not registered ....ii t rdcr, unless In the meantime proof Is ue l,ere ln lno near iuiure. under the provisions or this Act, shall be urnlsbed to the registrar or this Court at for ever estopped and debarred rrorn set-, There should b e another rlnce Rupert, B. C, that the said deceased ling up any claim to or in respect or the . flbert Cole was alive" subsequently to tbe and so sold ror and the bumper house ton,ight. taxes, Keglstrar aia z 7 in aay or uciooer. II7: T. M. ORVIG shall register the person entitled under i AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the ucn tax saie as owner or the land so sola i aid John II. Mc.MulIln do publish notice or for 'axes." "GIRL WITHOUT A SOUL" hU order In the I'rlnce Rupert Dally News, AND WHEREAS application has fcsen newspaper puonsneu ai rrince nuperi, BOAT BUILDER made for a Certificate of Indefeasible Title . C. ror a period or one month. Seal Cove or to the Frank above-mentioned W. Hart. lands, In the name AT EMPRESS THEATRE ay Dated-or reoruary,at Prince a.Rupert,ii. B. C, this 6th Builds all kinds of boats and AND WilEHEAS on Investigating the JOHN II. McMULLIN, title It appears that prior to the 10th day Official Administrator. launches. or October, 1017 (the date on which the 1 ha Film at thn fc"Ppess TOnigtU said lands -were sold for overdue taxes)., N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH you were ine. registered owner tocreor. is an unusual Une; Among those who have given FL'HTIIEIl TAKE JV0TICE that at the-T-rame LULUMUIA. testimonials are: i time I shall eHect registration In pursuance or such application and Issue; "The Girl Without a Soul" is N THE MATTER OF THE "ADMI.MSTRA R. Cunningham & Sons i Ceruilcate of Jndercaslble T'e to the V TION ACT" said lands ln the name or Frank W. Hart played by Viola Dana. It is the and Herman & Co. Peter .V THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF V. R. Lord procredtns'lSMablsh your claVm.Tf story of twin B'B Unity and MARIA VERY, DECEASED, INTESTATE. any, to the said lands, or to prevent such Priscilla Keaumont Pnscilla has NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN TO WHOM Robertson & Rudge y v mvm via tttj ui , ill ., (if T MAY CONCERN of an Order made by G. W. Brewster n.Mti) ai me Lanu iiegisiry urace, u laiuiii. lur inu vjuiiu, and is Ills Honour F. McB. Younr. Local Judce. E. MarTif, iNZ1, B C- mt tm day flattered by a travelling.musician In the above matter on the 17th day or Keep curtains new II. Kirby ri'uruar.y, a. u. iviv, as louows: II. F. MACLEOD. tnln lifliovinD- Hint lio ran maVn II 13 uillJMILD inai ine said Inhn II your Fred V. Rudge rif.l. nmi.,... V. r ft ,ice.iiii ul lllla. Mc.MulIln shall be allowed to swear ta tho Years of Experience In the To Emllene G. Dobson. her famous. Unity has no talent, death or the said deceased as occurring add greatly to Business. North Vancouver, D. C. except that of being lobable. She on the 23rd day or October, 1918, a fur Clean, dainty curtains TIMBER SALE X1605. is told by her temperamental sister or me.the expiration first publication oi one month of notice rrorn tbe or date this the charm of the home. Lux adds that she has order, unless In the meantime proof Is soul. no rurnlshed to the Registrar or this Court greatly to the charm of the curtains. sealed tenders win be received by the ' Ivor, the musician, persuades at Prince Rupert, B. C, that the said de- wwwMMMMMKMMKKMMMMKMXXMMM Minister of Lands not later than noon on priscilla to roh thft easea, Maria very, was anve subsequently They pretty as when the tun day or Apni. ii8, ror tho pur- junior cnurcii o the said 23rd day or October. 1818. are never quite so chase or Licence x to trustee s strong-box lo AND IT IS FURTHER OltDFIlI l thatMhA Lux, i05, cut t,93,ooo get tho with have been washed said John II. Mc.MulIln do publish notice or they COAL Tvol ,8r3.rsoCurh"D?n,,rk,hAVm,prngne money for her debut. The money this order In the I'rlnce Rupert Dally News, a newspaper published at Prince Rupert, in 'rToVrXti win be .Mowed for re. haS b.een Put aside B. C, ror a period or on month. Lux is an unequalled washing preparation movai or timber. cnurcii organ, and only the JUHN II. MCMULLIN, tro $ Price List - - Del ivered Further particulars of the Chler Forester, vountr Official Administrator. the form of fine flakes. Every particle is trustee Is supposed to know its DATED at rrlnce Rupert. It, Victoria, D.C., or District Forester, Prince C, this Uth J ""pe". BCj whereabouts, but ho has divulged lay or February, A. D. 1919. cate and transparently pure. Every P31 s Orade per ton. $ T I" I the secret to Unity, his ilancee. saves you labour and preserves the fabrics, .,,.$13,00 Screened, Sacked, We into put our printing Mine Run, sacked .... 11.75 J usiness at pep'lho News Print Shop. 1 Bolh r,,.aro Anrn,,n 8U8pccted of the i.-j Uieft TOM LEE CO. gives a lather rich and crcamlike. Screened, in bulk . . . 12.50 J Mine in bulk ... 11.25 in "Tlio girl Without a Soul," For curtains, $llh$ anJ all JuoraUoni that run, 840 Second Mine Run bulk from car 10.75 1 which has a powerful climax. Avenue, West. . pun uxiltr lUeif may touch w Lux. DENTISTRY Viola Dana both plays All bulk coal weighed over city Priscilla Males with additional charge of tec J and Unity in this unusual photo-drama. VEGETABLE 8 LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO. ,er load added. J OFFICE HOURS I Wholesale and Retail 9 a.m. to 12 1 130 p. m. to ti30 p.m. General Contractors and Terminal Coal Co. f OR. J. 8. BROWN Queen Charlotte Islanders cannot Labor, Exchange. DENTIST do better than mall their Offlea Phone, Plack 88 . printing needs to The News Print 11 LJJkg 'Smith Prince yard Phone, Black 61 B A Ofllctl Block, Third Avtnus. and Rupert, n. C. - Phon 464. ihop get the work done romptly and well. Phone 547 P. O, llox 725 El