Friday, March 11, j9l9 Page 4 1UE DAILY NEWS. WATER NOTICE USE AND STORAGE JACK JOHNSON TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Coast Exploration Co., Ltd.. whose address Is Toronto, "Mirro0 Aluminium onl. will apply ror a licence to take and re-fleets SAYS BOXING use too cubic feet per second and to store good 1,000 acre feet or 171,240.000 cubic feet houkceping ef water out or Cascade and Sliver Creeks BOARD THE SOLDIER SETTLEMENT out or (Streams,, also known as draining Long CANADA Lake and other small l.kes In the vicinity GAME FIXED or the Big .Missouri Croup, which flows In a southwesterly direction and drains Into the salmon Hirer about one mile souUi of S3 the International Boundary Line. "Mirro" Tbe storage-dam will be located at Long I He Was to Get Large Amount of Lake and other small lakes adJacenL Tbe capacity of the reservoir to be created is ooscsiers Cash and to Heturn to Claim bout 200.000.000 cubic ft., and It will erarnee Ilood about 400 acres of land, all rock). Property. cases ended In death! So a reeent Tbe water will be diverted rrora tbe stream Canadian " InTeBUgauoa ahowed. st a point about the outlet of Long Lake Aluminum nr a email lake below, at dam site., and who desire to not cases of lnfectiona (Special ill U.T.l: lel'traptu.) These were will be used for power and mining purpose diseases of conaumption of ty-phoSdJ and upon the mine and ror tramways Havana, March HA-Jack John- They were caaes where a ..ther power line; described as laud not SETTLE ON THE LAND son, former heavyweight champion person had sustained soma slight subdivided, except mining claims. ThejModern This notice was posted on the ground Ware 11 g titer of tne world, in a Injury a cut, burn, a wire-prick .n the 23rd dsy or February, 1919. A and where the wound, belns copy of this notice and an application pursuant for statement he and receive assistance under signed says regards thought not serious enough for careful tbcietu and to tbe "Water Act, his fight with Jess Willdrd four treatment, had been neglected. 1914," will be tiled tn tbe omce of tbe Domestic Purposes Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. years ago as a pre-arranged affair, Blood poisoning and death resulted. Objections to tbe application may be The Soldier Settlement Act lie allowed Willard to win. TVTien you or your children sustain filed wlih tbe said Water Recorder or with injury, ensure against infection tbe Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament , Johnson was to have in addition any Zam-Bulu This Buildings, Victoria, B. C, within by applying thirty days arter tbe first appearance or must first satisfy their district to $30,000 cash, the entire baha soothes the pain, stops bleeding, this notice in a local newspaper. rights to the moving picture films and by destroying all germs Tbe territory to be traversed Is entirely a mining district and Is unsuitable for any in Europe and a third of all the preTents blood-poisoning,etc. Hence other purpose. See Mineral O roups, bead Agricultural Qualification so time need be lost from work or of Salmon River, rortland Canal. Mining proceeds from their exhibition in pleasure by those who use Zam-Buk. Division. Committee the United States and Canada. All dealers, 60c. box. The date or tbe first publication of this notice is March 8, 1919. It is mentioned by Johnson that PACIFIC COAST EXPLORATION CO.. LTD. that they are qualified as "Settlers" within the together with the financial con By Wm. Noble.Applicant Agent. .'sideration was a promise of aid Act and receive a meaning of the N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH I to settle his difficulties in Chicago COLUMBIA. 'so that the colored pugilist might N THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION Certificate of Qualification (return to reclaim his property ACT and and see his mother. C THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF before they may enjoy the full provisions of the FRANCESCO MANDAIO, DECEASED. INTESTATE. Act. Every returned soldier who expects Reflects Good PHOTOPLAY "MISSING" TAKE NOTICE that In order or His lonour F. McB. Young, made the 21st day f February, A. D. 1919, I was appointed The Soldier Settlement WES1H0LME TONIGHf dmlnlstrator to tbe estate or Francesco 4andalo, deceased, and all parties having aims against tne sua estate are nereDy Housekeeping Board equlred to furnish same, properly verl-d. Is Based Picture of the on Story NOTICE 10 me, rn or hefnr th f fmt dsv or Famous Novelist, Mrs. Jarch. A. D. 1919, and all parties indebted to assist him in settling on the land should ascertain o the estate are required to pay the Humphrey Ward. SUED, QUAIUSTISE STATION mount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. Great Variety at once whether or not he is qualified. This SEALED TEXDER3 addressed to the ndersirned, and endorsed "Tender ror tne JOHN II. McMULLlN, . . at . . applies also to all men who have already received Simple, though dramatic in onstruction of a Shed at the Quarantine omclal Administrator, tattoo, Dlaby Island, B. c.." win De re-rivrd lated this 22nd day of February, 1919. an "Attestation" from the Board. construction, J. Stuart Blackton's at this omce unUl tt o'clock noon, great photoplay, "Missing;" presenting aturday, Xlirch 15th. ror the construction .1 THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH Fred Stork's f a shed, two craaies ana moviua iuiui COLUMBIA. an all-star cast, is to be itinr links rrnm wharf to the shore. N THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRATION Agricultural Training Tenders will not be considered unless ACT seen at the Westholme Theatre oade upon forms furnished by Department and Hardware tonight. nd in accoruauce nu cuuuiuuua wu N THE MATTEn OF THE ESTATE OF Courses atnwl therein. DANIEL MCKAY, DECEASED, INTESTATE. SECOND AVENUE The picture, which is based Plans and speculations to be seen on the famous novel of Mrs. pplleatlou to this office of the Dominion TAKE NOTICE that In order of His Phone Black 114 will be available for men who, while otherwise upon I'UtiUC worm, i-nuce nupen. d. lonour F. McB. Young, made the Cth day Humphrey Ward's, made an instantaneous Each tender must be accompanied by an if February, A. D. 1919, I was appointed qualified, lack sufficient agricultural experience. ! ntp1 cheaue on a chartered bank, pay .dmlntstrator to the estate of Daniel Mc-."ay. hit. able to the order of the Honourable the deceased, and all parties having The story has to do with two uinitr nr public wonts, eauai to u falms against the said estate are hereby 'r -mt MOrti ot the amount of the ten equlred to rurnlsb same, properly verified, Full Information be secured sisters, Nell and Hester, who live der. War Bonds or the Dominion win De o me, on or before the 12th day or may accepted as security, or war bonds and Nirch, A. D. 1919, and all parties Indebted i in their simple home in England. i-hpcue if reaulred to make up an odd o tbe estate are required to pay the AGENTS WANTED by applying to ! Hester, the elder, craves riches mount. Interest will be allowed on de nv.iml or their Indebtedness to me forthwith. posit after contract Is awarded. vSparc time , to act for and high social position, which nr ururr JOHN II. McMULLlN, Town and District for M. V. O. B. HULL. Major McGUIRE, omclal Vdmlnlitrstor. she hopes to obtain by wedding District Engineer. uted this 19th day of rebniary. 1919. Provincial Supervisor, Province of British Columbia, llier sister to -a man of wealth, ominion Public Works Department, ENGLISH SPORTING SYNDICAU rrlnce nupert. B. C. Exceptional Opportunity Pemberton Bldg., Victoria, B. G. but, unfortunately for her plans, Mired 1st, 1910. FOR ELECTRICAL WORK Qqod Yearly Salary and Nell falls in love with Lieutenant Capt. L. F. BURROWS, M.C., Commission. George Surratt, a poor British 906 Birks Bldg. Vancouver, B. C. No Town or Village is Ico army officer, who is awaiting orders to go to the front jn France. Geo. Waddeli small Write to E. D.. Box tit, Despite her sister's protest she Care W. L. EHWaOD, LTD. marries Surratt, and after a brief 30, Fleet Sir !t, I" 1, 338 2nd Ave. London, Enr'and. honeymoon trip to the North of England, where be installs his DEPARTMENT OF LANDS Phones LAND REGISTRY ACT. bride in a handsome cottage CLACK 367 GREEN 394 SUBSCRIBE FOR (Sections 36 and 134.) Lieutenant Surratt leaves for the WATER RIGHTS BRANCH Save Money In Lamps. front. Sir William Farrell, "WATER ACT 191 4 J' The Daily News Heintzman & Co. Re Application Xo. 10,551-1. rile 6082. TAkt .NOTICE that aDDllcatlon has been wealthy Englishman, who is lame :ancellation of reserve of wateii made to register Frank W. Hart, or Prince and who has established a lios NOTICE Is hereby given that Ills Honor llupert, B. c, as owner In fee under a Tax be Lieutenant uovernor or uritisn uoium Sale Deed rrcm the Collector or the City pital and camp for convalescent ia. by and with the advice of bis Execu of Prince hupert, bearing date the 8 th day ive Council, has been pleased to order: of December, 1018. Of ALL AND SI.NOULAU troops, meets Nell and falls in THAT pursuant to the provisions of that certain iiarcel or tract of land and love with her. Complications then action 59 of tho "Water Act, 1814" being premises situate, lying, and being In the Napier 81 of the statutes or 1814, tna Weber Pianos City of Prince ItuDert. more Dartlcularlv commence. he reserve of the unrecorded waters known and described as Lot twenty (20), lefuire Creek, established pursuant ujuck nineteen section six toj, city Irder In Council No. 68, approved on tho High grade guaran-anteed of Prince Itupert (Map (23). 7 th day or January. 1918, be cancelled. jlf"SiTFf;;'-1 You are required to contest the claim SPLENDID SEND OFF DATED this 17 th day or February, 191V pianos by reputable or the tax purchaser within 35 days from T. O. I ATTULLU. ibo date or the service or this notice Minister or Lands. manufacturers. (which may be effected by publication in TO LOCAL MEMBER OF a dally newspaper), and your attention Is THE SUPREME COUnT OF BRITISH Our prices are right. called to section 30 or the "Land Iteglstry COLUMBIA. Act" with amendments, and to the following CONSULAR SERVICE extract thererrom; .N THE MATTER OF THE ADMINISTRA "and In derault or a caveat or certificate Prince Ropsrl Music Store of Us pendens being Died before the registration TION ACT and as owner or the person entitled Waiter Ruffner is Guest of Honor .V THE MATTEK OF OF THE ESTATE "Opp. Post Office with under notice such tax sale, all and persons those so claiming served at Dance Last Night In ALBERT COLE, DECEASED. INTESTATE through or under them, and all K. of P. Hall. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN TO WHOM V. J. Pitman. Piano Dept. persons T MAY CONCERN of an OrJer made by claiming any interest In the land by virtue of us Honour t, jicb. xoung. Local judge any unregistered Instrument, and all n the above matter on the' 20th of day persons claiming any Interest in the laud Last night nearly one hundred auuary, i. u. iviv. as iouows: oy descent whose title is not registered under (be provisions or this Act, shall be young people gathered in the K IT IS ORDERED that the said John II. ilc.Mullin shall be allowed the to swear to fur ever up any estopped claim and to or debarred in resoeet from of setting the of P. hall for the purpose of bid- leath of the said deceased as occurring land so sold for taxes, and the Registrar Hint? adieu to Walter Ruffner, n the 27th day or October, 1817, arter M. Bhall rectal, (hA lUNnn Anlillat miiln. lie expiration or oue month from tne date T. ORVjlG ii i-ii tax sale as owner or the land so sold;United Stales vice consul, who is r the nrsl publication of notice of this lor taXeS. , rder, unless in the meantime proof is InavinfF ha,a nn nAv4 tnn urnisneo to tne AND WHEREAS application has been "-'"o "w. .u,,u, registrar or this court at rlnce Rupert, B. C, that the said deceased BOAT BUILDER maue ror a iriuieate or innereasime Title i- rance wnere ne IS to hold a Sim .Inert Cole was alive subsequently to the in the above-mentioned lands, the name Seal Cove of Frank w. Hart. i liar position at Ste. Lazaire, aid 27th day or October, 1917: AND IT 13 FURTHER ORDERED that the Builds all kinds of boats and ,t?H .SStt. 'M?. J!?S Mr. Ruffner has been here over aid John II. McMuilin do publish notice or launches. or October, 1817 (the dale on which the a year and during that time has ni arucr in me rnnce nupert Dally news, said lands were sold ror overdue taxes), !,,. iicwMJiitiLT puunsncn at prince itupert you we th registered owner thereof, jfiado many friends and the dance . u., tor a penoa or one montn. Among those who have given Dated at Prince Itupert, B.C. this lh PUHTIIEIt TAKE NOTICE that at the last night in his honor rnniA limn I shall was a ay or rcoruary, a. d. 1919. testimonials are: pursuance or such elicit application icgiauauuu and. Issue ill practical method of showing ap-a JOHN 11. McMULLlN, Oniclal It. Cunningham & Sons Ceriltlcate or Indefeasible Title to the Administrator. iaid lands In the name or Frank W. Hart preciaiion. PeterJlcrman & Co. A b""et N THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH .1!.... AIJ?..f?r8e"t.f. ll,j?,.?'opc. I supper was served at LULU.MUIA. W, R. Lord any, to the said lands, or to prevent such .midnight and dancing was con- Robertson & Rudge vn8S?& "iWa &try omce, tinucd until about two a.m., Har N TIIE MATT.Ert OF THE "ADMINISTnA G. W. Brewster iritice nupert, u, u tnis tun aay oi vev's nrcnostra nrnvirl no- m and II, E. Kirby March, loio. THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF Keep curtains new II. F. MACLEOD, IIILISIU. MAW A VfcltY, DECEASED, INTESTATE, your Fred V. Rudge District Registrar of Titles. Just before the NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN supper dance, TO WHOM Years of Experience In the To. Emllene O. Dobson, T MAY CONCERN of an Orrlep mrt ho to .North Vancouver, B. C. II. F. Pullen behalf add greatly Business. on of those Ills Honour F. McB. Young, Local Judge, Clean, dainty curtains assembled, spoke of the In the above matter on the 17th day of adds .TIMBER SALE X 1605. popularity rcuruarj, a. u. iviv, as rOHOWS: the charm of the home. Lux of Mr. Ruffner and of the IT 13 ORDERED that the in inhn if McMuilin Shall be allowed tn invir tn I ho of the curtains. regret ull folt at his leaving greatly to the charm even Sealed tenders will be received by the aeain or tne said deceased as occurring Minister of Lands not later than noon on though they were glad to hear of uii diu ujjr ui uciouer. IB 18. arler as when the expiration of one month rrnm ih rut They are never quite so pretty c-hiise or Licence x 1605. to cut 1.839.000 his promotion. He said it was ui mo niai puuueauon or notice of tuls Lux. M tt.rsoSM 't both in order, unless In the meantime proof is they have been washed with COAL furnished to the Registrar or thf rvmn . r?nllt iJismci. . suci.u mo anu aiso in tne work PrJnc.T nuP.e. 1. C., that the said de- in TU'il fat... V0B.I. . U'lll. .A .llAII'.ll I.. P& mri preparation -" I 1 I I U I I U T.1.11 1 U 1 .13- rasru, very, was a live subsequently Lux is unequalled washing of tho ofilco which an rnoval or timber. he was leaving p the said 23rd day of October, 1818. Price List Delivered Further part or the Chief Forester. lm vnnll lm particle is - - culars All wished iA.Dh,T,,,3l'.nT.l,,EH ORDERED that the the form of fine flakes. Every in do nnhllnh v ui I v.., v. fl.tlll, (Vil.KI, a I IIIVV nntlra i.l ftupert, Be C. him success in his career and ui urucr 111 inu i rnice itupert Dally News, cate and transparently pure. Eery ParuJ Gride per ton. that ho wirvavi iuunaiieu ai iTince nupert. hoped would find time to for the fabrics, C, a period or one month. saves labour and Screened, Sacked $13,00 return to Prince Rupert JOHN H. McMULLlN, you preserves Mine Run, sacked .... 11.75 TOM LEE CO. day. some DATtD at Prince omclal Hubert,Admlnliirator.n. n.. iht iaih gives a lather rich and creamlike. Screened, in bulk ... 12.50 Arrangements for the evening layf February, A, D. 1919. thai Mine run, in bulk ... 11.25 840 Second Avenue, West. were in the hands of Fred Robcrgo For curtains, tlllf anj all decorations Lux. Mine nun bulk from car 10.75 and David Donaldson. pare water Itself may touchuse All. bulk coal weighed over City VEGETABLES DENTISTRY scales "with additional charge of, 15c The proceedings - closed with LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO per load added. Wholesale and Retail the singing of "He's a Jolly Good General Contractors and Fellow," "The Star Bpangled OFFICE HOURS) Terminal Coal Co. Labor, Exchange. Banner" and the National Anthem. a.m. to 12; 1:30 p. ny to B:30 p.m. DR. J. S. BROWN Office Phone, Plack 85 j Prince Rupert,. D. C. II. McCall was among tho arrivals DENTIST yard- Phone, Black 618 a Officer Smith Block, Third from Annus. Phone 547 -r- P.O. Box 725 up river on the train Phone 454. last k night.